HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 987 .. o~ s~CglO~ 8 0~. ~Di~c~ ~o. ~79' ~ . '" ', BE IT 0RD~iED'~ "t~ Co~cii .of. ~ Ci't~.of B~kerSfio'ld' as' · '. · .follows: .~ ~. :;.:...~..:.~:~.~'.,.:~'.'.':~....,~.....:.. ., :..'..': .. .. .. .~. SE~ION 1~ ....... .-"'~. '.' .... .' ~hag Subdivi~ton'' by.~h~ging-' .the 8chedUie' '" .... "' ' N~b~'.for. City~ '.Pl:~ner .~rom 8che d~e · ... '.~ · .:;. · ...... .. ...:....'. . · .~o...~o ~ ~0~ ~u~ . .~o. . . ~'"":'. "::'..;""':' "'" """ '.".~..". " · .~ ?.-. ... ..- - '. -. ~; '.~.-.. ..'. .. · ., ~ · ~ . :"-:'"'. · "." .... ' · '8~u'2'I0~ .R, : .. ~ . .~ . '.~ .~:...' . ::.- :.. ".-... · · ::%. "~F · . ~ · '~ ;. '.. ~:~:.'.: br.'~; '.:..'. ', .. ~ . ': ..... gho" d: tg8 .pa~ ' ' ~} " ' :" · . .. ,; ooo~"~ vote ~ · . · ':. : · ...... AYES: ~R~KIS, COLUNS,"CRO~, EVEtETH, ~U~DE~S,. SULLIVAN, V~ST' "' ' : .' -~~ i~2:' ....' . .'.'" . · · ." NOES: .. . ...... _ '"." -~; L_. '.'.'-'.,' '. ..:.~'.~ '. ':. ,.....:.".. ".. ~ _:._~__..._ . . ..... ..g88[~1: .... . ". ... , a. .:..... ~ .;~ . ' ~ · · '. ..... '. City CXe. rk ~d Ex Ofri'c'io Clerk "of t~ ..... CouncS1 of ~ O~ty ,f~'Bake~sfieid, · ~PP~O~D.'0egobo~ ~, 195~.' .. · '...... ..'... .... ..... ~-'~'-~'~ 'o~ ' ~-r~~.~,: ............... · ..... ~,:~..:.~.~._ ..... ., ........ · ...... ~-~-.~.,~: ... ".' .'' ~I~'Cl ~ of ... .'..~}. ..-.... ~ '.... .~ ~4.. ... Affii avit of losting (Ori inan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA } County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVI~, belng duly sworn, deposes ~nd s~: That she is the duly ~ppolnted, ~ctlng end qualified Ci~ Clerk of the Ci~ of B~ke~ield~ ~nd that October 29, 19~ F~'~'"~'~'~'~ .................................................................. 19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board ~1, · full, true ~nd correct copy of ~n ordln~nce p~ssed by the Council of s~id Ci~ thereof duly held on.....O.~.~.~.~.~r...~.~....[O.~ ............................................. 19 ......... nu~b~r~...9.8.~ ................~ $~ri~, ~n$ ~nfi~$: AN O~IN~CE A~E~ING SU~IVISION (l) OF~CTION 8 OF O~INANCE NO. 879 N~ S~IES OF THE CITY OF ~SFIE~ . ~. ~ ,~o~.~'~ , -~ ~ . . .... ~ ./. ~ ~Sbbi~ib~d~a~d~worn to b~om me this . -- ~/29th.[~ ~ · October .... . ~ ~ ..... ~'. ~;