HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 966 0P, DINANCE N0o 966 .[[E~:~ SERIES . AN 0I~D]E/ANCU API~ROVING ~I.~TION 0F A PAR~ CEL 0~ ~~BI~D ~RRITOBY TO ~ CI~ OF ~I~F~LD~ CAL~0~Z~, AND I~ROVID~G i~0R ~ T~TION 0F SAID T~ITORY T0 PAY ~ B0I~ED 'IN~BTEDI~SS 0F SAID C I~ YJHEREAS, a petition was £11ed with the Council o£ the City of Bakers£teld o~ the 19th day of January~ 1953~ requesting that certain uninhabited tez~.itory therein described be annexed to and included within the inco~poratod limits o£ the City of Bakers£1eld~ and ~I~BEAS~ said petition was signed by the owners of one-£ou~th of the land~ by area~ and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Ee~n, and Wt~7.BEAS~ the 'territo~y described in said petition is contiguous to the City of Bakersfield~ and %~.JBEHEAS~ said territory does not form a part of any other oity~ and %'.IBE~EAS.~ on the 26th day of January~ 1~53~ ther~ was £iled ~n the office of the City Clerk of the City of Baker~field~ a v~itten eonsent~ signed by all the owners .of property' Included in said tezTi- tory~ that said ter~itory and the t~operty located therein be subjected to taxation after the completion of such annexation equally with p~o- perry in the City o£ Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City' therein described~ the issuance of' bonds to ~eI~esent said indeb~edness being p~ovided for in Ordinance No.-893 NeW Series of ~he City of Ba]~rsfield~ and this Councll hereby deters/nos that said consent is signed by all the owners of p~opertY included in sa~d terTi= to~y~ and complies in evez~y respect with the provisions of Section 35319-o~--~-he--Govex~nent Code of the State of Cali'£~la'~-and .............. %'$BERE~' the Council of the City of Bakersfield did~ on the 19th day of January~ 1953~ pass a resolution being No, 3-53, ~n eompLt~u~e ~l;h the p~ov~s2ons o£ the 2nnexa~on of s~on 2~ P~t 2~ ~pte~ 1~ A~t~ole 5 of the G~e~ent Code of the S~a~e of O~tfovnia~ specifically deso~ib~ ~ bo~davies of ~e~i~ovy so proposed ~o be a~exe~ to ~he Ci~y of Bakevsftelds ' desi~t~ s~h tek. itchy by ~ app~op~iate ident~ioa~tons and se~t~ ~sdays Peb~vy ~4s 1953~ at the ho~ of ei~h~ o~olook at the.Co~ Oha~e=s~ Oa~en~eP~s U~on ~11~ 911 20~h Bake~sfields Oalifo~nla~ as the day~ ho~ and place ~hen and the Ol~ Oo~ wo~d hea~ p~o~es~s ~de by a~ person o~ p~ope~t~ w~th~ the aforesaid ~e~to~ and ¥~AS~ said ~esolut[on ~'la'S ~l~shed et leas~ ~oe~ bu~ no~ of~ene~ t~n o~e a week ~ The Ba~sfteld .~al~fo~n~n~ a pape~ of ~enePal o~o~a~on ~ubl~s~d ~ the C~ty of Bake=sf~eld~ ~d. also. ~n The 0~dale l{e~=s~ a ~s~a~e~ of ~ene~al pub12shed outside of ~ C~ of Bake~sf~eld~ but ~n the co~t~ ~he~ sa~d ~e~o~y ~S lo0a~ed~ sa~d publications hav~ been completed . a~ loas~ %~nt7 days V=io~ to the d~te set fo~ sa~d hea~ oo~l~nce w~h Section 35311 of the ~ve~n~ Code~ a~ W~AS~ ~he C~t~ Clerk of '~ O~ of Bakersfield has caused ~ten no~oe of s~h p~oposed a~=exa~on -~o be S~ven by ~ leas~ ~vlenty da~s befo~ ~he public hea=~ on sa~d p~opos&d a~xa= t~on ~ complete ~'i~th Subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 35311 of ~ Gove~n~nt Code of ~he S~ate of Cal~fov~a~ and W~S~ no t~ten ~vo~ests were f~led a~a~s~ the ~voposed ...... to. be.-a~xed~ - -- E0%'~ ~P~0~ ~ IT 0~DA~:~D by ~h~ Oo~c~l of the 0~ty of Ba~vsfield~ as follows: That the Council of the City o£ Bakersfield hereby approves the annexation, and inclusion vsiti.~in the incorporated limits of the · .City of..Bake~sfield~ of that ce~'~a~ ~i~bited tek, itchy desisted the bo~damies of ~hich a~e desc:~ibed as .. Beg~~' a~ the po~ fo:~med by the in~sec~io~ of ~he easterly bo~da~y l~e of Lo~ 1 of F~ton Ac~es, as pe~ ~p the~of ~eco~d~d in Map Book..~'~ Page Official Records of I~ Oo~ty~. California, ~ith the westerly p~olo~ation of the southerly b~d~y 1~ f ~nd (oeoond) o~ee~ as said o~oe$ is':sho~ a~ del~ea~ed on ~he Map of ~he Goode ~ac~,~ ~eco~ded ~p Book 1~ Page I~A~ Official Records of. ~oresaid Eo~a Oo~y~ v~hioh said westerly ~olo~a~ioa is a pox~ion of ~ho c o~po~a~ bo~da~y of the Oi~y of field~ Cal~o~nia~ thence southerly alo~ ~he ~o~esaid easterly bo~da~y 1~ of said ~t 1 and souShe~ly alo~ the easterly bo~a~y line of' Lo~ A' of said F~a~$on Ao~os~ said l~e bei~ a portion of ~he oo~ po~a~e bo~da~y l~no of the Oily of Ba~sfield, a dis~oe of ~OAo~B fee~ ~o a Po~t~ x'~hioh is ~he po~ of beg~~ fo~ ~his ce~ta~ deso~ip~tom~ ~he~oe southerly alo~ the eastez.ly Do.davy l~o of said Lo~ with ~ho no~he~ly bo~dax,y l~e of said ~o~ A a dis- $~e of 20~ feo~ ~o a po~ ~ the. easterly 1~ of Lo~ ~ of said ~amp~on Ao~es; ~e northerly · alo~ said easterly bo~d~y 1~ of Lo~ ~ a disSa~e potage bo~y 1~ of ~he Oily of Bake~sf~ld~ the~e easterly alo~ 'said co~pox, a~e bo~da~y 1~ and pa~a~ol wish the aforesaid no~hez,ly bo~da~ 1~ of said 4 a disease of ~ foo~ ~o the po~ of 'oonta~ 0e~8~8 ao~s of land, moro o~ lesso the completion of the a~e~tion of the sa~ to the City of Bake~s- fteld~ be sub Jeered to t~atton, eq~lly ~vith othe~ p~ope~ty 0ity of. Bakersfield to Day t~ bonded i~ebtedness of the Bake~sfield~ described 1~ the afo~esaid consent of the o~ p~ope~$y looa~d t~e~ the iss~e of bonds to'~ep~esen$ ~debSeM~ss be~ p~ovtded fo~ in O~d~-~._~e }~o~ 855 New ~ 0i~y of Bake~sfieldo SECTION This o~d~n=e sba11 beoo~ effective ~om and af~e~ Sh~ days of. i$~ pass~e~ v I-lEREB¥ OER~i~¥ ~hat the £orego/~r~ O~dfnanoe and adopted by the Oourw~_l of the meet~'~ the~,eo£ held on the 24th day 'of ~ebz, u~y~ lg53~ b~' the following vote 8 AYES: CARNAKIS, SAU.?".~'."$, $:~URI..EY, S;,'.IT;'I, SULLIVAN, YANOER[.I~I, VEST NOES: .... ~ ................................... " ABSENT:, ~~ .... -- ................ """"~ Council of the City of Bakersfield, APPROVED this 24th .day of Febru~x~j~ 1953e ~MA~O~ or, ~ns u~y br ~a~ersr~l~e STATE OF CALIFORNIA } !' County of Kern ss. !' MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... ~.e...b..?..g.~..~_~.....~.5. ....................................................... 19..5..~.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting · m]~ruary 24 thereof duly held on ................................................................................................ 19..5...~..., which ordinance was numbered ...... ..g.~ ............. New Serles, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PAR- J CEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA~ AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY.TO PAY TIIE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. : ! ' .......,, : ...~. .- ~,~,,~, ..... ~ -~. ~ 7 :.:".,.-'' ~":'%. '...-'-..' ' -. .- .., --- '-,, "~ ~,..~,..~...'2..5.¢;.h...da'v~. .... of...g;~:..u..a'..~.~ .................. 19..~.. · '.' ' " , ' State of California. i 'i M.y Commi~.si~n Expire-~ l~ov. 12, 1956 '1 ~ . ;I 1