HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 851 · EMERGENCY -ORDINANCE NO 851 ~W SERIES · ' .AI~ E~mGENOY ORDINANCE ESTABLisHING .A POBLIC ... ".. "':'~.,. ~U~:.,~ ~ESCRIBING T~ ~V~RS A~ DUTIES .~. " · . T~ HE~TH OFFICER I~.H~ATION T0 SAID..'~LIC ~NOS. 526, 555 and 744 ~W SmlES OF T~ CITY.' :' · ' ~~8~ ghe Counell of ~ho C5~7 of B~ko~sf~elfl ~S.~'f6und that ..~t..is :::~i'n. the best interests ~f "~he.. Public health, pea'ce. propertyi an~ safety to adopt a c0mprehensi~e program of..rabies. control and g0 ~ov~e 0xSs~ing ~g~Ion~ gove~n~ gho keep~ ' o~'.~°gs anti o~ho~ an~mals'~ .and "" with~respect to the calendar, year~':co~enci~ J'~nuary 1~ 19%0, it is necessary that this Ordina¢Ce become effective on that date,' and emergency exist~ maki~: it necessary to provide for. the i~ediate p:rese~vation of the 'pgblic health, 'peace, property and safety. B~B~D~ a~ fol~ow~,>~,...... .....:.:' . .'.... " · ' ~C~IO~ ~., ~ho mean~ .'h~roIn ~poe~f~0fl-~. ~os's :a-d~ffor~n~ moaning ei,arl7 (a)' ."Dog" sha~l' be deemed ~o ~neluflo bo~h ~[~ and femalo ~ogs~ .I~oSp~vo of age. · (b) "Hoa~gh 0ff~e0~"' shall moan gh~ dul7 apposn~od .of..~ h~alth. _.. ....... officer:~_.~_~, in or for the .City. of~Bakersfield., p~suant to ~-' -, ~'.= ..... :.'.:.l".': . ..... ....... .-... . . ~'..~.~: .... . .... ~...: ~ ... .. . ..... contract between ~h~ City of Bakers'f~eld. and the Cowry of Kern,' or..such person. as may hereafter by law be authorized ~o perform the duties now.'bei~ performed by that official 'in the City of Bakersfield. ~ -'- · ' ' .... '"" ' ~ '~it~' . ..~ .... · · It s~'~l'l, include his duly authorized administrative. . '...assistants',i~.. -' ' ' ' .. "sa'nitar'ians_' ' ': chief sanitarians,/assistant §anitarians, ar~d-i r~b'ies control O.~'~'Cers. ':Tt shall als° include ~.rgr officers. and e. mployee, s. of the .C.£ty 'of · '..Bakersfield .hawing charge of the public PoUnd under..~.t.'~e .general 'supervision of the health officer,· 0nly while performing. -.. . . t~'~dUties -' at ~aid pUblic pound. '" .. .."' ...~ '" (c)" '"Vicious dog." shall mean 'only a dog whi'ch: .h~i~'"been.. previously .. d~e.t, ermined to be. vicious by 'the health officer· pUrSuant to the ~,.(autho'rity vested in him by .the provisions, of sectio~ ll 0£' this · 'ordinan6'e.' " (d) "Dog Ke'r~el" shall mean a. pack or collection of dogs, exceeding ...t..hr. ee (3) in number, kept. and bred for hunting or. sale~ and. does. not mean merely the house or place.where the same are kept. . ¥." (e) "License collector" shall· mean the Treasurer of the..City ... o'f Bakersfield whil'e "e~aged' i~ t'he performa~c'e of the'duties ~mpoSed· on him. B~.'.'.'.this ordinance; .' " t~p~lic .pOund is hereby, autho'rized and "established for the "'" City o'f BakersfieI . .. I.t_ ·shall be the duty of '.the. health ·officer to take·. and. 'have ".. charge.-of "the" .Public .pound; 'and go take"'an~, imPound~ all 'a~i~als. f~und at i'arge' upon an~' street., .sid'ewalk~ ~a~e, alley or o.ther : 'pUblic. Or' ~menciosed place within the City Of 'Bakersfield,. except .., ..dogs which have' be.on :regularly lie"onsed, and .v'~.c:'e'irmt'ed .as reo~uired · " by this" ordinance,, and also .excepting dogs' under the age of six ..'.months fastened securely by a'chain~ .rop'e~ or' lea.sh~ or' Confined w'ithin 'the pr'i~ate 'p~0per'ty of their owners; and it shall .be his "' duty. to' take and impound all dogs found 'in anY place within the ' City of Bakersfie~'d which, are. being'.kept or m.a.~ntained dontrary to 'the provisions Of this ordinance.'. · . ' ." ·'SECTION 4.. ' (a')' ~t shall be unlawful for any ·person owning,' harboring~:~ ':. or having the care, custody or Dosse'sSion of any dog to. keeP"or maintain 'any"such dog in' ar4v place..in the City' of Bakersfield, unie'..s.~..suc'.h 'dog 'iS .!ic'e~sed'.as provided 'in Section ~..hereof.' This ...Section i'..Shall .have rio .apDlleation to'. dogs under .the age .Of six months" fastened securely.'by'a' chain, ·rope or leash, or confine~ '."' within the' private property 'of the.ir~.owners. .. · '- ('b) The.license collector shall nOt..license any..~.,d.'O..g' until · 'it: .has been vaccinated 'With. c.anine .'~abi.es. 'vaccine. by' injection" or.. o.ther method appro~e'd by' the health offi~e'r'du~.ing the calendar year for. which i~c is"'i'icensed;' and.'~:he'.owner'"°r person in posse~.sion of "the same shall pro. du..ce a' certificate.., of su.ch vaccination, unl-ess the same·: submits a certificate .. from ~"ilicensed veterinarian..'issued within the'preceding sixty (60) days .st~.ting. that in his opinion.the 'rabies vaccination would be likely to seriously' inju.re the' dog; Any 'dog so exempted from' ·rabies vaccination sh..all be restricted to the enclosed yar~ .of the owner " or 'perSon in Possession of the same .'excepb' when 'held upon a chain, . rope or leash. "'..~ny violation' thereof' by.the owner or person in possession of such dog. shall C°nstitute...a violation of this ordinance. ..: (c) Said vaccination shall.be.performed by the health officer, .. or any duly 'qualified and licensed phySician or veterinaria.n.," The person .vacCinating said dog sha~l :issue to the owner or per~on in possession of said dog a Certificate.of.vaccination. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person owning, .har.~oring,. or · . .. having' the care',cu.s~ody or possession Of any dog to keep', or-maintain any. 'su:ch.dog ..in a'ny place .in the city Of. Bakersfield, unless sUch dog has 'been vaccinated as requ~r~'d'"'by- ' ' ........ ' ..... under"th'e age bf siX.'months fastened securely by a' chain.~-.rope or'' ~" leash, 'or confined .within the )riVat'e..property of their 'owners, and excepting. ..'d°gs exempted 'from th?"requiremont............. . . of.. Vace.:i. nation... . by reason of the 'l-lkelihood of ~se.r-i'°us injury as provi~''*d in sub- section .(b) of' this section.. ... '~"' (a)'-: Every person, firm or corporation 'o~.ning....... .. or .~.mai'nta'~tning a dog or' dbgs in the City of Bakersfield, excepting dg.'.'§is under the age..' of six'months as p~'ovided for' in .Section 3'of tti'~S ordinance, · Shall'~'PaY t9 the license collector an annual license fee of One. Dollar" (-'gl}Od) for each such.dog.~ 'provided, however, tliat the m'(nimum fee for licensing· a.n7 dog' kenhel .shall. be .the sum.of .Ten Dollars ($10o00) o · '. · (.b)''''' ghe'.lie'ense "fee preY±dod in'this 6rd±nan~e shall be due and payable on the first..day' of'.Jan~ary Of each year.,. 'or'as soo~ tl~ere.a_f..ger.'as .ar~ dog ~ubject .ther'0'to' 'is brought, into the City. of 'B'akers.field i .',or'. wh'~nev.er ah7 .dog exempged under subsection :'~liereof rea~.h0s .the age .of Six months', and. the same shall be Charged :a§a:±ns~. and be payable bY the sai.d owner or the person Imv~(ng the. 'care, eu. st0dY and cclntr01 or. w. h0 "h'a-s. in his.:po~se..~on or'.harbo~'~' said d~g.'.as aforesaid. Upon exhibition'of., the proper' certificate · 'of ~ace'~nat~on or a proper Certificate of. 'exemPtion from' vaccination · "'......a'nd.'paYment.'.of' the iicenSe, fee ~ as ..'pr0~vided. for in thi-s ..secti0.n~ .there 'sh~ll..be delivered to. the' Person .making Such payment, a metal ~ag, wi~h.i the number, and year. Stamp'ed or cub thereon, and the .words " "BAKERSFIELDi DOG TAG" stamped thereon', which 'dog..tag Shall be. S~cur~ly. fastened to. a collar or harne~'s.,. 'which collar or harness ' .mu~t be .worh at all ·times by. the. dog for whiCh~ the tag.was ·issued. If' the.dog i's exempted from vaccination the .dOg tag shall have .a. · ~istinguishing mark as evidence of 'such fact. Said tag while at- · taChed to'a dog's collar or harness shall, be prima facie evidence 'that'the' dog felt .which the same 'was issued has been licensed during the Calendar"year fo.r which said tag was issued, and has been vaccinated or is exempt from the 'r6qUirement of vaccination. (C) If ar~y' dog is found in or. Upon any ~lace 'in t~:J~'c,~ity without.ha~ing ~n official tag at~ached 'to' his 'dOllar Or harness · .a,s required by this Ordinance~. sai~. dog'shall be'presm~ed not. to 'have been Vaccinated or.licensed a's-.required by this ordi'nance,.'. "~?:"' .... '~ ':~'"" · .... : · ' · ~ ~'". · : "'... '... '.i' · ~'"' a~'"ghe, health off{ocr'may act upon sudh presumptiOn in the' abs~ce · ' .... eT sati'sfa, etor · of o'f Vaccina' n"or 1 cenSi .~ .:. ":.:!'~:' · · : .~d) ¥~nenever a do.g tag. iSsued f~r. the. curr...e, nt cale'-n.'d'ar year ~ has been lost .or ta'keh',or. . stolen 'by. parties, u~'k[no:.~ :'to"¢~e owner.... 'or pers~n.-having, th~" care~ cuStody o~ control' of the ~og for" ';~:"' .... . whic~ the ~..' s~me .WaS issued.~ such owner o'r persOn ihaving, said 'care, custo~j~"or .control of such dog may~' ,upon th~'.'p~iyn~ent of. lift7 cents '($.~0) and exhibition 'o~ hi~ 'certificate· of':' Vaccinati°n:or.':o.~.~ exemPt'ion._ .: 'from vaccination of such' dog~ .'and on making and ~ubscribtng to''? af'fida.vit, of such los.:s.'of'Such tag~ ~eceive from'the lic'~'~se collector :.' a" d~plicate tag for the' remai'nfng p. ortion Of the calondar y°ar for · .- ' Which' tho o~;iginal 'dog tag 'was ±'.qsuodo. sEcTION' 6. ... '" in' Order' to facilitate the licensing..Of dogs .in the City of' '~ Bakersf.-ield and the colle~tio'n of fees ~hereon~' the 'license collector '- may authorize the health ~fficer~ or any duly., qualified' and licensed "physi.~ian or veterinarian to' license any'dog', Collect the license fee , ".~hereOn. and' i~sue to the person paying said fee the dog tag herein. proVided ford"at the .same time said dOg"is vacCinated'with eanin~ · rabies .va. cCine-and 'a certificate of ivacc±rmgion is issued, 'or:.~;t" the'" same-tim~ 'that 'said dog. is given a certificate of ..exemption fro~' such ..... 'vaccination. .~ny pers.°n so authorized by the licen'Se' collector.-to ~perform the afo~ementionBd' acts .'shall. ~,ccount '~o t~e'!'lic.e.nse collector .:.. not...less .than once each month for. all.dogs s.o"ile.'enSed and 'all .., r.. ............. ' ' . ..' '..~'~'-r' - .... :" -:-- .... : ..... ' ,~-' .... i'"' -':'-:'(--~'.-- --:." ' .... ,~~.' .... '- ~-' :license fees collected. .. .. · ... ~. .~ ............ .. sE.c~oN 7. ~ ' " .. " (a) .Every person,. :firm' or"corpo~tion.own{ng, .keeping Oh ... ... "main~aini~4~ ~a:..dog kennel within the city of Bakers~.i. eld mu~t "firs~ '..... · · : ' .' .' -' · ' ' .... · .' , ','~;[~:',.-:.'"':.-"" '" · '"" . .' '1 · . . . . · , . . · . . . . · .. , ':..o~.%.~"..:.. ,- ...... .... ..-: ...' · ...:.... ''. . .' . .'..,'..... ~:....,".-~'(". . . ".... · ... .. . ....:.,.~..-._.. ....,,., .. · .... .,.~...~.~....:~.;~.,,...... .:' ..... :...:,,~..., · . - ~ . .....·. · ~.,~. ~. ~.. · .'~. · . .~ ~. ." ... .~.. · · · · ' - · · ' ' · -; .".. ~::'~ · '~4,'...'. .... '. "' ..... ~, "~ ~;.... ~i~.' .,',~,' ':~ ~" . .. · -" applY f0m...and 6btain a"permi~i~r0m., the'City Manager t0.so, keep and '" m.ai. ntaiii Said dog kennel. "Such Pea'mit when so issued, shall be .:nUmbered and the number ·thereof inserted 'in the recordS~'of the' HeaI~'Off'iceri together with .'Ot. her..'data required to sufficiently describe, said., dog ken~el. -.. · · (b)' The.'.~'ermit to ke.e..p, or maintain'a dog ke.nnel shall be""i".!i:.i''~ 'rev~'¢able by' the City Manager'.whene~.er it is Show:n to his'. satisfaction that." said. kenhel is 'being .maintained in V-~01ation' of ~he 'provisions "'of::~.h:l.$ or 'any' 'other' ordirmnce of :-~he.. city .of Bakersfield regulati'r~.g dogs or dog kermels~ .or tha.~ its continued maintenance is' .detrimental to the peace, health, safety 6r gene.~al.'.welfare of the inhabitants of ~he neighborhood where said..kennel..~'s kept o'r ma.intained. It 'shall' "be un.~awf~l, for' any' person, 'firm or co'rporation to keep' or ma'intain a dog ~ennel' in the. city Of 'Bakersfiel~ after his permit has been ..~ny dog t.a. ken up a.'nd, impounded by' the h'ealth"officer, by reasOn of no.. Va¢cirm. tion dUr:~ng, the calendar'. year., shall, be"s~/parately . '"' .c..0nfined"~n"a Safe pla..c.e. 'it'sha]'l.be the duty 0'fl.the health officer 't61. cause, anY'.dog .suspect:ed"L of havlng..rables 't'o be examined by a licensed veteri~'ian t'° degermi~e whether or not it is afflicted with'rabies; If a licensed veterinarian' ' determines that it is af-' · flicted wi'~h rabies, the.healgh officer shall kill and. destroy'.' .ghe .same f. or. th~Vith~ and/or", shall take such other action .as in his ~is- ..cret'i~n .he deems..necessary to' ~reve~ "the spread of such 'disease. · " Whenever the owner o'~ .. per son. having the. custody., or possession ofi:'an:._.:~ animal~ ..shal'~' 'observ'e.. or learn 'that. s~Ch. animal 'shows symptoms' · ' of rabies, 'or ac.ts in a ..manner which would lead to. a reasonable · susp'i'c~ion that i~ may have rabies, .such owner· .Dr person having the 'Custody o.r possession of ~S~ch animal shall imm:edia'tely ' notify the ..'. . 'i." · · :' .... .:..... . health officer: The health Office~hall' cause an inspection or· ex~mination' of such' animal t'o be made by a licensed veterinarian until the existence' or non,existence of rabies in such animal is established to the satisfaction of such veterinarian..,.~.~.; (a) .~l'gr p~.rson owning~ possessing or harboring any' dog that bites a~4V Person..and any person bit~en by such dog shall immedi.a~ely · '·report .the Same to the' health Officer~ who shall ·place said dog under regulation' and quarantine for such time as may' be required by state law. 'and~or the rules and regulations of the Stat'e Department of ' l:~.blic Health. ·Said regulati6n oi' quarantine may' be. h~.d...at the · . home· of .... the owner or possessor of said dog or 'at such other place as may b..e designated by the he'al~h officer,' and 'said dog shall be ".-: kep~: se.e.t~ely enclOsed and under strict observation... (b) .V~henev.~.r any animal shall be' bitten by another anima~ · su~.pe'cted of .having rabies, the owner or person having the custody or ~ossession o.f the animal' so bitten shall~ iupon being informed 'thereof, · :. notify'the~health officer~ and either kill such 'anJ. mal, or 'quarantine · it' and. keep. it' confined or tied up. for 'such .~ime as 'may be. required by Bt. ate law.'and/or, the' .rules and 'regulations of the State Department "" 'of P~blic Health~' and' the health officer shall have"~'power, in his '.i'.'i~ ~'... discretion'~' '~cO'quar.antine the' animal so bitten tn. case the owner', or " person:having custody or. possession thereof .shall fail '.t'O do .so imm'ediatelY,'.'.or in Case he is not readily accessible.' . " · ~ ~ (c) 'If it. shall appear to tt~.e health officer from the report of a licensed veterinarian that the aforesaid animal is afflicted with rabies, he shall kill a.nd de:s~t~oy Such anim~i f~t'hwith, and/or ''shall. ~ake .such other action a's .'in his discr~t;i6~' hel de~s necessary to prevent the spread of 'such disease. '" I:~ it shall be determined..by the health officer, after giving the order of quarantine mengio.ned, ia: Secti. on 10 (a) hereof that t. he Said "do'g .-is a .vicious dog, althdugh"~'t affli'cted With rabzes, . · health officer shall thereupon order '.the .'person who owns. or has the '"" '"'" 'custody of said.dog to keeP:.the· said dog at all times .s. ec~rely fastened .o bY chain, or. 'securely Confined wi.thin"the private property 'of' such. "owner .Or person..having tho'.custody, of Sai. d dog, or ke.ep said Suc~'ma~mer a's. said' health office~'.:'stiall direct, tO prevent it from " .~,.b. iting.: or'"'haging the.oppp.r't~it~ .o~ biting any'per'son;,"L~nelud'ing' [..'.. persons on the. premises wher. e .'said'dog is so fastened or 'cohfined, until..furgher order of .th~. health, officer. .~,ny viola~cion .'.bT '~1~ said' Own0~ o~ :'pe~son'..havSng. ~us~o~7-of sa~ dog~ .of or~o~ of. ~ healgh off~0r,, shali eons~ugo a 'v~olag~on of no~ ~e' saSfl ~og. has b~on a~ pe~son o~ persons ag' a~ g'~mo o~her. . . . - . " ~.on :ghough ~ho ~og ~n .questiOn haS'bOOn vaee~na~e~ an~ 15eansod'. .... : '".-: "-'...g~IGN' ~2.' ~..':'...~... '~he ~C~7. of Bako~sf~ol~ maT'~bo gak0n up b7 ~ho owne~ o~-0e¢up~ng of saeh p~op.o~7~ o~ hS'~ agon~, and eomm~g~o~ to ~ho. h.0a!th · who':sh~li [o1~ t~ 'aam0 subjee~'go .~o~ompg~on b7 ~ho owner upon "?...[.'~.. ': .'; . .'... · ...~h~ ~u~7.. of g'he'hoalgh 'off~eor '~6 impounfl all female ~0ga ~n hoag " . .._:" .; ·. .... '~.~ . ..- ., 2~' .. 8. .. ,.¢:}- .. · . ...',.' . . .:..~ ).~..~. ,.~ .. · . .~'.~ ~..:~.~.' '....... . - . .. . g..~.,.... .. '.....~:.: .. .. :,~.~: .~... ::~'~.? :~2:...~ ,. ...... ~ .~ ............. ....... ~.~...~ ......... ~.~ .. · ".; ..:'. · ;. ~.: ':.' ~-. .~,~, ~ .." .. '.. :.,,.,,... ., .. .The health officer shall' .keep'a 'true and fait'h£ul' re~rd~'of' ,'-::,..... the number, and d.escr tion of all 'animals taken into his. custody, .;..:...~ with the.d~:e of t~'ir impounding .and the ~ate.. and'ma~er-of'their · .,~. ... ~ · ' 'the'~cessary subS'~st~ce for animals while in his ~u.stod~and ... ' .... · . . ' .. . .: .,c...j. '.. and sh~l ~ 'suffer c~uel treatment thereof ."' ,'.::-:...'. .... .. . .. ... · ....~ ' '. SECTION l~. ' " . .. , · ~... ..¢' . · .j-~_ '... .,..... ... .. .. . .. ... . ~.~.~: ~ :.. '~ho' s'h~l Pa7 .ghem ovo~ to ~hO 'owne~ of a~eh' an~a.ls' sold upon. a " ...... :~.,.,~ '.~.... · .. ;_. ~ z.-...: .......... :, ..... ' . .. /~..~i~. /' .: '~'"' ' , .:?~.'~* .: ;. .. .. ..'.,~.~. · ... : ' ~ .... :'..' · reclalmed~W_~hin twenty four (24).· hours thereaft·er, may be sol~'· by the'.heal~h 'officer after .giv&.ng.. three (3) days nOtice oP.. Such · '. sale. The notice shall describe the~ dog. and sta'~'e~"~'the time· -and. ..' place"of sale',: and shall be pOsted' in two public 'Places in the ·city : . .. and'at the4'entrance to the·pound. -A .copy ~f said notice shall be · mailed! ab'i lea, st three days in acivan, ce of the sale to the owner or · person formerly·In possession 03- control of. said' .animal at 'his' · residence o~' place of business if'.kmowr~ .to.. the heal'th o.ff. icer. ..~t the 'time advertised' the health ~'ffic.er shall s..ell, the dogs so advertised .at public, auction t~' thO' highesb bidder for cash.. If no b~d .is offered for a· dog·, the':.health offic~i.shal~1 dispose of. it'b.~'~.'Privat,e '.sa!e,. gift, or ~es~ro~ it. Provided, however, that "vi"fii0us-dogs.may be '~:es'troyed at .a~:iti.~e.'a~'t~'r ~~~.. '" ~ Th~ provisions, of. this seotion are' not applicable to animals determined to 'be "a...f fl1: cted 'with..'rabi es.. ~?~~ ~.'. .('c) The.health officer shall.'.n0g knowingly make.a.gtf~e~any animal, to any"person or 'institution to be U'sed for. experimental or l~boratory' purposes. .. .. ... " .. '" .. ~ .. SECTION !~..- ..'"' .. .. "... 'The.(o.wne~; or .person entitled to the. control of ahy' animal ".impounde'd~' .may at any time before the Sale or other disposition ther. eof~' ·redeem the'Same bY paying· ~he' health offi-cer all ·fees and char'ge~ th~reo.'n;.and if a dog, bY'arrAnging for the va'c'cination of' said dog. wi'th, canine rabies vaccine unless the. dog-' is exempted the.refr.om'.as herein provided,.'and paYi .nE the license."fee therefor, in a'ddi, tiOn','"if said dog has net'·been licensed du~'ing' the currer~t.. ·: .calendar y'ear. .. ... "' ' SECTION 16'.' " ............... ."~L~-"Th:e-hea~th'-of.f-i'~'~'..-shall- charge ~ad,..co!lect~th- 'e~f..all. o~&ng, fees.- ..... ' and 'charges from'~ersons redeem'i~g 'animals impounded: · ...-'...~. For. any. animat"~'.excepting dogs,., the sum.Of TWO Dollars ($2.00) ' ~ ".;:' ,' i .'~ '. 10. · · ... ' ,?': '~`.,''~,?.,. :~'': .." ;:':' "'." .... ., '?'''. ":':l'"':).." · ..' . .,.,~. . ....~. ;~ '. · · ..... ~,~' ..: ""~".~."~ ..... t · .~....... ~.~.~....'.-.. :...~ ..... ~.'~,~:.,. .. .... . . .,. · :'~' .'.'---: ~.~" .' ~.'~, ~ '~' 'l" '.X' ~. '.°.. '. ' ' ~'" ' ~ .......,~..~'~,. :j , ,.~,~. >'-.~. ..... , · .'.:....,....~.,,,:'¥.... ....... ,,......,..,?"-" ~~.f- :.. . , ......., For each dog, except as herein .otherwise provided, the sum. " (Sa ) .'~"~' ' · ' ':~' ~ ...of' On~ Dollar .00 . ....~. ....... · .,: '" .:.. . · . "" FiVe Doll r.s. 0 ':'" F~r :e~ch 'vicious 'dog, She'~' . . · · ~' · , .:..:. ::~,.'..'.~ .....' -....~.:~,~...::; .:~, .. '.~. .. ...... · :.' For each female 'dog ih heat, '~h~"'first.. time a~ such dog is ...,~'.', ....redeemed, the: s~.of. . : One. Dollar..:.~l.O0.~...~, ;' for the second ....... .....:}....... .: ..and a~. subsequent ti~e a~' ~uch ~g is re'deem~d~, the ..' .." . .' "'-' · ~.~ of FiV~"OjI~.ars' r$5.00)"J" '..' . ..L.~.;.... ."' .... · '. " ' · ' ' ,.::'2.'~."'__ " ~o~ ~oep&~..overT'.:'animai. per flaT'~ ~ftT~.Gen~ · .....~...... . _:.,. "~/..".' ... .:. .. ... ... . . .~ . ' sEC 0 i'7 :' :"' .... , . '..j' .... .~:(... ,'.(a') I~ 'shall..be u~a~2ui for a~ person to wilfully abandon'.. ..:: or ~u~n i0ose go ~'ja~ large~ a~'."an~mal u~'~ for fu~h0~ 2 . '. ; '. ' ";' · ' ' '" . ' .' '~ " . ... . . ~. }.;~' · ':. ~eas~:...o'~.... . ... age o'~ 'SnOutS'.. ' .. ?, .- whieh:.b7 ~oason-of age,' d~?ease or' o~hor ~i~mlg7 is..a~ for further. '": u~e or dangerous to be ~0~t imPound'ed, .t'he health officer shall ~'ithin twenty-~our (24)~' hou~s"thereafter 'destr0y.. s~h animal.' Any person..resc.ulng., 6r attempting..to rescue any animal from "tl~e he'~lth .~>f£i'cer while about to co.nVe¥ the same. to thd .pound, or ih."anY-:wa'y, :directly or. i'~directly,.'remo~ing or delivering the same ... ' from..iSaid., pound, or' fr'0~' ~he. . Possession of. said. health 'officer, or causing or. enabling' the."same, to'. e:scape, therefrom,' .shall be deemed g'u~ltT, of a "m~'sdemeanor,". and :Upon conviction. thereof shall be' Punishable a S' .pr. ovid.ed, herein~ ' ' · ... .. ... '.i ..' .~i. SECTION 19. .' · ..'I't shali .be the d~ty .of .the health officer upon the' .request of .a.rgt.. owder or .possesso~ o-f any. 'dead anJ. mal~ ~r~hich was .kept or maintained. i~ .the' Ci.t.y of Bakersfie"ld .~mmediately prior. 'to its' death; to 'f0r. thwith bury' or .destroy. . . . the same, in such. manner as"he, may prescribe~ fo~...which ".. se~vic~S' he shall charge'.'ahd collect 'the. following fees: '. '~" "' " ..... '" "FSr"b~-~Y.i'~g='o'r'' d'est'royin'g ho'~s~'s~' oxen~ bu~-I~--::':'' · -. ...... = ..... ' /] ...... -.. ~''' " head $~ O0 ' · · · or cows, per For b~ry'ing.or ~es~roying jacks, 'mul~S~' steers colt per head· ' 5 O0 · ' . . or s, . ........... , . . .....,,......... · .. .. .~ · .: . · . ', .' .. · ~ - · . · ' ':- '::~'~ " '~ i,~. ~,.~. , ,; · :..... .. ." .. · . ..~.~..~. .~.. ~ ~...,%, -..: .. .... ~,~:,~.~.. ~ ..,..,,, .. · . . . . '-~...,,..~. :' ...~'... . . ..... ..::~..,~.-. FOr burY~ing sheep', goats o~ calves, per 'head ..... $2.~0 For burying dogs, or other animals' not...ent~erat- '. ed each " ' 1 ~0 Nothing ~n this section shall be construed so as to 'require the'health officer to transport argt 'dead animal': to the place of disposal' ~. except 'as required by' Section 20 'h~r'eo:f. .?-':"' · .. This section shal,1 have no appli6'ation to animals used fO~" the PUrPOS~.'.o.£"'~aking any tests or Pe'r~orming any 'experime!!.ts in .a dOctor's or dentist's o£fice, hospital, or.laborator~6.r any' similar office,, institution), organizati0'n, or'.place. SECTiONi 20.. .... " .. · . (a)'..'"It shall be the ~duty of the health ~ffice~ ~henever"' it comes to his kmowl.edge'thalt any' dea.d animal is upon any, of the public.. streets, alleysi s'~d.ewalks, lanes.or other Publi'¢ :place within.the : City. of Baker.sfield~ 'toI promP, tiy bury ~r destroy same~ in the manner .'herein provided, .c~.rging and collect~ing therefor,, from the owner or .p~'rson '.formerly'~ havi~ had the' possession Or centre.1 .of 'same, if .same. can b'e' ascertained,.' the.'fees 'proyided in Section 19 of this oi'dinance, and in addi.tion,~, the: actual .cost of transporting the. same "to the place '"" of disposals-which in no event shall 'be less than' One Dollar (I~l..00). It' shall ..be a violation o'f' this ordinance for an ..o,~ner or'person formerly....having had the possession or contrOl. of.'a~V dead ~.nimal to place any S'Uch d;~ad animal or cause 6r permit it to be placed or'.to .. '~u0wingly al~!ow'or, permit the same to remain, in Or upon'any public. s. tr'oet, alley, sidewalk, .lan~ or other public pla6e. (b)' ¥~enever any.dead, sick' or injured animal is found ..~n the prpperty.of any perso~ '.~ther than the'perSon.havi~ the Care, custody or. control of such animal, the owner or occupant of such property.. shall immediate'l~ inform the.health .officer.. 'The. health officer· shall . · .~ ~ ........ : .... ~i.-~."__~u ....... ~ · . .....',:.'"T. '.'i.' -_ ......... . :' - ' ' ~'" " ' .... "- '~'"~- ~"~'~-'~'" ~~'~u-"2'" ...... .' ~'; ...... ~: ' ~.*'--i;"." take charge of. sUch animal and shall return the same to the owner, 'or make .Such other disposi~cion thereof as hi~.. deems appropriate' under the' circumstances, · and -Shall notify 'the owner o.r. person 'fo~mer!y .. · · . ,~ . ... .;... ..~- .. ~ .:,'~ .,.~.~ .~:.... ,. ~. ~.... '..: ~' ..,. '; / · . ..:.. '..'...'..... · . haVing the' c~re or possession of ~.ueh"animal, if t~e identity 'e.f..~..· . .such person.can be ascertained; .if. siich animal be' a.dead.afamma~l?~.' · .~. "he 'shall' charge and collect from .tfie"'owner for dl'Sp°sing':0f, the .... ".o'f this".:br~inan'ce, and in carcass.' the'., fees .p~ovid'ed in sec. t~O.~ "l~ · . addition the .acgua! cost of transporting :.the same to' thee.place of ':" "~'isp°'sal, whic~ in.no eve'nt shall be. le~s than .0~e Dollar (.$1..~" ': "~ SE'T-ONCI ~ "" '"'"'" .It shall be unlawful for :any 'p.e~son Who owns, pO~ess~s' or .:" . 'has under ~is Control an7 'dog, ti:> ~ll'6w,' permit 'or sUffer. argt such dog to~' snap or bite..a~, or chase .0.r. run after .bicyCles or persq~~'. .".On 'a. n7 street...or sidewalk .'.or in any. public place, .or perSo.n..S. 'lawfully upo~ the ~remise's of:· the",owne~ .or person having, cuS'tod~':'i~r control of 'such dog. },Wl~'°never it shall become known to the health officer ''that-'there. i's in the' city. of Ba.~ersfieid a dog whiCh engages in any -of the act.i, ons:p~ohibited bY tfiis'se'ctio.n, he sh~ll :o~der the.owner or person .in possession o~ .c~nt~oi""~f... the s'a~eii.go ·'take ~hatever measures' as in the discretion of the 'hea. lth,.~'.f, fieer are'.ne6'essary . · ~ to' )rev. ent .further violations, of .this · section," .~ny violation bY the owner o~' person 'in"~'s~esS.ion. o'r .~0ntrol..0f .s~'id.. ~0;g."of. the... .order .of. the-health officer shall constitute a violation' of this . .ordi. nance, in...addition, any' .such.dog '.not being kept' or maintained in cOmpliane~' with. said order o~' the health officer' Shall be 'impounded · .:bY Sa'id he~!th 'officer, 'subject ~o redemption'.bY'.the said owner, or . ~· person in. 'custody or control 6f the s'~me as in this ordinanc'e provided'... · .. SECTION 22. · Semi-annual reports of the 'health officer showi~g the amounts .c'ollec~ed~ the amounts expended,-the" work performed and general report '. of' the h~alth..'~ff~Ce~' sha. ll be' furnished by said· health officer in ~" .... writing to the ·City Manager not.'late~ tRa~'~'anfihr-~: !'~"~i~.'~7~y':l'[ 6'f :...:.L' '........ '.. SECTION 23. " ' ' .' ..." .?'L Any' per.son· owning,' or having the care, custody., or ~0ntrOl o.f,.. any"'ilog., in. the City of Ba. kersfield~ .w, ho wilfully ro,,fuse~,: a~l' . .. ~ .. ...: , ~ .. ~.. ....:,~ .;~'... ;.:.~.. ~.~-".? ;'..'.. .. neglects· to furnish to th~ health officer,..license collector · or'''~..~.~:.. '- .... · duly· qualified'and licensed· phYsici'a~..Or, veterinarian au'thori.z~d to Vaccina'te. anti" license dogs anti e'ollec't', the'l, icense fees' 'Che'reon, as · provided.herein.,. ~he .information nec~S'sa'ry to' properly va~'fiknate' and license· such dog, ·or .w~ho·.shall··r;si~t..,·.. hunder or' prevent· the health " officer, or a'rg~""of 'ibis as'sis'tantS"in 'th~ exercise of his duties,;~ who fails'~ neglects or refUSes to .pay. the license f. ee at' 'the time· and in th~ :manne~': ho. rein p~.o~.ided'i or who vi61.ates 'any of the .p'rovisions '"' of this ordinances' sh~ll.be guilty'of a misdemeanoi~ and u..,l~on Conviction · thOreof.. .. ~: ,. '. Shall'. b.e 'pun±shabl~' by.. . a fine .of not more., than.~300.O0~...o~.'i~r. impr~sormient, in' the County'.Jail. of ,'~ern County· for not more than n'}nety .. (~0) day:S~, or .by both sueh'.fine and imprisonment, .... · Emergency Ordinance No; ~08~ New series and 0rdins~ices Nos~';'526~ .~.~'and ?4.~.New Series of the 0ity of Bakersfield, ar~ hereby. ~'pealed; Th'is' ordi·nance is hereby declared'to be an emergene:~'!'measure · w'ith'in' ~.he 'meahing 'of Se~t&o~ '2~ of. the 'Cha.rt~r of' the .:blty of Bakers- f±~ld, ...~tate of. California, .an~ necessary to pro'tide for.. the i~i:l'rate .preSery. at~o~ of 'the public health, peace, property and' safety, and' ..shall. ta~e effect.Lon January 1., 19~0.' · ·I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing EmerEency· Ordinance was p'a'ss~d and adopted by 'the 'council.of'tHe City ~of Bakersf.%~ld at a re.gt~lar meeting thereof h~ld on the' '~ ~' day of December'~ I959,.. by the· following vote: ~cti~ City Clerk·and 'Ex~0fficio Clerk of . " the Co~cil of the City of Bakersfield. ~ O.ED~HIS/day of. December~ 19~9. ff avit of osting (Or iuan,es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of KernI ss. ~.RIAN S. IRVIN, ~ being duly sworn, deposes and says: Thatshe is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on__De~:emb_e_~___l~_ ....................................... , 19____4~9~he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of Said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...... _D__e___o__e_m__b~z,___~_Z__ ........................ , 19_4___9___, which ordinance was numbered ...... 8.5.1 ........ New Series, and entitled: AN E~ERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISBING A PUBLIC POUND, PRESCRIBING T]tE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE TiEALTH OFFICER IN RELATION TO SAID PUBLIC POUND, REGULATING TI{E K~,EPING DF ANTi'ALS IN THE UITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND REPEALING E~3RGENOY ORDINANCE NO. 508 NEW SERIES, AND ORDINANCES NOS. 5ZS, 555 and ?44 NEW SERIES OF TTfE CITY OP BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~/_~;~-,--~ .~. Subscribed and sworn t~ b'ef°~e-rne this ......... ~.'~ I , ~ %~'~-~'~ .~-' ~ State of California. ~ '