HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 996' '.-' i'"i~i...'. ".i:' L". !:' -:L .~ ' A -CORP0.RAT iO'N,i ,'.i.TS 'SUSOES.SORS .{AND .~SS.I.G.'t~Si: 'A PE.EMIT TO" ':' .. ".:'MAINT~.tN,":.'0PEHATE .LAN;D ~'CONS.TRUCT EXISTING YA~'T~C~ ". ..... ..~ON. ~.~'CROSS. ~Y"ST~,.' ~.~.."C~y-OF,.' 'B~R~FELD,,'"'~:'~."',· .. ':" ' ."'.'/j'. C.0~TY"'~.E.~, ~T~ OF"CAL~'O~N~ ..' ~. ' '.'.'' ' .,. ' ' .'~?'-'."~"""'-". '.~'~ -L' ."~' · '- ' '" ''~ '" ': '~'~'''''''''.'.'' """ ' '" · ' ' ' ~' ' ' ' · "'. = .. m..~.....?..Z' '~'~m~ .'. L~L~'=, ' . /"' ~'' t. "'L%. .....~ .. . .... '~ :........,~'.~..~..r6~'~o'~..~. · .,.' ..... :.. .... :. j..':,'......:%....:': :.,,'~. ~.;.:~'.~%. ::,...'~..:.: .., .~ ..:...' .... ·. -.: :.... ' ' -'.. '..:'. ' ' ".'.. .'.SEC~.IO~, 1'~,..~.'.'~.' ' ' .' J'"; ~ .'....~i ... . ,~:" " ' ~'.:..' ' ,. ' '..['~"9 ' ' ~.'. ' ... '' ". . .;... :. ';'...' ..'.. ~ 2.'...~ : .. ~:.. .... .," ....... . -. " ' . . . .'.:' ..... · ,.. ...:....... .... ,. :..... . . ~.....'~" . ~.:~. 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'-" .- ' ~ .. , '.".-:J. on,.'f~om', itS.' inte'~sec$ien with ..the' ~ou~he~ly"-tine .Of · .l'" .- "" ". ".?" ".'.'. ".~.K*'~t~cky'.street, .' · "' '" '" · '~- ' .... ' ..... - L'-.[,' ..-:~.]..~'-":.'."".,":'.'"' .'..'.. ' ':" .... ' ~' '"' ":' · ":~'~""" "" '" "' . ~....' i ..'.. ..... ' .... ~.'-~. · '..':'.'.L:.. ".,..'. .....'.-'" ".' .. ',.: .... .' '::'.'-. "' ' V:..' :. ':' ...'. T~ck' ~'B""' · .... . ...... ~ ,, .' .":... .... '.'.' . ..... . . · . ~. ''. . ''. · ., [ ' ... , ';.. .' . : '',. . .. .. ':":'"[..[-.L'[ .%'.'.-.".....'.:' '..~ .... ' . . '.... --. .'".'-.. ~..:': ...["'.[. .'f ,: .... .':"f.: .' · . ~. ~ ..... :.. · .. EG[NNING at a po int...., o.n the. westerly, line. of.,. :.' .... · .' .... ". '.JL.,...:'..,..~ .Haiey St'~eet. 429.2 .feet S0uthe.~y,' meaS~e.d..alofiE:..': .. ' '", "'the "M~este~ly line. of' Haley"St~'e.$t..~. 2~om '.~he. So~th-'. .. ~ " .. "..'.'.:L, 'J~': L..' · .'e'~ly line '~of 'KenSuc~ S't~e t.. i.n' .the "City"of.. .., · .:'.. . ...' '.':..'fiel'd~ 'Kehn Co~ty, California;..thence EaSterly',.. at'. · '".. · .. " '.' · .-.' .=z =-. 'L..'L'.' .~?.i~' angle s t.o' '~b~,..~es'te~l~ ."t%ne"Llof / Hal:e:y~ St~e'e:tL,~L.:: ."~'.~'f::" L.' ~"~'.'.~x~[~'~. ~'f S5~: re&'$~Sv.'~:'~R~' '.iR~[f2..e'~Ste~iy -. L- '" "" ' . '' ~.' .':"f="JY' ". "":lin~.. ~2":Haley Street 429~'2.'2eet~...SoUthe~ly' thereon. ".' · ~' ' " ...-- ' ..'.' :.'.:'"..,:-." "'. '.'f~'~m" .~tS Ltnte~s~ction 'With th~"S0Uthe~iy '~:ine:'"o'~'.".-~ '.'...'..' .." J' - · ".... L:.',.'. ..:','".-".Ke'ntu.~';~t~eet~' · ....' .:. '...'..'.'.. .... ' ...'~.. · .;..'... ..' ....: . - " ' ""'"'. i'." ' Iti~'*o7 'gt~..oo.t. 416 .£oet II I ' .t~$ lWeStezl~ line of Hale'y Street,' f~om the/ south'. ' ll J' l' I ' 'f~el'd'l Ko~n Co~ty,~ .Californi-~, thence.Easterly, ' 1.. ~ -il ~'o~ss. Ha!oy Street,' .~. disga'no~ 'of · ' . tho soughe~ l~o.of .Konguo~ 8~o0g, "". · ..: '.':.:......' . ... ......... .. : ~ '~..? ~ok '~D~ ' · - .. ': ..".".' .."' ' ~a~o' ~"~ .~o.~ .... lI I I. I I :'l line of Haley Street 394.5 lo.et' .sougB'~ly.f~6m-its .. -:il- I1__fnt°~s°°~i°n with tho southo~iy..'I~no. . o~' Konguo~ ..: .. ' '.. :'.-.'. ~'~'~o e-g., .. ...... · . .:.. . - -~+~r"-~-~ .:..', .. ... , ... ..... ..... gh0 ~osg~7 lfno of l" Il ly. ll][ne of Kentuc~. Street. in'lthe lCity Of' B~k~rs- - I ' '] I I .I I field, lKe'~n County,· Cal'ifo~nim,. 'thence· Easterly'. i~ .: · ' .. . ~.~'~,a..di~oct l~ne a distaneo'..of' 83~3. 2ee'g ~o's 'po~t .on ·. ... ..: .e~ly f~m. the .southerly ~line' ' of K~ntuc~ S~e'e't ' J'~.ll~ll~ ' i '''9~ ' '''ll ...... ' ~' L~L 'l'l '" l .... .1 ~~-. _ W ~. 1 . i ~h~t' said"pe~mit and..'p~lvli~go" '."/.'-..: ..~...{~) ~0 ~a~ ~ogu~fons:.'~n~:oon~fgS~'¢~ ajs'mY b~ '.~o~0~b'- 'g.o...:be uso~ as. a ~n l~no '0~' p~,g. gho~o'o~, "' " ..:.. 5 .'..~' ,.,...:'% ..,...:-:~. ~ ~_ _..'. · : ~ - . ........ '_ 2~..2~,.. .... ~._ ~.~ .~'~. ~: ...... '.%. .., ~..'~,.-~.~'~ ..... ~ ~""~.. '~ ..... -and. mu~O bo kopg anti m~Sng~Ino~ · ........:.'~5,...:-.L. ' "' '..' :' ' .... " - '.'.(d') Ti~at it would be .operate~. under s~c~"re.Stri'ctions as ; -:' · - · ~ .. . · ". nog~."tO'.'int~'fe~ with the' use..of'.% said· s. treeg'.hy" the.. public . ..- .... ~-."('~) ~ha~ Obis permit' shal~ 'bo'~r'evoCable a.~ the .pleas~° of · - 'the .City· Co~cfl of.'the City of Bak~gs.f$o.~d,' .and .... '~...... Charter of the ~ity of Ba~e~s- ' ~ "~ fiel~ ;' ·_ .... sEcTtOi}~' ,...: . .. ... . · .'. gho ds~o"~ :[g~ ~88g*~ .." .:',%....'~ ' ' "' ' .. .. ~' :'~..-.:.., ,~ .. ....,"%"". '' .'. ..''"'. ..5: .. . ..;" ....',' .'~.., ._?.';.- .-..: '. ... .. .. ".":' · -~-~ou--- · · '. ' .. ~'i ~o~ ~ '" .' · ... .. ~~' . -~-.--'--'--'-~:~ ...... ':_ :- .. ... . .... .....:.':.'.~_~~:_~':~ .... ...:~:.-:::~.~:: ~ .. .,... · . ..... ... .... .~ . . ..... ..'. :~ ', · '~" .' '. 7. . ~ "~-o~'~o., CX'o'~.~ o~o:'-' · ' '.... ... .... CounoS~.of tho ... , ..- .. '~, .. '.. · · - .~ " .2 .: ,...:.....:...:.~ ~-. ..... .. .%:... :~:.. :.,.':,.: .:.- ............'. ~.....::....~ . .. .. .... .. ' o'~- ' " " ~' ':: · i A hav t of lost ng ('Orh nanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA [ County of Kern ,~ ss. ! I.! · ~ MARIAN S. IR¥1H, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that February 11 54 .... , on ............................................................................................... 19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the ': City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting i-'! thereof duly held on February 8 19...5...4.., which ordinance was ............................................................................................... numbered.....9..9...6. ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE I~OUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A PERMIT TO MAINTAIN, OPERATE AND RECO]~STRUCT EXISTING TRACKS b-PON AND ACROSS .HALEY STREET, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KER}, STATE OF CALIFORNIA.