HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 866 · ... :.' ......; ',. ':~ . ". .: .... · ...~. .. ·'....,'~'r . "' ' ' ' "'(~"~[e~, ~. ~' ""~E~'.:'"".' ' ' ' "' ¥:..'.- · ' '.' AN: ORDINANCE AMENDING:..SECTIONS"6 an~ 7 . ".. ..'..-·80'8".NEW ·,SERIES· OF THE" CITY' OF. BAKERSF. IELD'-: ."" v 'BE 'IT .ORDAINED'BY THE co'u~ L.OF THE. CITY OF .B, AKERsFIELb,' · . ., '.:' " .... .:":'..:" .'..... SECTION'.'I'...v ...'. 'i ....'- . . .:.' .. · -.: .... · ~..... · -., .:".'-""%""';~. ..'.'.~.- .... -. . .' . .- .' .: '..:. .'. · .:,. .... "' Section. 6,' J The Bl. anr[in~.i En'ginee'~' ~S .hereby. directed- to. cause..· 'to be".~eco~ded'.i..n the....0.~'ft~e 'o.f.' 'th'e. c'oUnt~ ~'ec'o~er 'of."the- "' County of" ... Ke. Pn;.'gt.a. te of. Californ.i'a,.'full,t~ue 'and'.c~r~'ct'c'o:ptes,' duly .a':~tested · '":'.. '" . " ' ' ' '"""''".:' L "i" .. ':' '.'"' ..'.~' ' '.'"" [". '.~vhl'ch 'maps 'sho~..the. of-fi'c, fal .plan. l:tne's' "' established. iby- .this ~d'tnance." "....'..'~?'.. ' . .: . · ' . '~...' .... 'J .~. . · . . '. '~ . ... .'-.'.. '. ' . .'--.'. · · . . · .:-.. . . .~: .. .~. ' ..~ -L.., .· .' .. ' . . .. . . ' ' ' :." ]]6'f. 6~dfnance' .... No;" ..... 8'08' Ne'W :'~'~ies. bo~h '~'e'.'an~"~e" sam'e"-' a~e. hereby ':" · · ' "'" "' :... - . · : amen to .~ead..'.as foil ws: · ". · -'" ' -' .... ' ""." "i" "' - section '7. The P.l. anning"-Engine'er' is. t~;eby.Jf, urther:. ~'~structed ' .... ' " ..... .' to po-~t'' .e~mffnent.'notice~"'of 'the e"~:tabiish~ k the. of iciai plan ' in'~"s ~ .'set". f t~ in ~ h8 hali'b · '~ Ora ance...' .. · S'~c ti ce~'.',.'~ e p'ai~ted. '" .'0'n:.wood"o~ metal 'and' shall 'be'.placed".a.t int.e~vals. 0f'.:nO'.t· more '.than "'... 'tw° thousand fee.t. 'along. each sid'e 'of-.:~'adh:.'st~'~e't'.i'and. h~ghWay: .£or' Which .. ..'.. ... ..' ...... . .....' . . ." . "~'['.....:" .... · .. ·' · ' an 0ffi'dial~ pi.an 'line .is ~stabliShe'd.:by..thi's.. ondtnanc~J.'. Suchr ne. tic'es · sba!..1 be substantially 'tn .the 'f'oltowing fo'r~..(with ±.anks 'app~opriadely · '. "1"" ".The 'wi'dth.of' this .stPeet (or. o~,her': app'r°pria'ge · .. ".. .. ... des~'gi~a~ion), is' established as '" feet acoGrdtng '. .... "to the off;iCial plan. thereof .based on the M~s'te~ .. .. .. ".." ': .. Plan'o2 the .City of.' Bakersfield.. '.Keep. all buildings '"' · ·" " ....' .' 'andi.othe~ 'structures .:hereaftei~' erected outsi'de' Such ' · ... : ~'~-~ ~ _.. ... . . ."..''.. · .. ... :... . . :. ...'::~' . · '> .... :....,.. ... ~.. · ~ '-'.... . . , '.' ~f.' ~he..Cf~y of,..Ba, ke~:fiel:d., '" - · -' · . .!:'. .: ..." . '.... . ~..-~:.. · , .' . . . . .;..,- .... :..:.~ :- .... '. ~:.. .... .. . .. ..... .', .:: ...', ,~'.. .. · . .'...'..... . '.. : ..': . .; '.. "....." ...... '.:..:...- ':.. ::" ...:. '..' .:..: .. . ·. · .-. :. '.. .... .. _ . . ~ . .- .,. . . ., . . ... ...: ..'.'..,.... ...: .... · ... · ... ,.'....'.-..:'..'....:~:.~.~?~..:: .':, ,. . ..'. . '..... :... '......... . ..... ... ,'."..-.. .... · . · STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of KernI ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, :~~1]~' being duly sworn, deposes and says: That~he Js the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on___M_a_]~.0.]3__~. ........................................ , 19__~0_q he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on___M__a___z'_g~__~__ ................................ , 19_~2_0___, which ordinance was numbered. 866 New Series, and entitled: AN Q~DINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 6 AND 7 OF ORDINANCES NOS. 785 NEW SERIES AND 808 NEW SERIES OF T~E CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~-~., .- -...~ . - ..................... ~? ~.~'.. ~ . ,~.u~se~i~ea an~ sworn to before me this ~ ~ ~ . .. ~.~ .... day of~~ ~, 19_~_. '~.~ ~~%"~ N~a~ Public in and ~r the Coun~ of Kern, '-~ ~L~~' State of Califomia. My COmmission Ex~kes May g. tgS~