HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 930 .'o'f · .ecto .' . · '"' ~e ~' ' "" ' .... ."',.. '.' ..' ". ,.. ... · .': . .. ..... ... : · .... . .."'~ : · .. . .. . · , . . - . . . , ( "... . ~' '. , · .. - · '... .". '. :: ":: ';~. ':..."" ' " ~et.: .'.:' '~..' ' ~. ?.'.' , .' . °. ... ..' · '.'. '.., . . .. · '. . :' .. . . . .~. : . . · .":.'.'..:~",' "'""'"' "' :' ..:2.'.. '"f... '. .. ':. ~.~:~'."m~ '~ ~a ~.~:~'..e~n~o~m'~°' ~ . -'::': .'~ ' . ;'. ': '.:: .- · ' ' '~ '" ~h~}'~p~a'~':~..:~'. gh~~.' ~o~R' 'ma~t b~ ' flon~ go i a.. a · 'g?l'~.~°nd~ti. On~'.~a ':~,~.~ ~ 'ho'. '~ ~.~; ~..,....:... . '..:.. . .:. '. . . '. . :- . . .... :'..... :.~.h~...~'~a"V~o'~a,:.'~e.'k~."~a~t U'~ .~a~t~'n*a '~ '.~,'~.a " .~ ~on~"..~,rj~,~:...~h. ~.. ~,: :" ". :': · · '.... :..'.-::.: ..'. · '.' .... ... - ....:..:. . ..' .- -. a~'.o~ .~'~'.'-~h~ .'~o~ht'~. ~h~' Work. on ~he' ~aina,~. Of" ... ,. -. ~'~eO~.t~h. ~u~ ~o~'~g~. -' . ..,. . .. .. .. . .Ch~.~*~: o~: e~ '~7 :.of .Bako~' :'. ... ....... .... · 2: .. .. .....'::....... · ... . ..}.".").".':-' . : ,. ........ . . ..~ ......:..-... '...~.. . . · .'. /' ' ".-~-,~--~-',o~o-,----~," . .'- '- . .'...:. ...'......:... .~ · . ; · .. .... .. ,~ :' . . .... .... ..~ .. .. . · ~...'......:.......:... ~ .. ..... ... .. . .~ .. ,. . . '. .~ .-...:.,h~:~" ..¥{ '. . · ., · :.~[~ · . · . .,~' ..~ '" . .....,~.':. ..'. :.. ~- ., ' ' .. ' .. . ..,? '. · .. . .~' . ...'; ...- ~.~ '.. · 2 ....- .. .;~ .... ~:; ;'~ '.:" "."'" ' .: ' ' ' ' ~'~'? 'Z&'"~'~' .. ~.. '.-: .' ~ ' ' '." .. .'".~.' .'.'' "' 2 '.' ' ' ' '"' 2 ". ' " ..'" '"- . ~'.. - ' ~. ....: ...... -.. ... . . . . . .. Afl, haunt of lostmg (Orhman es County of Kern ss. ! MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes end says: i That she is the duly eppolnted, ectlng end qualified City Clerk of the City of Bekersfield~ end thet 'I November 6 ion .............................................................................................. 19~.r:]:... she posted on the Bulletln Boerd et the ' City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting , November 5 ' thereof du~y held on ................................................................................................ 19~....1. .... which ordlnence wes ' numbered 930 News i ............................ eries, end entitled: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO MAINTAIN AND OPERATE TWO RAILROAD TRACKS ACROSS 2~th STREET IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA '~ ' '"" S,~b~cribed and sworn to before me this -"': .~'..~.. 6'%h__- . November ~ ,£1 · :" 1 Notary .~/bllc in and for the Countg/~f Kern, '/ '~'", ' 'V State of California. (~ : :,