HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 864 .... .i'::'-I.' . '" '"~' ":' ' ' '"'"..' .... ':' "" ~HE 'CITY OF 'BAKERSFIELD,. CEL'IFORNIA'.~. .... . " " ...... '"' .... '""' '. 'Co~cil"of ~he Ci~y ~AS, 'a :pe'tt:~fon'.. w~'..fi.l' wi ~he' "' ':.,-.' ~: ] .... .. ,'...-. · , ' , :'::..- ... ..' '";..-'.'.:.... ..' .. '~': :':. o~ ~..~'~k~J~e~d on-':.'t~,· ~."~,~..~s.:~e~:~~ :~9~;.. ~e~ue~'~ 't~,t .. - .........:... ?.'."."..:.., ,.',.%.. '..:...~...:::..~ :.":.'....'.'.:~..,..... ....:.,....~.....:': .:::..,..'-.. ..... · ...~.'. 'a~:'.~.:..'::.~:....,...'.. .'...... '~::.~;...,,.~:,~......-...,. '~'......:", ~'......~: .. .". :.:.../, .:'.::: .... :.... ' .~ : ~"'.~.': .'....~-'. :, ~~s., .:~a~'.~.'.~'~t.~'i'~-..:,~.~:'"~'~:~:~' ~ .the o~&~'~", o~ ~'~e-~o=~th '- '.' .;'."~.a~z'ed ~,ss'~ :~.~i: o~ ..~,..' ~o~:t~ o'~" ~.~n~. a~a.....,.:.....:. '....' .. ' .."'..'.'~'~.:. to'.~.: C'it&, o.'~'.:~a~.~.~ ..a~a... ;:'...-:. ~:..:......: .... · · ".~:..~ "."...'.. :'::':..:',' . .... · .' .':.:".'...'.:"...- .~.~A~:': t~'.~.°~:~'~'"~ :~a, ..c.~.%~:'~.0'~'' ~a~'~,~ie~j: ~:,.:'0~ th~'' .. ..'~': '. ... Feb'~a~ .0,', pass·. . a ~ s u :. : ~i'th he · ... ~ -'"p~oviSt6~.."6f.'~.%he":':A~Xa~ton o.f. Unt.~bite~d ':T6~rito~y .AC~"'.o~f 1'939, · .. ''~ .. . . · . .' .. .~.~ : .-. . ..." ~-.... . .. ...... . : ":':."~e~'~'= .~'k:~ v o,~.v~.s.~on 'a,: .... ...' .' ............. · .... ' ."' '~." '.. '. ' . .. . . '' . . . -':~ . ".. . .. , · .. :.-'.' · . . .f.. , . .'.. '., '.~. .. . ' "'"'"' ": ..... '"'" . . .... .: .. · ... . '..::....' · .;.....~... .... .' ....... ...... ~" ....,'.'... · : . ,. .. · . .. ..... .. . .. ...... . .... .. .... ~.' -. . . · ' . P.. '..',.;a't the Co~Qil Ch~be~s in' the' .~it~..'Hall in the.CitI'.o.f.:Baker, s-.' ...'.'..'.:. .., .- . .: .' ... .-..... ::-.'. .]. .'.. :: ... :~'..' .' . .. ...' .. "...:: ..' . .: . . ..:' · . · ."....: ?..';~..-', ..'...' .' ' ." .ter~i't°~y ~houl~ h~.':'.be so .a~xed;.-:.ahd "' . .. '.. ..... . . :: ;..; ... ... :..." . ~week for two successive weeks pri.0r to "Said'.he.a~'tng.. in .She" Bak~'~sfield · '"';." 'i'..:.' ' · " -. "' .":".. ' · · ."' ' "" ' · · · -. · -. '......'.''..... '. '... ..... .. : '.'.%..'": .. , . .' . ..........-.- . ,.... ..... .... : ~."'. .: .' . . . .'..'~ ..' . : .:. .'. .... .'k...;~ .' ..~' ... ~:~ · :-~:.' ; .'..~ '"7" ' "~ '~ ''''~'' .':: ,. .'.x... ,.. . . ~.~..~. · ... ~ .' ; . . .... . ,.-. .. j..,..}~..." . .: :..... .. . . .~ ..-:.. :. · Bakersfield, 'the municipal' corporation to wi{ich it' is proposed to.. annex such.·te~ritory, a'nd. ... ': .. ..:." ~, .';fItEREAS,.. no'wri, tt.en p'r~tests 'were ~tle'd.'against' th'e 'proposed "" annexation' by .:any owner ':of'.property within the territory· P'~oP~sed' -.. to b'e: annexed; .... ".- :'"-- · ' .NOW, THEREto'RE, BE IT ORDAINED b.y. the..CoUnci'~)'6f "the CitY.Or "..,...' Bakersfield,.. as ·follows: · ". '".' ." . - . .... · SECTION £.. '. " That 'the Council::of· the .City. 'of'. Bakersfield hereby a~p~oves .. ' the ann.exAtio.n.:.and inclusion 'wi. thin' the incorporated' limits of .the. v .. City of..'Bakers.field,, of that.cert~'in...untnhabtted ~errt'tory'desi'gnated .." as Snyder. Acres, '.being more pastiCk'laXly described ~aS: · ' Commencing at the' point' of in~.ersection of. th~ .'eaSterly ... boundary Ii-ne'er Tract No. 1061 as per..~ap, of',. ssi d. Tract recorded in Map.. Book [, pages' .'11;> m~d.. 113," 0ffiolal Records · . of' Kern-._.C0unty;' Califor.nf,a; with 'the' northerly·line Of Snyder "are as said 'Snyde'r, Lane' l.s?.s~own on S~Id Map 'of. · . Tract .No.. 1061; thence' so,uthe~ly along the ea~terly..b.'oundary · 1.ine of ~afd" .Tract 'NO.. 1061"3~ "feet to the soUth'~i~mt"'cbrner .'o'f'. Ssi d<'JT~'act, thenc~ ',s°u~he~ly 'alo:h'g '~ line. :?aha,ilel with " i the',wes'.te~y: tine' Of Lot: '12 :.:iff. Sec~'ion ~'~' To~hi~ .'~'0 'S6uth, · ' 'Range 'PS'East, M..'D. J Bo & M.'.~ :..as-'s~id 'lo't' i's. ~hoWn on" "Kern .County Sales 'map No~. 1 '°:f..Lafids Of. j. B; H:aggin': .. filed for record .in it,'he '0fff'c'~" '6:.f .~:he''.Cou~ty .Recorde~. of Kern...CO.un.tY';-:,California,'.' May' '3"," 1889-, 'whlc~ line ls...a por- tion:.of the corporate boundary of ~he City of'iBakersfiel'd,.. · ...'..Califonnia, to its intersection with the' northerl~ line of.' Terrace Way as sho~n °n the. aforesaid "Kern C~..un~y 'Sales'Map .. .,. ," NO.. 1 of Lands' Of J. B.. H.~ggin"; thence eas.terly alone the' : :...... northerly line of said Terrace 'Way 'to its inte~se.ctio'n with. ."'t~:~:'"easber!y line .of the' .aforesaid .Lot' 121 then'c~..n0, r%'herly .. along the.'.eas.te~lyl, ii'ne 'Of. said..A~ot 12 to the.~..no~.theaSt' .cot-". ..... ... ncr thereof; thence continuing northerl~ a.~ong' ~he '~asterly -.. .line.Of Lot 5 in the Afor~s~id.'Section;b, T6wA. Ship .30. SoUth, -' ". .. Range[' 28 .East'·,. M. iD~' B. & M'.~' a distance of'3~ fo'et; 'thence' ... westerly' Parallel to the' southerly ·line of Lot'"5 .to..' its 'inter- '. · 'section with' th.e easterly.bo:U~.d'ary df the a.fo~esa.id .Tract '... 'NO. 1061 and. place of commencement, comtalntn~ ::6.2'3.9 'acre's', · .. more. br less. .-. .. ., .!.:.... .i .' .. -' ' oeo .... ~-.;-' ..... '" -..:-'.' -' ' : ........ £~L :".i .2. ~. -..:':' .j )'.. · I .... '- ' ' i" . .... . . , · . :': . :, .' ,.. · : '.. .I HEREBY "cERTIFY Ghat :~he.foregoin~ Resolution 'was' ~-~sed .' .... ' · ' meeting ~',' , ,~ ".. ' ' '" :" ' ~I..,' . ..... ' ' :' ~...~ . · ..'..... · . ~- h~,.gl,l: ..... ~.,~-~~---~ ...... .~"r ...... ~?'?'... :~,..,~ ...... ..... :..........:............:.,......: ?...:...........:...: :......... .. · ." ".'.i. · . .-'.'~ ..'..2 :. - '.. . . · · . . .. ~ ...'.::.}..;:.j..~ .'..... .'.-' · ". Como[l"o'f 'ghe Ct~7..°~'...'Ba~°~'8'fSo[~'. ..... . .~........... 2:...~.' ...'.~,-. ... ..., :.. .,~ : ;:~ "' ...,:. · :. ...... ..'. .' .. ' ,'.2. '...' '. '"'"' ":. ~h~Ua~z:'~.l " ' ' ': " ' ,. . '. , '. . - . ..'. ',...., .... . ~ · .': . ~ ' .. ' ..-.'.' :ho tit o.f.. BaRo~ .'". ' ...: .. ' ' ' .. .... .~' . '.'... ' ...':".~'~ : : .. . ..j.',?~.-..~. ' ........ ... .. ....-.., ... .: ,.:. ~. .~..'. ,. , .:." ... · , . .:' . '.' .' ..' :.; i'. .; ....... .' ......... " .' · L~'. .... ,: .'".'. · . %-'": '. ': " ' ~- . .. ; :' " ' . :' :'..2 -;... . .. ~.. ~. ~. . .. -...,.... · ,. .. .. ' ...,.. . . ~. ...'.-.~ · . ...: · . . .. ~. -.-' . · ':. .-.':.. .: ..~. ,j. · ....." . · ... .. .:. ..,.. .... ..... '-'::: ....~.."..':,.:~ '...:..... '. ..-. · ~ ..'. ~.. . .'. .' ~,:'. ;.;' · .....?.,.:. '.:~: ~. '.'.'.:: ~ ~...: .... ~ ' . . - .... .. ~., . . '... ' . . ... ...... ., ,::,.....'."... :::..~' ..~'. ~' . ..,...: . ... .. . . ;.. ..:. '.~... .~' :~.'." 2. ·,... ... ' -.. .. .. ,... ." .:' .. .'' .. 2'. ,... '.." · %...':r~:' ..' ' '.... .... " · .' 'i'.' .' - ' ' ' '.... :22."..':' .....'."~ ::- ... ..' ..'.:.... :'.'"~. :~ .~'." .... '.. :~:...~":' .. ...,-.'.~..~,.... . .. · .. · ~.:;., .~ . .":~...~..i' . .... . .......,...: ..... ~ .. . ... '. '.' .' .. . .... v. ...". ..'. '. [. .. h' ~ ' ' "" ;' ' "' ~ '"' '"' '" "''2" ' '"" ""'"" ' ' ' ' '" ::. .':.......... .... '' '"' -:' ..'.. :~ i~... :"'.." ~: } . .j~,. -. :...:. '.. ..'~. :.......'.:..: :'.. · .. ....... .... ~. .'~ . ~ .. ': · . · -.... ~ .: .. ...... .~:'~ -.. ...: ~'%...: ~' ...'-. ...:........: ..?. ...~.. '".~' ....':...: · .. . . . . . .... . ... :.. '%':::,. .- . · ... " . : .... .... . AffL au t of' lostmg ( r man es .., STATE OF CALIFORNIA I County of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, :FeX~~being duly sworn, deposes and says: Thalshe is' the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that Max, oh 2 .................... , 1950 .~ he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on___~'~-?_ ........................... , 19__-50, which ordinance was numbered 864 New Series, and entitled: AN OF~DINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO TI-I~ iJITY 0I~ B.~EHS~IELD, ~ALIFORNIA SuSS~'ribed and sworn to before me t~is ' ~'~ day o{ ~a~oh .,19__~.. ~;~~ Public in and ~r the Coun~ of Kern, ~ ~i~n ~pires May 9, ,