HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 999 AN orr> A~'.xr.D'.:rNG SUBD.I~5'Si0N'{a)"0~ ..". "' ~EOTION"4402.,. AND SE~TION' ~.403 .0P .0RD'INANCE .... · N0, 9'~' ~W SE~.~S~.. AND BY 'ADDING-. T0 SA~' A ~I SECTION'TO. BE ~E~ 440B . ...~ . .: "~ '. ~..~ . ~.~..~ ........ ton '" as .2ows; -.:. ·. · .... -. SECTION L1.. ... ".: '~bdiv.ision. '(a) of' Sect'ion'4402 .of 9~dinanco .N6. 967 '~ew 8e~ios is hereby.'"amended to read as f611'owS: " or adjoini~ .t~ buildi~ ~Sit.o for .which a permit has been issued to the extent, of not mo~e than the W~dth.°f. space actually .~e'qui~ed, as . . .. '-.'.. -. ~.~ .. · obse~Ue~oa~ '" .. '" ' ' 8~C~I0~, 3.. .j: ...... ::~ .~ ..... ~'- ' ? ~ ~ . ~'; .... '"'~'_~-'-; ' '~, , -. -~-_.- ..... ~,..~ . ~ ~' ..... · ..~ L. . . · . .... ~ ...... .j. - ·Bat 0rdinanoo No. 96~' N~w genies be L'and the same'is hereby ... ..by .adding thereto .a' n~w. section, which section s.hail.b~.' n~be~- ed 4~08"~nd sh~ll '~ead. ~s 'follows': · . jj. ..". . .. :j i .. .. ...' .. & · -.. .. Se'cOlon 4408, (a) No person Shall perform.or.(~a, us"e"'.to'.be perform- "' ."gd.,.any' of .'the 'work-mentioned in this Cha' i. thou.~?f~rst 'having fur- .nished.' tBe' Building ~fficial 'and Public'.Works Department with a plan ''.and/or diag.~'a'~ Showing .the ba.rricad,,~s, and the. lo, ~i'on of all openings in sa'id...ga~rtcados to Ko erected .adjacent go"building$...bo bsi2~eonstrUog- ., altored,..~'..opai2ed or' demoliShed, 'and he"...proposed location · df t'~mporary Sgru'cgures.. "' .'..,:.."-'.,~", '" · . ..... .: ...... .~ ..... !'.. · '. -"- ('(h.) 1~o pe'rs6n' shall df 'or.. place out .of ser.~ice' any .. ~Prinkl. er..sy..stem, '.:'e~teri0r' ~r in:teribr .sCan~.pfp0s:' br fire alarm, system ' duning -th~. '"' '"' .. ... . . ...... reconstruction or .~e.~olition' of any .building, " 'u-nti"l' a~i porm/it'"'s6' to 'do shall, ve be~ ~b'~aine'd .fro~i.~'he Fire' Depart';- .i. ' ' "J' "' '~ : ""' '~'~''' ' ~': ""' ' ..........-~,-,~,, e. . ........ ~,..:... ':'.~. ,;' :' ...: " .('c')' No 'pe.~s.~n':shalt..'perform'.'or.:''' ' .... ":to~':be"'.~erformed any'of' the · "-w~rk .mo~:tio..ned in:.'this 'C. hap'~e.? With0'~t:"firS.b h~v~ng'.furn'ished the Build- ''~ :i..ng. :~fficis~..,~i.t.h ? plan.ahd/o'~, dia.gram.:' ~h6w:ing.-.th~.'pr. 0po. sed.looaCion · -....:.of. ezCa~ati0na,, tr~hches.~ .walkways',.. tunnels,' fendes, equipment ahd sto e ~r'e a s,, .- ' .. ,. .... . -- (d:): Any .person performing "o~'"causing .tO:.~be'..perform'ed any .df the work"mentioned' in .Chis C.:hap~er, shail~ bY the:..~us.e.. Q~. water, or other means appro..ved 'by the'.Bui'ldi'ng 0ffioial preVgn~. 'dust or other-particles from Poil.uting~t~e air, or becoming a~nuisance. .: · " ":." 8ECTION .4, · This .or'dfnance shall take-effect thi?ty days from. ahd after the ' ' ~t'e'. bf.: f.t-~"pa s. sa~, -. .. .... ;,0o0.~. .... -... · -. .. ' ' · ' :' ' ·" ' ~.~ . .. ........ :.._ r.'. .......... .-.__~ '.....~.. :_- · .. · ,..',' ._~.,- '", ,' ~ : j,..~ ..~. ,.. · ....... . th~'~eof hel~ on the ~ day Of. Ma,'ch, '.i98~, by 'the fbl~'~wihg' . ~. '.'..,J .'-..-' . ... '.- .' . ....' .'. .. .. .... · ~ , . .' . .. · ,~'-_~, .... - .. ... . .' ..... . · . ~...'. ..' ..... ..... ~o~,... ..... ~--,;%:: :- '.' "' ~:." " " ~i'" ' ' ~;~"~~"~ ' ' "" --.. '.'.' .... '..':~:~.~"a ~~." . .... ¢.~gy ¢le~~ ~nd'Ex-Ofrio~6 Ci'o~R' of ~h~ · .- .. 'i .... .GQ~o~'i' o2 tho. C:fty. of BakerSfield ..... ..:~ . .. .. .. ~~~. :. ...:.,... .- .. · ~..::,...: .. , .~.. ., . .: .. ' .,.. '.} /;:}..'. , · . ' .., '.. .... . ' : " " -'.:Z ' .' " .... "· .. .. ..-,,. .':. · . ' .. - . .~ .' ... . · .; · . · . .; .. . . .: ~.' ...,'...~...; :....~.' '.. .~ / i ... ..~.~'~..~.:;.~ '. . :.._....; ~._'__?.. '~..% ....~ .. :,... ~.-~.~.~_~ :'.-' . . .... .~ .... -- .. .. ~.: ." . .'.. ¢ ..' Affidavit of ] osttng (Ordinances :~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ ~ounfy of Kern ss. .. " MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes end ~: Th~f she is ~he duly eppoln~ed, eofing end qualified ~i~ ~lerk of fhe ~i~ of B~e~leld~ end I AN O~INANCE A~ING SU~I~ISION (a) OF I SE~ION 4402~ A~ SE~ION 4403 OF O~I~NCE '. O~I~A~C~ A ~ 8~I0~ ~0 B~ ~B~ 4~08 ~'. ~ub$c ~'~d~s~.~efom me{his , ~ 'No~'Pu~llc in and~f~lthe~County of Kern '~ . ~-~ .. State of'Cahfornm. , '