HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 870 t~kS~ a petition was filed.with the Co~ucil of the City of Bakersfield on the 20th day off ~.~arch~ ].9~0~ requesti~ that certain ~i~.~bited terr. ttory ther~ described be a~exed to included v~lthin the incorporated li~ts of the City of Bakersfield~ ¥~&S~ said petition was signed by the owners of fou?th of the land~ by s. rea~ and by assessed value as shown on the l~st eq~ized assessm~nt roll of the Comity ef Kern~ a~ -¥~E~S~ the t~rritory describsd in s~id petition is' con- ttguous to the City of Bakersfield~ a~ ~ff~tE&S~ the Co~ucil of the City of 'Bakersfield did~ on the. ROth day of March~ 19~0~ pass ~ re~olution in compliance' ~th the provisions of the ~exation of U~.~abited Territory &ct of 19~9~ b.eir~ Titl~ 4~ Division 2~ Part 2~ Chapter l~ &rticls ~ of the Gever~ent Cede of tho State of Califor~.a~ specificelly ~escribi~ the bo~daries of the territory so proposed to be an~xed to the City of Bakersfield~ ~nd designatir~ such territory by an appropriate ldentification~ and setti~ No~ay? f~pril lO~ 19~0~ at the of eight o ~c!oek P.I,I.~ at the Co~c~ Ch~bers in the City Ilall in the City of Bakersfield~ State off Califor~a, as the day~ ho~ and place when and ~here a~ person ownioj re~ property within such territory so proposed to be a~mexed and having ~ objections to the proposed a~exation may appear before the legislative bo~ and show cause w~ such territory should not be so e.~exed; and 7~RE&$~ said resolution was published for at least once a week for two successive weeks prior to said hearing in the Bakersfield Press~ a x,~wspaper of .goner~ circulation published in the City of Bakersfield~ the mu~.cipsl corporation t° which it is proposed to ann.ex such territory~ and VM~RE&S~ no v~itten protests were ftied against the proposed annexation by ally o;vner of property within the territory proposed to be annexed° NOW~ T~L~REFORE~ BE IT 0RDdII...~D by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ as follows SECT ION 1 ° That the Council of tho City of Bakersfield hereby approves the annexatign and inclusion within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield, of that certain unim~abited territory designated as Terrell Acres~ being'.more particularly described as: All that ,portion of 'Southwest.~ quarter of Section S6~ Town- shin 29 ~outh~ Range 2~ EaSt.~· I'~ Do Bo & M~ and that por~ 'tier of Northwest ouar~er of'~'Section l~ Townshin SO.South~ Range 27 East~ H.. ~o'~Bo & M°~. in the County of ~qern~ State of California~ described Beginning at the southwest corner. ~f Tract Number 1%27 as per map recorded,in Book 7~ pag~ .5~6~'0fficial Records of i~ern County~ Cali£orniaS thence'Sou6h 0 degrees 22' minutes 05 sec~ ends West ~0°00 feetS the~c.e "Hsrth 89 degree~ S%' minutes :Test $°79 feets thence South O degrees 10 minutes 2S seconds West 1S?S°l~$ feet S thence North. 89' degrees %~. minutes,40 seconds west 6B?.~9 feet to the East line of Wible Road 60 feet wide; thence North 0 degrees' 06'."minUtes ~0 seconds East 1090,01 feet along said East '"I'ine'"¥o'f~Hible Road to the beginning of a curve concave to the' i.~o~th~a'st having a radius of 20 feet and a de~'ta of 90 degrees''Ol'~'minute ~O secondsS thence South- easterly along said curve %$ minutes ~0 seconds"East, 13~o99 feets thence i.!orth 0 degrees 06 minutes %0 seconds Eas.t ..1SO-~'OO feetS thence South 89 degrees %4'minutes ~0 seconds Ea"~t.~.S03o86 feet;.thence North 0 degrees l0 minutes 28 seconds East 125°2~ feet to the beginning of a c~ve concave to the Southwest' having a radius of 20 feet and a delta of 89 degrees..¢~...min~es 28 seconds; thence Northwesterly along said c~)ve~ ~l°~B fee~"'"~0~, a point in t~he South line of Brundage Lane, 60 f~et' wides~ ~thence So~th S9 degr~ees ~5 minutes ~ast' along said Sou'ch. line.of. Brundage Lane .1~S9o61' feet; thence ~lorth 0 degrees 22 minutes O$'sec~nds East 160°O0 feetS thence South 89 degrees ~5 minutes Ea~.~t~'65~O0 feet to a point in. the West line of said Tract Number 1%27~ said west line of Tract Number '1~27 being a portion, of the corporate 'boundary of the City of Bakersfield: CalifOrr~i~; thence South 0 degrees 22 minutes 0~. seconds West lO0,O0 feet along said V~est line of Tr~c_t ~um'~-.1 ~2 ? acres~ more o'r ......... 000 ........ 5 I.,,.~,,~.,.'""':"'""v ~,~"~"~"~'~.,..,. that the foregoing Ordin~lce v~as passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield ~t a regu- lar meeting thereof held on the ~ .day of ~~..~~~ 1950~ by the follo~'~ing vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, CROSS, I(UEHN, Pf, ORELOCK, SHURLEY, SIEMON, NOES: .......... ~ .......................... -. .......... ABSENT: ............ ~ .... City Cle~'k an~.. Lx-C'~..~ficio Clot'.'.,.'. o~ the Council o£ tho ~t'-, · ' · C_~y of D~korsfzold, of J os mg r man es County of Kern ' ! i MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: . , That she is the duly appolnted, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that i' i ; : on ........ AI~Z'.~i.. 1 ~ ................................................................ 19..~..0. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the ~ City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting I . ~; · thereof duly held on ........ .A..p.~..1......1...O.. ................................................................ 19....~.Qwhlch ordinance was !' i numbered.....8.~.O.. ............... New Series, and entitled: t '~ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF ,, i A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRIT(IIY ?0 .! THN 0ITY OF BAKERSFIELD, ~ALI. FORNI~ . I ! '" ;' ' i ..' :~ - ~, .,~-"'~'~"~-' ...... ~ . ~..';~ ;5:: ~ .' ' -.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this , ~.,Y./~" 1"-' ;'l. lth day ef ..A. pe~.l 19.5Q... ."~-i' :' ';'~ ................................................... ' ~ / ~ ~ .' '~ -: Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, i' %.",.~.--,- · "~'i ..............................................................................