HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 829 · '.:'.... AN ORDINANCE..APPROVING A~BXATION 0F '.'. " ~~S, a' petition was filed w~th...the Council of the City · '0f Bakersfield on -~e' ~2%~h day. of Narch,' 1959., re'questi~ that .." certain, u~abited territory, the~ de"s~r'~bed.'.be~' 'a~eXed and' in- cluded within..the inc6~porated' limits .6f' th~.City. ~f Bake~sfi.eld, and ~. ' ' ~.AS, said petition waS'. ·signed· by .the ·owners· of' not less than ·One-fourth' ~l/$)"of the '~rea 'of' the land in such territory, and representi~' no't less .tha4 °ne-fourth . (i/$) .of~ .the assessed 'v~ue "of such..~er'ritorY'acc~i~' t0 the"iast pzeceding'equ~i, zed assess- ment ro~l'."o~' the County Of' Ker~,. a~d .V~AS, the t~rritory" described .in said peti.ti0~., is con~ tigU0us .to the City of Bakersfield:~ and · .. .' .. ~AS', th~ co,cji, of' the CitY"of Bakersfield did, on the .28th d~y'~'of. March., 19~9, pass a re~oiutiOn in compliance With.'the .provisions. o~ the .A~exatio~ of 'Uni~abited Territo.ry' LAct of' 19S9," Statutes of.19~9, ~Chapter "29F;~ as 'amended, 'specific~ly 'describi~ tHe'"b0~darieS 0f Lthe. t~rrito'ry..~o 'P~oposed ~'.be' .~nnexed .to the City 0f'Bakersfiel'd,~'an~ designating such ~erritorY by an appropriate ide4tificati°n, and'-sett~j~ Monday,. ,April' 1'8, 1959, at 'the .hour ~f eight' o'.'block.'P~M.~, a~..the.'JCouncil Chambers. . . in the City H~l in the 'Ci.ty/o~ 'Ba~ersfiel'd~ S~t'ate. of-C~ifor~a, aS the day, hour and place When"and where a~" person" owning re~ property within such ~erritory'so proposed' to be a~ex~'d~ and' havi~ a~ objections tb the 'propose'd a~exation may appear before .the. legislative body' and' show cause .wh~. such territory' shoed not .b~' So..a~exed; and 'we~k' for: two. successiv~.'weeks prior 'to said hearing in the 'Bakersfi~d C~..i2o~nia~' a newspape2 of gener~ circulation published 'in the City 0f Bakersfield, the municip~ corporation toJ which, it .is proposed to. · "jpo.sed ann~xati.0n by any 0wner. ..'of properUtyL within the. territorM~: posed to be.. .'," ,- ,... ' ~akersfiel'd~ ' ' 'f ..~ .' .. : '% .. .. . .. · o as follows: ,.'. ... ' .' · .... · . .... · ... SECTION' 1 ~ ..... '~'; .. ~ -.... ...'That:'.:the:'"c°un~ii of' ~he'.'¢itY of Ba'k'er. sfiel'd' herebT":'appr0Ves' the annexati'on~ a'~.'inclusion...withtn 'the incorporated limi'tS'~:'.~ the · . C,~ty of Bake'S. field,' of' that 'certain uninhabited..territ6r~'de'sign~ted " · ~'s..'L~ts 27, .28:, 29 and' the north ~l-'fe'et.of"Lot 26, in Tract No.~'1397, '."':~i.ng more parti'culariy desCrib~d..as:.'" .. . '' ..'. ' ::'"::' """'"'" .. '.~hat':~or~ion of En~b~'te'd terri.to~y in th~ so'u%h~ast · · " '.' ..;".i~a~.ter of the so'utheast"qUart0r, of Section.3~, TOwnship. ')"" :' " ''~9 South, Range 27..East,.. M'...'.D.....B. &'M;, more. particularly · . .:.' -. "described. as follows. ;. " : .~: " .....-'.... -.. · .:". . "'" : ;.' -' .'-' ." :.' .:Begi.'nning at the northeas'terlY"cor'ner of Lot .29 in Tract ".' "~'-'"" ": . .":No.. 1397 in .Kern County~"California,. as said Lot is shown · . on the"I~ap of .said..Tract r~co. rded on pages 67 and. 68 of "-.. , Map. Bool~ No. 6 'of .the...0fficial 'Records in'the office of '.the ~ .. .CountY'Recorder of .said .County; Said corner.also bei~ the .., .·"p0int'of. intersec~ion.'..of' t.h~. westerly iine. of '~es.te. rn'Drive "' .; · in ~aid Tract with 'the 'northerly boundary.of said Tract;'- .:.. ' .··thence South 00 i6' l'O" . we .st. ..'along .the ·westerly line of.. said .... .-- ".'".Western Drive, same·'being, a.'we'st~rly' corporat~ limit of 'a · '.: "i".'"' :..' .portion:of: the .CitT, of. Bakers'fie~d,.. California,: ~o. a' point ' ' '.' ".. :: '.. 41.. feet' d'istant'.'south~rly 'from ~he 'northeasterly cOrn. er 'of' ".. "-Lot .26 in said'Tract; .thence'westerly' along a line" that is "' parallel .with .th.e northerly, line..'of. 'said Lot.. 26' to its'. · ':" ""' -/"'i~.point.' o"f intersection.' with. ~he''w~s'terl~'...line 'of Lot' 26; -.' '- '..' thenc~ north~rly.along'..the ~e'sterly-:line Of.Lots. 26, .'27, .28 ...... and 29 .to 'the .no~thweste. rlY.:.co~ner 'of 'L0't 29;" thence 'easterly· ..... .. along the. no r -t he rl .y line" qf.' s:~i'd Lot 2'9, same a!s0' being"a- ~ .. part 'o'f the nor'the.r~, b'ounda'ry of. Tract'No.'1397, to' the point" · -:".- of beginning, cont~ining".O~72.acre'.0~ .land,' more or less· " " ..... -' "' .-ov-L o- -- " ._/. ~ .....:-%..._- . .. ~. .'.- .. ............ - ..... .. · .......... . ..... ~.....' ........ .:~ ...... ,~:..-.~,,.....,:.- .. .... ..,~-'.~: '~:..'.. ."" . '..-..' . S" "'~.': · :.~nd. a:do'pte.d:' by the Council· of..the City o~ Bakersfield at a' re.gu- 'iar mee.~ir~;'thereof, held: on'the 18th dry 'of,APril, 1949,. by'the .'.. ~ .' · .~ ..~. . .,.. , .. '. '.- . .... . · : , · . -. . ."'...... ]..:.... -. .'... ~ ' .:.~ . . · . , .'? , : · .. ; .-~ :.'~, .' ....' :.".7:--~.... .' ACting City Cl~rk :and 'Ex'Officio Cl~k 'of " ~' "" ." . ' .... .. - .'. · ." -' ' ' the Council. of 'the City.of .Bake~sfi'eld. ... · ...':':. ."'. · . · :'.. j .'.',.' ., · ..... ... '~.. ~_,__~_.'_~'_~L'~,m.".~.~.~..~ ..... · ..... ..., .. '. .'"'. · ..... ~ :': ' ."._ . : .... ....:. : . .': , - . '. . ......... .. : ~' .... . .. . : .. Aff auit of losting LOr inan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA I County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, ]{~)~j~,~ being duly sworn, deposes and soys: Thot~he is the duly oppointed, octing ond quolified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; ond thot on .... Ap~t 1 _'lg_s_.l.q~.cJ__ ........................... , 19 ....... ~he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance pa. ssed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...... _A_~u~2~I_~ ................................ , 19___~cJ__, which ordinance was numbered__._~.~,-~- ............ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION 0~' A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CAL IFORNIA ~ "' Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,,- '~ '."---,l.~___~5~lay of. A~_~.t.,1._ ..... ~_ ..... ,19__~0, -' ~/ Notary/l~bli~ in and for the County of Kern, J/:/ ! ~ ~ ~ State of California. '~ i