HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 888 &~; ORDINt~NCE ~.PPROVI~G (%N~.~X~'~TION OF P~'~.RCF& OF UNI~.I&B!TED TERRITORY T. 0 CITY OF B~I, ERSFiELD ~ C~LLIFORNI~. %"~IERE~S~ a .petition was filed ¥;ith the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the llth day of September~ 19~0~ requesting that certain u~inhabited tsrritory therein described be a~mexed to included within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield~ ~RE~S~/sa:~'~ petlti~n ~Tas s:~gnea by ,t~ etchers of one-fo~3:~r[%h va.~,e as shoran on the 1 o~ the !and~ by'area~ and by assessed -~ oqua!tzed assessment roil of the Cou. nty of ~.[ei~n~ and .... ~ ....... .) 't~e territory described in said petition is contiguo~ to the City of Bakersfield: and . '~ (,z,,y of Bakersfield did: on the %%qIERE~S: tbs Council o.~ tko ~" '~ llth day of S~pt~mber: 19~0~ pass a resolution in conpli~..~c.~ with 'o!~ovislons of tho &nnexatio.a of U,ni~%~.abit.'~-:d TGz'ri';3or~,' f%ct of 1539~ "~ . _ ~.~'.~t 2~ bei~ Tzule ~.; Division 9~ ~=.~ Chapter ~rtieie ~ of the Goverr~ ~nt Code o~ the ~*~,~"~ of a~-3e,~.¥i,~ speclfic~lly desc~'ibing the bou~daries of the {~e~~'''~-~,'v ~" ........ ~,,, so proposed to be annexed to the ~m~y of Bakersfisld~ a~d d.~signatin..~ such tor~itory by an appropriate identi- fico. tion~ and setting Eo~la'y: 0otob~r 2~ 19~)'0.~ at the hour of eight ~' '~ una~:A~e~, s in thet,i~y Hall ....'~n the City o °clock P,~...~ at the Council ~" -~' ~' ~",' · -~ as the day~ hour and place o~. Bakersfield~ State of Catifornia~ az~ uhere any p=~rson o¥~ntng rea~ property %Tithln such terz-lto.ry so pl~oposed to be ai~%exed anti having a~ objections to the proposed anngxation may appear bsfo~J'~ the !egis!a~iv~ body and sho¥; cause such territory should ,D_ot be so annexsd~ "~'~ said --~' :~'~"~ ,"~ ,.~t~.:~ z,~.~ol~ .... ~,~ ........ published for S~-~6~s't~ 6~:e a--' week for two successive .... :~ . ~,e~ ..... prior to said hoariD~ in ~-h~. Bako~3~f.ield Cs,~iforDian; a ne%~spaper of genera! circulation published in t. he of Bakersfie!d~ .~.~ municipal corporation to %Thich it_~.~ proposed to annex such territory~ and ¥,~mRE~S~ no vr~itton protests wbre filed against the proposed annexation by anS' ovmer of property vtithin the territory proposed to be a~exed. NOW~ T~EFORE~ BE IT 0RDdI~,~ by thb Council of the City of Bakersf~eld~ as follows: SECTION 1 ~ T~t the Council of the .City of B~kersfield hereby approves the a~e~tion and inclusion ~ithtu the incorporated limits of the City of Bo. kersfield~ of that certain uni~abited territory d~sig~ted as P&NOR$$~ ~,CRES~ bei~ situate i~ Ssction 20~ Township 29 28'E,~ ~,~, D, Bo & M,~ a~ ~ore partic~l, arly described as follows~ Com~onci~ at tho northwest corner of Lot 13 of Tract No~ 1260 as per map thereof recorded in Eap Book %~, Page llO~ Official Records of '~'~e~,n Cotmt~t Californta~ w;~.ch co~ner is .also a point in the corpcra'ce '~dary of the' City of Bake~sfield~ California; thence ~" - no..~neastorly alo~ the northerly line of said Lot !3 to tho northeast corner of tho lot~ thence southee, st aloog the easterly line of ~¢aid lot a~ its southeasterly prolongation to an intersection with the center line of Iron.e Street as said street is shovzn o~ a, map of Tract Ho,~12%8 as per m~ thereof recorded in Hap Boo~c. %~ Pages 192.~ 1~3 a~ !9~ 0ffacial Records of. Kern County~ Califor~s~ thence southwesberly aloz~ the 'samd center line of Irene Street to its point of intersect~on ~7ith the southeasterly proloz~gation of the westerly .l~ne'. . cE the ~zforesaid Lot l~ said point of inte~seCtion-'being .' '' a 'point in the corporat8 bo~mdary of the ~'- ~mty of Bakersfield~ Califor~a$ thence northwesternly a. long the southe~.st pro- "' longation of ~th.~'westeriy ~'ihe' of Said Lot 13 a~xl ~ong the Westerly' line of said Lot l~"'to the place of bem~'~., contalo~n.g 0,248 acz'es~ more or less, ,,i ......o0o I iiI~REB~' CERTI~ that the foregoing Ordlntt~.c~ was passed and adopted 'by the Core, oil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the ~~.ay of 0ctober~ 19%0s by the follo~.ng vote: City Clerk and ~x~0z,'icio'~:lerk 'of the ,~-g. .Council of the City .of B. akorsfieldo ~PPROVED. 'thi -~. da o'?_ October. · ]'9:~0o. · 2o I Affidavit of Iost ng (Ore,nantes STATE OF CALIFORNIA '~ County of Kern That she is the duly appointed, ecting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ......... C~n~o.'o.o/'...~ ........................................................... 19~.0... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the Ci~ Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of sald Ci~ at a me~ing i,~1 thereOfnumbereddUly .............. held ~.~.°n ......... ..... New'Q'~ ~'~'~'~'~""~Serles, ~nd ............................................................. !','~ : ~_,~'.'~i~"-".~.~-..'-~. Subscribed and sworn fo before me thls .... ~'-"'' '~ .'~ -% 3Pdday of Ooto~o~ , 19.~.O... ,~- ~ ~'~'~ ................................................... ~ ~. ~ - ~ ; ---~-~ ......................................... ~ ~ ' '.L~'~. · 4 ~:~ Nota~ Publlc in and for the County of Kern,. '~. t..~:~X~~ ~ ~. r: ~7" ~ My Co~mission ~ires May 9, 19~ [, ~ ~ ............. ~...~. -