HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 942 ORDINANCE A~0o ~ NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A~NEXATION OF A PARCEL OF U~INHABITED TERRITORY TO T~E CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA~ AI~D PROVIDING FOR T~E TAXATION OF SAID TER- RITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITYo W}~REAS, a petition was filed .~ith the Council of the Cit2 of Bakersfield on the 5th day of Ma~ch~ 1952, requesting that certain uninh~bited territory therein described be annexed to and included within the incox-porated limits of the City of Bakersfield~ · and WP~REAS~ said petition was signed by the owners of one-fourth of the land~, by a~ea, and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the 0ounty of Kern~ and WHEREAS, the territory described in said petition is contiguo ous to the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, on the 5th day of Ma~ch~ 19~2, there was filed in t~ office of the Oit2 Clerk of the Cit2 of Bakersfield~ a.w~lt~en oonsen~ si~ed by all the owners of p~operty included in said · re.itchy, that said territox-y and the property located therein be subJee~ed to taxation after tb~ completion of such anr~xation equally with property in the City of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City therein described, the issuance of bonds to ~ep~esent staid' indebtedness being provided for in Ordinance NCo 893 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, and this Council hereby d®ter~.nes that said consent is signed by all the owners of property included in said territo~y~ and complies in every respect with. the provisions of 'Section 35319 of the Government Code of the State of California~ ~d WHEREAS~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield did~ on the 10th day of M~ch~ 195_~, pass a resolution being No° 21-52, in 0 compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of uninhabited Tex-~itox-y Act of 1939, and amen&~e~s thereto, being Title 4, Divi- sion 2, Pa~t 2~ Chapte~ 1, A~tiole 5 of Sta~e of c~ifo~n'ia~ specifically describing the b:o~d~ies of tek, itchy so p~oposed to.be ~exed to t~ desi~att~ su~ ~e~itovy b2 ~ appropriate iden~ification~ ~d setting Eonday~ April 1~ 1952~ at the ho~ of ei~t o~olock a~ t~ Co~cil Ch~be~s in. t~ Oi~Y H~i in t~ City of B~sfield~ · State of Califo~nia~ as the day~ ho~ ~d place City Co~cil' wo~d h~.v p~,'oSests made b2 ~Y person o~ing ~ p~op= e~t2 wi~in tt~ afo~es~d territo~y~ ~d I~E~S~ said ~sclu~ion was published at leas~ twice, but not of~e~e~ th~ once a week in Tbs Ba~sfield Califo~i~ a pape~ of ~ner~ ci~ulation published in the City of B~rsfield~ ~d ~so in TI~ Oildale News~ a ~wspa~ of general circulation publis~d'ou~mi~ of t~ City of B~ersfield~ bu'~ in said te~ito~ is loc~ted~ said publications havi~ been co~le~ed a~ least ~went~ d~s P~ior ~o the da~e set fo~ said ~~ in com- pli~ce ~ith :~c~ion 35311 of t~ Gover~nt Code, ~d W~EAS, the City Clerk of t~ City of B~ersfield has caused ~itten notic~ of s~h p~oposed ~nexation to be given by mail a~ leas~ ~enty days before the firs~ public ~ing on s~d p~oposed ~exation i~ co~li~ce ~ith Subdivisions (a) ~d (b) Of Section' 35311 of the .~ve~n~' Co~ of the S~ate of Caltfo~a, ~d ~E.A~, no ~.itten p~otests were filed agent t~ proposed ~xa~ion by ~y o~ of p~ope~ty WitCh t~ te~ito~ proposed NOW, T~REFO~, BE IT ORDAi~D by the B~e~sfield, as follows: SECTI;ON NO o 1: That the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the annexation and inclusion ~ithin the incorporated limits of the City of Ba~rsfteld~ of ~hat oert~.n uninhabited territory designated as SN~DER ACRES NO. 1~ the boundaries of which a~e described as follows ~ A parcel of land situate and lying in Section 6, T.o 30 R° ~-8 E°, M. Do Bo & Mo, more pa~ticula~12 desaribed as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Lot. 36 in Tract Nco 1061~ also commonly known as Dob~usky Square, said north- easterly co~ner being a point in the easterly boundary line of said Tract NCo 1061~ as s~d Lot 36 and said easterly boundary line, a currently existing co~porate boundary of the City of Bakersfields State of Califox-nia, are shown and delineated on the map of Tract No° 1061, filed for ~ecord in the office of the Count~j Recorder of Kern County~ Californias on the 28th day of Aprils 1938s on Pages 112 and 113 in Book ~f Maps~ thence northeFly alo~mg said easterly boundary line and corp.o~ate boundary of the City of Bakersfield a distance of 313°1~ feet to a point in the center line of a ~0 foot alley extending easterly and ~esterl2 in said Tract No° 1061, as said ~0 foot alley is shown ~'.~d delineated on aforesaid Map of Tract No° 1061~ thence easterly along tb~ prolongation easterly of the aforesaid center line of said ~0 foot alley a distance of 86,8 feet to a .point in the easterly boundar? lip~ of the westerly one-half' of Lot ~ in ~ection 6, .Township 30 South~ Range ~8 Easts Mo Do Bo & ~o, as said Lot ~ and Section '6 a~e sho~n end delim~ated on Kern County Sales Map No° 1 of Lands of J° B° Haggins filed for r~cord in the office of the aforesaid County Recorder of Kern County on May 3, 1889; thence southerly along said last described easterly boundax~ line to a point ~istance ther.~.in~ 1~0 feet northerly from the southeasterly co~ner of the aforesaid westerly one-half of said Lot %~ thence ~esterly and parallel with the southerly boundax~ line of' aforesaid ~esterly one-half of Lot feet to the point of begir~uing and containing 0,6~37 ac~es of lands more o~ les~, · SECTI 0I~ ~ o Said territory~ and the prope~.ty located therein,' shall, upon the completion of the aunexation of the same ~o the City of Bakers- fields be subjected to taxation equally with other property in tl~ .... -City~ ~A'--Bake~sfiel-d 'to'-pa~ ~che~-boncled- -i-indebtedness. o.f._-.the Bakersfields described in the aforesaid consent of the owners of property located therein, the issuance of bonds to x~p~esent said indebtedness being provided for in Ordinance No° 893 New Series .of TB~ City of Bakersfield, 3o I NEI~EBY CEI~TIFY that the foregoing 0~dtnence .was passed the Courior1 of .:~ C~ of Bakersfield a~ a ~1~ ~et~ t~of Mld on tM l~h 0.~ of Ap~!~ 19~2~ b~ tM follow~ vote~ Council of the c~t]r of Bal~sf~ld.o * . . ! ~, of ost ng STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ss. Coun~ o~ Kern 'i ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and sa~: ,~ That she is the duly appointed, a~ing and qualified ~i~ Clerk of the ~i~ of Bakemfieldl and that . ~ on .............................................................................................. 19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Boa~ at the correct ordinance passed by the ~ouncil of said Oily at · meeting i.~ ,, Ci~ Hall, a full, true an~_~ ~F co~y~ ~ of~g52an ~ thereof duly held on ................................................................................................ 19 ......... which ordlnan~e was i numbered ..... ~. .............. New Series, and entitled: ~ O~IN~C~ APPROVING A~TION OF A  PA~BL OF UNINVITED T~ITOEY ~ THB ~ CI~ OF BA~ESFIELD, C~IFO~IA, A~ " P~VIDING ~E THE TA~TION OF ~ID TEE.- OF SAID CITY. .I ' Subscribed and sworn fo before me th~s " · ...................... day of April 19...~..2.. f : ~. ---.-:- .................................................................................... -' : Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, ~ '; State of Callfornia. '~L ~ ';