HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 974o~a~ ~b~ed ~e~2o~y ~ho~ d~so~tbed b~ a~d ~o and '~~ aa~d petition ~a s~ed ~ the o~s o~ one-~h o~ ~ ~ b~ ~ea~ ~d b~ assoase~ v~ue aa aho~ ~ ~e }~S~ ~ ~lto~ deso?tbed ~ sa~d petition is oont~- ous ~o ~he C~ of Be~af~eld~ ~ t~8~ sa~d ~e~o~ does ~ fo~m a pa~ of ~ ~S'~ ~ ~he ~0~ da~ of ~oh~ 1953~ the~e was ~ed t~ ~f~oe of ~ ~it~ Clerk o~ ~ Ci~ of' Ba~sfields a oo~~ si~d by all $~ o~e~s of p~ope~y ~luded ~ said ~o~ t~ 'said ~e~ri~o~y' and the p~ope~7 looated ~he~e.in be Jee~d to ~.tton af~e~ ~he oo~le.~l, on of .such '~e~tion .eq~l~ wi~h p~ope~7 ~ ~he City of Bakersfield ~o pa7 ~he bon~ed ~debte~- ' ~sa of 'said Ci~y .~he~e~ deso~ibe~ the las~oe of bonds to ~esen~ said ~deb~e~ss be~ ~ovided f~. in O~d~e No., 893 New Series of the Ci~2 of ~ke~sfteld~ together, v~ C~$y HaL1 Bo~s ~h said ~.eb~e~ess. is p~ovided fo~ '~ O~d~e No, 950 New Series ~ .the ClSy of Ba~sfield~ ~d ~' ~d all ot~ ~debte~ess o~ l~bili~ of ~he Ci~y wh[oh mY .aoo~ f~om ~d af~e~ the da~e She~eof~ ~d ~his Co~ll hereby de~e~es tha$ said oons~t is ~~5~ ~he 0o~ of ~he O~ty oC ~sf~eld d~d~ on the F~ ~e Ohap~e~ Xe A~$i~le 5 of She ~ve~n~ Oo.~ of the S~a~e of .. O~o~ae s~$~io~Xy deso~lb~ ~he bo~a~leS of .the so pP~se~ to ~ ~e~ $o t~ Oi~ of Ba~ield~ ~ des~t~ A~ 200 X9.53~ a~ tbs ho~ of ei~t o~.oxoak ~ Me, at t~ O~~e as' the d~$ ho~ ~ p~oe when ~ whe~ ~he City Oo~ ~S.~ said ~soX~i~ was p~liShed at Least twioe~ but ~ ~so ~ ~e O~d~e ~ws.~. a ~wSpa~ of gem~al o~o~ation p~X~s~d outside of 2he Ci~ of Bake~sffteXd~ 'b~ ~ t~. oO~t~ty ~e~ said ~X~o~y Is loeaSed~ said publloations ~v~ been oo~Iete~ a~ Xeas~ ~ent~ ~ys p~io~ ~o ~he ~te set fo~ sa~ he~, e~Xi~e ~i~ session 3~XX of t~ ~ve~nt Code~ ~d ~S~ ~e Oi$~ Clerk of the C~ o~ Ba~sf~eld has oared ~~n no~!ae .of suoh ~poeed ~e~t~on to 'be given by Xeas~ ~n~ d~s bef~e ~e ~1~o ~a~ on said p~oposed. t~ ~~ Code of ~ S~a~e-of Ca~fo~a~. ~d ~~Se ~ ~i$~en ~o~esSs ~e f~ed a~2 the p~po.sed aunexatio~ by a~ owne~ of p~ope~y within the ~exmitox~ p~oposed to be ann~d~ , - NOV~ ~EI~P0~E, BE T_T ORDAYJ~ED by the Counmtl of the City of Bake~sfiel'd~ aa £o~lows: SECTXON 1 o' . That the Couuoil of .~he Ci~ of Bakex, sfield hereby aPI~oves the a~...$io~ and inoX~ion within the tn~ox~poz, ated limits of the ~i~2 of Bakex, sfie.ld~ o~ ~ha$ ~ex,~atn. uninhabited revisory designated aa FRA~P20~ ACRF,5 I~o~ ~ ~he boundaries of whi. eh axe desaz, tbed aa f. olXows ~'. County ~alifox, n~a~ filed fox, ~eoo~d ~ the offiO'e of the CoUnty Reoo~de~' of Ee~n County~ Oalifo~nia~ on Page AY~ tu Book 9 .of Maps.; distant thex~iu 100 · feet' sou~hs~ly .. . _from ~he n0~thweste~ly co,ne; of Said ~t 7; which a~o~e~atd point' Aa. the t~ue p~Int of" · begi~u~ fo~ Shis Oe~tain. 'description; thence e;ly along' the aforesaid weste~12 'boundaz~ llne of' . o~ ~po.~a;e ~..ou~.= .a~ o~ t:he City of Sake~sf~eld, cali- .e.a$_~e.~x_y ~ _pa~. :_a~lel w..l~, the nox~he~ly point /n the ea;te.~ly boundary line 'of' said Lot · thence no~,~he~l~ along the sa. id es'steely boundaz~ line of' Lot 7 .a. distance of 50 f.-eet to a ~hen~e. wes~3~' an~ pa~alZel, w~th said no~fbhe~ly bounda~ 1-iue of T.ot 7 ~ distance Of to the po~Jat o; be.giZmd~g~ o.ontainiug 0.1682 ao~e.s of 2,~nd mo~,~ o~, Sa~d ~er.~Xto~, and the p~opex, ty located th~e s~ll, ~' the a~etion of ~ ~~ion .of ~he .Sa~ ~o the City of Ba~s- fie~. be S~Jeo~ed ~o ~tAon. eq~ily with .othe~ p~o~ ~ ~ Ci~ ~f Ba'~sfteXd ~o. pa~ t~ bo,.ed ~ebte~.ss .of ~ City of P~.~ 'located ~e~ ~e lassie of b~ds ~o ~e~aent said ~bte~s~ be~ ~ovide~ fe~ ~ O~d~noe Noe 893 ~w Se~tea 92 t~e 0~ o2 Baka~sf~®X~o ~o~e~he~ wi~h C~ty HaX1 B~s the ~b~.s~ ~fo~ ~ p~ov~de~ fo~ ~ O~d~e ~o, 950 ~is ~~e .s~l b~o~ effeo~ve ~om ~d ~ X ~Y ~ERTX~ ~ha.~ ~he fox'egoing O~dinan~e ~s passed ~ adop~d b2' She C~iI of t~ .Oi~ .of Ba~sfie~ at a ~e~ ~e~eof ~Xd .~ ~he 20th ~ of Ap~ ~53~ ~ the' follow- AYES: CARNAKI~, SAUNDERS, SHURLEY, SMITH, SULLIVAN, VANDERLEI, VEST NOES: ........ --~ ..................................... · ABSENT: .............. '~~ ........... '" Oounoil of ~e Oi~ of ~akez~sf~eld.. of C r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA t -County of Kern ss. '.f MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: "i That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the Ci~' of Bakersfield; and that ' on April 23 , 1953 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the I City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said Clfy at a meeting s thereof duly held on....A..~.?...~..]-.....2...O.. ..................................................................... 1953 .... which ordinance was numbered ..... ~.~. .............. New Series, and entitled: ~ : . AN OI~DINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PAR- !',: CEL OF UNII~ABITI~ TERRITORY TO TItE CITY OF BAKERSFIELDs CALIFORNIA~ AND PROVIDING FOR ..; THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDF. BTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. ~ :Subscnbed'an~sworn~t6.before me th~s ! ~ ~ ;.~ ..~,, ~-. >. · ~ --~ ;~ · ~ '~ ~ ~ 'a:' ' l~r~ 19.~.~... ~ ~..;.~.,.~.~:,~ y o,.2_.: ..... ~:~..~ ........................ ~:~a~_P6bl3dn~nd ~r the County of Kern, ? '-- ' ~' ~te of~C61ifornia. . . - ~ ~ - M~;Gomm~ssmn ~p~res Nov, ~, ZgSG h.