HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 859 ORDINANCE I~0. NEW SERIES · - AN OBDINANCE APPROVING .ANNEXATION OF ~?- ~ · ' A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. .~.,~ °WHEREAS, a petit'ion'was filed with the Council. of"the City.- of Bake~Sfield on tbs a3rd day of january, 19%.O, .requesting th~i~'' '' Certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and .... included within the.' incorporated limits 'of the City of Bakersfield, .. ~AS, .said petition was.signed BY the owners of one-fo~th of .the 'land, bM area, and by' assessed value as shown on the equalized assessment roll. of the County of Kern, and .... : ~WHEREA. S, 'the territory described in said petition. i.~ 'contigu' ous to the 'city of Bakersfield, and : '" WHEREAS, .the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on' t~e 23rd' day of January.,. 19%0, pass a..res01ution in compliance..Wt'.th ' the. ProviSions. of the Annexation'of 'Uninhabited Territory Act of .1939, being Title '4,,. Par. t. 2, Chapter 1, Article % Of .the GoVernment '".Code of~ the State of California~ specifically describing the bound- aries of the territory so' proposed' to' be annexed to the City .°f:'~" ' Bakersfield, and'.'designating such.territory by. an appropriate identification~ and'. setting TuesdaY, 'February 14, 1950, atm.'the hou? of eight., o 'Clock' P.M., at the' CoUncil Chambers in the"'C'ity Hall' i~ the City of Bakersfield, State of 'California, as the day, hour. Land · place, wh. en and where any person owni~ real .property with.i.....:~ such territory so. proposed to be annexed.' amxl '. having any: objections.to', the 'f.i ...' '" .. · " proposed annexation may appear before the legislative body' and .show ..... ~.mus~'"wh~=.such territ0ry...sho.u~'d '.n~tl..,be so .annexed; and WB~.REAS,. said resolution Was published for at least~:9'nce a week for two successive .weeks prio~ to 'said hearing.in' the Bakersfield Press, ~a newspaper of 'general circulation published in the 'clty..:.';~.$1' "Bakersfieid~ the municipal corporation to which it is p_.rop~:~ed to WHERE&S, no 'written protests we~e"filed against the Pro.pohea:!;'~ annexation: by .any. o~ner of propertY, within the te.'rrito.ry[%~'~.~] · · : · . .~. ~-.:X~' . 'NOW~ TBEREFbRE, BE JIT.'0RDAiNED by 'the Council 'of the.City of:' Bakersfield, as follows: .. . . ..... ....~ · . .. "' .. .'.' 8lg~I0~ 1 o . .- . ..'.' That the Council of. the City' of Bakersfield hereby approves the amlexa~ion and inclusion within the iri~orporated .limits of th~ City of.Bakersfield, of that certain uninhabited territory, designated · as Cedar Gardens½ being.more particularly described as:. · Beginning'. ~t 'a 'point' o.n the i~Steri¥ boandar¥ .l:l. n0 0f the 8°uth- · ' west 1./4 o£ ~eett. on 36~ ~ownsh:l.p 29 ~ou. th~ Range 27 '"I~, Do Bo'& Mo~ distant 'thoreon 72.i'o38 ~,et northerly from'the ~outhe,~st corner ther®ofl, thence north'.a_long' tl~e east. erl7 bou.rd~r¥ l:Lrie of ~,~:i.d 8oathwost 1/¢ ~ect:l. on 33¢og2 foet~' mor~ or l. ess~ to it~ interSeeg:l, on with.'tho ~oster'l~ prolongat:Lon of the southe~"lT. line of Second ~treet as said Second Street :1.~ ~ho~m on the map · of the ~oode ~r~et re¢ordod in.Book 1~. Page 21.44~ .0££:i.¢i,~1 · · Record~ of Kern..¢ounty~ Cal:l. fornia~ said ~e~ter21.y'prolongation ... of~*the southerly .li~e' of Second Street bei~g a portion of the southerly bo~.mdary.of the City'of Bakers£i'eld~ Cal:l. forrd, a; thence .:. ~e~'l: 'along the West0rly p~olong~t~on of the ~outh line. of ~eeoml. ' Street 46~.62 feet (7.07;' chains), thence south, parallel with'; . the o_asterly boi.m~ary' line of said southwest' 1/it Of' l~ecti_on }6, · 334,~2 feet, more o~ less, to a point 721.3~ feet ~rther~y zrom. · ' measured at right a~gles to, ~.he southerly line of said Section ~6~ thence West 10,?[2'.feet to a po-int which point is 477.372 feeg . 'westerly from, measured at right a~les to~ t. he easterly boumiary · · line of the southwest 1/4 of' said Section 36,. thence sou. th paral- "lel with the easterly boundary, line. of said southwest 1/~ of - .. Section 36, 661.38.'feet to a po. iht 'in the northerly line of " Brundage Lane'.of..60 foot width, thence east along the northerly · ' line of Brundage' Lan§ '318.329~ feet; thence nor. th parallel witch the "easterlT. boundar~ .line of said. southwest. 1/4 of Section' 36', 661.38'fee~.the~nce east 159.042% feet to .the point of beginning~ " 'containing g.419~ acres, more or less,. · · . ... .. .' . .... · .... '~ ..... 000 .......-'-- .. ~ ~ .... :._~.-~: · ., ..... · . · · . ~ .' ,, . :. ..?'· ..,. 2 ' "'~' .~ "' ' ' .7'.." · ... .. ...,.;.':~....?~ f.'.~:.,'.:'. :. .~.'.... ' .Tt~.':."' ,......:....: . .. . . . ~ .,~-~ I ~..'cmT'~F~'L that. the foreg0i~' 9rai~nce was passed a~'.:.' adopted.by the Council of She .c'it ~' · . .. y of. B.akersfiel~ 'at a reg~.a - ~ . ~'F'. (""' ~eet~ ·thereof 'held~ on the 14th ~ay of February.,· 19~O~,~'~.~Y' the ".. follow vet .. .,~ · . .....~.--.~.~ . . ~. -... .. . ..- . · . ~-~.~ ..'~ . ,. . . . _ _..... · .. -' City' Clerk and E~fficfo Clerk of the Council of the City of' 'Bakersfield. . . . .. ... .............. . .......... -;~.~ ..... :,._ .. '.:,..... ~ .'..'_: -j.--.-.--_. ~ ...... . ........ ..' ......... ;-.- ... . ...., : . .. · .... .. . . .' ~':..:~f~ -' · . .' .?%' ""'%'- ' ' ' ';'?" '' ' i.". '..-' . '~ ', J STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~. County of Kern ss. ~ ~!arian S Irvin :. ~' being duly sworn, deposes and says: i That~ he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that :~ on___E~.b~_uam_~r_._l~ .................................... , 19_ ..... 5g he posted on the Bulletin Board at the i City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a i meeting thereof duly held on ..... ~_.e_~_z'_~_~.E~-._~_ ........................ , 19__5..0___, which ordinance ~' numbered__.8__~ ......... New Series, ond entitled: i WQS ~ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF : A PARCEL OF UNINB'ABITED TERRITORY TO [ T~E CITY OF BAEERSFIF~LD, CALIFORNIA 1 1 ,, ........ j~:.~ .-~-.~.._-- .~ : ...... ~. . ; 'Subsoribed and sworn to before me this ; __;_"_-.__l__6__'t,_.h___~ay of___F_~.___a_a_r_._~_ ...... ,19__,5_0_. t .~ " / Notary Pxdb~1c in and for the County 6f' Kern, 'i (~State of California. t