HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 857 .a~ O~iN..ANC~ APmOV'r~G .~mm. AT'ro~...~.' · ' T~ CITY OF B~RSFI~D~ 'C~I~ ~:;' "-'" .. .'.. .'.~ .... :. '.":"'.....~?~?'. ~.. ¥~...~.. · .. ..... '~~:;.a petition was. filsd ~tth.~'~Co~c~t~~he City :.... . ......; ...... ,:.~ :~¢,~.;,~.'..-.. :.~ .....- .... ~ .... . · .. ...~~ ~h . ..,~.~'.~".. .' .'. .. .~. . . -' . .. · .... ". ~na *'":' "?~'~'~ ',~.~ ...: ...... · . y. ' . . : . ..~.~-' .;,... , .. of..the., la~,:b~ area,' a~ b 'asse'ssed. value'"'~S .shown on..:.~he"last ' .. . · . . ~[.~. , . , '..... e qu~l ~d.' ' as~~nt ~o~1 of gh* .Co,g7 of..K~rn~'a~'~.'~"*" .. o~ ~o'-~h~ '~ of-,B~k~,f~[~ ~n~' "'"':'~}?'~'~ '.. .. '" ' :";"' ,." ~939, being Title 4., Part 2, ·Chapter. 1, Article ~ of the Govermen~ ... Code o.f the. State"~f. ·California., 'specifica~y ~e's'crtbi~. the ~- aries of.' th~ gerri~ory, so propose~ to be a~exed to. the City of .. I BakerSfield, a~ desig~ti~ 'such te~rito'ry"by an appropriate' "., identification, a~' :setti~. Tuesday, Jan~r7 3,. 19~0, at the:'hour of' eight o'Cloc~ 'P.M.., at the' cO'oil chamb, ers'"in t. he.C!.t~. H~i. ~ .. the city of 'Bakersfieid~ State'~iof:~.C~ifornia', as 'ghe'daY, ~ur a~ place when.' a~ where, a~ person ownl~ real proper~ wighin 'such territory so proposed to be annexeS, and having any.objections to' the pr'~p~s'ed~'anne~at£on may"appear before the'.leg~slative'be'~.'.an~.~shew ". · caUse why. suc4'terri~ory should no.t be So anneXed;' and ' · wBE~S,, said.'.re'solution was published.'for'j~at ,least once a . · .. week for.twO successive weeks prio~ 'to said...hearing in the Bakersfield Press, 'a newspaper of general circula'tion published in the City of · Bakersfield, the .municipal corporation·to ·which. it 'is proposed to "' annex such territory, and :" "'""~?~"' "' "':" .... , . · .. W~EBEAS, .no written pro. tests'were filed:against the pro- " po:s[~ annexation:, by . a~ o~er '~. property.. . ..~:~:~w .thin:. . the. ' terri~'ry. ......' pro~sed. . to be a~exed, . :'~..'.[~q~...(~F:'.. . '., . ..~,:;q?~". · u~.~.~* '.~ .... .' · . '~-A~ - ' " · ' ' , '.. , ,. ~.~,,? ~. · . · .".~W, T~~, B~ 'IT O~I~:~by :t'he Council .of t~e~..C~ty of. ,. . . ,~ ~.' e~sfi, eld, ' ~ ': ':"~ :~' '' -Bak -as fol~ows~ -' " · ..~M .'.... ...... · ..: .' ~,?~. .., ,,' · . , ""':' ~' SECTION 1, ..... "~" · ,~L~",, ' · ' "',":~ ~' "' ' ' ",' '" That the Co'~cil of the ,,,Ci'ty,,'Of',B~ke~id ,hereby a~proves, , ,' , .,,... .. ..... · , ., ~he .a~e~tlon ~" in~1usion within' ~,,.'[~pora~ed',1~:'s of. the City of. Bakersfield, of t~t certain. ~~'b[ted t~ory designated as' Terrace Garden, bei~ more p'artic~arly deS:~ribed as~ . ',, ' '"~"~ Begi~ at the :point of ~ntersection of' the ~rt~er!Y line ' · ' -'of TerraCe Way with the westerly ~ar~ line of:.LtHe Virginia' .... ~ract as 'said Way' a~. Tract are shown on the maD?~' the V~glnia .. ".Tract .recorded in Map Book ~, ~ge ~0, 0fficia~ecords of' .. ' ""~.Kern C$~ty~ C~ifornia,. said po.~t 'of' inmer~'e~tion '.Dei~.. the ~st .southerly southwest'erly c~rner of th® corporate l~its of the City'of Bakersfield, O~ifor~a; thence' ~0umherly alo~ : the southerly prolo~ation, of' the westemly ~d~ry~'.l~ of the said Virginia Tract to its 'intersection.'~th~mhe southerly · ..-..line of Said Terrace way; thence easterly al~n~.~'mhe southerly ... 'line of Terrace Way to the westerly.iine. of:.?Lot"~ of Section ':TOwnship ~0 South, Ra~e 28 East-,' M.' D..B,.'.&M~..'.as said lot" · is.~sho~ .on "Kern Co~ty S~es' Map No. l:.of': La~s of ~. B. Haggin" filed for.record tn the office 0f.~.$~®'Cowry Recorder .of..Kern.C0~ty. Cal~or~a,.May ~, 188~.,.~?mhenc® southerly alo~ · 'the westerly line of.Lot 21 90.00 feet;' 'thence easterly ~d · 'parallel with the southerly' line. of said Terrace ~aY'":to the .'po~t Of-intersection with a 'line 4~ feet We. ste~[~:'"from,' ' -mea's~ed at'r~ght a~les to, the easterlY'line of Lot 20 of said Section '6;' thence southerly alO~. a.I.~n~" par~lel to 'a~ distant westerly ~ ~eet~ meas~ed at right ambles from · the westerly line 0f said Lot' 20'~ '~ a poi~t.--~n the we.sterly_ · " Prolo~at.ion of the southerly bo~ary line of Tract No.. 1~5 as s~wn on.~p r~corde~ In. Map Book ~ ~.ge '~4, Records of .. · ' · Kern Co~ty~ C~i~for~a;. thence easterly.along the westerly. · " .'pro~o~ation of t~ southerly bo~dary' li~' of sai:d Tract No. "1'~8 to the southeast corner .of said tract; thence alo~ the · exterior bou~arie~ ~f ~aid'tract the followi~ co~ses a~ · ~ ' " a t 2 t. thence d~stances. North 5~ %8 0% e s 12~.4 fee , 0~ 0~' ~%" east 106.62 feet: thence ~rth"$~ 16" 20" .west .... 299.%9_f~et~ thence ~rth %$o ~, 2~"'we~t 4~8 ~eet; thence south 5~ %5' 20". west' ~0~,~ feet to the nor~nwes~ corner' said' tract, said .~rt~est corner bel~ also a..point in th~ :" '.e~s~erly line of.. P Street.. as shown, on map of Tr.~ct No._l~8. ................ .' ' a~ -~r "~ht' o~' Way f'de'ed :recorded ~ B0~k' 1-%2-~ ,-.-Pa~-: 48~,.~ici. al .... Records of Kern Cowry; thence ~rth ~o~ the easterly line " · .' of. 'said p Street and ~o~ the. northerly pr~lo~ation thereof . .to its intersection with the' ~rther~ line of the aforesaid Terrace .Way'; thence, westerly ~o~ the ~rtherly' li~. of said .... Terrace Way to its po~t of intersection with the 'southerly. .f" U ~ ... ' ':~ · ...'r.):. ~ -.- . . ~;.-? . . .'..:..:... ¥~'.. . ... (..:" ...:....~... . .... ..... ~."~"~...;~:~....~' ...... ~. : ...... p~el0ngation of the easterly ·line of ~ract No.. 1061-as per ' '" map recorded in Map BOok 4, Page 113~ Records of' xern'County~ . ".: C~lfornia, which point .is ·also the most soUtherly· Southeast'erly corner of the corporate limits .of the City .of Bakersfield, ~. Califo'rnial thenoe co'nginuing easterly along the northerl~." line .of.-Terrace 'Way~ which line is ~d. soa portion o'f the:" corpOrate boundary of the. City of Bakers£1eld, Cal.i..~f~ornia~ ~.'. to. the ·place of beginning~ containing 19.049 acr.es.~.:more or . %,i.,.,less o· .......? .. - '..' '" -' ....... 0 00";'-";- .... . . . ... I I-~B.I~¥. C"'~TIFY. tha~ the' foregoing Ordinance wa'~:'..pas~ed and adopged by the Council. of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meetin'g thereof.'held' on ~he ~rd riay. of' ,lariuary, 19~0, by the fol' lo~lng ~}ote ~ '" .. "."':" ~OES' ..~ .......... - ..... ABSF.'"T:-----~---~".~'""""~ ."~" ~"?J"~~ ".': ,...... ! -'.~./~/~': ~- :.~ · . ,., .',: ".' "tho'.Council.of .h~" City of' Bakersfield. ,', . .. ... Aff aui! of os mg ( r man es STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 County of Kern ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... _~T_Etn~.~_~___~_ ....................................... , 19-~5C~-, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .... ~8~L12~_,'9'_ .% ................................ , 19___~0_, which ordinance was numbered ...... .8__~_ ........ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVINO ANNEXATION 0F A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY 0F BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Subscribed an.'d sworn to before me this Notary Pbblic in and for the County of Kern, State of California.