HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 883 .. AN ORDINANCE LEVYING. UPON THE ASSESSED .VALUATION OF T~ ~AXABLE PROPERTY' IN THE CITY ..OF BAKERSFIELD A RATE OF TAXA- .. ::..TION UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OF · ' . V. itJ,,UATION FOR THE FISCAL ~ B~GII,~ING .- · - ... 'BE IT 01~AIEI~ BY THE ¢OUNClI, 0F THE CItY OF BAKERSFII~D~ That' there 'is ·hereby .levi,ed a t..ax of fifty-three ($.%30) Cent's on .each one h~dred'dollars' {$100.00) of the assessed .v~luation · ' of all taxablel property in":the :city.' of Bak~rsfieid, ~0untY of Kern~ 'State' of'¢aliforn:t.a, .for. muniCipal exPe. nses of tho .'Munt. cip~l Oovernment of ~aid City'"¢~x¢~pting aS hereinafter men~:t0nod}'.dm'ing the fiscal' year. beginning, wi~h' the f.:i.~st day"ofI ~ul¥~.l~'O~ .ag .ending.with the : That' 'i:here'. f.s hereby levied a tax of' th:l. rt~-fom' and one- half' cents ($~3~). on,'ea'ch one hundred dollars ($100..00) of the assessed .. v~luation 'of' ~11 taxabl~ property, in the City .of .~akersfield, County of Kern~ ..State of Cali£ornl. ar for C~pital 0Utd. a~ dm~ing the fiscal year day of ~'une i !951.° ~. - · :". That ·there is hereby levied a tax of one and one-half, cents ($.0i%). on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of the assessed valuation · of all .~axable property within the City of Bakersfield~ County of Kern~ "'State 0f ¢~tiforn.i.a, for the Recreation Commission~ dm'ins the fiscal year beginning with· the first day of '~uly, 19%0~ and ending with the · ,.... thirtieth day. of · . " Section 4. 'T .hat there is 'hereby'levied..a tax .of thirteen and one-half cents ($'.13~)on each one hundred dollars. ($100.00) of tho 'asseSsed. valuation'of all ta:~bie property within the City. of Bakersfield~ .' · Co'u..nty Of Kern" state of California, for' Parks ampi Playgrounds during .... 'the fiscal Year beginning with the first ..day of..July, 19%o[i..and .ending with the. thirtieth day' of June, 19%1. .. That there is. hereby le~ied..a tax of. nineteen'cents. ($.190) on each one 'hundred dollars ($100.00) of the ·assessed valuation. $f all. 'taxable property in 'the 0ity 6f Bakersfleld~ County of Ke.rn, Stake ~f california., for. Collection 'and Disposal of' Refuse during 'the .fiscal year beginning With the firSt day of ~uiy, i'9%0,..and end'ing with· the. thirtieth day. of. June,' .1951. ..... That there is. ·hereby levied' a tax of six Cents i$.060) on · ea'ch one hundred .dOllars" ($100o00)of the' assessed valuation, of all taxable'.prope~ty"in, the:"oity of.Bakersfield, .county .of Kern, State of Lfornia, for the.~'co"ntribution 'of the City of Bakersfield to 'the Firemen"s. Dis'ability".~'nd Retirement'Fund during the fiscal .year begin- .nihg With. the first "daY'. ofl July~ 19%0,..and endinE.with the' thirtieth " That there is hereby lev~e~.'a 'tax .of ten cen~si.:'($.100) on .... e~ch one. hundred dollars ($100.00) of the assessed valuation of all 'taxable property .in the city Of Bakersfield',' County of .Kern, State of California, for the contribution of the City .of Bakersfield 'to the :'California State Employees' Retirement' System during the .'fiscai year ~.-beginning .wit'h the. first day of JulY',' 19%0, .and ending with the th'ir~ieth day of June, 1'9~. Section 8. That' there' is hereby '~evied a taX'of :one cent ($.01'0)' on ';ach one hundred dOllars ($100.00) of .the'. assessed .Valuation 'of all '" ~a~mble property, within', the "boundaries of.the City of~a'kersf.i, eld, County of' Kern, 'State of.California,..as Said boundaries', were fixed 'and dete'rmin~d on.'~he· 22nd" day :of March~ 1923,. for interest, and. sinking fund on 1912 Sewer Bon~s during the 'fiscal year beginning with 'the ·first day of'~.uly, 19%0, .ampi. ending with the thirtieth day Tha't there is hereby levied a tax of' one-half cent ($.00%) on each one hundred'~oi~l'ars ($100o00) of the assessed valuation of a~l taXable proper.~y w~thin, the boundaries .of th'e.:City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, state of California, as said boundaries, were fixed and " determined on: the.22m~l day of March~ 1923! for interest and sin~ing fund on' the 1912 City Hall Bonds dur'i~g .the fiscal year beginning with ..the first day of 'July,' i9%0, and ending with the ·thirtieth day of June, ·Section 10. · .' Tha~.'"there is hereby levied.a tax of one-half cent ($'.00%) on.each one' hundred dollars ($100.00) of the assessed valuation of all taxable '.property within the boundaries of the City of Bakersfield~ County' Of Kern, State of California, as said boundari, es'were fixed an~ determined on the. 22n~ day of March~ 1923, 'for interest and sin~.lng fur~. on the 1912 Fire Department Bonds during the fiscal year Beginning with the "first day of July, 19%0, .and ending, with the thirtieth day · Section 11. "That there is hereby levied a tax of eight and one-half cents ($.08%) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of t'he assessed valuation · of 'ali taxable pr0pert~ within the b°un~aries of the City of Bakersfield, county of Kern, St'ate of California,' for the Fire Alarm System during · the fiscal year beginning with the first day of July, 19%0, and ending · with the ·thirtieth day.' of. June, 19%1. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the.foregoing was passed and adopted · '" bY the Council 0~ the City of Bakersfield at a regular.meeting ~hereof~ held On the 28th day of August, 19%0~ by the following vote: City Clerk a~ Ex-Officio 01erk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APm0~ ~his 28th day of l~ust, 1910. R' of the city of Bakersfiel~, Califor~a. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Kern ~ ss. i' MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes end says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that : on ............. All;ll~.:B...~.~).~...:].9.50 ...................................... 19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... .~.12.~..~...~.8 ............................................................... 19.5D.., which ordinance was numbered ...... ~.~.~ ............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE IEVYING UPON THE ASSESSED THE TAXABLE PROPERTY IN VALUATION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD A RATE OF TAXA- TION UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OF VALUATION FOR THE FISCAL YE..AR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1950, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1951 · "~:~' '~.-~ubscr,bed sworn to before me'this .:'~"~'_~'." t. '"'.,",-~ :~'---/," '. - ~.....~g.~h....day of....AJ, l.~.%ls..'~ ............ 19...,50. :~, ~ · ~ . /~ ,~ ~ Notary Public in and for the Count,/of Kern, '~. './,~-...~ _~ .,~... ~ ~ ~' State of California. /14~ ~m~ssion Expires May 9,