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City of Bakers'fi'~ld 'at a.' .meetihg 'the'r~f..held .on the 3r.d day of NOge'mbe. r, ~'95.2, b~Ohe .fol' · "".. :';" "': .... ' ' "' ...... ' ' ...:-6:'"': """" '. '.. NO~:,' '' ' ' ' '" ' ' ' .... :':' " ' ..... ,. · .... · . . ,''~?"' .: . . .... ... '..".' ¢0unc~l Of'the· Ct'~Y'.'°f'.~Bakersfia'id. · ..... "'~r.d. ~' :'.O~'.:~ovemb. e.,~ "1952. '" '" ":, :: " .;.... ~ ..: ' , ... ... ....· .. · ... :.. j. .? ~'. . . .' :% '.: .. . ·" ." · "...'"'.i.. '" '..' .~' '.~.. .~ '. .... ... ' · .'.. . '..'.." ' · : - " ~ ,: 'i ' ' · -':. ~.' :~' -' ; ' ~ . · -' · ·., .,-~ ,...: ... "~'.~. ~-'::" · ~--'.'..'i · ·" ........ -.:.. ....,~...... · .';." '" ..'...'. i. "..:'::., :."' %,.i{."'.'i'~"... 'i'. ~'' '!'', . "- . .'.... .... ..' ... ,:.- : .... :. " "' '" " ' : '''"' '["': -!~ ~i'- .' '' ' ." · . ' -. .. ,. ,.. ..: . . ~. '; . ' .' .~....' ..r~,~,'~:-'.''.: · .~'-.' ........ : L.; . · '.' .. " 'i.~'~....'~.!~./:-'.', .'...'..' R I- R-4 '-4. I--R-4 R-4 C-I ~ I:Z: C-I C-I rr C-I · D STREET R-4. C-I E STREET F "' STREET D Amending the District Nap by changing the zoning From a R-4 (General Nultiple Residntial) District to a C-1 (Retail Business) District. .l hau t'of ost ng rh nan es ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA I County of Kern ss. i ~ MARIAN $. IR¥1N, being duly eworn, deposes and sal~: ! That she is the duly eppolnted, ectlng end quelified City Clerk of the City of Bekersfleldl end thet i on ........... ..N..o.x~.m.~.o..?.....~.,......1.~ .................................... 19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Boerd et the ~ ~ City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of en ordlnance passed by the Council of said City et a meeting ,.a : thereof duly held on ........... ~..o.¥.~.e.?.....~.~.....1..~ ...................................... 957 · ..~ , numbered ............................ New Series, end enti~ed'- AN ORDiN~q.C~' AMI~IDING ADOPTED BY SECTION 2 .1 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO 501 NEW SERIES OF THE ·CITY OF ~AKERS- FIELD ~ CALIFORNIA , i '~:?':~ "-'~'~, 7th day i ~-'*'''' ": ot November 19 ..... .~...~ .~-~ " . '7"~ ............................................................. ' : [ ? . Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, ~- ~ ~ . State of Califernia. ~'/ "-t-~... My Commission Exl;ires May 9, 1953 s. ......... · ..................................................................