HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 970 970 ORDINANCE N0o AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AIQI~3XATI0!~ OF A PAR= CEL OF ~'~BITED ~]RiRITOR~2 TO T~ C I~' O? BA~RSF~LD~ CAL~'ORNL~ AND PROVIDING FOR ~ TAXATION O~ SAID ~=~ .... 0RY BONDED INDEB~D~SS OF SAID W~_REAS~ a petition was filed with the Council of ;.:he C'!~y of Bakersfield on the ~7~h day of Fe.b~y~ 1953.~ ~equest~'l~ that certain ~i~abited te~ritory' the:~ein descvibsd be annex~,d to and ~cluded wi~h.~ the iu~o~po~ated limits of the City of and %~AS~ said petition was signed .by the o~%6rs of ef the land~ by e~a~ and by assessed value as showz~ on the la, st 'eq~lized assessm~ut :moll of the Co~ty of i[e~ and W~S~ the tsrmi~o~2 des~:~ibed ~ said petitio~m f.s co~%tff.~:~.,, ous to the City 'of 5ake~sfield~ a~ ' ¥~E~AS~ said. t~mmi$omy does not fo~m a pa~t of an~:- other eity~ and W~.S~ on th~ 27'~h day o~ Feb~y~ l?SS~ the~e was filed · n the office of th~ ~it2' Clerk o~ the City of Bakers.~ield~ a eonsent~ signed by all the o;'~e~s of p~ope~ty inolud.~sd in said to~y~ that said :ter~i'$o~y and the p~ope~ty Locatedtn~:('~. ~s~.~ be ,~%$te.~t~.d" .' :'.~ .... ~o t~a~lon after the completion of such .a~fa~e:~tlon e%~ua3.~.y with p~ope~ty in the City sf Bake~'sfiekd to pay th,~ bond~F,d lnd~bted~.ec~ of said City thez-~fn desc:eibed~ tt~e iss~nee of bonds t.~ ~,epr~e~:ent said indebtedness being p:eovided fo~ in 0~df~n~ce No, 8S3 New of She City of Bake~s.?ield~ togethe~ with C~ty B~'ll Bt)rids' and ~d all other, ~debted~ss o~ ltal~llity of the City'which may t~t said oo=.sent is ~igD~d by a~-- the o~ex, s of p~op~ty of Section 3S319 o:~ th~ C'~ve~ent Code of t:zc State ~f ~E~EAS~ the 0ounoil of the City of Bakersfield di(l~ on ~he 2nd day of Ma~oh~ 195~ pass a ~esolu~ion berg ~oo 9-53~ ~ com~ pliance with the p~ovisions of ~he ~exatiom of Un~bi-~ed to~y Aet of 19~9~ ~ a~ndments bhe~e~o~ being Ti~ie 4~ Division ~ Pa~ 2~ O~p~6~ 1~ ~$iole ~ of the Gove=mmen~ Oode of the S~ate of Oaiifo~ia~ specifically deso~bi~ the bo~avies of ~o~y so proposed ~o be a~exed '~o the Ci, ty of Bake~sfield~ an~ desi~t~ f~uch territory by an appropriate ~dentification~ and se~$~ Mo~ay~ Ap~ 6~ 1953~ a~ ~he ho~ of eigh~ o~olo,:k a~ the 0o~il O~e~s~ Oar~n~e~s U~on ~11~ 911 20~h Ba~sfield~ Oalifo~n. ia~ as the days ho~ ~d place v~hen the 0ity 0o~oil wo~d hea~ p~otes~s ~de by any ~son p~ope~y ~i~h~ the aforesaid ~e~ritory~ and %'~EAS~ said ~esolu~ion was published aS leas~ nos ofte~ ~han once a ;reek in ~e Bakersfield Califo~ian~ a news- pa~ of general ei~c~ation p~lished in the Ci~y of Baks~sfiela~ ~d also in ~e Oildale ~ews~ a newspape~ of general ei~o~.ation p~lis~ outside of the Oity of Bakersfield~ bu~ ~ said ~e~ito~y is locaSed, said publications hav~ been ~ompie~ed a~ leas~ ~wen~y days p~io~ to ~he date se~ fo~ said hearLng~ ~o~li~e wish Seotion 35311 of the Gove~n~ Code~ ~ES~ the City Ole~k of ~he City of Bakersfield has eaused ~i~en no~ioe of s~h proposed a~exation to be given by mail leas$ ~wen~y days before ~he public hea~ing on said' p~opose~ a~exa= Sion ~ ~o~lian=e wi~h Subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section $~Sll of ~ ~ove~n~ Oode of the S~ate of 0alifo~ia~ and ~ASs no ~i~en P~q~$.~s were fil~..aga~s~. ~~$ion by ~ny o~ of p~ope~y within the ~e~ito~y proposed to be a~exe~, N01J~ '2~0~ ~ IT 0RDA~D by the Oo~il of the City of B~~iel~ as follows ~ SECTI01{ lo That the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby s. pp~ove~ the annexation and inclusion within the incorporated limi'.~s of City of Bake~sfield~' of that ce~t,~in uninhabited territory desi~-ated as ~RRA~E OARI~S ~;oe g~ the bouuda~ies cf. ~ich a~,e 'desa~ibed as fo31ows ~ ~eginning at the most sout.~easterly comaer o~ Lot g~ T~ae$ 1~15~ as said ~o~ and T?act are shov~ and ~l~ea~e~ 'on the ~ of sai~ ~aot ~ile~ ~o~ i~ the 0ffioe o~ the Oo~y B~co?de~ of ~e?n 0al~o~iap on the 19th day of Ootobe~ I~AO~. on p~es *~'and AA ~ BooE ~ of Maps~ the~e ~ 0° OA~ E IOS~S~ fee~ alo~ ~he easterly ~o~a~y line sai~ Lo~ ~ ~o. a poim~ ~vhioh is ~he t~ue poin~ of gi~g fo? this certain doso~ip~io~ the~oe ~ l~e ~0" V~ alo~ ~he northeasterly bo~da~y line of said Lo'~ ~ az.d alo~ a po?~ion of ~he northeasterly ~o~da~y line of Lot ~ in said ~rao~ .181~ a dis~ ~e of 7~ fee~ f?om ~He ~?ue point of ~egi~ ~ v;h~h sai~ ~or~heas~e.?ly bo~dary line is a por$iom of t~ ~entXy existing co~porate bo~a'~y of. the 0ity of Bakersf'ield; 0altfo~nia~ to its of im~o~seo~iom with ~he p~olo~ation sou~herl~ of ~SV, as said Lot and ~aot a~e she~ and deli~ea~cl on the ~p of said ~ao~ ~Oo 1~ filed fo~ ~eco?~ ~ '~e office of the afo~esai~ Co~y Reco~er ~rn 0o~ty o~ ~he 295h day of M~y~ 1~1; o~ P~ge said' southerly p~olo~a~on of znd alo~ said ~e~ly bo~dary l~e of sai~ ~.t ~ in ~ac~ 2~o~ 1~ ~ ~Is~ ~e of A~gol~ fee~ to the no~h¥~es~e~-ly co,near sai~ X,o$ ~ thence ~ ~90m~8~0'~ E alo~ ~he bo~?y l~e of said Lot ~ a dis~anoe o~ ~A~9~ fe~ ~o ~he morthe~s~e~ly oo~e~ of sai~ Lo~ 8~ S 0°~0A'go~~ V~ alo~ ~ eas~e?ly ~o~dary line of sai~ Lo~ e and alo~ ~he soul, fly ~?e.of; a disease of ~2~5~ fee~ ~o. the t~e poi~ of ~eg~~ ~onta~ lo0elg acres of lan~ more o~ SECTION go Said t~x~itox~ and the p~ope=.ty located the~ein~ shall~ upon .the completion of the a.u.n, ex__a?.%_.o_~_.of~he- s. ar~.~.o ~he. city field~ be subjected to taxation.equally v~lth othe~ p~ope~ty in the Ci~y of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness, of thc City of Bakersfiel~ dese~ibe~ in, the aforesai~ consent o'f the o~er of p~cpe~ty located the~ein~ the issuance of bonds to ~ep~esent szid Indebtedness being provided for in Ord~nance I~o~ 89~ New Series of the City of Bakersfield~ together ~vith City Hall Bonds and any and all other indebtedness or liability of the City ~ihich may accrue from and after the date thereof° 8ECTI0~ :5o This ordinance shall become effective f~om and after thirty days of its pass,gee ....... 000 ........ I ~EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of th~ City of Bakersfield at a =egular meetin~ thereof held on the ~th d~y of April~ 1B~ by the lng vote~ AYES: CARNAKIS, SAUHP-':':~J, SHURLEY, S~..'.~Tq, SULLIVAN, VANDERLEI, VEST NOES: ...... ~ ......................................... ABSENT: ...... ~ ................................ .o o Council of the City of Bakerafieldo APPROVE~this 6th da~ of Ap~ 1~.~ /s/ FRA~ SULLIVAN of ost ng ®r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA Coun~ of Kern That she is the duly ~ppolnted, ~tlng ~nd qualified Ci~ Clerk of the Ci~ of B~ke~field; ~nd that Ci~ H~II, · full, true ~nd correct copy of ~n ordinance p~ssed by the Councll of s~id Ci~ ~t · meeting thereof duly held on ....... ~ O~I~A~C~ lPPROVI~G ~~TIO~ O~ THE TA~TION OF SAID TERRITORY ~ PAY THE ~~ I~E~NESS OF SAID CITY. Subscrlbe~'and sw;rn fo bef°~ me ~is ... · Not.~ Public in My Commlssion ~ires May 9, 19~