HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 835 , ".. 'CITY "OF ~SFI~D~- 'C~I~R~ " ""' ·~ · .'.' . '.E:~ .. . · . ....~.(~..f~... . ' ~. ' .'". . . .~..$%:-. . .' · . . · · . · . · . ~-'~ ~.,'.-.h. . . "' .. . · .... . . ... :~...'. . · ' · .The foilowl~ ~'rds ~d' Phrases when' used· in this..ordi~ee' ware, .~reciou~ '.stones', Semi.;p~eelous'. stone's., ~atehes, ~0ekS 'and . . . ,. ....... ..... .. .. · . ... ..:..:[~... '. '............- .. . ... ' '...' a~.'a~?"~l.'persons'-wh~ choose :are .per, fred ~o attend 'a~ '~ffer bids. · ' ' S~TION 2 '" "?~ '' ,. .. ~t 'sh~l' be ~.aW~.;-for ~'~.ersoh~ .sim. Or cor~6ration to · sell ,.. Offfer' fo~ 's~e '0r advertise Sot s~.e at .~blie aUe%i0n in. the -City ~ ;Baker~fl~d a~ 3~el'ry 'as' herei~bove'"de~ined: '~ovided, :. h0wever"j ~':'~hat .a~. person.~ 'fir~ .0r corporation .who ..has '- been. e~.aged in.the'business oS.j.s~l.i~'[.SUCh '3~r'F at' reta~ in'the cl't~.of. Bakersfiei d cOnti~ously for .a .'period. ~' .~.t.1 ess. than one. ye~ ~ may ~btaln '. a. Permit,. as "h~re'i~fte~" ProVided,'.-to conduct. 'a. ~Ubl lc ' aue't~0n -.of .'sU'eh. articles [' f~r the' p~pose" .0f 'd~sPoS~ .of h~s .Stock' on h~d.an~" ~f. ~0s~ Out 'h~s:~bus~ness... ~ .such'. pe~son,."fxrm, or c0rpor~t~on so obta~~ such .perm~t'sh~ ~ .'S'ubject to ~ the ' re~a~0ns ~nd'restrl~tions Con~.a~ned ~n.th~s~.Ord~nance..'. · . ~ : · . . - . . . · · . ... ...'., . - . . . · . .. . .. . :[. f · · f' ~. ... .. · , -' :.. · . ... ;... ;~.:..' ..... .. .. ...~ , '~.'.-...-" .... ~ :,' · .... ..., .. · ~, , .. :,(~ .. ~.,:' :..~.....,~.? · .. . .o_., ... · · .[.- · · ....... .. - ... : · . ... . .~ · , · ~ ~. ~..' · . · .. , . · . · . .,?.~..~. ~. · .. : .,, . . -'-". -.,'.'."U" '! "', ~.' · .'·-."- ' · :'"~,~ ... ..... ' '..: .'.. :~." . ... ..,'.'. : ., '-.' .:.' ~ewe~.r¥ ..shall make 'application. 'there£Or. 'not less than th:..L,:~,.t.y, days. ; .... [' . . .. .. : ... :. . .. .." : .'.. . · .~,,~j~?. .~ :'.. .: · . . · .~.~.:.,~.:.' . "-:'.."pr'eviouS'i."t'O:' the .-intendea'.auetion. t'~:~he cit~: 'Manager jk~' 'thecity . ...~ ' . .' "~.... '....' ..i~.:~.'.. ".. . - , ..--"... .:~. ~.' . . . · . '. . . . . .:. . . . ~ , . ...'. f. · . · .~ · ·: . " . . ' . . ".' '. :. :'.." .. '. . ..:. . '.'..' :"~ "~ .;.'"...'-' :' .i.' ..... ".--' · · .-', "' ' ' .i ".:' ' · .....? .' ,.'~ .' .... ' ~..... ."'. · . ... .~ .:'...' .. . )~:.~).'? ~Pro~o'sed:'~'Per~d':of.:t~e 'over · w~eh su~ ~'proposed 's~es' at' publxc " ' -' '~ '-. 'i ' ' · . '.u' · ..~.:..; ..... ' "~. · '. ' .. .'. ..~. '. . . · .. ~ '. .. / :' ·inventoried "in. th; 'origi~ ..;apg'~ca'~iOn has· ~t been. ·sold,' "aecoh~a~ed .-.. ~j. _~._~... ; .......... .. ....~...... · . -~- .. . .. .... ..... ..-- ....... ... .... ~..j.......:..:.:...~ ...' :j. ~. -. . ............. . . :'"-J~.:. :':-":autho~t~ gOi~'Ofl~in~&'s~bh sale for a mrtheV:~eriod'of thirgy '~ays '" ' ' ''.." '."' ' ' "'.- "'" "' ~'"..~ ':7 '"' :" ' ' ; ' ,'..: ,), . ....~ ..- v- . . · .. .. .. ~ .. ... .. ~ ~ ':. · ., ~ .'. '. · - .-...~..~...~. ....'.... ::......" ..' ... . ~....... · ."this_ Ordi~nUe-sh~-i Pr~a.' faei'e.'Be deemed .made 'for.'the ~DOse of.., " ' 'a~,te~l~ -fa. ets .sh~l. exercise' a.. re~.s°~able 'and so~nd 'di~ere.t:lon In . :...-.. ..... .: .~.......... however, be subject to all other 'requirements. Of such ordinance or ordinances as are not in" conflict with.'this ordinance. " .' ~. SECTION 4o .. · No s~Ch permit' shall be granted until .the 'applicant shall have .filed. with .the ·City Manager a Sure.~y :bond in the sum of Two ' ThousA~.d. Five HUndred Dollars ($2~00o00)~. conditioned f6r' the faithful, performance of all 'the pro'vi, signs..of this ordinance and all Other applicable o.rdinan~es' of .the. CitF of Bakersfield .and~'laws "' '" "Sf the .Stage of"califo.rnla. Pertai~ng 'to auctions and closing 'out '"sales., and.' shall 'also indemnify any purchaser ag ..said' public auction " -who ·suffers an~'. loss by reason of'.arqF, misrepr, esentati~ns" or deeep~t'ion ..... made or 'practiced by .appl'i'c'an~..~ ihis'i.agent's,', servants .or employees, .either at the tline of' mal~ng said s~l.e. '0i" through ~ advertiseiaent of any Character whatsoever printed or circulated bY the'""principal , his .agents, .serv~mts. or' employees," .. .' ... S__~U.¢h.bond shall 'contain the '£m"ther provisions that it ~nm'es' to ttie' benefit' .of'.. any "and. ~j.1 p~r~ons ~ho 'may be d~aaged by re~son of .'..any. fai.i, ure on the pari: of the per,on .or .persons mmod therein' '" .... · ' t0 cci/ply ~i'~ the provi.-~i, or~. of sai/~.bOnd, and'th,~'t ar~"'i~erson or poisons.' so ~tmaged may nmiritain an acti. on .thereon against' the person Or' persori~ .rumed.'in' said bond,. ~C,'id the Sm'cry or' sureties Upon' said bOnd~ and that ~ai/:l. bond. m~.~ .be. sued and r~covered aport in several act~ions" m~'t:kl the whole..penalty. Is exHau'~ted. "' ..' In lieu of a bond exe'cated by a ~m'ei:~ corporation as afore-- "~h,~isand. . ~ollars' {'$500O.O0).'execat~a !~Y the appl:to~nt and~ro.' .. 'personal sureties.: Such sureties must ~e residents of the County of of An 'assessed value.'of'not.ieas. :gh~n the penalty of the bond~ and .. .. . [ .. ... ...' . .. must be. worth ag least the pen~..'gy., of '~he bond over and abOv~ their '~ust debts and l'la~ilities, eXcl.u'sive of ProPerty ~xempt from execu- '" :'" ':::!*'~lon. ''The 'affidav~: of each S~re2y,. J~'et.2i. hg: b.u.t facts 'Show!r~g..".~hej'-. . '. ...:. ~. ... -. . . . " .. ..~..'"~....:'?'('. ..:';...~ai.~ficatlo. ns. of'.the suretie~'-a's' 'akor-"'.esaid;' must acc°mpa~, the','.;:".-.." · ..:,.~: · ..., ':...:..~[..,. ":.. ... .,.. :' ... :.',' .. .:. '... .. , ..: ~.'.~.... '>'..'.d~'.. ~~.~'='.~he .~t~..~,~g~=' f~ :~t. the ho~d~= cfi' '~ ~t ...'. - .: · . ,. . . . .~;: .. . · . . . . . . . ~..,.,, ... ', · ,."... . ' .':" ".J'here~er'.:haS..vjio~a~ed '~ of'. ~he.'cohditl0ns.or' proViSions 'Sf thls: · . - ... '..~ ·.. [:;.' . ... · .' · .. ., . .-.-' ..: .... . .. · · . '. . ".'. ''' .. ,;-. · . . : ... .. . . ,. ... . :.... '' . ~.;~,... . . . ....'.. ... "~': .... .....:...... '.. · :. ,..,..~;~'. ..:-. . . .. s~i~ ,uetion ~S-bet~:..e0ndu~te4 ,[n".a.m~r'.w~eh w~[-:~e lnJ.~rlous ."..~'].. '.'.. ..'., - ..... . . ,,.' ;..[....;. '... · .. .....:'J-.' . . . to-the~..pe~ce,, he~t~;""safety.'~r.'w~.far~ .cf.-the Peopl.e '~'f..t~e :c'~Y.." '. .: -'-.-..=.:." .. ~ ,'-f .. (-.....' f..: .. :. -'j... . .... ..~.. : ...:. .-.. : '. .. . . ., , ... -... .... ./j'". .. . .. .....'f. . .., [.1: .. · ....: :~., ...".. . .. .... ... .. ... .j.. . or..'~.: ~:-'.~dd~esse~' ~' ~t' h~;s'" '- . pl'aee of ~sine'ss .~n'. the' 'ci%y. of Bake=sfleld'~ or ~he ~ace'?where 's~l~' auC'tl6~ '.~S. be~ cO~ucted .as '. .. .'.::, - .,...:.......'-. '.'['.:. . ':,','..' .. ...=.';~, o,:. ~s. ~p~o.~o'~-...~t ..s~... ~e"~~ ..' fo=~.~, po=~o,~ ..... ' .' '... . .... .:~..'.,... ..'. '... -f.~.. · .. :... .. . · . .. .. .,.~.. '. -. :- . J. . · . · .. ~.. : . '. . . af~'r: h~s pe~t. to. ~0. :s'~" sh~l '..~ve been revs~d.' .:.. ...... .... .'.... ..... :"... : ' ".:.~ .' .... :. ,:[ . ..' ..-...' . .... , ' ~. ...' · :. -.......['SECTIOn(:6...'[ .. " '. . , ..._..~.: :......:.?.,?~.. :~ . ... :':~.. .. .... ...~......: .....:.,..:...: ..~.., ,.. ...': .. :' ......' .... . . .~..: ~' ...o= ..: .... .. . .'~ . .. . .... . . .':[. '. -.. :'.....' . ,-.:.','. . ~'....' . ...: ... ' .... · .. . O~t[ ..'Co~nc~'? · -. ".._ . ..... . a. ,. Sus'e ~.. ~ .or · the:-.d~e~s~n.]~..~ ~: '.-.' - ... ':.... ': .'c~. ~e= ~ ~ts". ~&~s~o, sh~" be :.~ '~.~' .=&~s~ ;'.'."'~ .... ............ :...,~.. '...': ..'.. v."..._..-'-'...~'. ... .'.- .:..."...': ." ~.... '. ". '. . · ' "'"' ...~' .'t~e..'[~ear~' before: ,,t~e CO~C~'.; the. decks'ion 'Of' the .C~tY.'~a~er . .. ', · .' . "'.... .....'. . .. ' .. ~ : · [' .. · ....' ...'~ .... · . . -. · . .... ~.,....f , .: ' -. ....-. .. :'.'.'.'. · . ...'~.' .. ......- .....,.~.:- · :....,;~i~:~":'. '.... ....... :~,~ -~.. .- ~e .. . '.~ . . '..~. ~:.' . . .-, ...... ~ ...:,.':..:-..~ ~?." .-. . ... ........ . .....'..... ,: .j ? [ .. .... ~......,.,... ..... ...:,....~....~,, . ....... .; · ......'.~f ;'~f' . ,,...~....~....~. .....:., ,. .. ..'~,~., .......- ....~ .... .:,..~ ........ .~. ~~:/:.' :/. 'as of .the date .'of.. the Council'~'s decision... ~.. "''"'. "' . . ' . .. ". ... . ' '. '...'.' ..'..-[ - '.'~'?' .. ...... · ...': · ' ,... '" " .'- ' .... SEC~ION'?.'i" . ." "" ' '~"i~i:i"'"' '"""~" -:. -'. < ". '. :'.'." '/ "It :.:iShall ' be ' unlawful for th~:.'[HO~de~- Of'. a .pe~mi't'.hereunder ' · · or for-h!s':agents;' Servahts" ..... ' " -. · or.employees to 'sell "or. offer for. · ' · :.:'-.'..". .. ..' ..: .. .'.)'..'. ' ' '" . (i"~:'.":.. ..' .: .... . ::,...~.:.~'[.~.. ... .... at auction.a '' ..;)eWe:try. ~;0 Whi'~h thei-~ '~S :no'~..attach®d.'a 'Card or~':~-.- ....1.abel containing."a.'t'rue and :corre~t~.statement plaimly wr~tte...n.or p.r[~te~ .in. the. English 'lang.~age :s. pecif~i~g. :the .ki,nd "and qUal~..ty of" .. met'al':o~..Which such articl~ ~s made.' or.' .composed)' Or the percenta .. "of' karat' or pur'ity'....0..f.[:su~h metals:.'..'.xf such.'.articles are 'plated.' or. · ' overlaid, the~[SUch tag or 1abe~[' Shall COntain. a".true st~'emen~ .. of· .- . · : . ',' .;..-. , .. . . . .~! · -t~e. kind o~"P~-~'te"o' When precious ·stones.,' are sold .o.r o..ffe'r, ed...for ...... . sale' at auction,, as ch ,or a.s)~Par, t.. an 'article of Je~elr such · ": , .sta.teme-~t~"shalI' set fdrth...the tree':name" of.said stones. .... When imi- " tattoos" ~i"~re~i~U'S Or 'semi'-.pr~i0us-Stones are offere'd for ':sale .or · . .., · . -- .. .j °. · .. ~., s°ld, ~at auc.tt'0n, "assuch'.o.,,r':~ ~!.~ '.o.f'.'a~":a~tiel:e.""of Jewelry, said .... .. lmm'rations shall 'be ..described..or,..~"f[ned a.s. synthetic o~ imitations .. ." '"' o~'.' Such stones'as the~.'.pu~_[port" t..O"..rep~esent.,"'"'Wh'~n" War,hes or' clocks ..'." 'are. sold ,or .... red 'r~r 's~'e' ~'t~".~b.'i'lC auction the'true 'n~ane's of the'.. ....... manufactu~.'er~': Shall, be(stated lk ~lti~g., and..no., parts of the move- men.ts', r mechanism thereof 's'~all,.'be..subs't~tuted or. ¢o. ntain false or .... ..... · 't de i~ ~ther.' Shall secondhand or. 01d" · misleading names, or .... .. -'" movements be'offered for. Sale' in "new cases'.without,'a tr~,e', sta,tement that effect. Used~ and' rebu~t 'Wat~hes.'.shall .be s6 indicat'ed. S~ch "card.;...'.t:ag .or.. label. :sHa~l' remain ·securely attached to .any such article of me~, .,' shall' be delivere'd'.:to the pu~ch, aser .as a":trtie and' ..'correct.description 'ahd' ~eprese~tatibn'of the article .S01d and' :shall, be' ·deemed prima fa~ie-evidence- of intent' to defraud:.'., in 'cas_e-~_uc~_ -.-'-:-," written ..sgatement' is not" a'"true 'and co~rect description or representa- ....'.jtion'.' 0~-Such 'article .. Sold. '... ' .. ..... " ': "'::' · ~ECTION .~. '" '"... No article of Shall be SOld 'or' of.f-ered for:. sale or advertised for sale at public auction which' is. an addit.i.$n to the "':.. :. " ' ' .~Li ' stock, on hand. off the ho[der of a permit .hereunder 8w~. which is included in the ~nventory filed with the City Manager' with the · application for a. permit hereunder· ' -'.· ~.:.~ SECTION 9- .... It"sba1.1 be unlawful ~o= an~.perm/t, tee9 his agents9 servants or empl. oYees~ to make an~ .Statements which are false in any particu- ..~ar~ or".which have a tendency to .mislead~ or 'to make an~ misre, pre- · sentations Whatso[ever With reference· to. ar~v article of '.~ewelry sold or offered for' S'aie at public".auction, .' '. · SF~TION.10, .. · . '. .. '-.it' shell .be" u~awful' ifOr any auctioneer or for any. person~ ~,. firm 'or Corpora2iOn co-nductim~'..a...saie, of jewelry at public 'auction to use .any person as a 'false bidder for the purpose of. increasing the price'.of any article 'offered for 's~l.e at such auctiom~. lit shall be un, awlul .for any perSon.to make or offer a false bid or 'any other 'than a bo'ma fide '~fd 'at ._a public auction or.. to .act .::" as a bY-bidder 'or" what .'is . commonlY.known as a "tapper",' "booster" or -' '"shall'er" at .a~7.aucti0n, or falsely."to.' .pretend to buy any Jewelry .. at. an auction sale'.' .. .. .' · -. SECTION. 11 o · · , ... .. '~'j'- .~.. · : . · ~ . .' ". · .. '..(a) It shall b~'u~awfUl':fo~ a.ny auctionee~ person~ firm .. ..o.r Corporation conduc2ing 'an auction.sale, Or i~s agents,, servants .... or employees to ring a bell. o.r cause .or.' permit.' the. same to be ru~ -..in ~r: a~out the front "of the' Premises, or in any. plaCe on or near 'Sai'~'.premises' wher'e the same may..be heard on the public street or isidewalk"in front of said 'premises where there '.is' conducted.an' · ·" '..'..':.: 'auc".ti°n._s._ai,.'-e;_:_be.fo. re, after-.-e'r, auri..'.~: .such sal.e.;.:.f6~:.: t,~e/.pur-pose-of .... ' .... :. 'attracting the public t.o.such .auction'.sale; ' ' "".'. (b) It shall be Unlawful' for.,any auctioneer~, or.arAv.corpora- ....t.ion'donducting an auction, sale,...or, its aEents; servants or em~oyees, · -. : .' .' .;.,,~ ~ · ~ "7 · ' · Unusual-riolses to.' be 'made. or-.d0ne:.f6r the:purpose of 'attr&cting .. ... . ..' '.. . '.? .. ':,...::~ - .' .. . . . ;' · .. , . . . -... .. · . ~....- . .'.....'.'. ' . . '. .. '~.." .. :~. . .' .. · . .' .. . ''.... '. . .:, ::.' " " It shall' 'be'u~."AW,f.U!. fpr an~.: person, firm.':or:'¢orpora~io'n 'to. .... :" ~""" "' ': ~ ~'::. ' -":" .'..' .'(' ".~'..:. '~'.' . ".. · - "'." '"~ ' " i :" ' ' .' · '" '..' :. : ::J":i'':'"":"'" ' .' .:'.'""~':-':' , .... '.' "". " "" ...... :?' ' ": · . . ... '[',' .:.... '". ~ ..~' -.. . . : .' . .. , ' . .. ..... :... ' ... :.".~..' ''.'.".. '..::. :j ... pub,!C, of. ficer O.r.:.offi~er Of' '..ar~7.'.cour't"~ '..who ln"pursu~nce.~f .his..[' ......... ~. . . ~ ':. :..:~ . :du.t~.:as such o'fff'icer, ~s~all J co'nduc~')w~.~h~n.'.the .. City 'of Bakers'fie~ d' ' '. ' 'an .'a~cti6~"' sa~e. pursuant.[,:to, ar~'.~-aw-:'of .the s~ate, o~. ca~ff0rn~a· or ...." ~ .- .: .' -. · : .... . · · .'.." .'-: .,.;"'"' ..-" .:o' ... ..~ . . '.. ' ..' ......'"". ...' -'. ..- ' '.'of .the~ Ur~ted states "~f..Amer~.~, o:~..'the:"~"awfu!, order 0~ .anY- ~0ur~, .. :.. .. ~: ..~ -: .... ...' i....'... :~' ... .i.~ .... : -.- "'.'..' .' ',".. · .... . .... ~.. .....~ ,. ,.. .. :, · . . . ..,':',~ .:. .' .' [': '.... ".comPares .'or otherS:,, the.( Sale'!:.O~ .:off'er.~ .rig ':for'..sal e :' for .'the'.. .. .'purp°se " ed 'ProVided'bY :.~.: '~..~.'.....[: '... :... ': ..."... ..'...:.., " . .. .~'. -. '" .~?'-..":..i'..'::, .-"." . · '" . ..... ." '" ' .... "".Lr~"person, firm or~ corpOrat~dn' Violating.' an~'.'of the ..pro- [ .' .... : · .[' ' ..... ' :..~' . .'" : ' '.'..'[:'. .. ' '.: ,' "." ". : ~u.; - .... .'." · :': exceed Five Hundr'~a D~ilars ($~oo,oo)"or.:..by imprisonment:'fOr' a .-. .." - . . : .'.' . .. .. · . .. period, not- to ;exceed .si~ monhhs, .' or. ~:by. both. such fine 'and. ~mp. rison- · ' merit;. '.Each s~parate sale'.'o~)..offe~n~':: for Sale.'of' Jewelry at ):auctiom ' -. "~.' :.i .: '.' ... j . ." -. ' '~' ' . . :..:.. .. ' ' "· ' ' " . "ina~xolation...of thi. s. :o~d-ir~nce shall ? cons~it~.e, a ['separate o£fense '.... .~; -...'. .... ..,. ::~ .:.'.', ,. ... · · ... ...~ : . . ..... : . ...~ . ... .... ....::?'~,.:.:::... · .?:;%.~/ ," ...;': · ~.. .... · . -.. :~ ... ..,~: ..... . "".'.:' '".. · ..... : .. . '.. .'~ .... "'I-. HE .~B~Y CER~T~FY :~hat the'.forego.ing ordina'nce. .. Was passed'.. '( "" a~:"ad~p'ted".b~ ~he .counc~ 'of 'the'Oily :of, Bakersfield. at"a · ' r'egular mee'~ln~ '"thereo.f het-d on"~he"-."~, a d~ of: ~4~, ~'_". :_, 1 · . :........ ...... ..../.-. i...( .... : ,... · . '.. [: '*...-i':. - .... ~ -- :.' ~. · . : ','. · ' A'~I~: edMINJ~,. CROSS,. KUEHH, MORELO~, VANDERL~ . *... ~ . ', . . '.- . .. ..~o~' ~. . ~...a~.' o.. · .,.:, ~.~4~;... ..... 'V X:.~ _' 'j .-.~:.,... ":" . . . .,.~ .' .. -..~'-'T-2'.'.- - .. .. .~' - .. .... ~... · . ......., . ....~ ...... ~...._ ....:._~ ...... ~ .... . ~. ~ ...... . ~. _ '~'~.-~.. ,~3'..2 ~'~ ~. '. ....... , . .' :. '....- j. .... ........ .. .: ... : ....' / Aff av ! of os mg ®r man es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Kern~ ss. NARIAN S. IRVIN, ~ being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .... Mn~_.P.4~ ....................................... , 19_~_g__,ghe posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .... ~y___~_~ ...................................... , 19___~ig___, which ordinance was numbered__.__8__~__5_ ............ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SALES 0~ JEWELRY AT PUBLIC AUCTION IN THE CITY OF BAKERSPIELD, CALIFORNIA ~.-'. ~'~~-~SLibscribed and sworn to before me this .~.~,'~,~,'l"-" · -'~' "~ % ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ..... . ........ ~X~ _, 1 ~'~'%~ ~ ~ , ~ ':Not~ Public in ond tor the CounW of Kern, '".;f~~~.~ State of Cali~rnJa.