HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 871 'ORDINANCE NO. ~.~' ~E~ SERIES - .- "..&N 0P~DiNANCE A~EI~DING. T~ DISTaICT ~.&S~ in accordance ··with" ~he. proeed~e sDec~fied by the provisions.. of Zonl~ .0rdi~nce' No. ' ~01,- New Series, the Co~sston and City.. Co'il have held heari~s on a resolution o'f said ~a~n~' Co~ss~on to. chan~e th9 ,Distr~ct Map" adopted · by Seeti0n 2.1 of said Ordi~nc'e, a~'- ~&s, the 'Cit~ co~eil has ~etermiD~d .after due considera- tion. that .certain cha~es .~n said map shoed be a~tho~izea. of Bakersfield, as follow's~' [..".'" · T~t the "District Map,, made a part of Zo~ Ordl~nce No; ~O1' New Series~. be 'a~ the s~e is hereby ~ended by the district '~arles..so as to include the territory: herei~fter 4escribed' in :~ R-1 (1-F~!y Besidenti~) Dlstrict~. '. Lots i to ' incl~sive; ~ to Lots 67 to~ .Lots .64 inclusive; · lncl~sive; ~1 Of. the aforesaid property' '. bel~ In Tract N0. !~27 as.shown on the Nap of the City ..' · ..of. Bakersf~eld~ Kern. County~ Cal~for~a~ ·recorded Dec- . .'ember" 13, 1949, .in the records of the Oo~t~ Recorder .' .' That th~ "DlStriet. ~ap', maae .a. p~r% 'of zo~' o~dinance No.' ~O1 New·Series, be a~ the s~e is hereby ~e~ed by the district bo~aries SOl'as to tncl~de' the 'territory'herei~fte~ d'esc=lbed in a ~1 (Retail B~siness) LOtS 24, 6~.and 66 o~ Tract' No~ 1~27, as shown 'on ~p'.. . '~'ecorded Decembe~ 13, 1949~ in.the reeords of ~he · ' "aecorder of the County of Kerg'~ 'a~ the east 164.97 feet 'of the south 1~O feet of Lot 5 in the Green Tract as '.:sho~ o~ the ~p of said tract recorded November 9, 190~, in ~ap Book 1, pa~e 97~ Records of Kern' Co~ty~ Cal[foraia. i ...... o0o ....... · . .! I I~tEBy CERTIFY "that ".the.. foregoing Ordinance was 'passed :'' ":-- and adopted by'the'.. C0...unc~l. of th~' Ci~'y .of Bakersfie'ld~ at'a regular meeting there0£.'~heid"'on ithe. loth day of ,April, 19%O,. 'by. the follow- .:." 'Council of t~e..City' 'of Bakersfield, .' ~..'~'...,. ... · ,..'_ ..,., . . .. ~" ./. A~;~av~t of ~lostmg (~r;~man;es County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the' duly appointed, acting and qualified C;~ Clerk of the C;~ of Bakersfield; and that on ................... A~.~.Z...~Z .................................................... 19...~Oshe posted on the Bulletin Board at the Ci~ Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said Ci~ thereof duly held on....~._Ag~I~...[O .................................................................. 19.~Q.., ADOP~ BY SEOTION NANCE NO. 501, ( ............. ..' ' ' Nota~ Public in and for the County of Kern, ~~/ State of California.