HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 936 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO ~_~ I%~W SERIES Ai~ ~ERGENCY ORDINANCE f~B~HO}{IZING TI~ EMPI,~NT OF P?,RSONS NOT MEETING T~ F~SIDENCE QUALIFICATION OD' TF~ CITY CH~(TER W~N APPLICANTS ~EETING SUCB~ QUALIFICATION ~E NOT AVAILAB~ WHEREAS~ Section ['~3 of the City Ch~-te~ of the City of Bakez~s- field p_~ovides~ that appointive office~s, suborn, hate officers, m~,icipal ez~plo~es and all members of a~ bo~d or co~ission au~ho~.~ ized. by the ch~ter ~hail h~ve b~en residents of the City of field fo~ one yea~~ ne~:t pz~ec~ding ~ppointment, and must rem~,.in ~esidents of the City d~:~e~n .._ .g such appointment o~ service~ ~d ~FiER~A,~ becausc of the mest~,icted co:~po~ate bo~dsries of the City and t~_~ lack of qualified. ~_n,~"~'~'n~~,,_._.,~_ willing and able to accept emp!oymsnt wi~ the City~ t~m City of B~ke;~sfie!d in recent years to .f'ill ~xisting position,~ mud e~fplo~ents in the City fo~ces~ mo.d %~ERE~%S~. since tho ~o~zencemsnt ox" pre.sent military operations in I[orea,~,~*~ ~,s~nks of bot.h city D=z'sonnel~ ~ and those who might apply fo~, emp!o~mnt with the City have been depleted to such an extsnt theft it is now impossible to sec~ the s~rvicss of persons who fulfill such ~,esidonce qualifications and s.:~s at the smme time c3.alifted to ~fomm the duties of ce~t~in positions ~.ud emplol~onts now %-;~REA8~ by :eeason of such ~acts the ability of t~m City to perfo:~m '"" x~s f%~ctions and ~-ende~~ s.~vicss to its citizens has been ~:.~.z~d~ 8.lld does se?iously imp~iu~ed~ and the City Council has ~=~ .... he~?eby de.cls.)~e that ~. ~m~-gency e;~%sts roe. king it necess~y to fo:~ the immediate prsa~'v~'bfton of the ptfo!ic hes. lth, p.~ace~ probity ~nd ss~ety and fo:~~ th.e daily ope~atiou cf municipal ~pa~t~uon'ts~ and W~ERF, AS., tn accomdar.,.c~ with S~ction 45080 of the Gove~'nm~nt Code of the St~te of California, this Co~%cil !~meby finds and detex~m~nes that national _?..~oblllzation of t-~ained manpo~e~ makes it i~acticable fo~ the City of Bakersfield to rec'~it personal pursuant to no~ st~daz, ds established for such' offices positions, NOW, TP~REFORE, ~ iT ORD~EED by the Co,oil' of the. City of B~e=sfield~ as follows: ~C~T C.N 10 ~enever a vacancy ~xists iz. ~ny position o~ e~lo~nt tn the city se~vice ~d the~e is no ~propriate list of eligibles from which certification fo~ e~plo}'m~nt to such position o~ employment cz~n be made ~m~.e~ the civil sea'vice provisions of the city' cha?te~", and z.~.].le~z by wage,la~ c~vi~ sea'Vice aupoint~nt~ such position c~not be '~ ~ ......... ~d the offiee~ o~ employo~ of th~ city h~ving the po~ to appoint to such position o~ emDloy~nt b.~.~ been ~m2mble to p~oc~,e the services of a person ~.fno ~eets both the re~idence qualifications prescribed by Section ~.) of tb~ city cha~te~ and the technical qu~.ifications p~escmtbed fo~~ the position o:e ~mplo~ent in which the vacancy extst~ ~de~ a t~oz'~Y appointment, the appointing powe~ subject to the ~pproval of the City M~age~~, z~ay m~ze an emergency appointment to such position o~ emio!o~ent of a pe~~'son -not ~.eeting the residence qualifications pro'sc~ibcd by Section 4.3 of the City Cha~te~, SECTION 2~ No such e~.ergen,~y ~oint~t~nt shs. ll be app~oved by th.~ City M=.~age~~, unless tho facts ~tated Ln Section I above have be.~n certified in wz-iting to hi~ by tho civil sea'vice board havir~ ju~ts- diction ove~ t~ particular positLon or emp!o~ent tn' which t~ vacancy exists ~=d by t~ person having the powe~ to .appoint to such . vacancy, ~.nS~ unless h~ finds that so~r~ essential service ~ende~e~- " by t~ dep~tment of tb~ city in which tbs v~.cancy exists will be i~o~Ired or inte~upted if such e~:ergency appointment i~ not made, P~ovtded~ howeve~ that where the City Co,mci1 o~ the City Manage~ ;2, has the power to appoint to such vacancy, such appointment can be made only after the exist~nc~ of such facts has been foum. d by said City Co~.ncil and such findings ~d authoriz~tion Of such em~,~gency appointment have been ent~red on the ~.nutes of the Co'~cil with the approval of n6t less than two-thirds (2/3) of the merabe=ship thereof. SEC'~ON 3~ AS bet~-~een persons ~qua!ly qualified to fill a position emp!o~ent, preference sh:~.ll be given to resi~nts of the City of Bake~sffield in making eme~gency ~ppoint~ents p~u-suant to thi~ o~di~ n~ce~ All persons emp!oysd pu~suant to this o~dinmnce shzll be ~ as "e~.~=~gency employees" and sh~.l be so 8esi~ated on all records of o~ O. ocu~,=~nts relating to their e~?~ployment o~~ co~upensation~ No such person shall ~(:qulre ~'~y (~ivil service mbatus or attain any other pe?manent status by reason of such e~:~p!o~en~"~ ~ny such ~opoint.~ ment made pu~su~.t to this ordinsnce sh~.! u. utomaticaily become.null ~d void fifteen' (i5)' day~ ~to~~ thc civil sea-vice board h~.ving ju~isdiction over the position or ~.~p].~=.=~..o sh~ll h~;,e Submitted to the appoin$ing power a !i.~t &f on~ or ~.~ore persons eligible for appointment to such position.~ o~~ ~z~plo~ent, SECTI ON ~ne Civil Sea'vice Boa~.s chall continue to hold ex~ninations wl~neveL~ ~l%~e are ~pp2. tcmtiOns for positions tn the dep~tments ~uu~ theiz~ jurisdiction ~.nd~ ~.t such intervals as may be p~acticable, in order that t, hc~ shell, at~ all ti~-~s be ~aint~ned as nearly ~ay be lists' of eligibles fo~~ pos~'.tions in tho classified service ' in tl~ ye. ri°us dep~t~ents in whi(':h t~.e~?c ~?~ vacancies, including nance, in compliance with the propulsions of the city chamte~. Said civil service boards shall contin~ to advertise fo~· applicants.. fo~~ civil sea, vice ~Qopoint~ents to positions ~d e~lo~ents to which emergency appo'~ntments have been made pu~suamt to in such m~e~. and at such tim~s a~ they deem necess~y to ~sce~,tain the avail~oility of qu~i~J'ied appllc~ts'fo~ such positionm~ SECTI ON % ~ Not lat~ than fifteen ds~ys ~te~* the end of e~.ch calend~ qu~e~ f011o~ing'the adoption of thiz o~dtn~ce, the head of such department of'the cit2' ~e~etn. there ~e er~loyed persona holding emergency appointments p~sumnt to tDf~s ordin~ce~ shall file with the City Co~cil and the civil service bo~d having j~isdiction ever positions in said ~pa~tment~ a report in w~iting showing the. positions in said dep~ment occ~oied by eme~gency appointees, the n~e of t~ ~r. son holding ~ emm~gency appoint~nt to each of said positions, the date oi' each eme~gency appointment, ~d such ot~r pertinent infoz~mation as shall be ~*equired by the City Co~ucil ~d/o~ civil service bo~ds, SECTI ON 6~ Tkts ordin~ace is hereby declared to be an emergency o~din~ce within the me.~ning of Section 24 of the Charte~ of the City B~e~sfield, State o~ California, and ~cessa~y for the i~dtate preservation of the p~olic peace, '~ope~ty and s~ety.~ ~ud sh~l tah~ effect i~diately .upon its'Passag~ -. I PiEREBY CERT~'IFY th'~...t th,~ fo:~egoi-ng .EA~gency 0rdinmxce passed and adopted' by the Co'~cil of the City of Bs~ers~ield at a ~e~l~-l~eting tt~reof held on th~.~_ day of ~, 19~.~ by tl~ following vote: ' 'A~E~ CARH~I~, ~DE~$~ SHURLEY, SUITH, ~ULLIVAN, v,,,~.~, V~T .~., .~.' . NO~: .... ~ ...................................... ABSENT: .... ~.~ ..................................... . Co~cil of t~e City of B~e~sfield, APPR~~ ~L~ ~~~~ "! I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ County of Kern~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, belng duly sworn, deposes and says: That 'she 'is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfleld~ and that on ...... .3'..~..~...~...e.~....~ ........................................................... 19...22 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...... ~.~t~U~.~....21 ............................................................. 19..~.~.., which ordinance was numbered ..... 9.~..~. .............. New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONS NOT MEETING THE RESIDENCE QUALIFICATION OF THE CITY CHARTER WHEN APPLICANTS MEETING SUCH QUALIFICATION ARE' SOT AVAILABLE. ~ .....~.- Subscribed and sworn fo before me this -~'~ :"'~-'"'-'~"-- '"':'*?-. da,, o~ ,.Tnn~a~7 19 ~,o. ..~ ~./.~-- , -....:.....:; ............. · ........................................... , ....... -t. ......................... ' ' ~ Notary Public in and far the County of Kern, ? ~: State of California. My Commission Expires May g, 1953