HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 837 oRDiNA cw. NO. SERIES AN ORDINANCE .AMENDING SECTION 4 OF ~. ~7% ~ S~IES 0F T~ CITY OF B.~RSFI~D. '~~1~~~ Ws:IT O~.A~ BY T~ COUNC~ OF T~. CI~ OF B~SFI~D~ SECTION 1. That Section $ of Ordinance No. 77% .New Series of the City of Bakersfield be and the s~e is hereby ~ended to read as fol- lows: Section $. CO~RACT PROC~U~. .~1 expenditures for supplies~ equipment~ or contractu~ services ~ounti~ to more than Five H~dred Dollars ($500.00) sh~l be made on the basis of a written conSract. Notices inviti~ se~ed competitive bids shall be published for five consecutive days in the offici~ newspaper. Such ~tices sh~l state the gener~ description of the article to be purchased, where specifications m~ be obtained, and the time and place for the ope~ of bids. The p~chasing agent sh~l~ in addition, solicit se~ed bids from prospective suppliers by sending them copies of newspaper notices, bid forms, and specifica- tions to acquaint them with the proposed purchase..~1 proposed purchases of supplies, equipment, or contractu~ services to be purchased by contract sh~l ~so be advertised by notices posted on a b~letin board in the City H~i. ~1 bids sh~l be se~ed and filed with the City Clerk on or before the time stated in said notice for filing of bids. Each bid sh~l be accompanied by a cashier's check~ certified check or. cashier's check in the amo~t of ten percent. (10%) of the ~es~-'a different amount is speci~ed in the p~blic notice. The bids sh~l be opened publicly by the City Co~cil at the time ~d place stated in said public notice. The City Council may reject ~r'~o~. all bids if deemed exce~siv~and readvertise for bids,~e~. ~ provide for the purchase of materials and/or for the work to be done under the direction of the City Manager. -In case no bid~.is received the City Council likewise may provide for the purchase of materials and/or for the work to be done under the direction of the City Manager..Otherwise the contract shall be awarded by the City. Council pursuant to the requirements of .~rticle X of 'the City Charter. ---o0o--- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 13th day of June, 1959, by the following vote:. City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Co~mcil of the City of Bakersfield. ,&?PROVED this 13th day of June, 19~9. ~i~,~&YOR of the City of Bakersfield. -2- I Aff av ! of r uan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Kernt ss. NARIAN S · IRVIN, ~L~'~~eJ~/ being duly sworn, deposes and soys: That be'is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... ~g_~_e_.__~__.~_ ........................................... , 19___~_, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, o full, true and correct copy of on ordinance passed by the Council of said City at o meeting thereof duly held on___~Lme~__l~ ................................... , 19_4~__, which ordinance was numbered____8__~5.? ......... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ANENDING SECTION 4 0Ia ORDINANCE NO. ??$ NA%~ SERIES OF THE CITY 01~ BAKERSFIELD ~---" ~i~..: ":Subscribed and sworn'to before me this k;v'~ , ~'~ WNma~ Public in and for the Coun~ of Kern, ~.~... My Commission ~plres May 9, 195S