HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 982 · ; .. ... :'..." {- ..q .... . ...." . .:' · -..,.. ,..: ~... . '. ..,..'- .. 'ORDINANCE No.. ~82 .NEw 'SERIES .-?.i:'." · '..... '. 'OF- ORDINANCE No, V 05 .'~W SER~S O~ · "· :"" " '~ C'ITY OF BA~RSF~LD, 'CALI~ORN~ ' '''" · ~ ~ O~AI~D by the:.od~cil.':of the Ci.ty of Bake~sfield~ 'a~ follows:. ... .. " :' .:' " SECTION Ii " That':~ctiOn' 170l'.'Of O~dinance" No.e 705 New 'Se'~tes~ be and the ....same is h~eby 'amended to ~ead as .follows: ~'. .' ' '. .- · . .' ::.Se~'tion. ~701~ 'AC T. ION.= It s all be ~lawful fop any pepS'on' ..~b. pea.mit the ac'c~.b'iOn of..'~efuse to become' OP Pekin ...-' ..-°f~nsive,'"~Sightly, o~ "~saFe' to Public health ' ' ~e~use'~':'c~omBus~ible..~ubbish o~'waste, m~te~'to be deposited~ kept o~ .. ' '.acc~a'~ed Upon .any lot.'on paPce~ of land, o~ on a~y' public' o~ p~i~ate · .wu?. · : ..... . .deposited o~ 'a:Llowed to 'accurate. in a ~tal ~ecept.acle pPovided with ..~a ha~le'.o~ handles and said Peceptacle. shall"not have. a ia~ge~ capacity . '~han.. thi~ty-t~o .(5~) gallons and shall not weigh mO~e tha~ eighty '(80) '.. POnds wheh .fil!ed; said '. ~ecePta.cle to'be p~ovide'd with ~'"Close fitti~ '' .... 'metai. ~id.oP..'6c. ve~ .which shall .be' kept closed at ali times except ~en · necessa~ily .opened .to permit "~ubbis~' o~. waste mattep ~0 be taken thePe- ashes' Shal~' .have. a capacity.of not less .~an three. (:~)~gallons and" .... · . not mo~:e, than .fifteen (15)'gallons and no~htng but .as.he~ shal~ be P.laCe~ .t~e~e'ine' PPovtded.f~thep that it shall be' ~lawful'fo~ any. ...... :... . ... ...... '. 0~. ac.c'~'~te~..any Oily ~ag's o~ oily .waste, eX'ce~t when ~ actml use~ ..- ... .., .oP 'inclos~e ~ess the 'same 'b'~ ~ept ln.a meta~ ; :' ., .. . : .... - :.~ :' }..'..' .: . · .' .. · . , . . .. -.:. . ... ~.:.. · ."'" recep.~'Acle ..e~- Can fitted with ia .s.elf..Clesing'(iid o~. cover., Said· · reo~ptaCle':'b.~ing of du~able ma.te~'ial, 'Having rivete~/Joints,' standing .... on metal', leg's: Whi;h raise-the bot,'om of' '~he receptacle' or. c'ontain~ ......:.......: This 0rdihance shall tale' effect thirty days· after the day ..' ..."".,:'..... .' .I"~P~BY CE.RTIPY;that ~he foi~egoing Ordinance was DaSsed and " ":~L-' adopted~-i:by the Co'until'Of the. City 'of Bake~s.~ield 'at a regular 'meeting. ""::' "there°f ··he·id da. the' 3rd 'day..of. August~ '1953~' by ~'he .following vote .... '" ........ ."" 'A'Y~S:' CARNAKIS, COLLINS, C[~OES, E'~ELETH,.SA~NDER~,'SULLiVAN, VEST .. · . :'... :. :. . .'." . '.. I i STATE OF CALIFORNIA } :~J~ County of Kern "' j ~ Mildred. Salzer ,.~ on .............. ~.¢.~.~....~ ......................................................... I~..~.~. ~h~ ~o~,~ on {h~ Bulletin 8o~r~ ~ ~h~ ................................................................................................. ~ ~...~., ~hioh nu~b~r~ ........... ~.~.~ ......... ~ $~ri~, ~ ~nfi~$: OF ORDINANCE NO. 705 N~ SmIES OF ~ THE CITY OF BAK~SFIE~ CALIFORNIA. I ~ · '.~ I '.. I ~..~ .~ .~ ;..- %Su~scri~e8 aha sworn ~ Eelo~ me ~.~ ~. , .=;.=..x. ~, ~ ......... ~ ~ ............................................ l~y Commission Expires June 9, 195~ [.. ............... --- , . .......................