HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 882 ORDINANCE NO. ~ 'NEW SERIES · ' .AN ORDINANCE .A~NDING 'THE DISTRIC.T MAP .I~0PI~I~ BY SECTION 2.1 OF ZONII~ 01~I- ~ ~AS~ .in acco~ance.w~t'h'the proce~e specifie~ by the prBvlsions of. zo.~ Ordi~nce No; 501 New series, the ~a~ng Co~sion and'City. COuncil ha~e held heari~s on. a' pet~tion t0 change.tho "Distr~ict ~ap" adopted by Secgion 2.1 0f said Map Book 3~ 'Pag~ ~60~ ~eo~s of Ko~n .. . .. ~ ~ · . · ".'- ":' I" HEREBY' 'CERTIFY '%ha't"-:the'-fo~:~g~'i~E: .'o~dinane~ w~S: passed " and adopted .by the Council of.. the City of Bakersfield· at ~. regular · '. 'mee.ting thereof, held on the 7~.h day Of August, .19~0, by the' foll~- lng vote: .. . · .. AYES:' .C,~RNAKIS, 'CROSS, i.':. . · ..... :___ '"" '" " '. '" ,. -.. . . Council of the City of Bakersfield. '. '.A~PR() .~/~. thi~ 7th.daY of .~ugust,.'i..950.. · " "~ ~AYOR or the City.. of Bakersfield... .. of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ Counfy of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... .~.~g~.$.~....~..~ ............................................................... 195.0... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on...~l~lJ~L.t....'Z .................................................................... , 19...~C~ which ordinance was numbered ..... ..~...~...~. .............. New Series, and entitled: AN OR~INANC~ ~o~i~o T~ ~IS~RIC~ A~o~ ~ s~zo~ ~.~ o~ zo~z~ N0. 501 R~W SERIES 0P T~ CITY 0F BA~RSPIE~, CALIFORNIA. " ' '~'~--' *-' Subscribed and sworn +o-before me this _