HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 889 '' .AN ORDINANCE .AMEITDING. SECTION 72 OF ' ORDINANCE N0. 81~ ~W S~IES 0F T~ '%--~ .... '. .. CITY OF B.~F~SF~LD, C~IFORN~. ~E I~ 0RDAI~ BY' T~ COUNCI~. O~ T~ ~S f0itow~ ~ :. ~ g~e~n 72' of-Orfl~nane~ ~o~ 81[ same is hereby amended to. read as follows: · .. Section ~2'. 'The Tax Collector must collect for.~ 'City in ' ~itign to ~he..taxes due on the. deti.nqueng ~is~, together'..~t~H ~he ·-'2 ..... o6o ....... ' : . I '~~' ~I~ -~hl~ ~h~ fo,~go~ 0~nane~ wa[..:,~~ ' . . . . ~:: ....' ~ vo~'~ ': ....:~ ' ..... ' .. '" · .. ~0~:_~.~.~.~ ............ -- .... . ......... · -.· C~.~7 Cl~r~ ~v~o.~ ~h~s 2~ ~a~ -0r'0e~o~r, .~[o " ... .:..' . : . .. ~ .-. : . ':. .. ... . · . ~ ... ~ : ,: · · ' · .: · . " '. ' "~ " ."¢~.~.~-.~&:i> ..... '~" "~ : . . ~ . ~-5~t:,_ ... ".' · ' . ' · .~ i;.'.'-- [~ '. ".' '~' ' ' ' :. · - .... '.' ~' i: ':.' ~" ' -'" '""~ .' '~'~"'....~'..-.'"'"~'.'::::~?' '.. ·: ' ' ' : ..... .... ' .... ":"""'~.'" ':"" · " " ' ' '..'"q?~'""~ :' -"' '""'"' ' ." "".'~ - r"~"' ' :'... " · -..~... .~? .. ~::...-.. '.~.'~ ..~: · . .-.~. .. .... -. . ~:?._~....-..... ·. · Al imvit of losting (Ori iuan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Kern IdARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and sa~: :.~ That she is the duly appointed, a~ing and qualified Ci~ Clerk of the I on ...... ~.~.~.~.~.~...~ ............................................................... 19..60 she posted on the Bulletin Board at +he ~.~ ~ity Hall, · full, true end correct copy of en ordinance passed by the ~ouncll of said ~i~ at · meeting ~'~ thereof duly held on Oe~o~eP ~ ..... : ..................................... 19..~O, which ordinance wes .,~ numbered ..... ~.~.~. .............. New Series, and entitled: 0~INANCE N0. 815 CITY 0F BA~RSPmLD, CALIF0~IA g~ J Subs~rlbed and sworn fo b~om me this ~'~'-~.~.--"' Nota~ Public in and for the County of Kern. ~ State of California. : ~y Oommi~sion Expires May 9, lg[~