HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 887 .AN ORDINANCE AP~0VING &,'~.~Z~-ATION OF & PARCEL 0F UNi~t6~IT~ TE~RITORY TO T~ CITY 0F B~2[~{SFIELD~ C~iFORNI.&, V~qEAS~ a petition was filed with the Council of th8 City of Bakersfield on the 2$th day of &ugus't~ !95'0: requestir~ that ~ertain u~abtted, territory therein described be aDm. exed to a~ included within the incorporated limits of' the City o2 Bakersfield~ and V,I~E~S~ said petition was signed by the owners 6f one-fo%~th of the l~ by area~ m~l by assessed value as sho%~n on the last equalized assessment roll of the Celerity of !~ern~ and ~{E~.S~ the territory described in said petition' is conti~ous to the City of Bakersfield: and %'~E&Ss the' Com~cil of the City of Bakersfield did~ on' the 28th day of August~ 19~0~ pass a resolution in compli~ce with the provisions of the ~.exation of U~nhabited Territory dct of 1939~ being Title ~ Division 2~ Part 2~ Chapter l: ~rticle ~.of the .Gover~ ment Cede of the State of California~ specifically describing the bo~daries of 'the territory so proposed to be a~exed to the City of Bakersfield~ and desig~$ing such territory by an approp)~iate identt~ fication~ arid sstti~ Monday~ September i8~ 19~0~ at the hour of eight . o ~clock P.N. ~ at the Co~%cil Chambers in the City H~I in the City of Bakersfield~ State of California~ as the day: hour and pla(:e ~hen and where a~ person ov:ning real property within such territory so proposed to be a~ex~d and having any objections to the proposed annexation may appear before the legislative bod~ and show cause w~ such territory sho~d not be so aD~exed$ and ~I~I{EdS: said resolution uae pufolish~d for 'at least once a week_for two successive .weeks prior, to said hearing in the Bakersfield Californian~ a nswspaper L of general circulation published in the City of Bakersfields the mu~cipal corporation to'¥d~ich it is proposed to annex such territory~ and ;'~ItERE~S~ no ~itten protests were filed against the proposed annexation by any m-~ner of property ~'~ithin the territory proposed to be annexed. NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT 0BD~I]ErD by the Councii of the City of Bakersfield~ as follows: SECTI0~ !~ That the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the armexation and inclusion ¥~ithin the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield~ of that' certain uninhabited territory designated as Cedar Gardens No. ~ being situate in Section ~6~ T 29 S~ R 27 E~ M. Do B. & L~.~ and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at. the southeast corner of the southwest 1/.¢ of Section ~6, T29S~ R27E~ N,,D.Bo & ~.~ as said corner is shown and delineated on "gap of Tibbet ~s Tract"~ recorde.d in ~..!ap Book %~ Record of Sur~eys~ Page the offmce of the County Heco~der of kern County~ California$ thence N 0° ~0~ ~3'~ E alom~ the easterly boundary line' of aforesaid Tibbet ~s Tract ~a distance of 601.~8 feets thence N 89° ~9' 29" W s. distance of $77~87 feet to the t~..is certain p~rcel of landS true point of beginning of thence alo~ a c~ve of %0 feet radius~ concave to 'the west~ and v~nose'center bears S 0° ~0~ ~" ¥~ %0 feet~ a distance of ~8.8~ feet to a point of reverse c~ve from ~'~hic~ the center of the last followed curve bears N ~$~ 19 ~ 20" E 50 feets thence alo~ a curve of 1% fe~t radius, concave to the northeast~ and ~?hoss center bes. rs S ~P I9~ 20" ?f 1% feet~ a distance of 12~09 feet to a point of ta~ency with the m~xt course; thence S 0° 30~ ~3" U a distance of 42~.~6~ feet to the begir~ of a c~ve of 20 feet radius$ con(~ave to tho southeast~ and whose center bears N 89 29 2~ ~/ a distanc~ of 20 fe~t, thence southwesterly alo~ said c'~ve a distance of 31~3~7 feet to its point of tangency ~vith the northerly line of BRUI.~GE La}~ as ~ame is shown and delineated on afore- said map of Tibbet~s Tract~ ~nd from which Roint of tangency the center of said curve bears N 0~ 20~ 31'~ E a distance of 20 feets thenc(, S 89° 39~ 29" E ~ong th,~ · ' northerly li~_~ of s. forssaid BRUI~AGE L~ a distance o:~ ~9.9~ feets thence N 0° 30'.,u~'~" E a distance Of feet to the aforesaid tr~e point of begi~ing~ .~,m,. CEIlTIt,~Z that the foregoing Ordillmlce vlas passed and adopted by the Council 'of the City of B~kersfield at a r~gu- lar meeti~c thereof held on the ~ day of l~O, by the follor~ing vote: RYES: CAR~IAKIS, CROSS, I~U~i,m, MU~=LUbR, · NOES: _--_ .~[~"~ ............................. ~ ..... ...,... ~) A ~ .t..d)...', .... ~ r.~ (lay of ~~~m~, 1,~o. :! !., A hav t of ostmg rhmanres ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ' ~oun~ of Kern ss. .,, . ~'. That she is the duly appointed, aOing and qualified Ci~ Clerk of the ~i~ of Bake~field~ and that on ...... ~e.pg~....iO ..................................................... 19~O.. she posfed on fhe Bulletin Board af fhe nu~b~r~...O.~.~. ................ R~ $~ri~, ~n$ ~fifl*$: ~ ~t~ O~ ~I~I~ ~R~I~O~Y ~0 ~ ~'~ ~I~ O~ B~ERS~ELD, OALIFO~IA .:~ i.I ~'1 ~..~ i' I !.~ · i ............................. ~..~ - - ~ ..... Subscribed and sworn fo.befo~ me this . "~' ..:.¢~.~.i~a~y o,..~.~.~ ................. ~,...sa I'