HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 862 ~ i? .' ORDINANCE NO NEW SERIES · ·' '...':' .'.'. : AN"0RDINANCE AMENDING .THE DISTRICT NAP · ' ~ ADOPTED BY SECTION 2'.1 OF ZONING ORDI-' ..' :.. · NANCE NO. 50!;..NEW' 'SERIES" OF THE CiTY '~'" '.. 'OF BAKERSFIELD: :'CALIFORNIA. .. ... 'WHEREAS','.' in ac'cordsn~e '¢~it~ the. procedure specified by the · ' pr6visi'6ns".of· Zoning 0~din~nc'e iN0', '~ul, New series:,. . . 'the Planning .. ~'., , · . , .',,~, :, Commission'. and Ci'ty ~ounoil';.have.. hold '.hearings 'on"a resoluti.on · ./'' .of .said Planning.. Commission'. go . change', the ""District Map" adopted .. See'ti'on 2.-1 :o'f..~a.id 0rdiiiahe. e, .m~d .:' .... . -.: · ~CaEa~S,.'.~h~ City' coan:c~i"has'i.laet0m~:thoa af'~ei~ :due oonsidera- ' 'tion that .c~r'tain' ·changes.· in said map'should be' authorized. · o. · ' ' NOw,. THE~=^RE,a~u BE':,.IT:' :' OR~DAI.NED' By · tlie Coffncil-'of the City ' of ~Bakersfield,. ~s follows: '" · ;i'..:,:.' .': · · .: .. ~..~ . .,. :.... · ' "" '" S ON · ' ' '"' 3 '.. "5 ; .... . '. " "' -"' '..':. "i .... ' "" " · ' ' ' That the. "Di'.qti'i'~t. . . Map" made. ' ~i'p~'rt~ of ~..oning'....0rdtnanoe NO. 50I, ":' '" ' ' .. Uy... '.eh.ang~ng. ~he, !:lis t~,-i ct: .~.oundarie s s.o ..,s ...'-".~e.~' .Seri'es,' be.. ~ona~;d '"'~" ' " '"' to "f nc'Iu~.~ the. 'territo'ry iheretn~f~er doSo~£ti0d."in an R_i :( 1-Pmily ~ 1) " ' '"" ' ' Re e tia District: · ' . .. .... · · " .'i."::""' .. "All of Lots'l to'...106,..bo.th'inol~siVe,, of '.' ..... '.'. ' '-. 'Trac~ No; 1397, as'shOwn on the'. Map. of the' · ' City. of Baker. sfield, Kern C0unt~., 'California, ~ recorded. September 25.,' ·1947", ln'"B0ok. 6,. '...~.. ·-' .' ' Pages. 67..'and' 68, '.Re.Co~d's .o'f K~'rn. county; .. · 'California,- - - ""i.. ".. .. · '" .... : -. SECT 2. ... · .'."' "..'."" "i'.T~at ~he.'i~ist~ICt Map." mad'e."a"part of Zoning. Ordinance' .' No., 501, 'New ·'Series',' be 'a~ended by changing the diS'trict boundaries so. aS "to~ include' "theJ."ter~it'ory .i'n~iu~ed '.within the 'eXterior... 'bound- a~ies "~e~einafter des c.~ibed. 'in.' .a'..C~.l .(Ret~i 1 Bus'ines's ). DistriC't: ... ,..:.. '" ... Beginning' at 'th.e-'northwest corner .of oa~ ........... ..~.. ~.. ,... .... · ... -. .......... .... .. _ Street ....................... ~.a-nd ' BrUnd~e· ~-~'e'',...;'thence_ _...-~e.s_t~_l.Y~al ong. .... -'- · · the..northerly .Ii.ne' of. BEAndage Lane. a distance ..... .. .... .... of ·260 feet; ·thence nortkerly alo'ng the east- ---'.... .. ~' 'er~y boundary of Tract No,'" 1397..a"di'stance... ~ · :. ' -:' · .: '.of '.1121;51. feet; '.thence easter, iy .'along the .. '" · ..' eas:terly' extension of the no'rtherly boundary of Tract 1397 a distance' of 260 feet; .thence' ' .'... southerly 'al'cng' the west'erly line of ..Oak'Street · a. distanc.0 of 1121,51: feet to the' point of. " .. begt.~nni.n.g; all Of sai..d propehty.,ls., shown'on" '.". ':i'.~.".....'.' · '. ' 'i ;. '? Kern"County, ~C~'-t'ifor. nia,. Peco'rded' .SepL. · ....'"' ': . '..'..-. ..... . ' -..".,.,temb.er,'~5,' 1947'~.:':I~ Boo.k~.' 6;'.'-~ages :6?'.and' '.' ...."' i ..' ..'.:' ." ':' ".: '.. '"..:.':.' ....'....'68, .Recora's :6f :.i:ii.' ".::':':'i...I ~HEREBY CERTIEY: that ~he ..'~'Oregoing..Ordlnanc'e was .p'a:~'...s~..' " .'.::':':. ""'" '.'and ~d0pted. 'by. 'the. ~-'o:Uncii ' '~'f. the"'.. .Sity...0~i B'a:~e~s'~ield .at 'a" · "" :~egular' meebin'g-thereof ·held· o~.::th~ ' ""' '"" . '.20th day'."&'f Fe.'brua.ry, 19~0~ ' .' ..'".,'".i ..:'.'. i'-. ', ' " . "' .-. :':" :-' "'. ' ' ...... ' ':" "' by.':":th'~".f'ol~6wi~E" vote.'".' :' -'.'."?" ":"" "' .... · · '. '. '.:'. .... :' '.. ' ::'..,.. ". "'. 'i"! ' :. '.".": . .... . · . . .... ...'.. , · . .. ,:. :'. . .:~,. . · "'.'' ' i':"..'"''' "' ' '' ' :" · ' ' ' ''.':'i' ."' · :".' · :" "' ' ' · .. · . . .. .... '.~.:.-..: . . · .:... '. : '. .:.... :..';,~.~-.., . . . · . .. · .. "":'. i', ;' : : .. '~".'.' '..CI.tY Clerk'and' Ex-O££icio. Cl~'rk of the · .'" ':.:'" .":". '..'.:. .' .-.' ....... ": ,:.i-Cotmcil...6f.: :~he iC'ity of"Bake~sfleld..' .-.' .-'.:,:.:'::' "'.,',~"':i.':' '.'."':.".' .i:.' :'.:-.'.". i'..'..'... '""'.. :"..' .'.':' ~.:.... '/'.ii'.: ~:." ~~.:~~..~.~;~'.~~!' i.:.' .: ':..:.~.'.::...:'~.:.,.~.,:,'.....-. "' "... :...-..~~~...o~,~::..c~or. ~k~-~o~.. ,.. ' ' · '... ':'. '"".~. ' · '"': .;'.' ' '"~ '. ' '" ~, i'~'" "r" ,' ..... ': ' '· '" " ' ' · ' '-.~ · ....... :" ..... · " ..',2.~2., ,.~.-~'_.~,.,~-~.'-"...~:'~.L~-~,.'..3~....._.'-..' ..'.' '~,":...', .&.:&.".?/2~'., · ~ . .'__.: ',.., ...... '.d.:,~..'.~':...';.~..,._. ..,-?~:4~2-~:~L.~ ~:' ,; '-'~" '~"::"' ..'.~-~'-'~".p-. · .' · ' . '.' .';. :', .." ':" .... · '. '.'."". i' .¥:~' · '. '. '." " ' '" ' ".'"""'2" '. · ".~:'.". "-: · · '." ',' · -. ': ...... · ' . ;.' ... ,.. .'i'-".'"" ...: .. '~':- .' · . .,,..'":.." . .. .~. · . · . . .'".' ;2' .: "'.'""i '.' '""' ' ' ' '' '.; .:::.'.'-..:i. "...i ".'~ .' '. ' - ~ ; ' i ~. " '~' :' .' '. [... ' · .': . · · , .. '.... . . .. : ' . · ' '"'"'"',: :'i'"' '' '" Aff av ! of os mg r man es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ! County of Kern ss. MARIAN. S. IRVIN, ~~J~, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on____~ebl~']r_2,1_ ............................... , 19_~__~he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a. full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said Ci~ at a meeting thereof .duly held on .... ~~~_~ ......................... , 19 .... ~_~ which ordinance was numbered.~ ..... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDIN~CE A~INO T~ DISTRICT MAP ADOP'~D BY SECTION R.1 OP ZONING O~I- NAN~ NO. 50~ ~ SERIES O~ T~ ~ITY OP BA~PIELD, ~AI,IPOR~A .; ~, . ~ . . ~}' Sugar, bed' and sworn~to.before'me-thm ............................ -:.~ ~;_~___~y o~_~~ ,, ~_~. Nota~ Public in and ~r the Coun~ of Kern. State of Call.mia. My ~ommisslan ~pires ~y g,