HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 863 .~ . a 1~ .... ....~. ..... ...~ . .. . . .. · .'.'~ ..... - . . . :..... :' ....~.. . . .'..'...' , '. .......-.j ',.,...' . '~.'..... _ ..... ....:.'.~..... · .... .. . ..: '." ~'ta ........ " '"' ' ...... '"' · ..... . '.. . :': :..:. }......:.~..:'::~'...;i ...... ...~..5~:.. .... ....... .. . ........::,:'.... · .. ,....:. · ..} . .' .... :.. -~......-.......'. :.,...',../.'J~'_..'..'." ........ '. · ;~' . .. .: .... :. . . . ...: ...,: ..... : ...... .... ....... , ..~ ..-'~.... '... ': .". .....?. , :.. . · ... · . .. b~.'.' " ":' ~: "' ' ' ' :: -'. '.'"""." '.'." -2 '..' ':' " ' ~' : '.. ; .. -:'~ '".: '" ' . }-:.': ~ ' ' ' .. ~... ..... '-- .. .... .-. .... ....: ..,..'.':..""". .. :' ....:.........' ..... .'..'}..'":: . .. ,~.':..,:.'. ......,. ...' · - · ou~ g~'.gh~ .~ig~...o~ B~ko~lO'l~ ~ . '.- .... '.".. ...~...,.....:...:. -.": :': · '~E~AS,' 'the ~unciL.of-ghe:~cigy of s '~ d~d-, on' the .~... .... -~ -. '. j. . . z .... - . .. · ..?6th .'~ 6f' F~b~ua~, 'I9~0, p'as's ;a:;..~So.l~tt.On· t~"~mpliance with the : · Dtvis.io~ 2 ~' ':.--. .... · ., ' ' · · · '.'. ' '":" '."%' 'J;' ' ' "' " · '.-'i' '.' '.' " · . .:." .and desi~atlng .s~ch.>te~i:to~y. by .an appr6~i.'ate tdentif~a'tion'' .: . "'- . . ...... . :' ..: . . 2. . ...'.. ' .'. ~..:. - ~ .... ,~.'..'~ .. ...'~ :.' ......' '.',..'/',,... . ...... -.-. ..... , .... ~.~.... . .." ..... ~...":' ..... .~ .~.. - ..... · "" . ' " .~. :' .'t ''.'. . " · '- -...'.~. : ". ' ' ' · - " ..'.. ...... :}:~.'. . · . ... .. ...~., ... · .. ..::'~ .. . · . .. : "....~q.;.., ' iD p-~'a.t,ion to.whi'c~i' i:t is. ~O~OS~'~ to.. .... ' ' 'Bake~-sf~'&'T~i'~i.L.the. i'munic a.1 cot ..... h~ch~ ~ ~ ~y',' .a ' ' · "'" '' ~X' . " ':.' ~ " ..' .:'..: ~i o nd ...... .. .,. . · ..[..... :.. . .'- . ,'. : '.: .. ". ~ . · .1 '.. . ...' ~ . . ~.. '-- :.-......%... :~EREA'S, n6. 'w~itt'en'~rotests Were ..2iled .against .'the..'p~oposed . ' " ' ' ...... 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'of ~:Ke~n "'C'O~ty, "Oa!ifo~ffia ;-"thence '.along:' ~e' ...nOr't~rly. /...[' "".' ~tn'e:.' ~f. ~atd T~&C~'"NO'.. '139'~',. which 'l.~n'~ .'JiS .a' port!o~:'~'f."..~,he .... .'. .~?..'f ~" f"'.~'O'.~p~'~te' b0~dan~., of '...the. C~ty:.~' o.fi.'.B~ke'~'sfield,." Cali. fO.gni'~.;' '1033.25 ".. ' · '~...f%~t;;J.fthen-O'e 'nO~th'-..~0~ ~6'"' S~':..:e'~S~ [ 260.'85': feet'?'~he~ce., sOUth". · ':-' '..'-.. ~'~.~.'8~!~,.. 08.,L'.sast 2$0.Oi:~ee't"[~o'...t'He'b'egi~ing:~gf.'..a jc.i~C~iar curve '. . · ..:~' ". '::-:. '.:... con¢a've":to' ~he' southwest.,'"h~ving, a. ~ad~Us' of..'2O' f~et,..'.'~he ' cent'er "' ~/". - :' '~UsHiP"-';29[': Sbuth~. Range' 2-7'.E~s~'.,..."M'; 'D,'"~.B..':J'~'.M.',' then~.e-.no~th' 0o. 16" .... ~: ' .. · · ']:' "'".~.3~'~'".e~st U~io~g the' we's~?ly li'ne., o'f'O~k'S'~e'et., 100 feetL'.to 'a~'. · '.' '".'"" ' "' .::J:.~[.~."." ")~o..int.. i~'.~a· J~u~%e .co.n'caCe J. to "the-' no~hwes, t,. haVin~ ..a '~ad.~U~ '. of ' '. · ..:~ "., ..-.'. 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'..?.~o~'~' ?.a," ~fft~: m~':.'.~8' d,ei~od'..~..publIo .h~w~. bY. 'ao~fon of :... . . ~-......., ::U~.2~:. '...:;:'~..~g~r~:r .' su~.~-~.~ ~o.~. ~.-~h~. :c~ .'~f..~ov~,......s~.~e...'or..."c~f0m~,~...~. "" ' -' .'" ...: '. 9n .-0o~obo~..lo, "~88~ ~7 Sv.~E~." fi~ '~ih~ '$~-~ .:8~5g~ of ....... ":.-~j' . :' '.:' .':.'..:S.Upo~SsO'~S"~ooo~od 6n Pa'go...31~1~.:. o~ ~ug~ .'Bo0~ ..~-.,: .'~ .of .'-gho ~aS~. · ....'..:..~. · ' .' B°'~fl.-6~.~:'8~p~Vlso~s on' ltl0 :in.'gh~. 6fft'eo. of. 'gho:'.C6.un~~ Cl.~k. of' ..' .-~' ,"'".. '.:. ' S~.~ ..Co~7..'of Io~j .'~ho~*'~ ~ou~ho~.i~' ~iong'.' ~o .~os~e,ly'~ltn~' .. ....:-~ . . '. :'~ ~:~.':':."',..~'~'~.::'~o~..2o~ ~o. ~o no~'gho~l~, l~no."o2:.:B~g~ B~no' ~s. a~5~' ... .'....... .. . . ... · '.; .~'. ~ . '.. .'....... . ...... ..... · .'........,.. .... ... j...~.::~: }:':.. :..~, .....':'~:. .....: .... ~:~.... . ....... ..... :-.: .... . .... .. .. . .. . .... . ... ,..~ ~::'.:..:.,2...:?.... :-.. . ". : "::. } "" .. .... . ., :. '.... .. . .. ' . .... .. · .. : :~.".'...'?:... .. .~ : ".. . : .. · .. ~... '.,.. · '" und~ge .LanS' is' sho'w~ on a. map o.f.'Said.Tra'c~ No.. 1397; then'ce easterly along '.ghe :northerly' line.'of .B~.u. ndago. Lane to 'the .S_;' E, corner 'of Lot 16. Of' said Tract N.c, 1397", -t~ience northerly,' along · .' the '.easterly lines of Lots 16, 15,. 14, ..131. and '12; of said.'.Tract No ~ ·13'97 ~ '.said lots. being a po .r'ti'.on-'of. 'the ~orporate. b6undary of' the Cit7 of. .Bakersfield, "to.'.th'o N;'"E', 'coi-ner of said Lot'12; . ~.i..'. thence 'wester~i'aiong. the northerly.' line. of.: said .Lo't. 12, said "'" 'line. being a po'~ti.on'of the c0~;p6rate botuid~'~y of the City of '. '/". .Bakersfield'.~".to"'.th'e .n0rthw~st Co~.ne~ thereof', sa. id".'corner bei.ng'. .... :,:" "~ .~ point., in 'the.. e~ast'erly- line of:.Real Road.i thence northerly . · "' along, th'e'.e~s~erly, iin'e..of Real' 'Road,.. said'::lih~.: being a portion .-" of'.the. 'Corpo~'ato.bound'arY...'of 'the'."Cit'~ 6f Bakersfield, to' the' · " .. nq~.thwes.t'"corner 'of. Lot.1 of Said'-Tract-.Jl~.. 1.'.39,7 and the.place .. of commencement co~tai.ning $1'..557"'acr~s,'~or:e'6r 'less. · .... . . .. ... · ....~ :;....~'. · . · . .~ . .. · . ~. . .... ,; .. .: ~'. · ' - ............... -.-.T',.. · _~-._.x.:..~ .... :..;. '.' 3 " · ' · ..~ ' "...'i'HER'~EB¥-~ CERTIE~"J'tha't 'the"..f~.'~ego.ing· ~eS.O. iution W~'~ 'paSsed · ' '"'..'.':.' '.::and'. ad°~-~e~.':b~ i.~h:e.'C6Un~it .of' th'e'"~t~ 0'f' B~ke~sfte.l~..at a · :......." ..... '..-re~.lar ..me.ebi.ng:. j~h$~:o~, held'" 0h"~'"'~~ · .~7. th' d'ay" of". Februa~, 1950, . .'.. · ...~...... ~.' . ~ . . . · .' .,~.,.'.~....: ~ .~' .~..:.. .... . bY the .fo-ilowing"::vo'te:' '~... '"~ :' "" .'. .... '~ .:.. . .:...' ~:....., 2~ ....~ · '."- " " -'. ~.'': ':' ':'" '. · " · ." . " . ..... ,' ":..". ~'.."":- . . :..:.. i' .':' . .'..~'. ~ · . . : .'.'... '. ":' .'..: '.. '.....~' .'..... :'. · . · .. . .. ...... ..... ... '.. ~0~:~:._:,~..':..-......,.% :... ~:..'......~.........~.:..._...., :. -~ .. '~...- '". ...'~ ....... ..'~eut~:'Z2_.L:.~'~ ~_J..:.:,Z~__ '. ' · ~'- .':' ... ..?,...~. ....... ~.,.~....... .~,...~ .. . .. ..: .... ,. .. ..,.... ...... ~~.~~.. ~,~ · - ' · '.' '.. ' . ..:' ~' . :': ...C~7' Cl~,~ ~.n~'~x-O~fi~l~k'.'of ~ho ""' :: "" :.~ .... : .~omdtt' of ~ho. C~t~..~f B~k*~'flolO,. ~ . ~ . . '... .'..'...'.:"'.':::.: :.' '.'.'.- . .J · .."' .... .. . .'.' . . ..' ';~ . · . }. ;. " . . .... ".. ,. · .. . . , j,' .,~ .. , .',. ' .- '. .:. .'.. '. ,. ... ~'".. '~ :' , :' ::... ~, .J' .- . , . . . : ..' · .. : -.. · : '... ~' .~,~.a,~.~...~a~7~' a~.-or .~O~~";.'.~:~go'.;.' '."' .." ;." ~ :."'. · . .. .. · . :...:..;.:,::..:~~o~ ~.5..~.:.?}.~ .o~...~a~o~.~;~:.~.... ~...:..'.:....~:.,...:;'...:. :....':'. .... Aff av ! of os mg r man es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) · County of Kern~ ss. NYARIAN S. IRVIN, ~, bei6g duly sworn, deposes and says: ThatShe is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... ~_~__z'__c__h___~_~ .................................... , 19_~5_Q_~he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on Febz'uaz'Ir___Z_~ ................... , 19___5___0___, which ordinance was numbered ....... J~i~_ ..... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINRABITED TERRITORY TO TRE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~F?.: :'~.-~=: -Subscribed and sworn to before me this ' .~ ~--/~'~' .... ~"..:,% .:~"~'~ l- - Zn~. .day of. ~av~ ....... , 19___~Q. . :.,. ~ ~- . ~%~ ./ ~Nota~ Public in and ~r the Coun~ of Kern, ~ ~ ~'~ .. ~'.~ ~ State of Call,mia.