HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 958..' . ~.~.'. "........ '." O~.-'ORDINANCE'NO',. '909, ~W' ~ER'IE~'!',O~.::THE C~?' '.. ' ...' ..' ' ...'..... :...'...-..... OF'.BAKERSFiELD,'..~ By..AbD.~..R~.':~T~..RET6.~.TH~E_~":..:.'.....~ :..~-!' .: .' .. '/ .' '...-.... ' '.. :' . ~. -.$~D.IV~S~ONS TO ~E 'mm2E-~D:..-(.'a';1.-)., i.'(.~;-~.'(A~S...""i" "".. "..' ':'..'.' ' .."' ...'.'..:::...'.:: (d;3.)...~0 PERMIT THE-','GO~$TRUC-TiON. ~ .TE~OHARY .': .".'.. ' .'. ' · ' ..' ..~. ".. "' :,..'". '. '('GOVER ~N~.NTAL A~.. OTHE~?Bu.'iLDIN-GS WITHIN!.:THE '....: .'... : .. · · · .'" ' , --[ ._'......" '-".'.. ', ...CITY. oF: BAKERSFIELD,..'CALIFORNIA'....-.::~'...;'.':' .' ~' ..' . ~::, .- :~'L: '.' "" .. ' . . . . -' ......' · .'. .... · ...... :..'.. .'...'....,'..v' '.: .. '. '. ' ,~::r";6 ,.' .... "' · : .~..'~' '::..~.' . ...... ".'. '-W!I~.~ REAS,.':..as a.. ~esult.'.of .the~ea~thquakes.~..of ~~1, 10§2, .... ' .. ""' 'and..August '2-2-~.. '1952,' :n~erouS"buildtn~s ~ ·bo·th ,pub.l'~' and. p~'iv'ate, .... ... ..: "': :-"'."-'" '..".in'.'~a '~"~o'~' '~he ' ~i.ty".' 6f'.Bake.Vsf..~'eld ' we~.e damaged and'. des~Voye.d, .. · ,. . .... . - . ..., .. . . . .. ~ . .:. . ... : . . . · . .. "~:. ..?. · . ... . · ... ....... . .... ..~_ .... _~, ,..'.'.'...:.. ........ ... ...... ..~;__ ....... ... .. .... .'. . in some i stance;'~, cess'~:~.at'/ing'the .;omple~; ~ol~tion?of.-many. '. ~ : ,. ..: .. '..: ., . -. .: .... ·; . . · . (]~,'. ... "..'.'-..': '.' ...... '. .... --..'. : bu'~Idtngs,., and .. " " . .-j .[ .. · v..- ' .'.'[.(:'.'...' i. i /~..: ' ....'i.':..'( . ~ . . · ', . · .'.'.7 ' ' . .. . ... '. .. ," .. '. . ' -~ . ... ' ...r... · .~ . ". .. · .~.-.' ~.. . .4y~.::'. ....'-.. ,.'. .:".'..'..'~"..' '".':. :::".'"i .~.'~ .:s' i0n."o .~? ~'~:~ '" AS.', .:[ :a' ~eS .u~:t'. of 'sa~:d-"des'~.Uc. ~' 'e~..tam "..: :'a~e~c~es:'and.']!~'Us. S; ~ ludi~' S'~'h°'ol:i.' 'iness ..b~i!.d'in~ c : a~d"Lh6spital~ 'L '. .... · . have been· }dep.~i~ed. Of .a. de'quat~ 'hou~t.n~:..t0...'.c!.~=~y.-".'0n ihet~jjfunc~ionsi · .' · '.."' ," '~nd, '....:." .'.'... · - . '. .....'.:.-..'..' ..-'.. , · .:' .:.:........'. ~A'S,' 'b*o~Us~. of. '~he: .'imio'd.~a.~e:. ~pp~,oAo.h:.'o.f '%he. 'win~e.~' ." " ' .-' ~ " ' .." : : · . '.': .i '' ''.'" ' · .,. : "' ".. :". '...'...~ns' and.'.,o~he~ ha~.em,d.S'.,ac'~6~an.y~g',:~e' W~nter-:.~eathe'~,.,.'F~ea~e~...: . ....: · " :... :"' :damage .:'.And[ ae.,~uc~ion is .'likely. :to.: oCCur. :~0 :th.e p~oper, ty 'of..the '..:. .........' "'"'::.,..:..."' ..,; .'Cl.~iZens· ai~e'aay., adversely a.ffec %Ca.. and..-thef~ heal.~h': an'd.' s'afe ty '..~y :.., · '.." "'.-.. be. '-seg~o.u, ily :'impa~ied -urn.ess' 'i~nealate" .'stePs a~'~' .taken "~'~ '. ~ro~ide · ·~--o _ '£0.~- '~h~' tempo~a~ ~"~'°te;tion, 'a'~d. ".".! ')-.'..... -.'..."' :. ... i i: .... ~...... - -.. '.:. ' "'".. 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"' . · . .,' .... ... , : · ..~... ,.... · . . '/~- ., .. ~ · . .... :..- ~. '- , . · . . '.., , .:.~ .'~,. .' , . .. , .. - . ....., '.;~...?_.:~..:.,. :....:..~~ · .~...~_~~~......~ .: ...' .~.:,...., ....:........: .,..... :, .. :'.~ ::: ':..~'".':.' ,':. '~A~OR" o~ C'~. C'1~7. o~ ~=~e'~e~ze'l-8. '=-.. .... .~- . ' ' · .". '.;'.,. '."-, ":.::.'..'.'. .' .. ' .'. ' .. .... .... .. .' .' · · ..i.'"}'~'.' ".' . -....' '7...' .' ' , . ' .... ' ..~ . : .... , · ' . ". ..... . · -j .-. .'~'...[ :J...~.~.~ ,. , .- .. ... . . .. . . . . .~ . . ... ~' · . . . . . · .~. . .' . _~..~ · . . · ~ -'. : . . . .,... ~;,-."-...-.~'. 5.:,~;~J'~'i?~'.';;' :~:.:~:uz~'J.:~',:.~.J- '~ ,".... · .. ':.2~ .'~ ...j ..... ~" ."..' .... ',; ' ...:. -' .'.:' '.~',-:' ':'?'- '."i'".' ~'~...' '.:: :....2 ' .:~ ' · ..... ' · :'" ' ....... .... ,...... STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ss. County of Kern I .ii That she is the duly appointed, ectlng and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfleld~ and that ~,. November 7, 1952 on .............................................................................................. 19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting :' November 3, 1952 thereof duly held on ................................................................................................ 19 ......... whlch ordinance was numbered...~..8. ................ New Series, and entitled: ' AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1601 OF ORDINANCE NO. 909 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, BY ADDING THERETO THREE NEW SUB~)IVISIONS TO BE NUMBERED (d.1), (d.2) AND GOVERNMENTAL AND QTHER BUILDINGS WITHIN THE :"~ ~ - t ....%:Subscr;be'cJ e . and sworn to before me this '.'7th . · November ... 52 ~'~-.. - -' Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, ". ~ ....... ~-~'~ State of California. My ."ommission Expires May 9, 1953 1 . .-t.., -- _ ?~_~.