HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 868 WHERE&St a petition was filed with the Cou~cil of the City of Bakersfield on the 13th d~y of Narch~ 19~0~ requesting that certain uninhabited 'territory thc,rein described be annexed to and included within the lneorporate~ limits of fhe City of Bakersfieldt mnd VEtERE&S~ said ,petition was: signed by the owners of one- fourth of the land~ by a~ea~ and by assessed value as shov~ on the last equalized assessment ro~l of the County of Kernt and V~tE4S~ the territory described in said petition is con- tiguous to the City of Bake~sfield~ and V~,~E4$~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield dtd~ on the 13th day of March~ 19%0~ pass a r~solution in .compliance with .the provisions of the Annexation of Uz. Anhabited Territory Act 'of being Title ~ Division 2~ Part 24 Chapter l'm article ~ of the Government Code .of the State of C~:lifornia~ specifically' describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Ba~ersfiold~ and designating such territory by an appropriate identificationt and setting Monday~ .~pril 3~ 19~0~ at the hour of eight o~clock PoE.~ at the Counc:~l Chamber s '.in the' City IMd_l in the City of Bakersfiold~ State o~,,~' Calif0rnia~ as the day~ hour and place when and where any person, owning real property withim such'territory so proposed 'to be a]moxed and having a~v Objections to the proposed annexation may appsar before the legislative body and~sh_ow cause why .such ter. ritor~, should not be. so amuexed $- and V4~REAS~ said resolution was published for at least once a week for two successive weeks prior to said hearing in the Bakersfield Press~ a newspaper of generel circulation published in the city of B~sfield, the municipal corporation to xvhich it is proposed to annex such territory, and I:~w. AS, no written protests were filed 'against. the proposed annexation by arAv owner of property v~ithin the territory proposed to be annexed. ~)~'~ TI~/4EFORE~ BE IT 0RDAII~D by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ as follov~s: SECTI0 N 1 o That the ~ouncil of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the annexation and inclusion ~vithin the incorporated limits of the City of Bai-,ersfield, of tbmt certain uninhabited territory designated as Fr~mpton Acres No. 2, being more particularly described as: Commencing at..the intersection of the easterly line of Lot 1 of Frampton acres as per map thereof recorded in Map Boo:= 2~ page 47~ 0f~icial Hecords of Kern County, California, v~th th~ weoterly prolongation with the south- erly line of 2nd Street~ as said 2nd Street is. sho~m on - the map of Goode Tract, recordea in Map Book ~, page 144~ Official Records of -~ern County~-California, ~hich said westerly prolongation is a.portion of the corporate l~undary 'of the City of Bakersfield~ California; thence southerly along the easterly boundary line of Lots 1 and 4. of said Frampton Acres 204.96 feets thence westerly and-parallel ' with th,,e, northerly line of said Lot 4, 147 feet~ to a point in the ~esterly line of Lot 4' of said Frampton &cress thence northerly along the v~esterly line of Lots $ and 1 of said Frampton Acres, to an intersection ¥~ith the aforesaid westerly prolongation of the southerly line of 2nd Streets thence easterly alo~ the ~vesterly prolom~ation of the southerly line of said 2nd Street~ said westerly prolonga~ tion being a portion Of the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, to the place of commencement, containing 0°69 acres, .more or leSSo 2° I ~'.,~'~.,":v.,~.~._ C~I~TIt,~f that' the foresoir~ Ordinon~ce v~as passed a~ adoI~ted by the Cocci! of the City of Ba~ersfieid at a regu- lar meeti~ thereof held on' the ~ day of ~, 19~0~ by the followi~ vote: AYE~: CAR~JAKIS, CROSS. ~(L'EHN, MO~ELOCK, SHURLEY, ~IEMON, YANDERLEI NOES: .... ~ ............................................. Co~ulcil of t.',lo City of !}a,':ol-sfioldo of ost ng r nan es County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .A.~..~..~.~...~ .................................................................. 19..~..~.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .......... ~...~..~.~...~ .................................................................. 19.~0.., which ordinance was numbered ............ ~ .......New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA .I ; . .., . .. . .Subscribed and sworn to before me this --':""...'..4.~...day of....*p~.~_~. .......................... ,9~O... 4 . ~ ........ ~--~ ............................................................................. ~ '~ ~ - '~ Note~ Public in ~nd for the County of Kern, ~-~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~tate of Cahfornm. "'~-~-~' My Commission ~pires May 9, 1~