HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1000 ORD'.MVANOE NO. /coo NEW SERIES Y1.1n. SC.Y� AN ORDI NAVUE APPROVING ANVEXA`-I ON OF A. PAR- CEL OF �N:,MIABITMD -MRRTTOMY TO 51HE CI"Y OF BAIMIRSVIELD,, CArI FOI'.NIA3 "liff; 's-ROVIDINO- FOR 1 HE TAXATION OF S ArI) TERRITORY TO PAY "HE BORDED INDEBT'EDILMSS OF SAID CITY. WEEREAS9 a petition was f'!'wcad with the- CoM,10-1!. of the City of Bakersfie-ld on. the 29th day of Januw,?y, 195b q raq.---estizia~, that oertain. 8u1 int.tabited torrAtor'y therein described no s;.inexed to and included within the I eorpo-rated ::unit` of the City of Ba-luirsfis16.9 and WF;EREILSa said pe-Ution was signed by they oww.—?s of .one—fourr"rh of the land,, by area, mice by assessed 41 a1 ii:3 e` 3hoia:L on �.Ixa last iced assessment roll of the Coon•:;; of Korn., kx<)A WIEREAS9 th— ts:r::,itor7 deseribed 131 said D3 contiguL as to the City of Bakersfic:ldc. snd WHEREAS, said �ce:�r3tor-�; dons not foinyr, a jag?t of any other city, and W11�REASg on th-3 :•'.Cth day of January, 19:51.�, there wa-s filed in the office of the CM;S- (1lerk of the City of Bt riarsfta1.d.9 a writter. consent, signed by all. •chs -i—nniers. of propor y 2Lnelud:)d.• in said ter- ritory9 that said territorT ba scab jetted .;i. ta;.ation after the aom- plotion of such anznexst:r on equaliy with p2?crer.-ty in -a>xe City of Bakersfield to pad th:a indebtedness of said C;:I.ty tharelin described, the issuance of 'Honda to raps o-sa.xt said i-adeb•te dine ss being provided for in Ordinance No. 89,E New Sorleo of the City of Bakorsfrolda together with CA.ty Ha.-A Bonds which said indebtednofie is provided fdr in Or°din.-mee No, 9�0 Now Serios of the City of Balmrsf':`_alde and any and all 63ther indebtedness or liabl"Ity of the City trrich may accrue from and after the date i.hc►recf, and: th!3 Cocriaell hareby deterrains that said conoerat is -signed by all the cnraers of props�'$3:Y included it said a:3d cop-plies in every roapeat with the. r a provisions of Section 35319 of the Goveriunent Code of the State of California9 and WIiEREAS9 the Council of the City of Dalmrsfield didD on tho 15th day of Fabruary9 1954,, pass a Resolution being Hoc 11-54 9 in compliance with the provisions of the A.-Me cation of Uninhdbit;ed Territory Act of 19399 and amndraents the eto9 being Tit1F, 4v Rivi. lion 2. Part 29 Chapter Is Article 5 of t'rm Goverrment Cods of then State of California9 specifically describing the boundaries of MW territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of l akersfieldv xrad designating such territo.-oy by an appropriate identiiication9 and setting Mon.dayq March 22,9 19549 at the hour of eight o'clock PvMQz at the Council Chwifoers9 in the Police Dopalr-tment Buil.ding9 1.620 Truxtun Avenues Balmrafieldv Cal.iforrila9 as the days hour and place when and whare the City Council woiOLd I.-Laar protests wade. by any person owning; real or(.vrirty witlAn t'rw aforesaid territosya sml U.IhT,M,Sa said Rest)l.ution was pi?blishad at least twioe„ but not of toner than once a weer In The Bakersfiei d Cal-ifornieXX? ra of general circulation p.sblished in the City of Bakersfie:;.d,, ar.d .also in The Oildale Nevs: a newspaper of general a i culat i on published outside of the City of Bckersfields rut in the county cihere said territory 1a located,, said publications haviz)g been completed at least twenty days prior to the date ;rat for said heariWag, in Cora-: pliance with Section 3533.1 of the G'O-vor;C+..trtent Cede,, and VM- PEAS$ the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield has caused written notice of such Ir oposed annexation to be given, by =11. at Least twenty days before the public btearfng on said proposes', arnGxa- tion in compliance with Su,jdivisions (R) and (b) of Section '3533.:1. of the Gover=snt Code of tha State of California... and _ _ WEER&Wg no -rar tten protests were filed agairvt the -proposed . annexation by any owcsr of property within the territory propor•,ed to be annexed. 20 n � - J NOW9 THEREFOREp BE IT ORDAIIIED by the Council of. the City of Bakersfiel.dg as followag SECTION le That the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the annexation and 3.nolusion within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfiel.d9 of that certain uninhabited territory design at-. ed as PIANZ I'Mr-M NO. 2s the boundaries of which are deseribed as follows o Beginuiing at a point. In th.- existing- boundary lino 03 the -City of Bakersfield., State of Calif oxoniav as said point is desoxoibsd in the description for the annex" tion of Pl anz Park, wader Ordinance I',lo o 896s New Series, adopted by the Council of the City of Ba1cerafield;, January 2p 19512 and filed .in 'the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California, February 79 said point of beginniiag being dasc,ri.bod under above sm d Ordinance Igo* 8939 New Sertesg as the 1.2 terse-;tion of the southerly prolongation of the e€ sterly bo xndary 'line, of they southwest 1/4 of Section 7. Tounahip 50 Sout:^t Range 28 East:, No D„ ti: and t?.ic southerly right of way 'line of County Road Tao. 5629 of S0 feet in •kic?the also I,nown as Flanz . Road thence from above deser- bad point of beg nningq. eaa ter'i y on amd along said southerly right of way Line of Fl.anz Road, alEo kmove a as Courby Road No, 543, pa-allel to, and distant 50 fact southerlys as measured perpand-+cular t.o9 the southevly b3undar°y line of sfaresaid Section. 7. to a point of in.t;erse tion -rith the southwesterly right of gray line of County Road Noe 1000 (Realigm ent), of 110 feet in width, also known as Sough Chester gv3nues as said County Road Koo 1090 eras declared a Public H-_ghway by action of the Board of Super- visorSv of said :-rn County, Play 15t 1950$ as shomrra an the minutes thereof,, in MMonte Book No® 43, at page 5859 filed 3n the office of the County Cl.erk,, of said Kern County o thence northwesterly y on And along said south- westerly right of way line of Cotxni5• Road No., 1090., also known as South Chester Avonuep to a. point which is distant 255 feet norther`yp as =asured pe.-pendioul€tr to.. said sout:horl y bou dia .. Line o.f Section 7; thence wa s terly on and ,,long a line paz9allel tog and di€►-ax-sv 255 fee•:: raorth- erly9 as raeasured perpendi.-ovular Lo, at:id soutberly- boimdazy line' of Section 73 to a point: of intersection. rrith;; the aforesaid, easterl.ar boundary Linn of the southwest 1,/4 of Section 7. the Last named point being also a point In the exist. ng be iladary line of said City of Bakersfield,, thence southerly on and along last named existing boundary lines said line being also the easterly boundary line of the sout,311- _ - crest 1,/ of said Seoti o' I, axid the southerly pry®`?c�;atio�: thereof, to the point of beginningA and containing 4U28 acres of lands more or lens , �a Said territory, and the property located therain, shallp upon the oompletion of the annexation of the same to the City of Bakersfields be subjected to annexation equally with other prop.. arty in the City of Piakersrield to pay the bonded inalebtec+noss oI.' the City of Bakersfis d, described in the aforesaid consent of tho oars of property lccated ther-oi.n, the isouanee of bonds to re- present said indebtedness being Irovided for in. Ordinance Nbo 895„ New Series of the City of Bakersfield, together with City Hall Bonds, the indebtedness. therefor being provided; for by Ordinance Eton 950, New Series of said City, and any ar_d 6111 other indebtedness or liability of the City which gray A.crue from and after the date there, of BE,CTIONT 5m this ordinance shay? ' eoom:3 ef'fect."me 50 days froth and after the date of .its passa ;e a I HEHMY• CERTIFY that the fopegoi.ng, Ordinance ims passed and adopted by the Counoll of the City of Bak€;rsfleld at a regular Two et- ing thereof 'held on the 22nd day of T.Iarch,, by the following vots AYES: CARMIGS, CCLL 11b, iiaws�, sd�e:t' �d4�d1:1d1(So 8ULUVAR1p VIOT - PRSeJT: Tj t rlc and. B -76 [ Mo':y.e 0_FIIM Oo=.meil of the City o:' Bakersfield . APPROVED this 22nd da of March, "i 951p ''ww �rn • I • iY 9 Affibauit of fastitto (Orbwanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA l County of Kern f SS. t ' � 1 MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I I That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that ti on-------------- M................................................ arch 24 __ ___________________________ 19...5.4 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the 1 0 t City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on..............March 22 19..54, which ordinance was j 1 numbered.....1000 New Series,and entitled: I l � AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PAR— f CEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ! � BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. I II e ; j ; I ti � 3 I � i MNIZ— i' 9 Subscribe' an' iv6)Fnzto before me this �.. T i 2` I3?'efa' i Nf2t�� ----•------ j 1954 r ice:s�-= V A ...... i lvz ..................... j rNota�c Pu lic in nd for the'Counfy of Kern, i y '� *, r State-of Caliroti�a. _— I I F E.xpireei' v;, 42, 1956 �'! a • •', ALL _ .-r - �o ! I�