HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 981 "' "" "AN 'OP~'INANCE A~E'ND. IN~ .S'~BDTVT,~ION (b) OF' · . .. -' . .... 5 AND. SUBD.IVISIO.I~S~) OF SECTION " ....'-." "" ..8 oF -NO, s?9.m~w SE~.IES OF · 0ITY OF BAKERSFIELD... -.-... · '. BE..'r~...ORDA by ~che' Counc:t.'! 0£: .the. C/.%y of Bakez, sf~/e'lCl, as. '~eol~.nws______ .*-. : ....... .. .: .. .:..' ... f . :. .-. .:.:...; go s be.:and' tho same .~s".'..h.o-.~0b7 .... ~m~ndod to rea~ ~' £.011.o~ ........{b). :.C'o'm~on~.att. on'Sohe~uIos .'i'o~, uml.~o~moa mombo~,s".o~.' tho Polt0e SEC~0~."r .-.'.. .. .... ..... .... ' .. 'i · ':i' ' ' .:' . . ' . "' -.- .,~. ~.£te~. ~ . Arte~ ' . yz'; ' ~chedule Be.g.inn~,tg '6 months· . I yea~' -l"y~a'~ and' 6'mo. · 2 7ea~s :tn. next .' /~.: nex.~" $n. next in ·next· .: ~,~ next .1/.o., . ....Ra/;e ' . :: 'lowe~_ _~ate- lo,~e?. '~a,t,e.'towe~ ~ate 15wov. ~ate" lowe,~ ~ate ' · $,8, ~o'- ....... " ':' :.".20 ,'.'.,~...::,..... .- 52,5 '".. 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'!'""625 '654 · 687. · " 721 " 757 ?95 SECTION II . ... T~at'.StiBd~v-~.Sion (a) of Sec .tion.. 8., of-'Ordinance No. 870 New'' .-. S~r. ie.s~ of the. Cit~ of Bakersfield be. and t.h~ "same is he~.eby amended ..' .... by"dele~ing therefrom the classifications of "Naintenahoe 'superin- ". :'"'. te.nde'.n~."'~'.~tore-keeper" ~nd that of . "Tree ~oreman", .a~d..b~"' addin~ to · '' '"~aid s. ubdivi'sion tho folloWing schedule, numbers.and classifications: "i..:..' '. . '19' sew'age Plant Attendant.' · ~ '""' " ..... '~hg subdivision {1~. of Sootiori.8~'of'Ordirianoe 'No. 8?0 No~ · '~q~'~.,s~ 'of ~'ho dit7 'of Bak*rsf~.eld be. ~nd ~ho santo is hor0by 'amended' ~ . ..: . · . '~ . ;.' g " . .... .. ·- ·.This O~d~ce sh~ll ~ake effect on .the.fi~st d:ay .of Septembe~ . ...~. . .. _ · .._f'-I:'BEREBY'CERTIFY:; ~ha~ '~he" foz,'ego~g. ~hdinanOe .was passed and- ' ..,--'.-~ :, . -.~ . .. .a~o 'b'y. the' ;il ~f the'ci:gy of Bakersfield' ag a. ~egula~ meeting o . . . . · .~,...~ . ,: . . .. ' . . . '. · . 'ther~o'f:' held .off- 27gh. day. 02' July, igSS, by the .£ollow. ing vote: . ,'.:..... .. ?¥ · .." . ..: . AYES: CARNAI~IS,. COLLINS, CRO£$,'.EVELE'rE: $~, ....: . : : -_,'_ ...... -..:. : .. ,, HOES: .___l"~_~,:~___ -.- ......... .'.._L..-._ .,._'...; ....... ". ABSENT:'__-~- ~ ........... - .... \ · .:.,:' . . ...';- :.... · . .. :. ... . . ...:' . . ,,. 'r~~*'-~_,'-..X .,.L.., -.,, !. · · · · ::..-- Act/rig .Clty .Olerk anc[ Ex-Ol'r(~ClO ble'~'~ o~~ 't'.he. .... '":i..~ C6uncil of"~he'. ~ity of Bake~.s..field- .". ~h-t's.~,.~ of J~l~,. '.Z9..~3', ... '*"L · '. .:: · .;:. .. : · .~. ....:.'.;.,: ·.. .'. . ...,.." '%..'.':':-~.~'.:_ · : '.. . ' ....". · .. · .:,...~.~z~,,.c.~ ............ ..- ...... ...~...,:.-:-;:.'~': ..... .:., ...... ........ ...: ..... .. . · ..... :; ':..::. :..,...~,:.,;.f...:.: ... .. · .. .'u~ .... ...,:... ::2,:~...,... · ' '"' · ;. .~. . .. . - · :. '. : ,. .. : ,... ..j: .... .. :'.;~ · . .,,..: - ... .... ~ . (:'..'-':..'; · :..: -: .'. Affi av ! of ] osttng (Ordinances STATE OF CALIFORNIA / County of Kern~ ss. Mildred Salzer :Xl~~::I~M~ belng duly sworn, deposes and sa~:Act lng ,..,. That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified ~;fy Clerk of the Clfy of Bakersfield; and that on .......... .~...u.-.~.....2.~. ................................................................ 19...~.3. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said Clfy at a meeting Ii' thereof duly held on July 27 19.~.3...., whlch ordinance was numbered ........ .~..8..~ .......... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBDIVISION (b) OF SECTION 3 AND SUBDIVISIONS (a & b) OF . SECTION 8 OF ORDINANCE NO 879 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. ::' h ,.I/.'-/.,' ..... t . i:.':::?~....d,y of ................ .~.~. ................ , ,9...~.~. !'~'~ Ill~ ~ ~ ~ ;"~"~ ........ '~;~;~'~;~i;'i';';;'~'~';;'~e County of Kef.'""'""'"'"'"'""] .............. '~r~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~tate of California, ' " ';1~'.' '% '~ .," ~ / 4 ~':<L~_~ 1; ' ~ '"f My Commission Expires June 9, 19¢ _ _ .~ ...... ~.~..'_._~ ~ ~. · ;~ - . - ~