HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 898 ORDINANCE N0o ~ ~ SERIES &N ORDINANCE APPROVII~G ~%i~{EXATION OF PAi~CEL OF U~I'~I~IT~ T~RITORY TO T~ CITY 0F B~ERSFI~D~ C~IFORNIA. I:~tEAS~ a petition was filed '~'ith the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the llth day of December~ 19%0~ requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and included within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield~ and '~E&S~ said petition was signed by the owners of one-fourth of the land~ by area~ and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Kern~ and '~RE~S~ the territory described in said petition is cor~tiguous to the City of Bakersfield~ and Wt~HE&S~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield did~ on the llth day of December~ 19%0~ pass a resolution in compliance mith the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory dct of 1939~ being Title $~ Division 2, Part 2, Cha~ter 1~ Article ~ of the Govern~ merit Code of the State of California~ specifically describing the boundaries of the territory so prop,~sed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield~ and designating such territory by an appropriate identi= fication~ and setting Tuesday~ Janu~iry 2~ 1951~ at the hour of eight o ~clock P.No~ at the Council Chambers in the City.Hal!. in the City of Bakersfield~ State of Cmlifornia~ as the day~ hour and place when and where the City Council would he,ir protests made by any person ow~ing real property within the afo:?esaid territory$ and ~'~i{EAS~ said resolution vzas published for at least once a we~_k fq~.._t)~ .succ.es. os_ive weoks prior to soaid..hearing in The Bai~ersfield. Californian,a newspaper 0f general 'circulation published .in the City of Bakersfield~ the municipal corporation to which it is proposed, to lo annex such territory~ and V~tEREaS~ no written pr..otests were filed against the proposed annexation by any owner of property ~'~it.hin the territory proposed to be annexed. NOW, TIIEREFORE~ BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ as .follows~ SECTI0 N 1, That the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the annexation and inclusion within the incorporated limits of the City of 'Bakersfield~ 'of that cer'tain uninhabited territory designated as PLANZ P~lqK~ and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point formed by the intersection of the westerly prolongation of a line 30 feet southerly from, measured at right angles toy and parallel wi_th the nort/herly. boundary line.of Section 7~ Township 30 South~ Range 2~ East~ M. D. Bo & M.~ with a line 30 feet westerly 'from, measured at right angles to, and parallel with the westerly boundary line of tho aforesaid section ?, said intersection bei~ a. · point' in the corporate boundary of the 'City of Bakersfield~ California; thence southerly along the said line 30 feet westerly from~ measured at right angles to, and parallel with the said westerly boundary line of said Section 7~ and which said parallel line is also a portion of the westerly line of County Hoad No. l~ and County Road No. 140~ both of which numbers are appll, cable to the same road, known also as Kern Island Road~ of 60 feet width° as said 0ount_v Road No. ] ~, was declared a Public Highway by Action of the B~a~d of S~p~v~s~rs of Kern County~ California~ on February 7~ 1876~ as evidenced by the minutes of the said Board of Supervisors recorded on Page 112 of Minute Book No. 2 of the said Board of Supervisors on' file in the office of the County Clerk of the County of Kern~ and as said County Road No. 1~0 was also declared a Public H~ighway by action of the said Board of Supervisors on April 7~ 159~ as evidenced by the minutes of said Board of Supervisors recorded on Pa'ge 340 cz~ Minute Book No. 6 of the said Board of Supervisors on file in the office of the said County Clerk of the said county of Kerne to its point'of intersection ~,~th th~ southerly boundary li.n~ of Section ,1.2, To~mship 30 South~ Ra~e 27 East~ M. D. B. & M;., thence contmnuing southerly along., a line 30 feet westerly fro.~.~ measu.red at righ.t angeles to~ and parallel. with the westerly bouhdary lmne of Sectzon lc, Tov~nship 30 South~ Range.28 East~ Mo D.. B. & ~.I.~ and_which said parallel line is a. portion of the westerly line o.f the aforesaid Kern Island Road~ ...... to-i~'s'-'po'lnt'of intersection w-~th the westerly .prolonEation of ..... a line 30 feet southerly from~ measured at righ~ ~ngles to, and parallel with the northerly bo~.udary ~ine of said Section ~8: 'thence· easterly along said v~esterly-p~olom~ation of, and. along said l~ne ~0 f®ot southerly ff~om~ measured at right an~les ~o~ and pa~lel with the ~aid northerly ~dary ~i~ of said Section 18, ~d which said' Rmr~lel ~t~. ts the southerly of Co~ty [~oad No. ~6R~ of ~0 feet w~dth~ ~so ~o~y as Pl~ Road~ as said road was declared m ~blzc HSghway by action of the aforesaid Board of Supervisors on April 5~'1916~ · as evidenced by the minutes of said Boa~d of Supervisors~ recorded on ~ge $00 of Mi~te Book No. 18 of the said Board of Super- visors on f~le in the office of the aforesaid County Clerk of the Co~ty off Kern~ to its point of intersection with the prey l~ation southerly of the easterly ~ary. line of the Soutnwest 1/~ of aforesaid Section ~ thence northerly ~o~ said southerly pro!o~tion and ~1o~ sazd easterly bo~dary line of the south~ west 1/$ of said Section ~ to its point of intersection with the southwesterly line of. CoWry Road. No. lOCO~ ~so co~o~, y k~wn as South Chester Avenue~ of llO feet ~vid~h~ as said County Road No. 1090 was declared a ~blic Highway by' action of the aforesaid Board of Supez'visors on Nay 15~ 1939~ as evidenced_by the minutes of said Boar~ of. Supervisors recorded on Page 3~% of Minute Book No~ ~3 on xile in the office of the aforesaid Cowry Clerk of the County of Kerns thence northwest~ erly ~o~ the southwesterly line of the aforesaid South Chester Avenue to its point of intersection ~ith the northerly line of Co,tM Road No. 1345'~ of 86 feet width, also ~wn as WILSON ' R0$~ as said Co~ty Road No. ~.3~% was declared a ~blic H~ghway by ~etion of the aforesaid Board of,Supervisors on December 194~ as evidenced ~y the minutes cz the ss. id Board of Supervisors recorded on Page 4~ of Minute Book No. 62 of said Board of Supervisors on file in the office of the aforesaid Co~ty Clerk of the Co~ty of KernS thence ~esterly aloz~ the ~rtherly li~ of the aforesaid W~SON R0~O to its point of intersection with a line 130 feet easterly from~ measured at right a~les to~ and parallel ~'~ith the westerly boundary lmne of tho aforesaid Section 75 thence 'northerly alo~ said line 130 feet easterly from a~ parallel with said westerly bo~dary line of said Section 7 to its Point of intersection with aforesaid li~ 30 feet southerly rom~ neasured at right a~les to and p~lel with the northerly o~(tary li~ of said Section 75 thence westerly ~o~ said line 30 feet southerly from a~ par~,llel with the northerly bo~ary line of said Section 7 and which said parallel line is a portion of tho corporate bo~ary of the City of Bakersfield~ a distance of 160 feet to the point of begi~ ~or this'description, contaimt~ 173~1%1 acres of landsuore or less. ......... O 00 I ~R~Y CERTIFY that the foregoi~ 0rdi~nce was passed and adopted by the Co~cil of the City of Bakersfield at a regular .meeti~ thereof held on the 2nd day of Januury~ 19~ by the followiz~ vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, CROSS, KUEHN, MORELOCK, SHURLEY, SI£MON, VANDERLEI ABSENT: ....... C~ty Clerk and E~ Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED th~_s 2nd day of January~ 1951o '~ FHe city of Ba~ersfie'ld' 3o