HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 861 BE IT ORD&Ii'IV'~D '~" ~'' '"" ......... ,,,-~'r'-':,'r
as follo~:s ~
For' the p~'pose of this el'al, thence, the folloui~ v;ords and
ptmases sha~ lave the nteal~l~ hereinafter spocified~
(a) "Fl~aable liq~d" shall mean a~ include a~- liquid
which~ at a given temperat~e~ xyill give
~ vapors v~hich~ when
properly ~xed with o:o'cen and comi~ in contact uith a ~_anle or
spark,. ;~ill ignite.
(b) Fla~aable liq~ds are divided into tlmee classes, accord-
i~ to their respective flash points, as follous:
C~ass m inc~es ~lqulas with a flash point beio;'~
~ degrees i~'a}~el~]eit (-4 degrees Cent%grade) closed
cup tester.
(2) Class II i~cludes liquids x~f&th a flash point above
that for Class I and belo;; 70 degrees Fa~e~loit
(~ degrees Centigrade) closed cud tester.
(3) Class III includes liqui¢ls %yit[~ a flash point
that for Class II a~l belo;'~ 2~ degrees Pa~'~o~'~eit
(93 1/3 degrees Centigrade) closed cup tester.
(c) "Flash point" shall noan tho lowest tenporattwe at vd~ich
a liquid %7ill give off vapors uhich, %d~en.mi;qed ~¥ith air~
produce an e:~losive ni:~e. Tho flash point shall be as detornined
~?ith the .~liott~ &bel~ &bol-~nsky~ or the Tag closed cup tosto!'s,
but the Tag closed cup tester (standardized by the Up. ted States
Dureau of standards) sh~l ~ authoritative in case of dispute,,
tests shall bo nade ~ accordance with the methods adopted by the
dmeriean Society for Testi~ i2atorials and approved by the .tq.~ericat%
Standards &ssociation.
(d) "C~ef of the Flr~ Department" shall mean the head of
the Fire Department of the City of Bakersfield or his regularly
authorized representative o
(e) "Self-service station" shall mean and imclude
gasoline filling station~ public garage, or any otI~er place
flammable liquids are sold or dispensed to the public by any
mariner or method other .than by the person-mi service and actual
direct dispensing of said liquids solely by the ov~ner or operator
thereof~ his agents or employees°
(f) "Person" shall mean ar~l incl~de persons, firms, partner-
ships~ co'rporations~ ~,~Lincorporated associations~ ~ud a'-,°~ combina-
tion of pe~sons~ b'~ r~hatever x~ane designated.
(g) "Permittee" shall mean the holder of a pern~/t to operate
a:~d maintain a self-service station~ granted p~suant to the pro-
visions of t~s ordi~.~ce~
SI~T IO ii 2.
~'olvers of tho C}~ef of tho Fire D~art~mnt.
It sh~l be the duty of the C~of of tho Fire i~partnent to
e~orce ~1 the provisions of t/~s ordinances and for the purpose
of sec~'i~ such e~Torcemont~ he sh~l ~mve the right~ a~ he
is hereby empo~;ered to enter on a~ Dre~s on %Thich a~ self-
service station is located or proposed to lm located~ and inspect
the s~e a~ all facilities co~ected there~vith at a~ reaso~ble
time. Said C}~ef of the Fire Department is ft=ther empowered to
issue orders granti~, o~ revoki~ such permits as are provided for
in t~s ordi:~nce..
~r~t Req~red ~
;~b- pe~son shall operate--er--ma~taan~---se~f~-'.serwiee--s~a-~io:%
in the City of Dakersfield x~t~ut first obtainl~ a permit to
do so ~om the CI~ef of the Fire Department. ~pplications for
permits sha~ be made o~z for~s px'ovidod by the CI~ef of the Pi~-e
D. epartnent, and shall 'give the naues of the operators of said
proposed self-service station, the location thereof and such other
pertine;~t information regarding the faciliti.es and maimer of
.operation of said station as may be required by the Chief of the
Fire Department. .,'~ny person no~'~ operating or maintaining a self-
service station shall'obtain a permit, and~ e,cept as herein other-
x~rlse provided, shall comply ~rith all the provisions of this ordinance
v~it~i,~ t~zirty (30) days after the effective date hereof.
Revocation of
The Chief of the Fire Departme~t shall revoke ..any permit
issued under tho terms of this ordinance when he finds either:
(a) T~t said permit is being used by any person other than
tho person te ~?hon the permit ~'~as issued, his agents or e~ployeos, or
(b)' That the conditions or limitations set .forth in said
permit have been violated, or
(c) .That the violations, of t~s ordinance or of c~,~ other
ordinance of the City of Bakersfield or law of the State of California
reg~lating or~ pertaining to the po~mittee's operations, set forth
in any v.~itten notice served upon the permittee by the C~zie£ of
the Fire Departme~t, have not been corrected ~'~it~n ·the time
quired.by, said ~otice, or
(d) That said permit is bei~ used om any premises or at
any location other t,.~n that for ~'~hich it x~as issued.
It s~ull be unla~?fUl for any person to operate or maintain
a self-service station in the City of Bakersfield after his permit
shall have been revoked.·
Do~rd of Exanin~rs o~ud &ppeals.
The Doard of Explainers ~nd &ppeals, ~ppointed p~s~:nt to
the provisions of Section 20% (b) of Ordinance ~o. 70% :~e'~'~ Series
of the City of Bake~sfield,. shell ~'mve pod';er to determine the neces-
sity al~d suitability of regulations Governing the operation ami
maintenance Of self-service stations in the City of Bakersfield
other t~u~n the regulations contained in t~s oFdinance, 'and
recommend to the City Council such c~nges in this ordin.~.~e and/or
such ne~ legislation as is consistent ~-~ith its fi~ingSo
~EC~IOA'~ 6.
Self-service Stations ~okibited
~ Fire Districts°
Ho permit shall be fssuod f~r the operation of a self-service
station~ and no so!f-service station shall be operated or maintained
v~ithin the limits of Fire Limits District Lk~mber 1, or Fire Limit,s
District i~umber 2~ as' said Districts are established by
No. ~0~ He~ Series a~/ Ordinance L~o. 45~ i~ev~ Series~ of the City
SECTIOi.~ 7.
. ~{eg~ations Governi~ Operation
of Self-service Stations.
The follov~i~ rog~abions sh~ll apply to all self-service
stations operated or maintained in the City of Bakersfi~d~
(a) a control room s~mll be provided a~ so located t~t
the operator ~ms an ~bstructed vie~ of ~1 p~ps and. operations~
at least one of the tx~,o required doors to said control room s~l.be
~t less t;~n t~enty-five (2%) feet from the nearest p~p ~d sh~.l
open on a different side of the control room f~om v~here
is located. ~ps s~ll not be located on acre t~mn t}=ee sides of
said control room. This section shall ~mve no application to a self-
service station operated or maintained as such on the effective date
of this ordizmnce, except that a~ ~ltorations or additions hereafter
Mg~e..$9.~aid station sh~l co~Torn to this section..
(b) Telephonic faclllties~ if a~xt x';hen available~ Shall .'be
provided on the pre, scs'of the station, if located more ~h~z t~ee
h~red (3~) feet fron'a street fire ~arm' ]~X. 'Telep}~one fa~ilities,
if PrOVided, and p~np control sv~itches, s:mall be located in the
control room. The use of skates or other artificial means of
locomotion shall be prol~bited.
(c) No b~di~ shall be located ~'~itl~n twenty-five (2~)
feet of ~ p~p ~ess such b~di~ be of type I~ II or III
construction as defined by the U~.forn B~dl~ Code adopted by
0rai~mnce ~'~o. 682 New Series, or a~ other budding code hereafte=
adopted by the City of Bakersfield. Every p~p sha~ be :~$ less
than ~nty-five (2~) feet ~oz~ a~ property linc; provided~ t~t
adjacent streets or ~leys n~ be considered as part of such t~venty-
five (25) feet$ a~ f~ther provided~ t~t the C;~ef of the Fire
Department in ~s discretion may allo~'~ deviations from this latter
req~rement xvhen a:~l for such length of time as he finds that such
deviation v~ill mint seriously e~la~er b~di~s ~nd operatiorm on
adJo~ premises.
(d) 'l~hen portions of the station are closed to t~ public
for the delivery of gasoline~ t;~se portions s~l be so desig~ted
~y adeq~te signs.
(e)' ~ot ~ore th~ five (%) ve~cles, ~it~n an ~divided area
of ~t to exceed 1600 squ~e feet, and serviced from ~t more than
t~ee (~) adjacent isla~s in said area, shall be serviced by a~
one atte~t at a~ one time. .at the time a~ ve~cle is being
serviced l~ said area~ the attender i~ charge of-said mrea shall
be e~aged in ~ activity other t~m~ attendix~ the vehicle or
vehicles bel~ .serviced.
(f) There .shall bo ~t less than one (1) m~e atte~ut~
over the ag$ of 18 years on duty for each six (6) p~p isla~s~ or
,~iqn .t~gre0f, .gp~ to the pub~ . ~l...such attend~ts..s~_~..~e .'
i'nstruct~ in the use o~ first aid a~ fi~e fightir~ appliances.
(g) It sh~l be the duty of all attond~ts to prevent persons
from smo~ %:~,ithin t%'~enty-flve (2%) feet of a~ p~ap, or f~li~
operations. S~rvice shall be refused and pumps shall be st'mt off
:~hen patrons do not follo','~ instructions, or are under the influence
of into:-,ican%s.
(h) Each pump shell bo equipped .xrlth manually operated shut-
off sv~itch or lever v:hich ca:: be operated both ~t the p~m~p or by
remote control fro~ the control room.
(1) ~l filli~ nozzles shall bo ec~3~%ippe~ %'~ith automatic
control valves and/or vacuum-operated over~o%~' check valves,
C~e, of tho Fire
other v~ve or s~ilar fi~o approved by the "' *
(J) [~l p~ps and/or facilities for delivery of gasoline s;~l
be locked or other effective pydvisions shall be nad6 to prevent
public access to s~oplios of gasoline ~?hon tho station opeyators~
employees or authorized representatives are absent. D~i~ no time
sh~l coin-operated self-service gasoline facilities be permitted.
(k) Thoro sh~ll be installed and maintained in good
order on the premises of each station such portable ha~l fire
extif~ishers as nay be directed by the Chief of the Fire Departuent.
Said ext~ishers sh~l be located as directed by the C}~of of the
Fire Department.
(1) '~H0 S[.10EIi~G" a~ "STOP YO~i{ EOTOR" signs~ ¥~ith r~d letters
-not less than four (4) inches in height on ~'~hite bacl~ro~u~d~ shall
be placed at each p~p isla~ in u~'Dbstructed a~, clear vie~' from
both sides of tho
gl~ss~ shall be stored o~~ disp!~ed ~'ithin t~enty-five (2~). feet
(o~ No o~ or greasy mops or ra~s~ shall be per~~ to ~e
stored ~?it~n twenty-five (~) feet of ~
(p) Class I ~ II flare, able liquids shall be ~spensed
into tanks of motor vehicles or into metal containers. The use of
glass or ethel' fragile containers for such liquids shall be pro-
~.~ person vlolati~ a~ of tho provisions of. t[~.s ordim~nce
Shall be gusty of a '~isde~eanor and upon conviction s~l be
p~s[mble by a fine ~t exceecli~k6 Five !.kn~(lred Dollars ($%00.~)
o~. by impriso~ent in the i'[e~-n Comity Jail for a pex'iod ~t to
exceed s~ (6) months, or ~, bo~h such fine and ir~priso~ent.
If a~ seetion~ sub-section~ sentence, clause or phrase of
this o~d~nce is fsz- a~ reason held to De invalid o~' m~consti-
tutio~ such decision sh~l ~t affect '~;he validity of tho reuain-
i~ sections of this ordinance. THe Cotmcil hereby declares tlmt
it wo~d have passed this ox'die, nco, and each section~ sub-section,
clause and pl=ase thereof, irrespective of.the fact tlmt a~ one or
more sections~ sub-sections, sontences~ clauses o~' pl'=ases be
declared lnv~id or
S~TiO;; 10.
aeom~ to ~ in addition and supplementary to~ =q.a ~t a com~lict
v;ith or ~epeal of
a~dltio2~l p~'ovlslon I'eSt~ati~ tho opo~atio~} and maintenance of
self-service statlol%s a~ ho~eina~3ove defined.
I !]EREBY CERTIA,-~ that the foregoing Ordi~nce was ~assed
~d adopted by the Co~cil of the City of Bakorsfield at a ~egu-
lar meeti~ thereof held on the ~ day of ~~, ~~_~
19~0~ by the followi~ vote~ ' ~
NOES: ......
ABSENT: ........... ~ ............. '""'- ~-~---~--
City Cleero= -and F~x,O£~lciO Clo~-..~ of the-
Co~cil of tho City of Bakel'sfield.'
Aff av ! of os mg r man es
County of Kern I ss.
,'~(t~~, being duly sworn, deposes and says:
That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that
on____~_.e__~____z3~_ ~_~___1~_ ..................................... , 1950___, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the
City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said C!ty at a
meeting thereof duly held on___~_e_t;L~ ~]zary 3-~ ........................ , 19_5D._, which ordinance
was numbered ...... ~_~1 ......... New Series, and entitled:
..... ? ~ '-~-.~Subs~.ribed and ·sworn to before me-this .......... '~---. .........
· '"'.t"' .~-'~.~__dc~of. ?e.-b--r'--~a~-y ........ , ]9.__5._0__..
Public in a
State of Califomia.