HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 812 (2) EMERGENCY 0RDIN&NCE N0', .~A,-- NEW SERIES · . AN EMERGENCY.ORDINANCE 'A~E' ~ING SUBSECTION.. ('a) ,. .. .,~.~..:' OF SECTION 9 OF E~RGENCY .0B/)INANCE NO. 79~'~'.. .. NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. "I~;TIEREAS ½.'certain-. personnel ii. problems .have arisen in. connection wi~h'":t~'h.e position of city ·Clerk and. Auditor which make it necessary ~. ...... that ..the duties'o'f'.Clerk and·Auditor· be,'d'elegated to two persons ' 'instead' of one, 'as. in. the Past', 'andi'-in ·sUch connection the City .... .. Council .he'by. finds that·· lan. emergency: ex/sts 'making ,.it necessary :to provide' for' the. d~ilY 'operation o'f a 'municipal department. ' NOW.., THEREFORE.., BE .IT ORDAINED bY .the Council' of the 'City of · " :' .'" '..-' '~"i:'' Baker~flel~" as follows: ... : · " :' '"< Ec i 1" · · · S .031'. o ' . ..a~uat sab~ection (a). 'of Section 9-of' Emergency Or~j. nance No. '794 New .Series, .be and the/same: is hereby .'amende~ bY eliminating . · glaerefrom the class of.city Clerk aad"Auditor ~nd accoii~panying' schedule., 'i · ' and' 1>7' subs'l:i~ating .therefor the follo~i.ng ~ '. · ' .~ 29 Auditor · . ' · 26 Clerk '- .. '" . !' ·SECTION· 2. · This ordinance is hereby declared to be .an emerg~ncy'measure ..withini'the meani~ of Sectio~"24..o'f the Charter of the ·City of Bakers- .fleld~ State of california, and necessary .to provide for the daily operation.of.municipal departments and .shell be effective on arffi af.ter January 1, · 1949.. : . .. .............. =.. : ............. ..~ -..-..:.' ....... .... ................... ~ ...:.'-:: . .-_'- .......... · ... ..' · .'_ ...... ,.O'00-~.-.~...- ·. :. ., . . , :...,~.,.. · _..; ..~.. ~ -. · .: ~.. .., ~' ...:....:..,~.~ .. · .' Was '.pas~ed :and ·adopted by the Council. o.f. the city of' Baker.sf~;~ ..' at' a' rsgula'r meeti'ng thereof 'hel.d on'the[: lOth day 'of 'j.~ary,' 1949; .' .. .. .. - : ..::-,, · . ..-. ....'.""-· . ' " ' "' Ex-Officio Clerk of he · .'.}~¥Olt o'£ th~ ¢:l.t¥"of Ba~'er~£ib~d. ... " " .'. '' ', ' '"' .. c .' '2'.' ' ~ ' ' .~ .'' ... .~' ~ 2 · . ... '......_._.:.;....(.. -._ ;..:. · .......... ............ . ~ .... .... ,. _- . . ...... :~_..~--..~... ~ .:..--..~. .......... · i:...-'i . .. · ". . '. STATE OF CALIFORNIAt County of Kern ~ ss. · ' , being duly sworn, deposes and says: That.she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........... ~..~.ll~l~]~.~. ....... /.] .................... 19.~.9..~he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meetin§ thereof duly held on ..... ..~..a...~...~..a...r.~. ..... ~..0. ........................ 19~..~. .... which ordinance · ' was numbered ..... ~.~.j~, ........ New Series, and entitled: "AN EMERGENCY' ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) OF SECTION 9 OF EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 794, NE~ SERIES OF THE CITY OF B.AI~SFIELD." ~ ': ~,: ~. . ...... ~-.~-~- ....... : ........ :...: ................................................ ~ ~ ~ · .. ~ ~om~y Pubhc m and for the Cou~t~ of Ker~, ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ . , ~--~ State of Cahfornm. ................. 2~ .