HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 822' ' ':""'"":""':: " - '" ':/'" ' ' OR-Di'N&NCE ~..'~i~DiNG. TBE' D~STRicT-M~P "'" · '. ... ,. : .j ...... ..,~.. ".'" ' ....-~,?~. ' .. · .ADOH~ED BY SECTIOi~ 2.1.'.OF .ZONII~G"ORDI- ".".' ...::'", ... NANCE NO. %O1',. I'~.'I 'SERIES OF. T~ CiTY "" i' " .. "' '"' "'~"'~"". ;.~YBERE&S"~..'in 'aec~rdanc.e.~i'th ~e procedure specified by'. ... ',the pr0visi°ns... . .... bf:, ~'z6ning.. .... '0r~ins.nce" No.. ~Oi, . I~ew 8erie. s',..~he'. ". .... · .:..:' ....' '~!a'~.in~ 'Commis"sion 'and Cit~ Council haV~ 'held..hearings' on'a L-:..,' · p~.~'~t'~'~n" a~d a resol'ution.O~ sa.~d'i.~i'an~i.ng...Co~mission to change:" · :.',.'.:: '"':"~he "'D. istrict'.Map,,"ado~t'ed'.byi:Se¢iti.b.h 2;1 of saia' ordina.~C'e..,' .'and" "' -'" ' "" ":' '"'"V~EBRE'~s, ~he .'Ci'~y ' Co'unci-1..'i has ...aetermined afb'er "~ue: ~'o~- ~:...s~derat~on.'tha~ c'ertaln changes "i'~' sai.d .~.iap'.shottl'd be or~"zed .- :-::.:..":.".'.' .' NOW,.'THERE~.oRE~':'iBE .iT o'RDAi'~ED"'B~.'T~E"COUNCIL OF.".THE C'tT~ OF B~ERSF!~D,."~a~ folio ... · ...... .... . . .~.? · " ,.. :- ..',' .... · ...-" .' SEcT. oN'-L.. .i.?....... :,: .. .. · . ":".'L'.. ' .... ' '"' .- J'"'. '" .' · ': '.'. ·" .¥'i: ' ' · ... ."'"' ."' fi~" Dist'ri¢-b.'~.:i~p..made O'£".Z.oni' :Ordi~.hce .No,. , . ~."-..'. . . ... .... , ..... ?N. .' ~-..:'~e~' .Seri'~'~,. b'~"....?~.n~ed by'.'ChahEing..'the'.d'i'StriCt' b~m~darie's · .. ...'."'..~"so as ~o i~el-~d'e.~heofoi.lowing de'~'cr:.i~e~':~'e~.ri't0rT, in ~n'3:~-i (LiF~ht · ""'.' .' .'..-.'.--~:: .. 'i" ' ·" · · . ~:..~ · .. · '" .'..';:. "'. C~unty, Cal. iforn-r~, '-rec6'rded .Ja.nuary..12, -1 Sge~'~i... · . -. . .' ..... ... .. - ..... ., . .. - ..... . ..-. ' . '..Z~,;~. · -' ' .' .. ':..' "'.L.'..' '!' - · -' .....~.- -o Ob -"- - -'--'--.' ...... ' · . .. . · · . ...'-'."~,..',' i "- ' .' ..... '.i...... .... - - · ... . · .. ': . G'" · ' · . . -.." . . . . '' - ..,· . --'77' ........ ." .............. .'-' ~ ..... ' ~- ~ '---J-.--- ~". ..... ~--','.? .:'-. '.F:~-.-.' .... '' ' "'' ~. '.:": o. · '.'-".. · " '. ' ". .'. '.' '' ... ". .' 7 : '- ' ".. ' ' ' · ' _'-~"~?' · . · ~..~: ' . . · ~ ' .' · ' . .' .'· '. '.· . '. .. · ' · ' . .'7.'t~ ' · · . -.. .. :'.'-.....'~..,:.'.'.. .'......' - . ' . . j . .' . .. .: .... · . " . . . -.. ~,~ .... ~ :-,~:.. . . · . . ~. ....:.~ .... ~'..... - . . . '.. . -,::... .. ....~.'~,:'.~:: . ~.. :.:" 'ana ado ;ed"'ib e. Cou~cit of%th'~ ."c'.Yt.y] "b.f Bakersfield'. at a .,. ', ~ · , . .,..~.. ....~ .j. · ."..... ., .. .the following vog ....... ,...,L .... ~ · .. ... ~.' .. : .... ,. .. , '. ...~'. .... · ':'"':' " ..~cti .City .'Clerk and.Ex~Off±c.io 'Clerk of '"" ":.~':.' ........ ~ ..... " the c6unc.il..*'of the' C'i.ty:of~Bal~e~'s£ield,· · : .~ ' ". . . · ' "'. . "['.'i"'" ".: ' - '"..' ' ;"*',', '""' ' ' . ' · '~ . .. . .~. ....;' , ..'..... : ..:'.' · .-.. .... . . .,... .... · ..;~ · ~ ? ...~ . .'. - . .. .. ~.' ... .... . . ... .'. ,..'..:. ':. -. . ......... ? .. - ~ ..... ..: . - .... ..... . . . "' .... . ...... ~: .. .... . · .;...._ ..".. .''~ .. · .............' ..' o'~" .... · ..,. . .' .: · . . . .... . . .. . . .. , .'., .~ '~...~:: . .. · ;%, ' · ~' '..' . · ',. "T. ., ' ' "~"' '~ ' · i Aff a ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Kern~ ss. ~ NARIAN S. IRVIN, ~, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That;she is the duly oppointed, octing ond qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .... .~_~_o_~__~_~._._].._g.~9 ............................ , 19 ....... ~! he posted on the Bulletin Board et the ; ' City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a , meeting thereof duly held on .... .~_~L[_8-__~_O_~__.-r/- ................................... , 19__~_~__, which ordinance i was numbered ........ _~_~_ ..... New Series, and entitled: i ,. AN ORDINANCE A~'[ENDING THE DISTRICT NAP ADOPTED BY SECTION 2.1 OF ~3 NING ORDI- NANCE NO o 501 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNZA i Su'bscribed and sworn to before me this i ._.~__.8___t_[3. ....... day of____~_~_e~OJ:t__- ......... , ! 9_~g__.