HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 856 '.AN ORDINANCE'AMEnDING THE ·DISTRICT MAP ~ .. NANCE NO. ~01. NEW S~: 6F THE C~'TY OF . · ' BAI~SFIELD, CALIFORNIA · V~.S'~ 'in accordance with the procedure specified by the · .. provisions of 'ZOning "Ordinance No'. %01,. New series, the l:q_ann.ing .' ": Commission and citY.. Council have' held hearings.'on .a petition to. ' change the'.-."'DisgriCt Map" adopted by Seotion 2.1 Of' said ordf~ce, am:l' -. . . . .:,.. '~: ~I~2~S~ .the City Council .has dete'r~ined after, d~' cOnsido'r 'ti°n that certain chang'es, in said Map should be authori~.edo .:... · ~s follows a .. ...... That the Distri6't Map~ made a part of Zoni~ '0'~dinance No. .. New Series, be amended by changing' the district boundaries so as to · include 'the territory· hereinafter, described, in an R-2 ..(.,2~Family · Residential) District': '.'.' · .. Lots 1 through ~ in Block 4431 Lots ':~ through '10 in Block 444~ Lots 16 through 20. in Block and Lots 11 through 1% in' Block 4%6-D; all situated in the Northern Divislon~' City of Bakersflei'~ as " shown on. th~. map' filed in Map Book 1, page :,21~ .. :Records 'of Kern County~ California. .~....'- · .' . .I' I'I~l~n¥' ¢~TI~'~r that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the Council Of tho ¢i. ty of Baker-qfield at a' regu~iTM ~eet-...:. ing thereof held ..on the 3rd ds~ of' ,Iam%ary~ 1~1~¢.' by the f'.ol!owtng. '' o. 1 erk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the ...' .... City..__ · . "Council of the City~..of Bakersfield." JMAYOR ~of the City of Baker.sfield~ "' Aff av ! of J os mg r man es STATE OF CALIFORNIA l County of Kern ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on J~nua~'I. 4 ............................................................... , 19_~__0___, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on Janu. a.~__X 15 , 19 50, which ordinance was numbered ....... _~sS.~_ ........ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 'THE DISTRICT MAP ADOPTED BY SECTION 2.1 OF ZONING 0RDI- NANCE NO. 501 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA i'.-'~ '~S~ub~sc, ri~b_ed and sworn to before me this / I' _ .... ~-~-fi-d6y of ...... .J___a_n__%_a. ry ..... ,19~Q .... I Nota~ Public in and for the County of Kern, ; "~ State of California. !