HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 838 .AN ORDINANOE .AI~NDING ORDINANCE NO. 680 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF B. AKERSFIE~D~ BY .ADDING THERETO A NE%~; SECTION, TO BE NU~,~ERED SECTION 12. BE IT 0RD.AII~ED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, · as follows: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 680 New Seri~s of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section, to be numbered Section 12, to read as follows: Section 12. Contracts 'for Placing of Benches -- The City Council may award a contract or contracts for the installation and maintenance of benches on the streets of the ·C. ity of Bakers- field after advertising for bids for five successive days in the' official newspaper. Such contracts may be awarded for periods not exceeding five (%) years, and may be exclusive or nonexclusive, in the discre~tion of the City Council. Notices inviting bids may specify the minimum number of benches or may be without desig- nated number. Bids shall state the amount 'of money the bidder will pay to the City of Bakersfield per month or per year~ in accordance with the invitation to bid, for each bench proposed to be i~stalled or maintained under the bid submitted. Each contract· awarde·d~ under this section shall provide that the location of each bench shall be subject to the approval Sf the City Manager and that any bench so located shall be removed within seven (?) days after its removal is requested by the City Manager. Such contract may provide, and if it is exclusive, shal~ provide, that contractor shall be requ·~red to install and maintain benches at those locations which are designated by the City Manager. No such contract shall be assignable without the consent of the City Council. .Any contract awarded pursuant to this section shall be terminable by / the City of Bakersfield upon notice given to the contractor as specified in said contract, but said contract shall not require such notice to be given more than six months prior to the effective date of termination. .any such contract may contain such other provisions as the Council may in its discretion deem to be for the best interests of the City of Bakersfield. ,o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the forego~ng'0rdinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 27th day,of June~ 19~9~ by the follow- ing vote: AIrr.8: CARNAKm, CROSS, KUEHN, MOREl.eCl(, SFlURL~Y, SI£MON, VAND£Rm ........ ...... .... · . . ABSENT: ........ ~ ..................................... .~cting City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield.  PPR0~ED thi~ 27th' day of June, 1949. he City of Bak~-s~ield. Aff av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of KernI ss. NARIAN S. IRVIN, ~l;~rc~, being duly sworn, deposes and says: Thall~he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... _~_~-_~__~_~ ............................................. , 19~___~ he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on: ..... ~_12_~__.~_ ................................... , 19_~c0____, which ordinance was numbered ....... ~L~ ........ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE A~ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 680 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BT ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION, TO HE NUNBERED SECTION Subscribed and sworn to before me this -~c~'" 6th day of ~Tu._I_~.. .... ,19__~_cJ_. ~ ~'~. _ :~ : ~ . ~ Nota~ Public in and ~r theCoun~of Kern, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E State of Cali~mia.