HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 890 -~- A~ .BY ~DI~' TWO. ~ S~TIO~ TO. BE ":. · . " " ~ 22.1 .A~ '26... "-"'..~":" · '~' .¢ ..... .~ ~ .,' ..'.. ..... .. RS-' ' · ."' · ' · ' ' .? ... Section 3 of ~er '.. 0rdl~nce. No. 8~." ~ Series.' ...: 'Be and..the S~e is hereby ame~ed ~t'o. read as follow~ .. '"' .".. · ;~- ~ ":' . . . . . .... ~. . .. · -'.'take a~ have C~rg' 'of :the public po~ a~ to .tak~. and .im~o~ .other -than. th~...per'sOn ~im~ 'or .'having the C~Stodg 6.r' "'-control' 'o-~' such animal.' Without .the':':pe=~ssion off the 6~r. or 'oc.e~- · 'pant ,'~f. such property; '"~nd' '~t~' Shall'..b~' his dnt~. to ta~e a~.. imp0~. .. '[, . : .ar.e.~bei~ kept ma'intaine, d. contrary ~o the provisions':of .tMs . .b'[r~'. o'r fowl f~r the S01e reason t~t it is bei~ kept or 'mintained in"vi01ation 0f' SectiOn. 26.of this' ordl~nce;~. .. .. ,.. ·That 'Section .. of.' Emergency O'rd~noe N0,' 8~' .New .series ' "Of'the city of. Bakersfield ~'.'a~ same..is hereby ame~ed"to' read'"" ' a s.. follows a ...... '- : - . .' ' "[8~:ction. 16. The' health '6fficer ShAil charge a~ '"' '"" (~) .For'each dog, except as herein otherwise-provided, the . . .'. ..~, [:..'..;...' ~ .. . .~ :-..:~.- ... ?.~..~.-.- :.~ [;1... '. · . : -:..sUm'".~f.['i'0'ne'.'Dollar ($1~00');.'prsvld.e.d tha't he' shal~" charge Two. Dollars · . ....: ~ '"* -.. ·. . . ' . . · .. :.~ '~ ..... · ..... ..":" .an~....F~.f.t~':¢ents-($2', ~o). f~r. the' redemption: of a. dog. taken up. t. he" sec6~a:;: .~[,;:" wi%bin any'thirty." (30): 'd'a~' P'e4i'od' 'and Five Dollar. S '($5°00) .. · . ~ ., .' . "f,.;'[. . -. · f0'~."the:'.redemption'o£ a-dog taken up the.thira and .every'"'Su~sequent ! .. . · . :.:~" ~. . . tim~.W~thin such th'irty (30) day p'eribd.' .. ~" ": ' · '""'.. (C) :For ·each v~0uS, dog:,'" the .sum'of. FiVe· Dollars ' '(d) For 'each female dog'"t"h .he'a,.g,,."~'~e.first :'gi~e .any.. Such ' ': "'dog i.i'S".reaeemed,' ~he."s.u.m of. One.. Doli'ar ('$1';O0.).;'.'~'fo.~':J':;econa and · '.'" any S~lb'seq~efit' ?t'me.' "an~ "saeh'dSg' '~L$. ;~deemed, t, Ae."'s~m-...o:f :..Five:Dollars ·.'. .." (...: :' "'-" ' · '." . ?:'/'" ") C" -.-' .!.".'" ' ' ' · t~ ............... " .' ' ' ' ~"' .... . · .....' ...,.~, For k.,eepin~ ·every animal. '. per ~ '.da.y.. ,.. Fif%y Cents· (Si'~0). :""'" "'-".'.. .... ' ' ,'.::':'~m~o~..~3: : '::' "'""""'"" ... " · 2~> ~".'"S'~'la s~c~.on ~o' ~la '~' 'fOil*~i~' : .?.'"'... ':J'.::." " ' ' ':' '. "' · · "; '2 ' .,'' ~ ' '. ' · ' '. · ' o~-h~,~ ~o~~on, .e~g~' ea~oa~ o~ 'eOn~,°l.'. of. ~ .aog, ..~h,~h~r '" '. .~ '~ . ;' J' .." ·" ' ' · 2 ' . 5 ' '.' ' ' '" . .. · . . ... .- ~ · . . . "'' ~;.'.'2 '.' . .,:, · . . . ..- ....:. ~ '- o~: 'o'~h~ ~a~li'e '~i'~e~" or "u~.' ~he..~o~I~'o~'~'~': ~on" o~h~r than '~h~ '.~on."~~ 0~'~~ ~u~Oa~' o~ eon~o~'.."Of..' ~aeh' ; · : .. ~ .; .. "~h:~ *VI~"' '" ':' "'"'~h~'~Ora~na'nc~72 ~.~:a~-.-~~i~~el ..... ............ · _._~_o_ ~ '~o~~ 'of ~- '"- · " ia; ' .. ..,:'.:~.. .'. . . , .. . .... .., .. ..'..:.. ..... .. 2, ..... . · '- · ' .. er ...' ' ":: :' '" bu'sine~S" "[ within 'fou~ hot'rs after, d's [.'~ kn.'[ pen 'for · '. "' Business;. ~tify .- the' he~th, officer.' Of " the fact' that .he has such 'dog ... . . .'.. · ~ .. ~ · ' ~..~.. '. ~ ."..." :" ~.~ [':' . . .. . '- . .. . . :.. · ~.' .'.. ...::' 2. ~. "" . -. · :.. '..,..'.'.': ~'...,'.':.": .. -,'.~,.... ' :. .'.:a~,'~"'"~' ~.. ~' .~?:::.:.:'""." .:'.':...;('~.... :' '.::"' ..'., ." · ,.: ~:..-....' '..' ......'" -.'.-':..:' :' .":' ~". ~'":.:J~;..;: .~: '."J.' ":.'.' ..: ":.-:~'. · '..8~,~o~"~ "; "~.' ~": """" ' '..' .'. .. .... '.~..;..?.'...... ........'. .:" :... . .,.... .~..:.' -..' ,;.' j? ~' . · ...., ~ · . . ,.- ..' ..... - . .j'. .... . .' .: '.'.'~ ' .~ '. '....'.. ..... i,. '-'...-. .. .. ' .. ".. . ,. .,~ "" . ':..'. ..~ .... .~. J~S t~on a) r' · . . ... · . ~ . :'-. '. .'"-: ~.......: · . . .~ ~' . . '..-... . . .. · .. .....'~ ... ..:. '" . '"'.' · -.'."'2:~' '".,. ....' '"'.~,.'.: ...' " .... .' .'~'~: .. '".. .~ :." " ..' ../.':.. ..... ...' ....... .j'.:': :.".. .. .;.. ' ..'... .' .. '" .... .. ' '.'. '"'""2.';" ..'~'. ....... . .... :'a~' :~.~~'g~te or cause to')~e '~nve~t~gated 'a~l 'complaints regard~ ',..:..:.¢. -..........~'.... ..... :. .......... · . . . ~'.. · .~ ... ' ... · . . ..... .. ) . .... ' ' '..:.i ..... .-....;. '. · .. ..~ ~ · .... .~ · . '. : :' '-. . . .. :...:-~ .....-'....:.. .- ... ~.... .... .., ...... ..... , m- ~' ::.. :...~.. · . . :~.: :' . '.....~ .. ,. ..." . . .- ... ';: .~.-:. ...'..5.~.,. ~ ' ' - :....'. .. ~.: ;.. - · .... : ..:'(.. ". .: . -. . ..... .... :. .. . .. .... ~:/. .- · ' .~,. · . .-.. . .'.' . .. ... .. .: ... ...~.. · ~....~ · ''. I' HEREBY C.ERTiFY.. that '.'t~e foreg~'~ Ordinance was passed · :and .adovted'.bY tbS' Council. o.f":'t'he' ¢~t¥" '.o~. Bakersf..~e18 at'a rel~ular .. .-.,ee%ii~ thereof'"helfl on'the ~ day Of ~~,'.195o, .'. .. ...............;...?... ..:..: . ... .. ~ .' . .. ... .?-. . . . 'c. , .. i.. J-' '-. ' . . ... . . : . .... .' . ....... ~ .... ,---~ .... -: ....... . ....... --. · .------ ..~-~--;..~.-.m.. · . .' . , . /5.: .... . .:.. "..-:' .'.' .. ..... ' . unc'~l · Bakersf~e . .. : ; '~.'.;.'~. '....'..: .....'.. ' . .:..'..j....'..~/.... ...~ · .....~ ~'~.~.... · . . .... .. : . . .... ".. . ... .. ".." ,'.,... --.': . .... . "..i.i . ._, ...,. . .'.: . ." ....: ..' .~ · .. ;....: ...: : .. '. .. . . .~. ~ . : ':,. · . . '. . . ,~'''~ · . ' ,~ · '.. ....· · '., ~ . ~ .' ...'.. ' .~. ~ . ~. . ... . ... .. · ... . ,. · ;. - . '. .}. " :. . .... . .' . . . . . .. ~:..'. . .'~ ... . . . . ~'. .. . · ,, . " . J...,~'. . . .~.' .. . . · . ~' . .... . . . . .- ..... . . .. ':. . .. ,. ~.; ,'..,: .. .. ~ ~ '".'.' . . .. : "['..'"..'. ~.'... ... .... ..'7...... .:' "' ..-'.. .~ '~ ........ . . ' '.~.~.'.':~. ':4 .... ' '. : ' · ('... .'~.. , ... · ,.... .. . .-.. .: ..... ..,::_-~. "'... .. . - .. '' . -. : . .. . .., ..-.~.. . : . '.... .... . ?. · .... ;': ..... . .. ....... ~¢'~2.~. .... .'. ':.L' . ..~.~.....z.~ ~"'~.~--:~'.-' .... .: ~ .:z2:- · 2~' ..:.~. ..~ ~:.. ~ ..... ' ............. ..... .... ~ .._ -~_._' ...... . ~:. :~.' -. .... '~ ~'. ,. ~ . . . ... . . ~ .. ....'. .'i'..'2 .... . ~ ~...''~.../ .~ .... · . . .. . · . . .. . .... ....''...,~. . .~ :...'" ..' · , . . ., .. .. ', .... ." .'.... '.. . ,. '.' . '.: . .. . .: .,... 'JJ . .'.- ...- · - .' ."".;... . -... ., . · .. ~ 2 : .. . .... .:.- · ~:-~. .. .. ..~-(.'~'~ ... :..~ havit of Iosting ( rhinau es STATE OF CALI~RNIA ~ Coun~ of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, be;ng duly sworn, deposes and Ci~ Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said Ci~ thereof duly held on ........ .~.~.~.~....~.~ ........................................................... 19.~.~., which ordinance was numbered.....~ ............... New Series, and entitled: i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EMERGENCY ORDINANCE i NO. 851 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ., BY AMENDING SECTIONS 3 AND 16~ AND BY ,! ADDING TWO NEW SECTIONS, TO BE NUMBERED~ ~' 22.1 and 26. ~,~..~..:'..:'~?"". ! ~ ~-~.~. ~, -~?~-I "-c; %' Subscribed end sworn to before me ~hls ......... Il i ~" ',"'" ' % I :~ ..' "...:.~..8.th....day of ....... O.c.l~.ah~r. ................. 19..~0., . I 1:1 '~- ~ ~ ...' .... ~ .................................................................................... ' ~ '° ~. ~ .,~/' ~- ~ Notory Public in mhd for the County of Kern, · t '~.,i ' ' '~"~'<' · · · a 9 1953 i.~ ."~,-~,-e' · My Commission Exptres M y . ill ,,. '! ,',i .~.~ .... ~ ................................................................... ~. ~'[;~ ~ 4- -