HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 941 ORDI'ILCNCE NO o ~ NEU SERI'ES AN ORDII~ANCE APPROVTNO AI~'[ON O~ A 'PARCEL 0i~ UNIHt~BI~D ~ERRITORY TO TI~ GI~ OF ~I~S~I,D~ CALIPORN~%~ AND PROVIDII{G FOR THE T~TION OF ~ID ~I~I~RY TO PAY ~[E BONED INDEB~D-e I~SS OF ~ID Ciao W~E~F~IAS~ a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield o:a the 29th day of Feb~uaz~y~ 1052~ ~equesting that certain ~x~abited te~itory therein desc~ibed be annexed to and included ~thin the inco~poratsd limits of the City of Bake~zfield~ ~d ~~.S~ said petition v~as signed by the o~a~ex~s of one-forth of the l~d~ by ,~ea~ and by assessed value as sho~n on the last eq~lized assessment x, oll of the Co~ty of ~,n~ and ~-~P~AS~ the re,itchy described ~ said petition, is contigu- ous to the City of B~e~sfield~ and ~~S~ on the Bgth day of Februa~ 1~52, the~e was filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City o.f Bakersfield, a v~itten consent, signed by all the ovme~s of property included in said te~-ito~y~ that s~id te~,ito~ ~ud the p~*ope~ty located therein be subjected to taxation afte~ the completion of such annexation equally with property in the City of Bs. ke~sfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City therein described~ the issuance of bonds ~o represent said indebtedness being provided for in Ordinance No~ 893 New ~ ~ oez_es of the City of Eakersfield~ and this. Council heme~ deter~nes ~hat said consent is signed by ~1 the respec$ witl~ the provisions off Section 353!9 oF the Goverzm~zent Code of ~ze state of ca!ifo~ni~ and ~.JHEREAS~ the Co~cil of the City of Bakersfield 'did, on the '5_~d ~::~,y of ~.!arch, 1952~ pas.:s a ~esolution being ~o,. 18-~52, in com- p].is~ce v~ith the provisio~s of the A~exation of ~i~abited Te=~ito~ Ac~ of 19S9~ an.d amendments thereto, boing Title 4, Division 2~ Chapte~ 1, ~ticle 5 of the Go~'e~nment Code of the StaSe of Califo~nia~ specifically describe; the to,davies of the territory so p~,oposed to b~ e~-nexed to the City of Bakersfield, and designating st~ch t;e~rito~ by ~ appropriate indentification, and setting ~ondmy, April 7~ i952~ at the ho~ of e i~t o'clock P,~.~ at ~e Co'~cil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Bakersi'ie].d, Stat~ of' Califo~ia, as the day, ho~. ~.d place ¥~hen s. nd ~'~he~.e the City Oo-~ci! ~ould' hear p~otests made by ~ person c~'~ing real property ~ithin. the aforesaid te~rito?y$ and YJi.~P~AS~ said ~esolution v~as published at least twice~ but not oftener ths. r~ once a ~'~eok in ~e Bakersfield 0alifonniaD~ a pape:~ of general circx~lation published ~ the City of Bake~sfield~ and also i~a ~, 0ildale I~e'~s, a ne~spaper of general ci~c'ala'~;ion publisi~ed outside of tt~ City of Bs.lcersfield, but in the comity v~he~e said te~-itory is locat;ed~ said publications having been completed at least t~enty days p~io~ to the date set foz* said hoaxing, in. com- pliance v~itH Section 35311 of the Gove~ent Code, and ~i~AS~ the Ci'~y Clerk of the City of Ba](e~sfield has caused ~'~ritten notice of such p~oposed aLanexation to be given by mail least t¥Jenty days before' the first public hea~i~ on said proposed' a~exation in complian,:e ~ith Subdivisio~.~s (a) and (b) of Section 35311 of the Gov~r~men~ Code of ~e State of California, and ~ilEE.~AS,, no v~x, itt.on protest~ 'c~e~e filed against the pmoposed ~exation by ~ ~ne~~ o~ ~[~gpe~-' '~vff. t~i~'-~h-e'-' t~T-tom~--~opo~. to be I~0VJ~ ~'E~'E~0~, ~ I~ 0RDAIi.~ED by the Co~m~.cil of the City of Bake~sfields as 'follo~vs: SEC TI 0~'~ !o That the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby a. pprovos the ar~%exation and in~lu~icn within the interpellated limits of the City of Bo. ke~sfield~ of tho. t cerbain t~i~abited ter~ito~y design,s, ted as La C~esta H~.o~ T~act~ the bo~mdarios of whi~h ~e desc~tbed as f oll ows: Said te~rito~ ~is gene~.lly described ~m that ~re~ situate in the S, W~ !/~ of the S. ¥~. !/~ ~d in the H. ~. 1/~, of the Co~ty of Ke~no State of C~1!ifo:~nia~ the exterior bo~da~iss of which a~e mo~ p~tlc~.o~-ly described as follows: ~gi~,.ing .~t a point in the co,operate ~ound~ of the City of B'ak~rsf~e!d~ California~ ~h'ich said point is Formed by the p~,olo'~a'~;ion, no.~therly of the e~sterly ~,i~t ~f v;o.y li.~e o~ union ~venue of 118~ feet v~idtbo as said Union Ave~n~.e is sho~. and delineated on t'~:.~ .~o.p of "Ardi.zzi Olcese Coo A~muex to Ke~n City~~' KerrA Co~y, C~li~'oz, nio.~ filed fox~ record, in hhe o~fice of the Co'~uty Recordex~ of Kern Cooz~ty, C~.lifo:.?niao on th~ 18th. d~ of Ju~y, on Page !02 in Dock i of Naps~ with the southerly of way line of ~'~ont;~. Vist~ D~ive~ of ~0 feet width, s~id Honte Vists. i~ive is shovn~ and delineated on m~p of ,~,act~ Nco 18~'~, filed for record ~_u the office of the aforesaid Cc,~ty Recorder on the ~Sth day of 19E.1, on P~es ~..8~ 188 ~d !88, in Book ~ of L~aps$ thence Nox~th 1~° ~Bs O1~: E~.st ~2o~7~ feet to She point formed the in.tersectior~ of the nort~ue~ly ~,ight of way line of. aforesaid Honte Vist~ D~ive .witfn the southeasterly :~ight of ~ay line of ~o~.~ D~'iv~o of llO feet width, as said Panorar~ ~ive ~s sho~n and delineated on aforesaid m~p of Tract Nco 1809, l~st said point bei~ on a circle_ar c-~ve of ~8 feet ~dlus, coo. cave to the southeast and whose radial cen.ter bears South 78° ~B' 18'~ East feet froz.~ last said point~ thence no~theaster!y alo~ said c iro~ar curve forming the southeasterly ~-ight of w.~ line of said. Pan.o~a~ D~ive 781~.8~V feet to its point of t~gency~ whence ~.~ose radial cente~ bears south.~ ~o 17 ~ ~0~' East m ~?.stance of 948 Feet~. thence Nor',~n ~8o ~2 ~ ~0" Easto cc.ntlnuing along said sout. he~.ste~!y right of ~y' line of said Pa'uo~ama D~ive a distance of ~9.01~ feet to its point of intersection with the westerly ~i~ht of way li~.e of Loma Liuda D~ive, of 80 feet ~'~_dth, ~s said Loma Linda ~i~o is she~ and delineated on aforesaid map of ~act No 180~: ther~ce South 0°.~2~ BO" East' ta~ce of ~1.!8~ feet tc ~ 'p~nt in the ~.6~o~.~ of the City of ~,~ker,:fie!d; thence, continuing s. iong the corporate bo~da~y cf the Ciby of B~Jcersfie!d the following cou~ses and dist~ces: I~orth 8~° S2~ ~$8~ ~,st ~00 feet~ thence South 0° 42~ SO" East B80 fe~t to a point in tho southe?ly right of way line of a£o'.~esaid llonbe Vista 91-ives thenoe North 89e §2.~ 35" w,--..st along last said right of way line 932°923 fse~ more o~, l~ss.~ to the point of b~innin[b co.~tainir, g 19,598 a~.~es of land2 more o~ less, SECTI ON 2, Said terr, ito~ys end the p~.cperSy locmted therein~ shs.[:.l~ upon. the completion - ~ '- o.,. th~ ~'me%~tion of the sa~?~ to th~ City o~ Bake:es~- . ~!eld~ be s~jeoted to ~;sx:~;ion eq~lly with othe~ p~opex~ty in ')" the bon.dsd indebtedness of the City City of Bake~sfie!d to ].,.y . B~e:esfisld~ de,.,.~mb.d in I,~e aforesaid aonsont of the ovmer~ of prope~'by loccted the~ef.n~ Lhe issz:~nce of bonds to ~ep:,'esent s~.id indebtodness being prov:;.de:~ for ir. 0~dins. nce the City of Baka~2sfield~ I H~P..F, BY~..:-.~.~'"~'~*'=',~'.~.:: _,. th-d; the fo:¢.egoing Resolution w~s p~:~sed ~Lnd . adopted by the Co~mcil of 'bDe City of Ba!:e~.~sfield at a regular ,ueetfug thel-eo:"' held on the 7th dab' of Ap.~.:.;.l~. 1952.: by the follcv~ing vot.,.~,E co-m~cil of the City of Bake_~,sfield~ APPL£~,..D thi~ 7'-hh day of~~'~:',~i'~......~ 19~2, Aff havi! of lost ng (Orhtnan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ County of Kern[ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... AIIr.:I..~L..~ ................................................................... 19.~..2.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.Apr~...1..L.?.......1...g...5...2. ......................................................... 19 ......... which ordinance was numbered ......... ..9.~.]... .......... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A Parcel of Uninhabited Territory to the City of Bakersfield, California, and providing for the Taxation of said Territory to pay the bonded indebted- ness of sa~d City. .... .~-S 2~; !.' '"~/'%Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........ ~,y commission ~pires: May 9, 1~