HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 847 ... "~~,m~ OP~NC~,- ~. ~.~'. ~v s~z~.s " 'AN ~GE~Y.'ORDI~E ~ING ~GE~' -. .... '-O~A~. ~..7~ ~'s~Es BY c~i~ .. - ... -.. .." ,. '.:.,./A~ ~DI~ 8~ ~A88iFICATIO~.. - . '" :' '='' · . . -'. .'. . .. ... . . · . ........ .' '~:-' ~,." , [~[ 'depaz- ' "' for ,[t~e .da operation. of a ~-cipal tment.. ': ~".' . . .'~ · B~~.~'D ~ .fol~ o~ a " '"' · ., ..~.. . · , .' ...' ..'' . .~ . · .- ... ': '". t" .". '"' '8~gIO~ 1, " .' ' . ~5- .~' .. '~ - . . ;~. · ..... ... ~. ,.. .- '~'~"' :'a* ' "' ''''''. ,- .'· '" '..~.~ ~o ~o~ ~ g~ii0ws~." .. - .,-.~.. .''  ','. ~ . '.':?- 3~ '"" '~': [~ [6[. .~'" .6~[ 6~' ' .-' " · ' 8~I0~ " """ .;?'...~: . 7 2'~ ~ -.. .: ._..... .:,,,. ,-' .. " . U-~i.. './ ' Tha~ SubSection (a).'of Section '9 0f ~ergenc'y 'Ordinance No. Seri. es be a~ the same tS hereby' .~e~ed-by' ch~gi~ the" '~'::.. schedule n~ers of'. . Civil'.. E~ineer a~ City ~ineer,. a~ to add .... . ..'-t~ n~ c!assificati0~s', to rea~ as follows~ ' .. · '" 31"': ~vll.' ~~' .... ':'.'"' 36 .*~'~ ~n~" .. "' .':.' ~ 23 Refuse a~ Cleanin~. Foreman. (~)'.. .','~?~"' . ..... ThiS. ordi~nce' is hereby dec!areal to be an emergency meas~e ~'.' within, the.meaning of Sect!0n.24' of the charger of'ghe Oity of Bakers- .. after september '!, '~_ ~9. :' '. ---~--'O~-~---~- · . . ..... . . . ..' ~:. :~- ~-? · ' · : ' " ;7" ':~r.~:~._~ _~,..- , ~.. '%-. : .... .. . · .. ,?¢.,~. . '. '~-:..;. '..;..,. . I:.'HE~BY' CERTIFY" that the fo~egoi~. Emergenc~ O~i~e was passed-'a~' .adopted bY the Co.cji-of ~he City o~ Ba~ersfieTd at a regul'ar:.meeti~ thereof hetd on ~he-29th d~ of' August', !'9~9, .. ~h;"..~0~o~ vote, · " ...'. .... · · .' ,.,' ~,u~, ~.mo~" · ': .. . ~.~,.~ ,_. · /::::~,i{,.. .... '.:.. '~ -~ ~_~'. '~_~... - ~ · · . ~.. le%~h~ city .Clerk a~ ~ Officio ~erk of .. ' the 'Co~cil[ of the City. of Bakersfield, ~:'"'AP~O~'~is:. 29th day of Au~st, 1~9. ' . · '. ' ' ' '" ": ~ ..~,,..~ ~".. , . ..,.. ' . ..". . [ .. n-r. Aff av ! of os mg ®r man es STATE OF CALIFORNIA l County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, ~JCXnJ~~ being duly sworn, deposes and says: Thatahe is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on___JLL~uat;__~O_ ........................................ , 19_4.9__.~he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...... A~IglASJL_RcJ ............................. , 194g__, which ordinance was numbered___8_~?.. .......... New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCy ORDINANCE AMENDING EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. ?94 NEW SERIES BY CHANGING AND ADDING SEVERAL CIASSIFICATIONS. and sworn to before me this Oommission ~pires Mny g,