HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 914 .... - , :' 'NO.,' : "'OF. THE CITY'OF 'BAKERS~ -'+" · · :" '" ..' .. :..'..' '':". '..FIEL~ ~AL~FOI~flA. , . '. " : '"' .. ' ." · . .....-.. ....-.~ .' '.-:..,:,:, .. · ... .... ...... . : .'.'........ ... :,.- })'..' .I~E. REAS, on. t:~'~' 3~t~' ~ay of..J~'y..;~he'!oi~y~ 'coU'n~i~"~0f.'.%~e".c~%y of ~k~sf~eld ' ~ssed' and adopted 'O~r~e.:~o',': 911. N~.'Series W~ch-o'~i~ce a~~ a Unifom ' Elec't~C~ Code' for the:', city 0f. ~ke~sfield, .Ca~ifo~ia, :~d...,~.. .... ." '" """ ' "'-~ereas.,. si~e ~he ado~iom~of ~aid o~nqe,' i%' ~.:be~'.fo~d t~ · ..s~e ~oes .no~ include .' adeq~te .'~rq~sions "fO~ Perf..tees,' w~ch' ~'e' necesaa~ .... t6 .defray the cost'.:of insDec'tions'~ '5~her'duties of' the~hil~ng'...D~m~t ~ ' .,. .. ~. . .. .~. A; · . .-, ..,. . :,. Y'.:~ ... · the.enfo~ent., of sa~d .~,di~ce~"'and: · .::~ · . ..- . ""...'... '. ".. ~s,"t~'a co~e~' ~s' aetemineJ upon the ~s~s of...'s~d~r~s '.'that.'~a" ""..'~:' merg~Cy'e~ists m~ng i~.necessa~. ~o. p~Vi'de lot'.the ~i!~.0Peration 0f"a· .~... ~/:.'...' .: .m~ioi~l. de~ment 'by ~h~'~ssa~ .of~... ~ergemy.:o~~e. ~ending.. . _said . .. '' ,. . . . .. :., . -. · . '-. .'. ~. ...'.' .... ' O~h~' 'No. 9ii '~ S~ries'~ ~to effe~tim, at' the. same time..aS: ~aid' o~i~oe," ... :' .~: :~.: :'.-.. ~ ...' .... . . .' ': . .-? 5". · . .. "~' :.-"'-.: ~, ?~FO~, ~ IT O~AI~ ~ the' C~cil. "of ~He':C~tY'J~ ~ersfield; · ~ · . · ." as fo ~ ·. " '. .... . .' -.:.. , . c:':.: . S~ION , "' ' " " ....... · . "'..'d .... "':" pr~isi;ns.,og..i~din~e Noi ~ll,.)Ne~.'.'~eries,' is hereby '~d~d to read aS ' . :.. . ......;..:,.::~ '.~.'" ....'... ,:.:..... .. ... ,, . · '~o~o~: '.' .'.' · · -" . ' · . · :".- ...'"Secti°fi ...... 3.. ~es for .~e~tS:."~ ~specti~n. 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New Series, and entlfled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 911 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CA LI FORNIA. .. " i ~",.~. Subscribed and sworn to before me fh~s / Notary Pu~i~ in and for the County of (~State of California. (.~