HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 875 · · ["4" ..:' ." ...~' -..AN FAiERGENCY ORDI~ANCE.'REQU.IRING .A ~.. PERMIT '.'.,.' ..... 'TO. PROViDE .MUSIC.~ ,9~NC'ING.. 0.R E~EfiTAINERS · IN' MiBLIC PLACES IN THE ·CITY OF BAKERSFIELD '~ '' WIII-IIN FrOl ttUNDRED FI~T OF .AI~ SCHOOL. .. . ~. : j - ". ~HEREAS~ thi~. council .hereby finds and determines that the'presence of mugic~ dancing and 'enterta'i'ners in public places "' iw:l. thin the pr~ximit7 Of schools~ constitutes an attraCtion to school chil'dren~ afld suc~ places' have been attended and patronized by many ~chool children during .sc~0ol..hours,'.and ' '.': WHEREAS~ the'a~ractiveness Of such places .tO school chil- dren has resulted'in.the'ir".n~n-attenda~ce at classes and neglect .. !.WttF~EAS~ such places 'have.' 'been the. iocs$..,e of various p~ace disturbances and other l'aw violations involving minors~ and require strict. Sm'veillance i~ order to pr.event the recurrence of such evils~ '. ~ .E~S, this .c~uncil hereby.finds and deter'mines'that .an .. emergency' e'~ists making, i t".necessar~y. 'to 'provide for th~ immediate preserva.tion'.of the..pU~ic '~ea!th., ':peAce, 'propert~ an~ safety. · · NOW., THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED ~y the Council...of:'..the 'City · . It. ~hall be Unlawful. f~r. any person~ firm or co~p0ration · conducting a .public. place "within..five. hundred. (~00) ~eet .of.. the exterior boundaries of any premises, occupied by a school or used fo~ any. school .purpose. t'o provide .and/or 'pe'~mi.t music a.~t/°r dancing and/or entertainers within said .public .place witho'ut"having first pro'cured a permit from'.the'City Manager. so' to do. .Any person~ and' now. providing, and/or .permit.ting music', and/or dancing and/or . . J entertainers wit~i'n.".suc4, public.place shall Obtain the permit herein provided for and' shall otherwise comply With 'the"~ovisions · '6~ .thl.:s'"iOr. din~hce .wi%hin .five:..(~,~ days from the ef.f,e.cti've date hereof', -" ' '".. Application· fOr. such' permit must be made on ·forms ..to be 'fUrnis...hed .by the City Manager..-.'of': .s..a. id City. Said application shall · be re'ferre~. .to' the Chie~ cf..PoliCe by' the City Manager for invosti- gatio~"a's to the charac.ter and fitness ~f the ·applicant and whether ... :....: the 'proposed location is '"sui'table. and proper' for conducting a place '' ".:where music and/or dancing' a.'nd/or entertainers are provided. The ..... Chief of 'Police shall submit'.'ia report, on Said application whereupon · . the City'M.:anager sha!.l~':..in:his discretion, issue.a permit if" he. believes the' applicantl. W'~.11 eondUC.t. Said place in an orderlY, proper '.and 1.aw~..1..'.manner' and...that:...su'ch, music[ .and/or dancing 'and/or enter- gainers will' no~ interf.e, re' with the operation and/conduct .of school activi'ti, es or the peace· and.'~uie't:'O~ .the neighbo'rHBod 'os'. be detri- · .. ment'ai.-.tO..· ghe morals .of' .~'hiidren'.a'ttending the' school in'proximity tO Such location or to the public' morals. .... Any permit granted by tlhe': City. Manager pursuant:' ~o this "'i.'.. 'ordlriance.".shall .be 'i .~e~lately revoked, by .him whene~.er he'. finds that '.' any' of ~he' terms"or': conditions of ..the same have been violated-or · that'I. the 'same wa's Obtained by 'fraudulent representations o..r. that said' Place'.is'being 'conducted in a disorder~y~ improper or ~awful manner~ or that'. Said music and/o~-, dancing and/or entertainers are.' interfering Wigh .the .peace and q~iet of the neighborhood or the operat'ion or .. conduct of school activities in the vicinity, or are detrimental to location,, or .to. the .' pUbl ic'. morals. It Shall be '.unlawful and. a '.'i'"".%iol'ation of this 'ordinance for any person~..fi~m or corporation to 'provide ..a~/or permit music and/or dancing 'and/or enter'tainers. · ' .... at any..pubiic place located within five hundred (!00)' feet of any · .-premise'S'.'Occupied by a school or' ·Used ~or.a'ny' school purpose, i.after his permit to do..-so ha's. been revoked° ..... "": 'sh~d"any .aPPlicant. or applicants, be dissatisfied with the 'decision of..' the.. City Manager-not to .grant a permi't [or 'for the revoca- tion o'f a permit~ 'then'said applicant may make written, objection to .'tho Council of '.the City".o'~' Bakersfield. setti~ up the §r'oUnds for 'dissatisfaction,. whe~e~p, bn' the coUnCil .sh~i. hear said' .objections at ... . .it~ next: regular meeting,, giving written notice. th~.reof, to said.appli- .cant~ a~ upon isu&h"h~ar,in~ .ma~ ~ustaih~'.'gu'S.~ or :overrule the. decisio-'~["Of_the Nanager~"which )sai'd' de'cision shall be' .final and .. '.,-...:... "~. . .. ;.. .. ... ~. · . ....... . conc!u's~v'~' ' ;'.. ,-~.en'~tng the.:hea, rtng' b'efor'e '!~the'--.cOuncl~.~'-: ~he'..decl sion "' ' " '.Of'the CitY.Man. ager shall remain in full force'.and effect a~t any rev~rs....~l, ther.eof..b¥ the..,':Ci~ Couneil~ ..sh.aI1 'not be. retroactiv~ 'shall '~ak.e effec~ as of. the.'date of the.:.Council's decision. · ... '. ..i.'i'... .- SECTIO .. :.Any 'person, 'firm or corporation Violating any of the pro- ..vislons..o£'"this ordt'na~ce or .fali'ing-to Comply with. any of the terms contained, hereln~ shall be guilty of a mtsdemeanOr~ and upon .convictionl thereof shall be .punishable by a fine not.' exceeding Three .Hu~red · Dol.lars ($300.00) O~ by imprisonment in .the County ~ail of Kern County for a' 'period .of not exceeding ninety. (90) days~ ..6r by both such fine ..-: 'and imprisOnment.. .... : SECTION. 6... .. -". " . .... ."..' This 'ordinance is' hereby declared to be 'an emergency measure _'..~ .~ .......... :--:J '. ............. ._...... . · .... , . .'-'..- .......... · . J .. . · ..~: _-- ..... . . within' the' meaning, of Section 24 of the Charter of the City o~. Bakers- .~... :field~ .~tate of Cal'ifornia~ and necessary for the immedi'ate p~eservation of .the public· heal'th, peace, property..~.n~ Safety, and shall take effect immediat'ely upon its' passage.... .' · : " I HEREBY CERTIFY that 'the foregoing Emergency Ordinance. was passed .and ·adopted by' the :council 'of .~he City 'of Bakersfield. at a regular 'meeting thereof~ held on .the ay of Aprils .:h'.'.".:" ':' ~ '" " . . · . '.AYES: CAR~AKIS, CROS~i .KUEHN,.'MORELOCK, SHURL£Y, 81EMON, VANDERLEI .' "' City.81e~k and E~-Offi etc..Clerk .of ~he · ." .. .: ... ...Council. of the City of .Bakersfield, ".~t AYOR. o~ the City of Bakersfi'eld. ....'.'_ ..... ~:~_..: .... ::."v. ...... .,. ;..:...,..:...'~i.: ..'..... :.:-- .[ ~'...' .... : -. '..' --. '-'-.i ..... · ...... : '.' .. -.. .. ' of ostmg (Or,mantes STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~oun~ of Kern ss. That she is"~he duly appointed, acting and qualified ~i~ ~lerk of the Ci~ of Bake~ield~ and that on ......... ~p~.i~..~.~ ........................................................... 19..Bfl she posted on the Bulletln Bo,rd ~t the City Hall, a full, true and corre~ 'copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said ~i~ at a meeting TO PRO~ ~SI0, DANOINO OR EN~RT~RS IN PUBLI0 P~ffE8 IN T~ OlTY 0F BA~RSFIE~ :~T~N FI~ ~~D ~T OF A~ SCHOOL ' Subscrlbed and sworn ~' before me thls