HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 989 ORDINANCE NO.~__ NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF WARD NUMBER TWO SO AS TO INCLUDE RECENTLY ANNEXED TERRITORY THEREIN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAEERSFIELD, as follows:' SECTION 1. That the Council of the City of Bakersfield does hereby alter the boundaries of Ward Number .Two ef the City of Bakersfield so as to include therein all of that certain territory locally designated as "College Heights", which said territory was duly annexed to and incorporated within the limits of the City of Bakersfield by the passage of Ordinance No~ 984, New Series of the City of Bakersfield, California. The territory which is hereby included in and made a part of Ward Number Two, is described as follows: Beginnix~ at the Se E, oo~ner of Union Avenue and Bernard' Street as described in City Ordinance No. 786, New Series~ . adopted ~u~e 2la 1948 by the Council of the City, of Bakersfield State of Cal~fornia, and filed for record Septembe~ 7s 1948, Official Records of .~rn CountyJ thence f~om said point of be~innin~ on and alo..ng the corporate boundary line of said City of Bakersfield me 0° 13t 17" Eea distance of 4OEO0 feet to the southerly line of the Ne W, i/4 of Section 20s Te 29 Re 28 Se, Ii. D. B. & M.J Thence N. 0o 13t 15" E. on end"sic_ns the corporate bounda~ line of said City of Bakersfields being also the easterly right of way 1.~ne of Union Aven~e, as said easterly right of way li~ is delineated on Map of Tract No. 1P~Ss a-distance of 51OEO0 feet to the N. W. corner of said Tract lice 1258s said T~act NOs 1258 bein~ of Reco~d in Book 5 of Maps, ~age 192a Official Records of said Kern CotmtyJ thence Ne 0° 13~ 15a Ee on and along the corporate boundax-y line of said City of Bakersfield, 'be._.i~..also the-'ea.s.terly ..... "- right of way line of .said-Union 'Avenue, as said right of way line is delineated on Map of T~act No. 1452, a distance of 480.00 feet, to the N. W. co~ner of said T~act No. 1452, said T~aot ~NOe 1452 being of Record in Book 6 of Maps, pages 157 and 158~ Official Records of Kern County; thence I1. 0o 13~ 15" Ee on and alon~ the corporate botmdsry line of said City of Bakersfield~' being, also the easterly right of way line of said Union Avenue, as said right of way line- is delineated on I~.ap of Tract No, 1455s a distance'of 9~0e006 f~et, to the 1~. W. oo~ner of said Tract No.' 1455s said ~aot No. 1455 being of Record in Book 6 of Mapss page 148, Official Records of Kern CountyJ thence N. 0° l~ 15s E. on and along the corporate boullda~y line of said Oity.of Bakersfield, being also the easterly right of way line of said Union Avenue, as .sold right of way lin~ is'-delineated on Map of TDact Iioe 1278s a distance of 676e61 feets to the N. 'We corne~ of said T~act Nos 1278, said T~act No. 1278 being of lleco~d in Book 5 of Maps, pages ~95 and 196, Official Records of .Kern County, said last na~ed Ne W. co~ner of ~act t'~o. 1278 being also the 5. E. oo~ner of said Union Avenue and Columbus Street ss described in City Ordinance No. 757s New Series~ adopted September 15, 1947, and filed for Record October 27~ 1947, Official Records of l[ern Countyj thence northerly, f~om last named southeast corner on and along the easterly right of way line of Union Avenue .to a point 3OEO0 feet d, istant southerlyso from the northerly 1~ of the S. W. 1/4 of the S. w. 1/4 of Section 1Ts Te 29 Sew Re 28 E., M. D. B. & M. , said last mentioned point, boir~ a point in the corporat~ botmda.~y of the City of Bakersfield~ and as described in said Ordinance Nos 757,N. $. acid last nan~d point being also described as the intersection of the easterly right of way line of Union Avenue and the southerly__ ........ __?.ight of...way line of-Monte. Vis-ts Drive[-in 'Or'di~a~c~ N~. "941; '1~ S. adopted April 7s 1952~ by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, and filed for Record, May 12, 1952, Official Records of Kern Countyj thence f~om above last described, point of intex, section, on and along, corporate boundary of said City of Bakersfield Ne 16° 42~ O1e Eea distance of 62e275 feet, to a point of intersection formed by the northerly right of way line of Monte Vista Drive and the southeasterly right of way. line of Panorama 'Drive, as delineated on ,~ap of Tract No. 160~, the la.~t mentioned point being also on a circular curve concave to the southeast arid from. which point the radial center bear~ S. ?1~o 52' 16' ~. 9.~.00 feet distan_t, thence cm and along the corporate boundary line of the City of Bakersfield, a~ the southea.~terly right of way line of ?anor~na Drive, beJ~g al.-o on and alcm~ a circular curve of 91~.00 feet radius di.~t-nc, of 751.~67 feet to point of tangency, fro~ which p,oint the r~dial center of said curve bears $. ~- 17t 50' E. 9.~5.00 feet distant, as delineated on .yap of sai~! .Tract lb_~)q, filed for Record in Book 7 of ~tans ~o~s 18~$ 18= and .1~[ or' O,ffict-~l ~,ecords, of Kern C~t~t.t~; 't[ten~e fro~ th~ tas~ r.~n~d point of tangency, 1~. 56' ~' 10~ E. on ar~ al~ t. he corporate bmmdary line of th~ .~,ty of Saker.~fleld as ae.~cribed in said Ordinance No. O~l~and the right o~ ~'~y line cf Panor.~.~a Drfve~as. ,~s...~ of ',r~:ct No. 1609, a ~lstanc~ of 9"9.O15 feet, to the · '-~. -~. corner of said Tr~.ct No. 1609, said last mmed corner beir, g further described in ~aid Ordinance 1~o. the intersecting point for~ed by the southeasterly rl~h~~-of wa.v line of Pan. or-_~a Drive and t~e .~esterlF right of ~ line of Lom.a tinda ~rive; thence N. r)b' ~' E on and &l~ south~asterl~r' right of ~ay line-of Panor~ Drive ~a~d'--~tl~ ~rolo~.~.ation thereof, .~ .delineated on ~p of Tract I~o.-[071, filed ~or Record in. Book ~ of ~.a~s. r~es 1~$- ~ a~ Official Records of Eern ¢ount~,'a'dis' ~ance~~ f---~e~,-' to a ~oint, ~hich i.~ the intersection of the ~aid southeasterly, right o[ '~y. line of Yanor~ Drive an~l the northerly line of thence. ~!. ~6o ~2' E. to a point of intersection of said south- easterly right of ~a~ line and prolor~atlon thereof of Drive ~lth the center line of Alta. ~lsta Drive as delineated on Na;, o~ Tract No. lhgO, filed for Record in l~ook 6 of I~1~, ~fg~l~ a~ 1~7, Official 8.ecord, s of l~ern County, a dIst~nce ~q.57 et; thence N. 56 ,2 E. on and alc~ said ~outhea.~terly right of ~ay line of F~nora~a Drive and l~ro- longation thereof as delineated on ,van of Tract N~ curv~ of lO~SS.OO_feet radiu.~, concave to the south,ut a dl~.t, nce of ,09.62 feet, as sho~n on '~ap'of said Tract No. 1267, to a point of tang,ney, and from ~hiCh the radial center of last named., curve bears ~. 21' 1~~ ;.~ lCd~;,..Ca re.. ll~.~tant; thence from last named point of tans,neY 1~ ,6 .... on and along the southeasterly right of ~ay line o'f  ald P~nora~a 'Drive, ~ as delineated on ?.p of said Tract o. 1267 a.dlstance of ~P4~.~, feet to the ~oint of 1;)ter- section ~lth the northerly llne of said Tract ~Io. thence continuln.*, northea.~terly on and along s~..ld south,ut,fly right of ~.y line[ of Paaor.~a Drive, also known as County Road tlc. q~q, and a.~ described in that oarticul~r lnstr~ent filed for l:eco:d February 2~, 1~2, in Book 1906,°page 3?9, ~fflct.a]. Record.~ of Kern County, to Inter,ecl the prolongatt;~ northerly of the easterly bot.mdary line of sa~d Tract No. 1267; thence southerly on and along last described northerly pro- longatlcn of the e.~.sterly boundary line of s~.,.ld Tract I~o. 1267, to the 'point of intersection ~lth the northerly bo:mdary 1 of the so;~th 1/~ of the .~. ~. 1/~4 Of said section 17) thence easterly on a.~d along last na~ed northerly boundary line of .-.aid so~tth I/P. of the N. E. 1/~4 of section 17, to the N..F.. corner thereof; thence easterly and ~ m?.,asured per;endicular · . to th~ ~...=.terly ~}oundar_y. line of the ..q. '::.. 1/~4 of the_N. 1/" of Section lb, T. 2q S., R. 2g E. a distance of to a .r~oint; thence southerly, on and along .~ line, parallel to, and ~.O0 feet distant easterly from, as n~easured perpendicular to, the westerly boundary line of said Section 1'~, to a point 55.00 feet northerly fro~, ~ measured p~.~pendicular to the " southerly bo~mdary line o,'.' said .'.~ctl.-:n lb; thence from last ". above de.~oribed point, easterly on and alon6 a line parallel · '"- to, and 55.00 feet distant northerly from, as ~easureduer- pendicular to, said southerly boundary line of Section ~6, to :. a point 5.5.00 feet distant westerly from, a~ men,uteri per- . pendicular to, the easterlF boundary !lae. of said .qection ~ thence, northerly fro~ last descrlb.-xi point, on and along a. line · .' .uara.llel to, and 55.00 feet~ dist,.at.westerly from, said east.~rly boundary-line of .~e. ctl..~ lb, as measured perpendicular thereto, ~o a .uotnt. in the northerly boundary line of said .- Section 1{~; thence from last ,'te~.cribed point '~. 0· 22' 01' ~'. on and along a line parallel to,,. and 55.00 feet distant westerly from, and as ~easured ~:,er~endicular to, tb~ easterl]~ boundarF line of the 2. ~. l/It of {-.'ection 9, ?. 29 ..',., i~. E., :,,,. 5.9. and ~{., as said easterly line of Section described in that partlcul-;r lnst.ru~ent fil.ed for ~ecord, ;.":~' November 1~ 1951, in Book No. 1~$, e 1#~ Official Records of ,~ern Co~mty, a distance of ~P~O.Sqi' . feet to a ~oint of lntersecti.~.n with tb~ ~m~theasterly right of wa~ 1-1ne of a proposed ro,~! kn:-~wn as Panor.~ma Drive Exten..=.lon, said last described point of intersection bela// 5.5.00 feet distant · . southeasterly, as mea.~ured per.,:endlcular to the center line ':...- of said Panoraa~. Orive .E~tensien; thence on and along, said southea..-.terly right .of ~ay liar of Panorama Drive ~xtension, · .'. and with he.~ls of bearlns, as above described, as the easterly .- line of the S. E. 1/14 of Section 9, ?. 29 3., R. 2~ E. and more partlcul~rly_described as follows; 2. 55' 12' 01' '~. a : distance of 5#].O0~feet, t.~ a ]~oin.t o.f curve, and fro:{~ which point the radial center bears N. ],' #5' 59" '~{. ?05~.O0 feet distant; thence from lastm na~ed point of c{lrve, bonbave to the 'northMest a distance of ~?].2~.9 feet, .to point of tangency,' and from which uoint, the radial center of said curve bears .. N. ~?' {45' 5~" '~{. ]055,00 feet distant; thence from last named point of tn.agency,' S.' b~. 12' 01' W, a ~tSstance of ~5.~0 fed. t, to a point of curme, and from which point the radl~.l center bears l/. 27· hS' 5q' '~. ~055.O0 feet distant; thence frau last na~. ed ~.po~int of curve concave to the northwest a dlst:~ce of ,O8.. '15 feet, to point of tangency, from which the radial center of last n~ed curve bears '..~. ~_0' 05' 57' '~. ~9055.00 feet distant; thence fro~ last named ~oint of tangency · ~9° 52' O~' ~v. a distance of .~?b.2~ feet, to a paint of curve,, and from which rmint the radial center bears 05' 57' '.i. ~055.00 fee~ dlstar, t; thence fro:,~ l~.~t n~ned 'i>oint of curve co,cave to the northwest, a dlst.mce ,of t~O.~?l' feet to point of t-~nsency, fr~.~ which the radial center of last named c{.lrve bear, N. ]' .57' ~?' '#. ]O55;O0,fee~ .'-~lst~t; thenc.e .~rom lar{ re]reed ~oint of t.angenbv, 3. Sb· 0~' a dl~-,nce of ?b~.61 feet to a point; ti~nce ~.:. ho 1~*"20";'~., the basis of bearing of last na~ed course, belr~ the above ~aid easterly bo,jndar~/ line of Section 9, a distance of 18?.lX? f~eet, to a point, the reverse bearl~ of last n~med Course bela~ 2. t~. 02' ~5' E. s. distance of [S?.l~? feet, the basis of beari.~8 of last named co~{rse being that ~-~.rticular · instrument filed for Record, October lb, lq]?, L~ok ?t~, · 211, Officl~.l Records of Kern County; said'~.?,.st me~tlone,.l point bet.q6 the so.,theast~er,l~ terminus of tl~;t p'~.rtlcul::r course ~hlch bears ::;. l~O 14 ~,O' E.' as described under i-'arcel V of shove mentiored t. nstru~eni filed in Book ?,2, pass a dlst:~nce of 159.]0 feet more or le.=.s to the northerly b_oundarv, of th~ ri~ght, of way of County. Ro-..~ No ?bq~' thence .from. last. named, uolnt_N._5? .O5.'..lO' E... a distance'.of. 200.00 feet to lntersec~ a curve, fro.~ whlch uoint the radial center of said curve bears 9. 5' 05' ~.O' '~. 1050.OO feet distant; thence from l~mt named point of curve cancave to the southeast a distance of ltSO.11~ feet to point of t..angenclr,,fro~,, ~hich the r.:-v~ial center of $.~,ld curve bear.-. ~.~1· Ob ~xO' E. 1050.O0 eet distant; ther~e from last s,~d. point of tangency, S. go 5~, ~O' ~/. a lllstance of l~?.(>Ob feet, to a point of · :'. lnter~eciton wtt?i~:~.sterly bou{~lary line of said Parcel ¥, said ?arcel ¥ being a. loortion of l~anor.~ma Park~ thence on 'and along' the boup~lar¥ of ,,.aid Panors,~a Park, N..1s~o 17' 20' ¥. a . di~,nce of 79.~O" feeti thence ,¥. ?' ~,' ~. a distance of 77.b5 feet; t. her~e ~.~. ~b' ~9' '.~. a distance of ~0~.~5 feet; "' the.ncc ?-. ?6' ~' 50' '~. a~dist-n, ce of 1~9.1sO feet; thence . ~. 5~.e 55' ¥. i'dlst-~.nce of 19?.(~g. feet; thence .~. 17 57' ~/. ,~. distance of 12O.ll~, feet, to a point of lnter.~eotion .. ~ith a circular curve., fran ~l~lch the radial center of said curve bears N. 1~' 1~.~ 17' '~. ?lPj. OO feet distant; thence fro~ 'l.a~t mentioned l~o!nt of lnter.=.ection, on and along~ circular curve concave to the northwest a diets[nccof 15b.~ :" feet, to point of t..-.Jt~ency, from ~hich the radial center of '..:.i last sa.id curve bears N. O~ 2it, :.~. ?1~5.00 feet distant, and al?o fr..~n las.+. said point of t~ency, Station 'C' of Parcel "" IV, described in above mentione~ instrument, filed i n Book 7~, !~age )ill, bears S. O° ldi, ~.. ~00.OO fe~t distant; thence fro..~ last named point of t:,ngency ~. $~o. 1(~' W..~arallel to, -.-.. and ~OO.OO feet distant northerly fro~, as measured per- . ~endlcular.to, the northerll[ flight of ~ay line of County '" Road No. c~9 a distance of ~79.~? feet to a point of CttTVe, '.:"-' from which the radial center of said curve bears 5. O°l~' E. 2255.00 feet distant; thence frOm said ~oint of curve concave to the southeast a distance of 5~5~7}g feet to a .-.~ ~otnt of intersection ~ltt.. boundary line of said Parcel IV, ~f .r'snor.~na Park, and fro~ ~h/ch point-the radial center of said curve bea~s S. 15' .~6' 57' E. ~55.00 feet distant; thence from last r~r~ed p~lnt of intersection, on snd along the boundary line of sa.id .°~norama Park, a,nd as described ~. in said ?a.rcel .IV, N. 51· [Va' ~.-.'. a dist~nce_ of ~1S2.1S55 feet; t..h~..nc_e..~. 50' 5"' ~.O' ',~,. a all,stance of bl.55 feet; the.n~.e S. 5' 5~.' ~0' E. a dis~,nce of 8~.~7 feet; thence $. }5° #4' 10' ',.~. e distance of 1al.aa feet; thence S. ~>' OO'olO'. _~. a distance of 50.1&l~l feet to a point; thence $. ~8o t~6, ~f. on and along a line parallel to, and ,?00.O0 feet distant nortI~- vesterl:f fram, as measured 1oerpendicular to.said northwesterly rl~lht of vaF line of said County }~.osd~ No. C)b~t ~ dist,~nce of 1~_~.5~9 feet to a paint, fro~ ~l";tch .-:tartan 'B", as described i, P;rcel III of above aentioned instrument, filed in Book ?1$~, ,~..~e 211,_beal'~ .~. 21° 1~' E., 200.00 feet distant; thence contir:.ui.~ 2. 6~' ,b' [. a ,d, ist. nce of 11~.90 feet, to a point of interjection ~ltt: t .e bo.~rdary line of sal,l Parcel III of Panorama, Pa_rk; thence on amd along said panoTam~ Park bound~ :'" · line, ..'~. ll~ 58~ ~9' w. a distance of 120.7~, feet; thence ~. _~0' 01$, 10~ '~. a distance of 109.77 feet; thence ,~. 6lt~ ~7' .' ::~. ~ distance of 101.55 feet; thence 2. 79· 19' }~)' '#. 1~1~.~5 . feet; tbznce ~. t~5~ 29' ~.O' W. a dist:.noe of ~ga.bO feet~ thence S. Xg.° 11~ 1$O* ;':. 'a distance of 152.60 feet, to a ooint '.:' in the t~esierl¥ bo,.n~lary line of the lq. ~?. 1/15 of :~ection' 17, T. 2q i.~., R. Pg ~.., ,',t.D.B. and ~., ~nd fra~ Yhich the i-'.. ':,'. COme,- of the N. E. I/1~ of~.~,ald Section 17, bears S. ~P 1~}~ E. 1615.2s feet .llstant, a. described in said Parcel t.hence fr~n .above s.~id oo'nt in the ~esterly boundary line of the .~. E. 1/15 .of :~ection 17, on an.l along the botm~ary llne of said .r?.nora:na. Park, a,n~ ..as de' cribed in that particular ..~' instrtt~ent, filed for .~.*':~cord in i~9_ok 72?, .~e 5~., Official . :'tecord~ of Iie~n County, :~. ~?o 19' 10' ~. a distance of 206.8~ fecal the. ace S. lo ~t 1SO~ E. a ~l~stc-nce of g7.20 feet; thp. nce ..... 5.. b~ .51S~-'SO' '#~ a dis.t:-mc6 of 1.~.6~ f.eet.; thence .q. 1· 1i2~ .... . ~f. a. ,'~lstance of lO1.Oi$ feet; thence .~. ,1° O0~ ~O~ ~::. a dist.~nce of 91.11/~ feet; thence 2. 7P~ 59' ~:? W. a dtet~nce of ~,g.-~9 feet; thence S. igc ~5~.W. ~ distance of 155.O(; feet; thence 2. 115~ 2~.~ Sa' ~ .~ ,list--.nce of $O.51> feet;" thence S. ;. .:. J$9c 20~ 20" if. a distance of 102o82 feetj thence S. 21o 3[t~ 10" W. a diet.ce of 92,~8 feetl the~e N. 81° ~ 20" E. a d$st~ce of 89.9~ feet; t~nce N. j~o [~t ~0" E. a d$stance f ~00.81 feetj t~ N. 66° 32' J0" E. a d$at~ce of ee~_t~ S. 380 28~ W. a ~nta~e of-93.23 feet~ t~n~e S. ~o 1~ ~0" W. a diat~e of 166.71 feetl thence S.~'8o 1~' W. a 'diat~e of 2.117 feet to a point of in~aectionl tlm~e' fr~ last n~d point S. ~6o ~2~ W. on ~ alo~ a li~ 200.00 feet dist~t northwesterly f~ as ~as~ed ~endic~ar to t~ nort~este~ly ~i~t of w~ li~ of Said Co~t2 Road 96~, ~so ~ as P~a D~ive, a distance of feet, to a point of intersection ~th t~ westerly ~i~t of wa2 li~ of ~on Ave~, ~so ~o~ as Cowry Road No. 96, said U~on A~n~ bei~ of 115.~0 feet in width, ~7e7~ feet on each side of the section li~ between sections 18 ~d 17, T. 29 S., R. 28 E.I thence sout~rly on ~d alo~ said westerly ~i~t of w~ li~ of D~on Arena, p~lel to,"~d 57.7~ feet westerly, as mean~ed pe~endic~ to s'~d easterly li~ of section 18 to a point in t~ southerly li~ of said ·eation 181 t~e contin~ sout~ly on ~d alo~ t~ west- 'e~12 ~lght of wa2 li~ of said U~on Aven~, p~lel to, ~d ~7.75 feet westerly, as ~as~ed perpendic~ to the easterly li~ of section 19, T. 29 S., ~. 28 E., M.D.B. ~d M.~ to the aout~eat co~r of s~d U~on Aven~ ~d 3~th Street, t~ last n~d co~ne~ bei~ a point in ~ co~o~ate bo~d~ of said City of Ba~s~ieldl t~nee confining sout~ly on ~d ~ong said corporate boldly of t~ City of B~e~sfield, bei~ also t~ westerly ~i~t of way line of said U~on Aven~ ~o a point of in~.seetion, s~d point bei~ foxed by the prolo~ation ~sterl2 of the sou~erly ~i~t of way li~ of ~n~d St~et to t~ westerly ~ight of way ll~ of said Union ~venue; thence ~om last n~d point, easterly on ~d along t~ above described westerly p~olongation of ~e sout~ly ~i~t of w~ li~ of Beard Street, being also the Co~o~ate boldly of the City of B~e~sfield to tB~ southeast corne~ of t~ intersection of U~on Aven~ ~d ~rn~d Steer to point of begi~i~, containing 6~9 ac~s mo~ or less. SECTION This ordinance shall take effect thirty days from and after the date of its passage. ..... O00 ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 9th day of November, 1953, by the followi~ vote: A?E~: CARNAKIS, COLUI~o CROE$, EVELETtl. ,e.~U.~.~£~, ~ULUVAFI, ~ flOE: ..... ~ .............. ~ Ai~$E~-iT: ........... ~""~*"= .................. ~ lty Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk o£ the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED Noven~e~ 9, 1953. MAYOR of th~ ~City of"'BJk~'rsfi'e'ld STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ County of Kern )~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she ;s the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that I" on ......... ~..°.Y..e...m..b...e...~......]:_.2 ..................................................... 19....5...3. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ord;nance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting Il" thereof duly held on ......... ~.~..y..e..~b..e..~.....g. ......................................................... , 19.5...3. .... which ordinance was 989 Ii" numbered ............................ New Series, and entitled: .~. ~?~..; · ~~~' ~. ,~" ,-.~ :~.~,~ . ' ........................ ,I ~ .'~:~ ~ Z ~ '~ ~ '. '~ Su~cabed and,s~orn'.~ before ~e thls ~~.~ .g~vem6~ ~ ,~ 53 ., .... ~...~.--~-.~-.-~ ~Z-~-~----~: ....... ~---~ ............... , ........... ~:~~.~~ ................................ · Nota~ Pubhc.m~n~for theTCounty of Kern, ' . ~ ~ --S~t~ of'CalifOrnia. r~ Oommi~g~~:n°v' ~2, '1 . ,J_ ............................................................................................ ~.,.~