HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 896 . . .."..~' . ... .. ....:.. ~ ~ . ..'. . , -".L '..' "of Bakersfield, 0n...~.tie".i.l~h:.daY'.'of $~eptember,.19~O, requesting. · : .'that':i~ertain-inhabi'~'ed'' territ'~ry, h~r~inbelow describ'ed .be annexed ..' .....r. "Cit~ of ..Bakersfield,-·'said petition, having been"signed bY not less · 't'han one-fourth (lf~) ~n'i-number. 0'~ the 'qualified' el. ector's residing in said'-'terr~to, ry so..prop6sed ~..o b~ '~.nnexeil,. a:s shown bY the'regis- .' ..~ of..the Cbunty of Kern,i and..."-' ..... ..~ "~: ~AS,' On' Sep~'em.ber' 2~,. 19.~, the.co~nci~ of thel City'.'of · Bakersfield passed and..a~oPte'd ~"R'e.solUtion of ..int'ention to Call a · ]., .~. ·speciai ...election .tO."sub~it.. t. he:que~s.ti.0n .of"the .annexation of... said ./. ..'ter~ ~.t,p~.¥ to t~e electors res, id~ng therein.~..and setting.i~°rth...a. · ' tim~ and place '0.f he~ring-.protes~§ ag'.ains.~ said· propos~d.annexa- .... ' ..... ...and place fixed bYi.~e'aforeshi~ 'Resolution 'o'f':in~e'n'tion,' and' at · "':' ' said. ~ea.ring it was ..found and ,'determined 'by s'aid'Cit~. CoUnc'il' that " w~..itt~.~ protests were not made'.'by '~he. O~ners-Of"a 'ma'jo'~ity. of the '.. - ' "'.."separa'~e' .Parcels {~ithin' the' territory, s'o'.proposed, to'.ib:e annexed, '.and ..'" --- .ad'dpted' a' ~e~olUtion calling-a special".'el.e~tion to' be held.. o.ri the '1~ .da~.'.of D'e'cember. i..1.9~O, for..,the Put'pose..Of..voting..on the.'propo- '' .... '.Bak and. said " sition-'to':'annex said territory i to'. the.' C.it~'of ersfiei~,. el. ec.t'io.n~ was held":on, the date ·fixed.· :in,..'said re.s. oiutio.n~.."and' .... '" i'.il, the ·:City 6f..Bakers~.i.e!.d met. ahd e~'nva's~'~'a :the re~u~'ns of said.'election found.and determzned .t~.at 'a' a~-'~'$;- -~ -~"' ~'-'' ' "~' "" . "'.:' ~ '- · . ., .. :% . ... · ... - ~v~-~..v-,,.'al/'. sne~ votes- cass. i.n sai~ " '" terri~o'ry on' t~e"que~tii'"0'n oi' .su'chL'a~n~xa:tJi.0n were"-in,'.favor?-of: annexa' · ....i .~ion,."'. and " .......'"i-:..'.'.... · .. ~........ .:.. .... . · "~ -' .'"' ' .. · ...... ~' ~' ."-' . · '. - .l: ' ..- i'~.~tJ''''' ""'~ · .. ,....'- WHERE~S,.. ll .the:.re'quirements','~f the. ;~.n~za.~i~n .Act"'. 8.2. 1.91S · ' ' . ".:for the .an~..'exatio~.Of said terri'tor~' '~0 the-Ci'tY of .Baker~.field"'have '"'i:.'i..--'."."'i:'"' :b'een. i'met ~:. '.."'.. ' .' .... "."J:' :' "'-' '.. ·: :...~. i "' .:' ' .'~:~;--.' · i:'.' · .. ",";:' ." .': ' -'..' · '....' ... ...... .. :.. ' .k;; ...... ' · :~:::..,....'..... . N0~.~, :.T~'.0..R-.E.? 'BE iT 0..~.~-~. ~.: ~he Oouncil. o'f ~He -C'ity" · o£ ~kersf'i~id-,..-..as follows: ','" "'""'" '"' ...." .. ... · SEC~..~O."~. i~i..~ -'- -.::... .,".' .'.. -'. · .. · · . . .. . · . . ~'. ~o. o ..'...! .. '.... - . . · . ~ . .. .' .... · .. . · '. . · . · . . . . · .~. · . . .' -' ..' ,v....i ...... ' '.T~a t'i:?.t.-~he'. C. ouncil' '.~f".'t~ej:.'C~.~¥ ":~.f ~ .B~e~.sfleld' "~e'r~b~, .'apprOve Sl "' ,":"-.t'h~ ahn~a'tion'and incl'usi~.n' ~ith'in 'th'e' .i~Cor~'rab~d· .1.i~i~.tsl' of' the .' -..';ii".' ?.' · . .' ' . ..... .. . .. . :'.: i :.:]. :Ci~Y:'6:'£.'-Bakersf.'i'eld, .'of'~'.t:h~t Cert:ai~."l. nh~b~'-~ed te'r'~itbr~?aes~'nated. " a:s'$~JNSET-b.~.AYFLO~ER,[i~S'TRIc. T' 'gefier.'a'l:i'y. de~cribed'.as that territory '" ' ': ":" "' :'""'"' " · ' ' ' '""'"'.~"~?.' ~- 'i" ' ' .;'.. ' ........ · b..o. unae'd .on .t~e....nor'th'. by the 'n°rt'her~'y'"l ;~ne' :of East.~"caiif~r. ni&.'-iAv~nu"e ~" ~n t.he ea?s~':b~-i.the'.'~outheast'~ri~-...~i~'ht'.'o~_wa¥, line. Of t, ti~;.:As~h~lt'o . · '-.'? '".'" B~a'n~-'~"~' th~ "Southern' - ...."' ~'' ' .' ":' .' ' ' ' ' "' "' ... . ] ..... : : . ....- .... ... . :.P~9l.~mc.. Ra.~lr.oad...and a..ii'ne. 9.61.68 feet easterly. . · '"'i.';'."-('.J"'.o~' "and Parallel'wi't5 .t-h6'-.~enter:. 1.iin~. o~' C0ttonwo'od.:Roaa~ on t~e ~south -..... ". "":'":'"'" .' by th~' northe.~l¥ "!i.'n~,.'!.0£ .'Brundag'e...Lane. ..:an~.. on tff~: ~.'st b¥."..t~e.: ea'stei~ly · ' i].....i...iine of.So'uth :Kin~ .Ste6~i, more P.'ar. ti'e:ula,~l¥"descrlbed', as'.'~ollows,:' · ....... ..:"..'.'".. ' ....'.."'~J' '..... . ' ""~ '.' '"' '..':i Be~inn'_i..ng' .:a.t. ~he 'P~nt','of i.~t'e~s.e'-.c~io~ .of th~":"nOrt~%i.~': e×t'~nL':.' · ..~ .. ". · ,: s. ion.'O~, the..east.~rl¥.,.iin, e' of '-¢'0ufl'ty. Road. No ~"'1.S.21', .iknown as. . " ....-.".'"'-['...:sO~th.'King' Stre~.t~ 'with the: ~o~ther. l~ 'iine of Eas~-"-Californi'a '.. ..'.- ', .... ". :::':...J · ~Venu'e o2 iI1.~, ff 'feet' W:id't~' in'.Kernl.~.ount.~., C~ii£e:rni~':~ 's.aid ' -!.".'....:: ' ..'. '.i .point..beir~"on.a southerly' c0~p0rat'e. llmi~.ofl, a portion ·of'the · . ": . ".-. Cit.~' Of Ba'~ersfie~d'~ :.Ker~. County','. Ca:.,li.fornia;: thenCe:easterly . .. ;..'" .' '. 'along' 'the ..n'ortherl:y Iine"6~. 's~i.d Califor~iia ~venue' and. 'corp. orate · .' i ... '- ..:.limi~ to. the. 'so'utheast.erly':'right' d~ 'way ·line 'of the Asphal~o ' · . . .:· ' ..B~'anch. of' the~...'S'6~the~n 'Paci. fic':'Ra'il.road; th~'nce southwesterly ' '..' .'..' · ., "..'.alOng. the'.:s0u'~heast'erly" ~igh~ .of '.~vay. 'line .of the'"ahO'~e-'men~io~d · ,'.., '~ .:.:....' ....' '..a~s_pha~.t.o. Branch..to _..a.[. poi~t'.~,on ...~ S~id..s0utheaster~.:right~ ~,£:.-Way' ' · .-: ': line that .'i.s.'distant .s°uthwesterly along said line· a distince' · ,.':"'...'.'4'~4.8~' feet'.from its. po.in~ '.of' intersection wi~h 'the"'~o~th line · ' '"'[" ".,'~'~ t'he'..S~' of Section'.~j, .T.~ 29.S.~-R. ~8-E'.~:: ~'M'.D.B."~ N.,', ~s '[ .. i'.. '- ': '" .s~m.~.i'i.'s S~own Upon .a Recor~ Of. Surve~.Ma:p of 'a su.~'Ve¥' ShoWi~' - .,. .z ,]'_ .'.[....,:' '.:[,~a.~2o~....r.~ion_o6 'the.. ~S.~. o.'~f Sec'.ti.on '33], T.. '29"'$_~,. R'. :"2~" E,, 'M.' D;.vi - - ' .'. ' '"?: '"'-"' ":' ~2~'",'~'~'ril~ Ju~6'~?~77~'~'7~' dn-.'~a'~'~ ll4'.~i~:~ec'a~'a 0f'sU~-~ff ........ · :'.:':i'l.... ~ ' .~aP..'B'0o~'.:No.,i~' :...5 ;'.J . thence .as pe~. 'Said. Recor~"of.':'.Survey Map. south · · .-...-' . "'"""':" i:"' '.." ' ,,'" ''.-"'.".' .. · '.::.'"'... ....: ' .. ..... · ....... .along a. line' ,arallel.with'~ and .30 ~d,is.t'ant .northerly 'from · : ':tow~ship and ra~e-, to a point, that i's'" ftc of I~S~ " me'nt~one~' ;k..line aad. SO ftet:-'dist] y.fr0m '- ' "¥" west' line of the S~'-of. sa$~ SeCt.io$~6~2, .'s'~'id point- bei~ on "":':'.. [..: ' the easterly 'line' of S0uth. King.Street. . ~nd~.0n. the ..~ort~ .... .... ...:., .... line of" Brundage" Lane. as...said Street and":Lane oral, shown' on. . :-..... .. plat. 'of ,Mayflower Addit.ion-'L~0· the.City 02 ] a'k~'~i.eld" re- . .'~'"' .:... cord.~.d, on page' 29'. of Map Book No'~ 2, 0 ~" . RecO.~ds of Kern "., Cowry; thenc~ northerly' alb~' the. ' 'of,. South..Ki~ · ...: .Stree~ 'as pe'r said map of."Nayflower, tian. to ':the City."ef . .,2. ':'.' -cowry .Road' No. 'l. Stl.,.~own:'.aS' SOuth King.' Street, La.s..per .deeds · · ". :'?- ':' of 'e. asem~nSs .f.or. same '.'recorded ' on pag-e's...'4~8: ~:nd 469' of Book · .. No. '"i1~1 ~:.-0ffi-ci~ 'Re.cordS.. o2 "Kern. C. oun~Y ?L[C,~if6rnia; thence" · ana~'aa~'V.~'~'ai~'b~..~ho.':¢oane'~.]. ,f-~:hO C~..~.:~:of.. .~o~.'a., at '~ '.~$ga~. ..... -. .... .' ' ":'.:~ar mootiri~".t'lS~.e~'"'held .On"~;h~ 2~t'i'i'.~7~i:~o~orabo~, I.'.'9~0,~ by'.. .'~ · the fOllOwing v'o-~:~' ' - ...... .. · . ..~.~.. .. '. :.. .:.; ...:.::':.~.~:~ ...i · ',,~ · "· . .~: .-.' ~,............~ ..' . · .¥-,7 .'.~ ~':~.~ ..'', ',: ' . ,..- ·: . .'., '.-.? '". :. i' ."'-..' '...:i ::!.:'..~ ...-~.~:/a~.~,"~os.~, ~ut,~',' ~a0~t[0~, ~u~t~,'~,:,~,~.' :..' " .~ .. ...¢/Sune:l.i. 'Of tho ¢:I.t¥ : '. i'~. .~'.'..".,.."~'i..".'.. '.' '~, · .... ..... ...'i.;..'..' .,' ..' ., :~.. . .. . . .. 26th day Of ¢Ombor ~:i. i9[0. '" '. .... .~ .... .. . .... ..' .-.,,.. .. .-- . . . . . . ·" .-.-.. '. '. ":.:' :i...'...'i ' ., '"' · ..., .. ·. . . .-". ... ." '... ~.. :. ~..~.~. . " ? "....?... o.. .-~ '.o.. . '' . . -.. · .... . . '~ -" ...':~. '." yi' ~. . ' "' · ' .- .. .'. .... ;. .' ; ........' · :! .". '.' . . · ~.....' .,. ', '...-.' ~' .,. .....,.... · .. · .... · . .~, ...... .~..... ': .;. *. ~. ..~.-' .. ~ _.. .... .~ .... ..... ...... -~ -~.'~-.._~. ~. .....~ ~_'~ .. ~' ~. .... ..~:~.?.~.. .... ':~:.. · ..... ..~ ~_~ ...... '. .. ~.'-. ..: : o~:~- . : · .- . ... .. · ".~.' . . ~o" ..~, · .o.. · . ~', . . . o.. - '~i~..~..~.,. .... . '.'~"~ '.. :., · · ."~. .I i t avi! of Iosting (Or inanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA } County of Kern Ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she ;s the. duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........ D.e~.~.e~l~zt....~.'7. ...................................................... 19..,50 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........ .D...e...o...e...~.~..e.~...~. ....................................................... I~Q ....which ordinance was numbered ..... .8...g..~. .............. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXA. TION OF A PARCEL OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ,I -..i~; "~. : ~.- ~.~ ... ~ · . .~ ~ ~. Su.bscrlbed and sworn fo before me thls :'l: !. z.~......~.~.~,,11..day of ...... ~e~be~ ................ 19.~.. Nota~ Public in and for the County of Kern, ~tate of California. My Commission ~pires May 9, 1955 ~'. ~. {-~--- rr.----~r-. ....... ~ .................· .... . .............................................. '...} ~,~ ........................................ r~