HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 879 -Y ORDINANC 1 NO a 879, Yd;-7.1 AN ORDINI MC„ ESTABLISHING A BASIC. COMPENSATION PLAN FOR OFFICERS AND 711PLO EES OF THS CITY OF BAURSFI 1LD,. CALIFORNIA, AND R-EPEALING .EMER12ENCY ORDINANCN NTO. 794, NE:r SERIES, AS AMENDM, 'EMERGENCY ORDINANC3 NO. •7999 NM Sly 'IES, AND AU OTHIER ORD114 ANC 3S INN CONFLICT HEREi:1 TTHe b'HERIRMS,, the' City of BaIXersfield will on July 20, 1950 establish a standard work-week of forty (40) hours for all ,employees except those in th%e Fire Department, and WHER2.AS,, the change in length -of the standard work-wook necessitates various changes in Allocation of oruployment classifica- tions to differen•� salary and 'tl�vage schedules and requires the reora gani2:l io' n 'of several parts of the rules controlling. pay procedures, NOW, THER E'ORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Section to There is hereby created a basic compensation plan for all officers and employees of the City of Bakersfield, Section 20 Subject to the limitations contained in this ordinance,; there is hereby created a stop compensation plan inhich shall be applied to all officers- and employees of the City with the exception of those officers and employoes fox- which a :jingle rate of ' componsa- tion is provided herein. Section. 3. The basle compensation plan shall consist of the *carious schedules hereinafter listed in this section. Each such schedule shall include six (6) steps or rates of pay except that the schedule for uniformed members of the Police and Fire Departments shall include five (5)- st-opy or- rat ea--of-payp - (a) Compensation schedules for officers and employees of the 'City., other than uniformed members of the Police and Fire Departments: w 1 .y Stop 1 stop• Stop III Stop IV WeD V S`.a V1 Beginning After Aft or After After After Schedule Rate 6 months 1 year 1 year 1 yr.&- 6 Mo. 2 years No,. in next in nex."e; in, next in next in next lower rate Lower r PFOCiO lower rate Io dleP r.te lower rate 10 $160 168 $176 $184 $192 11 160 1.63 J.r/C., ;?ijl0 12 168 176 184 192 200 210 13 176 184 192 200 210 2,20 14 184 192 . 200 210 220 230 15 192 200 210 220 230 240 16 200 0.1.0 220 230 240 250 17 210 220 230 240 250 262 18 220 230 240 250 262 274 19 230 240 250 262 274 287 20 240 250 262 274 287 300 21 250 262 274 287 300 315 22 262 274 287 300 315 330 23 274 287 300 515 330 345 24 287 300 315 330 345 360 25 300 315 330 345 360 375 26 315 330 345 360 375 390 27 330 ' 345 360 375 390 410 28 345 360 375 390 410 430 29 360 375 390 410 430 450 30 375 390 410 430 450 470 31 390 410 430 450 470 490 32 410 430 450 470 490 515 33 430 450 470 490 515 540 34 450 470 490 515 540 565 35 470 490 515 540 565 .590 36 490 515 540 565 590 6 .5 37 515 540 565 590 615 6-10 38 -- s 54�, - 565 .590 B15-- . . 640 — __ - - -66-zr -- 39 565 590 615 640 665 690 40 590 615 640 665 690 720 41 615 640 665 690 720 74513 42 640 1365 6 0,0 720 750 2 .10. • ,tarp 1 SAW Stec, JI �,Gn .r� .3l".O J !� S' E'p Beginning Aft e& Af+ser A-11',e'r After Af ter Schedule Rate 6 months 1 year 1 yea.? yr.& 6 11141oe 2 years No.. 3n next in next in next In next in next lovier rate lower rate lower rate lower ratee lower rate 43 665 690 720 750 780 810 44 690 720 750 730 810 840 45 720 750 780 810 840, 870 (b) Compensation schedules for uniformed. iatembers of the police and fire departinen.t s: Step 1 stop II Stop III Step IV Stop V Beginning After After After After Rate: year 1� years 2 years 2- years in next in na;tt in next in next lower rate lover rate lower rate lower rate 18 230 4p240 sa250 9e` Vh 262 `274 19 240 250 262 274 287 20 250 262 274 287 300 21 262 274 237 . 300 316 22 274 28,7 .300 315 530 23 287 300 3 5 330 345 24 30() 315 3.50 345 360 25 315 330 345 360 375 26 330 345 360 375 390 27 345 360 375 390 410 28 360 375 390 410 430 29 375 390 410 430 450 30 390 410 4050 4.50 470 31 410 430 .450 470 490 32 430 450 4?0 490 5.15 33 450 470 490 515 '540 34 470 490 51.5 540 5155 35 490 515 56.0 565 590 36 515 540 565 590 615 37 540 565 590 615 6•10 Section 40 (a) The City Manager shall act as Personnel Director to administer the basic compensation plan he,�ein cant-ained, and he :shall be authorized to place an.y. cffi cer or employee. of the City of Bakersfield mono is a new employee of -the City., or who has been pro- moted or transferred to an employment a sigied to a different salary schedule, in any salary step in such schedule within and including the first three steps. Provided, however, that if at the time of promotion, the officer or employee is already receiving a rate of compensation equal to or greater than that provided within the first three steaps, he shall be placed in the lowest step in such schedule as will entitle him to receive a compensation greater than he was receiving at the time of his promotion. In determining the -proper salary step- for such employee, the Personnel Director shall take into consideration the previous experience and qualifications of such officer or employee, both within tha service of the City of Bakersfield and else%fnere and shall receive and consider reports on such employee frorn the head of tho department in which such person is to be employed. Provided that the officer or employee shall. be assigned his proper salary stop upon the coamiencement of his service in the position. or employment to inrhich tho .meddle applies; and such assignment having once been made shall romain in effeci. 'until the said officer or amployeo, by reason of required length of service, shall be entitled to advance to the .next salary step„ (b ) 1,11hen an officer or employee of the City has been demoted to a posh ion assigned to either the same or a different salary sched- ule, he shall be placed in the hi4r i3st salary step in such schadul.e; provided, however, that should the :last sa.3-Lary :step in such schedule provide for the same or a hi.`hor salary then the particular officer or employee vens being paid imm dia.t.aly prior to his demotion, he shall be placed in the hic hest salary stop in such. schedule arhich provides for a salary lower than tha such officer or employee was being paid U.,media?tely prior to his demotion. __ ._ _. - ._. Pam- c.c .�...�..++..+....+^ -. .� ..� ,. _�. �.. '�er'i-.~.1:ems. A- �a.. __---•.. _.... . �. _-. .-... _.. .__ _ _ r __. F'�r'3oi'13 ai played for the performance of temporary services in the severa'1 departments of the City, with the exception of the Fire Department, shall be paid at e! rate per hour for actual time spent in. the performance o f -the duties of their employment . The 4 rate of pay for such an employee &hall be based upon a standard forty (40) hour wort-usek and shall be computed by dividing the assigned monthly mate by one hundred and seventy-four (174) In' determining ,the hourly rate as heroin provided, computation shall be made to the nearest one-half cant. Section Ego In the event it becomes necessary for any off:ioer or employee of the City of 5aakepsfield to work additional hours or shifts over and above his regular weekly work schedule, compensa- tion for such additional time shall bs paid at an hourly rate coa,., puted as provided in Section 5 hereof. an no ®vent: shall comp®n- sation be allowed for working such additional time without; prior authorization of the departs?ant; head, the City Mari ager 'or Ulsist- ant City Manager that such additional Mork may be performed. This section shall have no application to uniformed members of the police and fire dopartment:s nor to any officer or employee who is compensated according to schedule No. 25 or any schedule higher' than No. 25, or Who is compensated at a single rater exceeding three hundred dollars per month. This section shall have no Oplication io attendance by an officer .o ze employee at meetings of the City Council or any board or commission of tho City in the performance of his regular duties,, Section 7. (a) Ad ance►m,nt. After the salary of an officer cr employee has been first: established and fixed under this plan, such officer or employee may bo advanced to the next stop in his proper compensation schodul.e, effective th© First day of -the month following the date of completion of the length of service required for such advancement. (b) .!.'.P Oy8,..tp Adynnes. .Every officer oar employee . of the City who has comple Wed the s arvica required by this ordi- nance for advancement with-In and Wel,uding the first thress pay. steps in any ssl&ry schedule shall advance at the time spaciflad in sub-section (a) hereof•, No offic ar or employee sills.]!l rtdvanco. td the need step, where :such step is a.bovn ,the third step in any sched- ule, unless the department head in which :such person is employed reeoiaimends to the Personnel Director at least thirty days before such advancement shall become .effective, that such advancement be allowed, at which time employees not so recommended shall be C;lven notice thereof. The Personnel Director may, in his discretion, approve or disapprove such raco.mcaendation subject to approval by they City Council. In the event the department- head e s recom.aendation for advancement is sustained by the Personnel Director and the City Council., the officer or. einpl oyee shall be advanced to the next sa.l- a,ry step as provided herein. N-naployees not rgicormriended for advance- ment may, after investigation and consideration, be Advanced to the next salary step by the Personnel Director, subject to approval by the City Council. (c) Service. They word "service" as used in this ordinance, shall be deemed to mean continuous, full-time service in the employ of the City. In case of lapse of services of an officer or employee for a period of time longer than shirty days by reason of resigna- tion or discharger such officer or employee on reentering tho service of the City shall be considered a new officer or omployee. An officer or employee laid off for lacks of work or funds or temporary ol.imina- tion of .a position may be ree:rcployed and placed in the same r3alar— step in the appropt i.a1,e co- ansation schedule as he .was at the ti mb of !Zis -lay off. (d) yo ...�:^f:'!,"�eY1f_;�a. i�it .iC}+.iid':.i.L«': An.7 officar or employee who is employed in a classification which is re-allocated to a different pay schedule from that previously assigned shall be retained in the same salary stop :.n the now schedule as he or she had previously held in the prior schedule and shall retain credit for le crth of :service In such stsp t,owsrd advancement to the next hi�ylai step. (e ) Present SnlaryRates. :,cept a3 may be ot!zerwise *�ro- vided in Viis ordinance, any officer or e:riployee Who, on the effec- tive date of this 'ordinance, is receiving a hijrler salary or wage than is srectfied under this plan ,shall continue to receive said 6 - Es �,xrirrth of ssx;vica P,ha 13. a nt.i t I a rate until such t1r.n-a afs h- him 10-o advance to the next h.lgliar p_uy stop. (f) EtL,-,kllocat10-a from Single :tees to Compe nsation Schedules. Any o ff-loex. or employaa wfhf..a, on th!13 offootitro el.'Lto OIL, flals iry oitip,'Uyad In _R is rate of compensation to s niaxibered. pay achodule ahall be assisnad to a specific pay stop In such schadulo in accordance with the p.,rovielons of , Section 3 .and sub-sectiono (a).. .(b) and. (c ) of Section 78, .3 xcept that, In order to provent inequitleo end to insure the most effective operation of the br...,sla co_ri pansx%*-Aion plan at the time of this adjust- ment, the City Council Lnay by minute order placa xi officer or amployoe In a pay stop in the schadule arsaigned to' his positylon differant from that in which he would bo placed acca-.-eding to I.-his ordinance. Any officer or amployee so placed shall be paid the salary flned Cop such stop until he adva-r-coG to tl-.te i,.iaxt otap pursuant to this ardinwiaa,, So ot ion 113. (a) Ciasses of amploym-ent other than unifor.-med classes in the police' and fire departments shtall be allocated to she compensation schedules provided in Soction 3 (a) hereof as follows: Schedule No. class 26 Accountant 16 Account Clerk 23 Appraiser 19 Assistant Apprelser 31 35 Assistant City 11anager 15 Boolikeeping Machine Operator 24 Building Insp_-ctor 31 Chief Building Inspector Chief- Moch--inic 35 City Attorney 219 City Auditor 25 city Clark 36 City L''�gineer 44 CI$v 31 City Pl annex 2.4 31 Civil r�+�ginoer 23 C4vil i�,igineering Assistant 27 Civil Fng_in wring `issooi ate 24 ulcectr J.cian. 19 Electrician' s Helper 16 Sngineeri.ng laid l8 Squipm.ent Operator, Grade I 20 :air i patent Operator„ Grasse Il 22 Eauspment Operator, Grade III 23 Field Accountant 16 Fire Alarm Operator 15 Interr.n.adi ate Clerk 16 Janitor 12 Junior Clerk 16 Laborer 23 License Inspector 24 Mai ntenance Lead Lngman 29 . Maintenance Superintendent 2.2 1T� Tliechanic t s Helper is Parking Motor �aLn.tanczce ::Ian 24 Park Maintenance Lead=_npman 29 Pa�-.'k Super into ndent, 24 POt ntob 21 Pl ssmrini.ng? Technic§tan 28 Aw."O(lt 23 Refuse €rd Cleanino Foreman 29 Refuse and Clean-in; Superintendent 20 Secre tar>y to City Manager Schedule. No. Class 18 Semi-skilled Laborer. 19 Senior Account Clerk Senior Magineering Aid Senior Stenographer Clark, 19 Senior Typist Clerk 24 Sewage Plant Operator 22 Seviage Myaintenzmce Leadingman 23. storokeepe'". 24 Street f4ain- tonance, LeadjIngma.n 20 Sweeper operator 13 Telephone operator and Receptionist 18 Traffic Painter 24 Tree Foremen 20 Utility Maintenance Man (b) ClaAsGS of employment among uniformed -members of the police and fire departments shall be allocated to .the compensation schedules provided In section 3(b) hereof as follows: Schedule No. class 29 , Assistant Fire C-hiof 30 Assistant Police Chief 26 Battalion Chief Fire 23 Captain - Fire 30 Deputy Hire Chief 21 Desk Sergeant - Police 23 Detective Police 21 M- gineer Fir a 35 Fire Chief 26 Fir© Marshal . 20 Hoseman Fire 26 Lieutonant Poill.co 26 Master Ddschwnic Fire 21 Motor Pa'trolarmqn police 20 Patrolman - Police • c 0 Schedule No. Class 35 Pol.I.ca Chief 23 Radio Technician ` 23 Senior Policewoman 23. Sergeant Police .:Drill Masters shall be. paid r.n addit ionel $15,00 per month while serving In such positions (c ) The below listod of omployment hall not:, be &1located to a compensation schedule but shell be cozapenseted at the single rates indicated: Class 'mate Per Month Plan Checkor (1 tunas) 200 Planning Engineer (- tima ) 200 Rei-use Collector 220 Refuse Truck Driver 262 (d) Sxcept as otherwise herein provided, all officers and employees of the City of Bakor;-field shall be compensated at a monthly rate. The compensation schedules contained in Section 3 hereof are monthly compensation. Wch-odules. Section 9,, Basic 'Mork Veaek. Subject to mod;ficiations contained in this ordinance, there is heroby established a basic invork—creek .of forty (40) hours for all classes a" ompl,oy.ment in the City of Bakersfield, with the exception of omployments in the Wire Depart- ment, urhich shall have a. basic work-week of seventy-two (72) hours with such variations for the different classes of amploy ment as will ► rake the actual hours of Mork ecual for all employments 1n the department. So wti on 100 r'a�llfis�jYDu�` LG"'dui?.cil;� S3 5!4"! F��1 n � r � . .9 �3✓c3 5cr:a.as, kmi°•� all ca:cnd- ments thereto, and 'rworg nay Crrdinsi ce Nc ry ` 99D Now Serioso are t.:axpross-117 isoponl d. All at-hzr os'C.$l-RI Y 068 Or p!3rto of ordint....nces in conflict herewith 'are hereby expi:Tessl.y repaaledm 10 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the Gity of Bekersfield at a regular rmeating thereof herd on the �19th day of .�� June__; 1950, by the following vote, Ayes Carnakis, Cross, Kuehn, Morelock, Shurley, SYemon, Vanderl-ei Woas: ' None Absent:None MARIAN S o I RVIP7 City Clerk and Ex-Offi,cio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield By .._. �, 1: ,J ,c,rJ A OVED this th day of June , 1950. =1AY R of t e City o Bak old. Ili , f 1' Affib suit of Vasting (OrbittattreS lli �i STATE OF CALIFORNIA l County of Kern f ss. i i kbk&k§tkkRYN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: Deputy That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified/City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that lI on ___June__2Q__..- ....._--.--.., 19.-5Q she posted on the Bulletin Board at the !j I'� I City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting it thereof duly held on.........June 19 .............. 19..NQ, which ordinance was 1 !I� �I numbered.....829...............New Series,and entitled: t� AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN FOR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYTES OF THE CITY OF i•• ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND REPEALING EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 794 NEW SERIES, AS AR?ENDED, ' EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 799 NEW SERIES, AND ALL I i OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. I , i I:j 'll i�I f{ li I I. 111 -------------------------- �I _Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Qth.-•• of............J11M----4-n-y-of"K/ 19.`5a. 1 ofary Publ' m and for the Co + fate of California. j ' I � I I+ ij I� •U