HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 960 .... '~":'" .... · :' :. SERIES " '": ........ ' ' · " '~' .:'i ':'.'i ~.~. ~' ..~..'....' .'.. ',' ' '"::'" ~' ' "~" "' '" .~ · , .... · . . ... .... ..~.. ~ ~. . ~': · . ... , '.. ~ ~. .'.~'~ . .' ''.'~ ..... .. .~ .~. ~.. ....:..:.' ~" .. BE IT.' 0~AI~ED..~y .t'~' C0~ci.1. o~.~ th~'c.ity of.. Baker.sfie~d',..... ' ~ ~W$'.$ ~" ' '~:' '"' ~. ".~' ' ~' ~'' '" ' .' s f'oll ".~ :~' ::" · ~ :. ~.'. ., :'.. . . ~. ~: '.'. · .,.. ,,:':.~.....~... .' . .. ' '" ~" l'e' '"' · ~:""" ' - ":sEc:T'I0 "~' ~:":':'"'"'" "~ ~ . . :. ', ~'~. .. .~..'.~..'..~ ... ...~ ~ ".. . · '~. . ''~.' . .'.. .~ .~..:'.~.. ~ · · '.:~...'. '... '": :':.'"~..Th~'t':."s~bdivi's'ion ~a) 'Of Section .g'::8~ ~6~d~anCe "No:.. 879..~e~. .. ~:.s new~ c ssific, tion, ~i'th"'ap. ~o r ' - sche~u e ~'. er.'~.' 0 .r a a foll0ws,.'~ " .... ~ ..~' ~... , . ~;'.~.. '. · :.: - ~ ~.' · .. . ,. .~ .... . ..... . ~.- .~ .. . . - . .. .. ..~ ~ ... ( ' ..~ · . . · . . . .. ..... '.' ... . .. ~ ~ '.:~ .~.. · ,.. . ....:.."." ":' " "'" I'9 'SewaEe'~ an ~t't nd~n~ .~. .' -.. .. ;~ -,~. · · .. .... ....._' ...' ~.':~.' · . '~.. .. "' ' ' ~' ~ 'F' ' ~;' : .' '~' ' " : '' .. ' SECTI'0N ~.. '  he PAS ag " .. '. ·date o~..its s e' :~. : .. ....... - .. ~.: .'.; .'.'~:' :..'~..' .....:....- ..... . · ~ · ...... ~. . .. . :. . .. .... "" ' ' ' ---'-~--O00~--.L -~-.'~' . · " "" ' ,~. . .'' " ;.'. ..... ~. · ~.~:" ' "..' ." .. . . ': ~.... .. . . ':-.' . . : .. . . . ~ ...- . . : · -' '::"'"" : I'~EEBY'.CER. T~Y that .the'..~oreg&'ihg 0rdfnance.'..Wa's".'.Pa'sse~'" · ~.. . .. .... ~- .. .'...-~ ' '...:'.'..' :~".~' a~d' a~0psed' ~'y" ~he'-Co~cil 'qf: the'~ City. ~f .Baker~fie:l~ a.~. a 're~uIar .. .." mee~.i~ .~he~e~gf .he~d 0n" the .iSth daY?0.f' December,. ~9'82~ .~Y'.th~- ~ - ~.~ ..... .;~.. · . . . · .. ..~. : · · .-. ,. ... '."'..'"' . ."". .. ~ z 9~ · .. · . .....~~ . · "-' ' .... ' .'~ ~...~.~s: -~-~ ...... :-'~7~ ...... ~' ' ":":' :'' ' ~ _ ..... . ..... -~...~ -- -] ..... ...... "..~ :.. . :. ~. ~...~., ,.~ . .~.'. ~..~ ---'L ...... '.-~ ..-' .' .. . . . ...... ..~.~...~.... u~.....- ... . .. .~ ~. '~ .... ... . ,.~' · . .:"..'~. .. ... '. ".: ".. ~.... , : . 'City Clerk and. EX~.0~f~icio.Cle~k '~f ' ..~'-. " '~ .~ ~-~'". .. ' ' Co~cil of" the City of.Bak&rsfield. .... ~ . - . . ~ . . . · · . . · ;:~..' j.' "~ ~ ~ ' . _ Aff avi! of osltug ( r inan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA · , County of Kern ss, t MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that ~I .. on ............... ..D...e...~...e..~..b...e.~...~....~.9...~.~ .............................. 19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the ~ City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said Clty at a meeting December 22, 1952 , 19 ......... whlch ordinance was thereof duly held on ............................................................................................... numt, ered ...... ~.~..0.. ............. NewSor~es, andect~ed.' O~ ~..CTIO~ 8 OF ORDINANC~ NO SER X ES. I ..?-*'~-; ..,e-'."'-~ 26th da of December 1952 ..~'~-;-.-~';z- I~.~..~;,-~-; ............ y ................................ ~ ................... !;-/ '}. ~..~ ~ Commission Expires May 9, 1953 '1 ~.. ~'.~ [.