HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 858 ORDINANCE ~N0. ~_ NEW SERIES .. ¥ .. ~N ORDINANCE AMENDING THE DISTRICT i'MAP ..... ADOPTED BY SECTION 2.1. OF ZONING.0RDI~ NANCE NO ~' 501~ NEW' SERIES OF THE ~OITY OF.'"~ '~ B.~/~ERSF IELD ~ CALIFORNIA. ". . WNE. REAS~ in accordance with the procedure specified by '~t ~'.. · . .' the ~rovisions of ZoniD~ Ordinance No. ~01~ New. S.eriDs~ the- Plan-. ning commission and City.-Council ·have held hearings on a-.'Detition : to change the "District Nap" adopted by 'Section 2.1. O~' said ordi- · ~. nance ~ and '.. :' WHEREAS~ the" City. Council"has ·determined after. 'due · '. si~eration that ·certain changes, in said~NaD should be aD.~hSr!zed. OF ~AKERSFT~.D~ as follows-·: " SECTION 1 · .... '-' That the district map~ made'a Dart of Zoni'~4~ Ordinance No. ~01~ New Series~ be amended bY. changing the"di'strict -boundaries So as to include the territory hereinafter described.~ in a C-1 (Retail Business) District·: Lots 19 and 20 in B10ck.A;. Lots 10 au~ 1i in Block B~, .. Lots.2~ 4~ 6~ 8~ 10~ 12 and 14 in Blo. ck D~' all" of sa~d .. pr°perry being in the V'irginia Tract~ and Lo..t.s'.. ~ 7~ 9~ 11'~: 13 and the weSt 120 feet .of Lots '1~'1~' and' in Block i of the Virginia Tract Resubdivided; all of the' aforesaid· property, is shown ~n "N.,ap.¥Df the City. of Bakersfield ~ · Kern County"..-re'cordSd. January.' 2~. 1923 ~ in .... Nap Book 3~ page 70~ and }&arch 29~ 1924~ in Nap Book 3~ ...'.. page 99~ Records of Kern County~ California. .... -'- ..... ro0o-.--' .... ...... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the .foregoing. Ordinance was paSse~ and adopted by the Council of the' City"~.of Bakersfield at '. .regular ~eeti~g' thereof held on the 6th ~A?'b'f'.'FeBruary.:.'?' '19~O, "::.~.~:~ ...' . .'.. . ...' .'.'.' . ..~.~i;~-'~':''. . . f *"~ . . . . .' . . .. !,.~..~ . .. . bT':tho .o'tlowing votoa ... .~io~.'---.-..-~_-z__.2:--...- ................ .'._..._.~. . ~-~_ ...' ¢itT'¢ler~ and ~Offi¢io ¢l.er~ of tho' "~ ..... ' Council Of the C~ty of BakerSfield; M i~.5[Oll, o~. the C:[tT- of Bakersfield Aff avff of os ng ( r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 County of Kern ss. ,. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on___-.~--o.-b_~-u_-8-~__?_ .................................... , 19__~__0___, he posted on the Bulletin' Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... _~_e_.h~_a__rz~___6_ ............................ , 19___5__0___, which ordinance was numbered__.~_~__8. ........... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE A~NDING TR' DISTRICT NAP ADOPTED BY SECTION 2.1 OF ZONING ORDI- NANCE NO. SO1 ~EW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, C ALII*OI~TIA Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... .... ~_-%/ Ngta~y Public in and for t)~j~ County of Kern, ~-.-~'..' (~/ State of Califo~/fa.