HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 995 :.'. ,.' i.':. ,.: ' ORDINANCE NO? ' W SERIES ..... ' ;' IN · ''' ' - "' .... :.. AN 'ORD ~NCE P iNG EOR./LND .REoULATIN~ -.. · -' "..: ' ·VACATIONS, SICK· LEAVE, MiLITARy LEAVES. AND · ' ::: .., OTHER' LEAVES OF-ABSENCE FOR. OFFICERS AND '' .. ... .'..' EMPLOYEES OF THE .'CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,. AND .. " -""' ' REPEALING ORDINANCES N~S'; 595,~.N.S., 617.. N.S;, .'. " .... '" 687' N.S., ·'691 N. 8.",.'.902 N S., and 926 N. S ."""??'"'"-'...~.,.. ?.t , .: . . . .. . , .:.. ~., .. . · ~ ·: ..' BE IT oRDAINED by. 'the. ¢o. Un61'l of the City. of Bakersfield, as' ' ,..,. ,~.~~o~ow.~:.:'.'':''. ..... ..'..... .' ....: · ' ....'.. :.' ' SEctION' ' ' ' .~" · ~.. ., . ~,~.. · . ·:" The'City Manager' shall 'ao~..'as'.Bersonnel'Dlrect'or to administer .j. · . .' ..' .... ': . .. .. "~ .. .~h.e .basic vacatloh; si'c~' le'~'e,' aha.. ieaMe...o£, absence plan'herein n%~:lned !... .... · . '" · :'" ""; .:' .'CO · i' ': ' ' ' ~ " " '" ' " · ' '~ '" ;' ' '" t'.. ~--. "~ ' . :s cTI'O -_ - ' ' ' ... ':..~... · ... · .?. :~'., ' '": ' ' i ':." ... . j-. · .,... ~..-.. ; .: · .': · . . .:- · . ".-}. . . .. _ · . · ''- · (a:).' .... "' p~rs'o t~:~ng the ~'~'~ice' t'h~ C~'ty '" ' ' .: .~'E.V'~'y. nen '. 'or during any. cali~fidar' year shall, be ehtttled.,, af.ter having been'..in, service "'~ continuously fbr 'one' year,'..d'.~rlng.the.'s'.uc~ee~{ng calendar year~ ":.."~o .a Pr°-rate~ v~ca.ttoh' .bas-e.~.-.upo~ia~t'uat 'service with the 'City:" .. ':' "during: .his '~r .h~r ~ntrance' calendar y~ar~' as .se'~".forth in the · · .'"' tables· '.b~'low'.. .'Thereafter, annual vac~ttohs shail.".be.taken du~lng...~~-.- · the cal~nd.ar..~ear 'succeeding the'..y~aff!'of .'service"and shall not ..'.cumulative eJ~c'ept under extraordinary'cirCumstances where" a d~art--. · 'men~ 'he~d.,: in the best interests of'ithe city: de'terminUs that'an .. ' " emplo~.e~'"shall' Po"s.tpone'.th~ takt~g'.of 'any' ~acat~on due in a~y.cale'ndar '.':: Year." "Upon..apPrOVal in writing by. the 'Cl.ty.~anager, Said. empi'oyee .shall."be' allowed Such vacation during. :the sUcceeding 'Calen'~'ar year. '- ,..... ':'The..earned ~vacation' for .all. employees, which' shall be based. i, ...:up'on 'to~l'~'y'e~rs of'.ser~ice, with the ~tt.Y., shall be as indicated:". 1: .r...~._,~_~=_:.~__.... ,.~,..~.~.?. · .. :. ... · .' . . ,..' '... · ' ' --.-- ...... : ...... :.~'~:~'~,.",'_: ...... /;'_; ,'~1£. _'..Z~ _'..' .......... -..--~_~.' · _ ...-~,'.' "=~' ~ ...., .' : .. · .:~:..~,,.'.. ~" "... -.'.:., .... . ...:" .i j · 1. ' .s'. :. -- ~ .'... .? ...... ,.' .. . . . . ... ,..' ~ . .' """ "'X~:'..:'.F6r.thOse employees in'the 'service o'f the'City on the ',:~-"' Length of Service ....6' """ .... .' .Accruing. .' .. .'.~.....ma. Jor..portion thereof. '.. 21 years.' and. over :' l:.2/3/iWorking .d~ys pe~ month or .. " .major.portion there6f. "j...:ii" :" .2,'. F~'. those' employees '~nte~ng~the .service ~f,"ghe oity after the effective :date of this"ordt~anc~:· "' · '" ~ i .to.'...lO'nyears inclusive " 5/~ ~o'rkin~ day per month or .... ' ".. " ~aJor:p~rtion ~hereof , 11 to .20 ~e'ars ~ipclustve ' "' 1 1/~ .working da~s.,per month, or ..... · major portion thereof .-'~.."years'and .over , .:. ' .~-'2/3.wOrking.'daYs per'month, or 1 to .10 years Inclusive 15 C'alenda~'Days'"i .'~ .... "."-"' .(b) For the purpose;of c°mpu~ing t°~al· y6a~s~of'. ..Ser~l.ce,.th6'. '-.. '" E~ployees ~b~ent from the"service of the·City 'for 'one:year or " ':'"~omput~g. earned vacation, e~.clu~lng'the time abSen't', '.'Pe~s0ns-absent from the service of the City'S'or m6re than one year ~hall not be ..;.. credited with".prtor servlce'.tn'computlng earned vacations,' except ' "'"s~ail. take"'his.vaeation' shall be ~ete~mined by ~ach~d'epartment:head.. resp.ective~y"with due regard for the wishes of the employee and 'Par~:i:~ular'regard for the needs"0f'his'..d~partment. ..' ..... .(d) All' accrued vacation leave ~uSt be.taken ag one time' ":' :.:..'.:unless under4~.peeial circumstances 0r.',f0r the .conveni~nce..0~-'the · ' City a'lesser'perlod'is..app~o~ed'"by gh~ a~o'lntlng power.an'd.".the City '('e'). An~ person .... ~hose servi'ce'~l~h"~h~· Cl'~'~s termlnSted b~ ~"" the Ci~'y and '~ho 'shall have.been.in continuous service for one · "' "~.'" .'.year or ~ore-immedia~ely.prior. go s~c-h".'germinati0~, sh~il be "~'ailo~ed".~is. r~gUlar compen'sat~.On ~o~ an7 vacation due On.the ef£ect2 lye .d:a~e of t.erm~Batton as pre'sCrlbed-.i:n .'~ub~d'!vislon" (a) ' hereof. '~ '"~ (2)' Personsi'resignlng '~rom' the S~rvice.of' the City shall .not '.be entitled to'any earned, vacati°n..tlme'o~ p~y .therefor unles.s w'rltt~, nO,ice 6f such lntent~on t° re~.ign, ls given. Sue~ndtl~e "shall 'be'giVen to the head of the de'pa~'tment aff'~cted as.many days .... · .."' before the dat~j.°f resignatloh'-a's, sal~. employee, has. days of earned .'.... .:-VaCation due i~im, In the 'Case of the restgnatlon, og.a' DePartment Head ~uch notlce'~..Shail be given to'the Oity ~ana-ge~ in. the:'manner and',.for ... (~)'. A vacation to.WhiCh any Person Would' be entitled hereufider .,shall be'compensated for., after death,.in..the same :amount as though compe'nsa~lon were'being Paid for suc.h..v~datlbn;' · ..... '..('hl)' ~.or'the purpose of determining.length .0f..servlce~..time ,,. ,. 'sp~n~ b~./an.:0fflcer or emPl. gyee on m~iltary' leav~· or f0.r.'hts .15-day period'of intensive trai~lng,.:shaii be counted as tim~'spen~ i~e. "..~rv~ce"of'the'ctt¥ provld'ed~"ho~ever, ~hat contributions to the .... retirement ~und by said officer or employee shall ~ot be ~eemed' t . . .' : '.' ' ·" ' '. ..' · ' - ... ~ . : . .~. · ." "'. (1) 'An. emPloYee who is "g~a~ted a'~eaM~' 0~ absence"wtthouS ~ay " ' and w~o.is o~f' ~he payroll f.or less-than two p~pertods~shill not ~ufferi.'~any toss :or.'reduc.ti~n of his vacation t~'me. If.suc~..:.employee · is off' th~' payroll for two p~y.'."periods or"longer,'he shall he "ent~tled'~..for'. the calendar year 'in w'~l~h., he .re~u~'ns to the City service,· to a pro-rated vacation based upoh ~h~('total number.of. · ' ..:."'' months of a~itual· service with the City.during the said calendar. '.. .:......,.........., .. ,...... .. .. .. ...... .. "~J)' "PAY' period" shall mean those per~ods.'(O~'.'time between the first and-fifteenth,..both Inclusive', and ·between.''' the sixte'enth'' (k) 'Employees who become serieusly' 111. o~"d'~s&bied.while o'n '.'L ".'vacatlon-ard.entl~led '.to take: accumulated s'ick"i~Sve'upon...enta- · . teen ~f a certificate from a ilce~sed ~hystctan,' or"p~e. Se~tation of '-' O'ther.'~roof sa~isfacto'ry ~o. the apP°lnt:ing..power,'..showlng the', ' neceSSit~., got such slc~ lea~e. This. . 'certifi~ate,....... r other.~r~f~. must::~e Presented to,the head. of .ghe'.'.dOPa~tmen~ affe.ct~d'hot later than the date .oh'.which said'employee is ~OhedUie'd. to return tb duty, together with"a 'request to'reschedui~ or extend his vacation leave ... for..~he-period covereO by the.deCtOr'!'s certificate 6r'othe'~ 'sag'iS- faet;ry..~ro0f, not' eXceedi~E~-.how'ever~.'th*..Combined period of vacatiOn and...Siek leave time to 'whlo~"the empleyee is.entitled. · . (1)' Vacablon lea%e..gr~nt~d .umd.er.'th~ provisi0ns'°£''thls''='''~'''''-'''- " ordinance shall.'.not be dimin~'s'~ed.-by...reason of' absence for intanslve hereof ' · ,.tio~"qf.,.earned vacat£ons sh~l~ ~pply to: all' persons havi'n'g. ~ompleted ten ([0):yea~S' .or more of Se~v[c~;'"'°~ 26'"years or more if' service,. · r~'~pe'~tl~elY,.wi'th the.CitY, on'.or"..befdre January.f, ·1953. .... SECT: O " 3 ..... · :. .All employees of;the .City"shall.be entitled to .the'municipal "h~i.~d.aYs .li's~e~'~e~ow,..SubJect.t0'"the:f~llowlng. p~Ovl, si°n'S.and : .. - , '.: ..~ ~' .! '. '. .' . '. Janua 1 ........ ; ....... w.. a ,.s Day ..' " · [ - -'.. '"' Last urn.day ov er . . Tha vl'ng ..... · ..~he following':daY.:'shall be.considered as a ao.ltday .. ..,. · ' .for all emploYees'in, the City service. .... '" ... 1. Employees of the Mis.celiane_us. Departments .: ", (.~) In'~he event that.one"or more municipal holiday~ fall : w~thln a 'vacation'"leav~, ~uch da~ shall not be charged as vaeation, ' '""" .ahd..the vacat!.~i~'leave'shall.be'extended accordingly; exoep, t' in.~h'e-. '' · . event sai.O..~olidaY.fai%s.'.onJ.a'saturday,, when ho.extended .vacation ,.'. -:. leave 'sh~ll'.be all. owed";'"' "": '" .. '.' """. ,. '/: ~ne...or ·mere of'the above ~.Oitd'ays'falls on" , ''.':.'~.,.~' ..'.'....":. .......... .... '~:'"' .,... · ~ ~a.~rday, no ~x%ra pay.'or.'co~pensatlng'time..'.b~:i'Shall be 'allowed e~eep~ to em~ioyees fo~.'~hom'satUrday.'is codSidered.a reg~lar''':' ....... (c)."In',the. event one.~r'.~r~ 'of '~he' above municipal'holidaYs ..:~ · .. . . .. .. : · - - . . : ... .... . . . 'Satu~da he falls on a~'.employee's regular d'a~ :Off., Other.~han · '" 's~aii be.compensated.by .lea~'.of'iabsence with .Pay on'another'.day, ' ..~.~ ~' he' shall, rgceive an' eXtra' day..!s:,.:pa~' at his regui:a~., rate'~ · ..-... - .... One or. more"of':'the aboVe listed a.i h~ S fall'.: ' ..... .' emplo~ee,s vacation leave;. .' " " "'i' .. ' .-' . ', ..'}. ';~ .. · .. '.. .' . .. ..' . , ..'. . · . . :.."., :. . with-pay on another, day 'uni'ess.he.shall:'have.actually Worked"o~ · · ....'/.'. ,....~. h~f~a~:. ,.... ............ :,. .. .... .. a~O ': : ... .. :.,.., .,.... . ...'..'... ,. :'.:.'...'.':':... -.- -. .' . :'.'... ';'.' . . .. ' ..; · .. .. .--:. -.~: "'"'" sECTIoN '4:"' ' ..... ':'.:-.' ..:.:,.,.,'..:... .. ~... ... .... . ... · .. ".' .... (SIC~ LEAVE)".'." '" -.. '" .','- ' For the%purp0se..o£ thls'.'Ordinahee.the..term~Members of'the · :..""'... . ..~": ' : . .. .- '..:.. . Fire Department"..shall'.lnclude 'all personnel carried on the 'Fire. :. '",. .. .' .. . .' , :: .. .. :.-~ ,..'"'. ... . . Department pa~roli wi~h the exeept.!~n..~f..c,lerlcal help~.lnalUdl~g. · Typist, Account o~:stenOg~ pher'.'Cierks ' "' "" · " ".. .(a) ~.omput'~tion'.9£1S$c.k. Leav6':-'.EVery persgn~.'.eXc~pt members · Of'the.~lre.'.Departm~nt., ~s.'sal~ m~mb.ers'are.de~l~ l'n 'thiso~o~.~ after .h~. been in'the .s'e~l.C'~.'~f':'~he... Cl~y.'continuously for one year, :shall be allowed"St.c~ leave with'"full' pay computed upon a ''. .,.~ .. basis of 0n~ full working ~ay.AlloW'ed foP'each full'month of service ':"'";;':" Wi~h-the City.':'. ' '"'' :"':'"'" '"'"""': '' ' "" :'" '(9)' Every. member'of'the Flre.De.~a~tment, as said m~mBerS'are : · defined .in' this" Section, after'"haV~'nE, been. in. the S~Pgice Of ..~he ..-.:' 'Clty:.:~ohtinuOusly for 9ne-~a~, shall be'allowed :s'tck leave with ..... fufi pay,'computed upon a'b&sls"bf~Se%~n"Worki~E'shlfts per'year, .... · ' .e.ac~ working 'shift to mea~ a'..pe~!od 'Of:'not to exceed two calendar''--~-''- each.. . '. '. '. · ": .'? '....'.':"~:"~(e~,~":~cumulation"9~.Sl~k'l~av~'-. Sick leave, as ~rovl'ded for -.". in. s~b~,section. (a) of'.thls.'Sect~o~,..when'.not used, .shall:.be cumulative 'no~. ~'o:exce'ed 60 w'o~king days for'al~ employees':"of.'the CI~y 'ex'cept members of the.Fire DePa~'~ment, as.".sa~d members:are.defined in this " "Se~tion,.a~d'.'not.~o ·exceed' 30. working shifts ~0r'satd membe~s..of.. the'.:F~re'.Depar~ment, regardless'.of-the l'ength'of.ser~tce. 'When the · ...-' :~aximum'slck le~ 'of. 60 :working. days, or'30 working'shtft~, 'as the " · ~ase' may be, has been accumulated,".'and thereafter 'Part.'of' s&l'd " maximum period has been. used, the used period of Such maximu~ may " be.:re~['cCumulated .at.the' rate provided .in sUb~se'Ctions'(a) or '(b) .... ,'.-'-" " _ ..... : ..... L_:.... ..... ~.-,'..-' ....... '' ': ...... :-'-.~'=~-~'~.' ....... .. of this Section, as the case'may-be... .. .. .'.-.:" ':""' (d)' persons on l'eav~.Of-absence w~hout'pay fo~""iess than · two pay 'period.'s shall. .not suffer :a..loss o~. Ltheir. aceumUl'ated ...' '."' sick ie~ve.....persons off the payroll £o~ ~,o' or 'more successive ~ .'"". pad"peri. Ods i~'~lI.not ~ula~e sick 'leave:-or~d~ :~u~ing such abs '" ' ' "' ~. peri.ods ct ence. .. · ~ . .(..~.') ' '~e..appoln~ing power may requlr~ s~"ch pro~f'9~"'sickn~s~.... ,~ : ~j' ~ " . . ' . '"'' "' as he deems.necessary, and If a do~'~O~'i "'ce~.~l~lca~e ~s' red, ired,. '..... · '"... :~ .... such.. 'certification.. shall.be made bY'.a. '~Oc~or approved by"the-. Civi!'.. ~':..-.~'~ · . · . .. . ' .. .... " . .'.:.:-' '... .Service ~ard of the department af~eeteo Doctor's fees,:.:60 be'"':~O L. · .'bY employee. " ""'" . ..' ..."-. "" :-... ,. (f:)' 'Emp-ioyees shall 'n0~. be p~i'.~leO ~'o pay or-:'compehsa~g · ' ~lme o~-f" ~o~ hoi~days oocurring whil. e. said emplo2ee ~s absen~ f~om- · ".?.'- :'. · duty ~n 'si~k[ !ea.ve.. '... , ". :-~...,." ". '..,,%g)' .Any'.'.persen who,', prior to ~he eSf'ec.t~ve~"da~e· o~..'thls '-' "JO~.ln'~Oe,L.'~hai'i have compl~ted"f-i~v'~i'YeA~'~.:'Of SerVice wig'h the 'CitY,. ~ '.and who. Shale"have acc~u!a~ed. '~'8. d~ys~'of ~Sic~' .'~eave', shall' be. . credlt~ wi~h an 'additional twelve 'daYs'of. Sick' 1cave, '...",- ~'.~ .. '.~ :.'.,..."' .. '. ' .'. · . .. . . ... .- ,...' '.. SECTION 5' "'-"'[ '[''''~' '"' :" '"' .... · . - , .:,....~-.. · ; · ,. .-.j.._ .. '. .[ '.~ ... . ;' . j ,"'. . . . '. .~ . . -..'f'o~}' ~uSe .~hioh. h~ 8h8~1 '~e~'m' good 'and sufficient'.;'. .. · ., . · . ', · .. .' .:. · . · . .~.:. · . ".nOg. g'o'.~xgend..~p~sg' gho nexg' ~gul~ m~ttng"o~ gho ~g7 ¢°~*&.l.,' - 2,- .... j", .. . . . ' " " " ..... i~ ' ..... ..' .....' ~..;-" :.'.}-'. '(e) . : · .. ~.,..... ,. ~'} .%' . .. .. . . .. . .~. ....~ .. . .- .... . . .. ..... · . : .'......".-_ .... . :.. ...:'.'? ',...'~ .': ... ~. ... ..... ... .. . ,.. : ' : ":'".. · ":~'- .'""~:"Z"-'.~ ~..'~' ;;'' "" "" ' '... ' "." "- · ": · '.' ~" · "?' '"' ~">'"'""'" - " ·: ...... ... .... .... . . : .. .~: ~."..~. ' - .. .. · ..... . .: .. .....-: ': . ... . .'.j.';.' .. . · '. ~ · · ... ...._ ...,..--. . .,... .. . " ' f ~bsen"ce 'without .pay' f'~r '.periods'"-'o'f'.. ~-ime., .,. ..' .:.:...'ioh~r~'~han.te~. working! days must'bm' .approved by the. C.'it~ Manager. . .... · · ...~ ....' . . :' . ' ...:.,....'.:'.~.~.'..~"..~... ~. . ;. :.. ';: ~.'~ . .. ' .-,.... · ....'" -. ..,%. ~ .... ~.. ..-. ... ..~. ..~x~'" . ..-....'- ... . ':~., .:.'-.' " " ~ '""'": '': "' n" ' '"' Y'"' '"- ' · · . ..., ..:, ? ":... . ~'~ .· .. ~ · ... -.'.:..~;. · · ,..- . . . . ..?...~ ~ .~, · ....... . '., . ~., .' ~. '. .,..'.'?.~'. ... .. - .. · ,.. .... · . , ...'.. . ~ .'..-.: ..~:'.~. '..?... ~ ..: -'....' . ', ." · . · :'," ·. .... ~he' .' same '" ':' ~'' · ~ ' '.. '.' ' - '7:..: ' .... - .'.:., ~e' ~!ty Counei1..may., at:' its ~iscr6~I'on, upon'good, cause . . . .'~ -. -- .~ .., ...- .. :,...'.: .....~;~ · -, ~.:.~' . ~ . '...~..:,-.' .....';~:..:-. .... . ~, . . .: . ... Absence of .any 'offider' or employes o'~ the: City', exceptl'ng ... · .. : - · , .. ... .. . -~' ~ -' . . . . · . - .; · . - . ' ... .' ... "' .,-'.: ' councii'men,, from' his .offiCe "0~ .'emplJy'ment"~".excep~ a~.,~.u.~hJri'zed' ':". '. i'i ':':".'.or:.. 0ther~ise.'. ?bvided for. .in. th.~ ordinancel,.. ..shall'";b~."Without pay · '.' .'" '.' '.Or compensatihn'~' and a ded,~'~ion', f~om '~he ."~alary .or wages bf '.anY..- . ..." "". 6ffi~.er~.or.' .emp~'-0y~ h'ha'il '~e...'made for .sudh unauthorized abs~n'oe, ..,.,,- .... which 'shall. bea~. the Same. 'r'~t'es. ~"o.:-th~ '~ot~l' ~sal'~r~".~.~ :wage's"for · ' '.. · " ..' ' ' ' · '~..:' .-"-' 4' '.'..' - ~i' .- "' i'["'"'ii'....', th~i. m0n'th 'du'~i'~.g"'whi'c'h'isuc~.. unau.t.h'~r.l'~.~ ~'a6s"~i~!":.b.~.urs las the-'t~'me ..~ .~ 'L't..!, · ' '"' .' · ...... · . · ' .:~" .-" .'" lost bY reason' Of 'sUch. UnaUthoriz~"~'.abs~;~eJ bea~S%~ - -" ... i."'.'-f;' f.-. · ' .'-. ,.~ -.Working time'.in.. ~uch '-j.:'.:"..7'.' . ./ .. -~. . .'....~'..!: .. ..:. · ..... : ~:.' ~. . . . ' .'.'..: '.'i i i .. :":' ' ........(. :. · .::'-': '.'... SECTION~.7'.. ' ' ' ': ""'~ '"' "' · · ' !LE " · ' "'" ' " '"'""::'~ · 'J ".'"!?::":. · ILITARY· WES) i ' · '"'" - ' " ."-" ~'-:' '"' ' ' .. ..'.' .'.."". ..'- · ' 'i '.. '~"~" '( ~ .... .... .' · : a,) ' Le~ve'"of, abs,enc~e sha-l't~ be' grante"d., .to, ahy,'o'ffl~$r ,or" · .employee o~.the..Oity of Bak~'~.Sfi.e.!d ~he 'in,'t'he .Armed.· Forc'eS. of.. /'' .~t'he'.uhited Stat.es'. Of AmeniCa in: the' f~li~owing"cases:' · .... .. .. . · .. : ., '. '" ~." ...-...,. :,i'( .. ..:~...:: .' '.' (.!)'..'.' ~hen:...,'~n :t[m~i 6f .w'ar ,.s[~i'd :i~ff. ~'ce'~":'Jo'~''' e~P.'I~'yee. -v~luhtarfly .... .... ..... ., .... · ..... ... ' ::;.' enlists. . 'fo~.,... t'he',jmlnimum:'Per'iod :[pe itte~ ~'n t'h n'ch"dr-the'-.' · .......:'.t ""' :s~lce chosen. and duri,.nE :any.' ex.tens.~on'.Jb~3..jsuch term in ·time .,f .wa~. .. -' ..: .:. .. :" .' .. ..'.' '..., ' .. '~. ':::.-,'" .' - ,.....f .,..' . -..."-......... · .. .' "" "'.'='i"' :'!J' 'i i'.:'[j"" ('-2-).. ':' . ~':Wh:e'n.. . .'h"'%%:enter~""$~id'':.`:. . ..... . ..'s'erive. '., . ~'Y "v~'t~'n:ta.~¥':.e'n. lis.tme~t' for'?' '-. .", '. ".-. .;. · ~ilitary :-b-~in.ing 'when'-..~lasslfied' 1A'.'o'r ~n-:e~ui.valent'Classificatien.' .'.:'.. ".~"-' .':. ~i.' showln~ S~ld'.'empioy~e.."bei' 9e .~b~c't~ ~J.im~edi~'t~ .:alta. f2.;' . ... · ",...i..' "-'-: ::i..,'" ~.F~r the purpose of this-ordi, nafice "time' of.':wa-r" sha~iJ'.mea~. 'any .. .. ~' ......: .:...J.." . . .~ ..' . . . .... -~ ..... .... · .:' .armed' con'f~':[~t:'i,n which the":'Uni~d 's~.ates"~h"Pticipate~..:{mder't'he'"... · "'" : .i". '.,' '.-:-J,-:cordma~d .~o.f'. '~0he ~residenb of. 'ths;',.Uni~kd .Stab'es,.....' : . "-'." ·-". ' ".. ' ' "' '"' '[~"' In'...a~'~': suchVcase.s "such'leave. ~'hal'l t.erminate, not: .la,er' than : --"." '9o.days"from:· %bk. date :of r. elease f'9om' k'aid'-'Armed FOrCes " L' ".'. ,. .'. ..' '" f' . ..' "' .. ' "".":". · """" .A-I~.' s~ch,'ieaves of. '~bsen'ce shal.~. 'be. Wi.th-6U~' pa~.'eXc'e'pt.'as"other- .' ' " ' ' ' · '"'..."'; ":'J'.~ ' '"' ' . ." · .' . ' · .'" · · '. '. · ' . · : ... .~. i · . . .... "' '" "' .... "" ' """ ~"" .... " -O'~'-':D~':'- '",., ."."'~o. ')s.erv. ice ..'with "the City of' .Bakersfield ;. '~ail' be "re.i&stated'."to the .:.'['.' .'..... ':~ · .- .. ...':' .. · ..... · ....j.- .. · .." .. .... .' . me gr~d :: ' 'e .wo it -h d '"h ']not ,,'"..~- . . [..'.... ~ ....'.-",.. ..'. .. ".. ... .. '-)~ .'"'Thisj ordinance ·shall be 'effecti've thirty.dayS from and after -..: the,da'te 'of' ':[ts' passage · " '~':....' ' "' 00o "' ....:"'" ..... '":"' ' ' ' · '?'"' "' i~':'~EBY, that..bh~.-foregoing 'Ordin~oe'was passed and .,.- ..... · ··adopted bY the council of the. City .Bakers'f.ieid a regularl meet- '.:~ "::'i'~g~'th~reof hel'd."'6n'-the 1st day o'£.-Peb~uar~:, 1954., by 'the following" ~6te: ":"" ' . ..., . ..'"'.([[" ~. ': . .... ....' AYES::CARNAKIS, .COLUN$, CROES, EVELETH, .~AUNDER$i SULLIVAN, VEST · ,.. __. . . _ .~ .'-" · - "'. NOES: .,..~.; ..L...--,.. _r-~.__- ... · . :A~N~: .......... ~: .. · ..... . . :~')':'. "' '"' ' :' .of the Oit~,,-?of .B~kersfield. · r'.... "... . · '...'.'"." '- · .... :"2- ;'.' -" .'i ".'"' .. ' . · "~i.' .".%. '.' -.' ". " i,.:d? i"" ' "· ...~. "~ -. : ,'.. . .. . .'. . · · .. ... .... . .--.:.~..:.... ... · ~'.. ....~ .' ~:... . -~-' ..~... . ii:- . . -'..- .... ........ sub.-'-s%Ct:l'o~:f~' ::clauses. o.r pHr~Se~":"be" ~e'.e.lared 'unsOnstitutional~' -'. Aff avt! of lo Itng (Or tnanres Coun~ of Kern ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, belng duly sworn, deposes and sa~: ~ty Hall, a full, true and correO copy of an ordln~nce passed by the ~ouncll of said ~i~ at a meeting VACATIONS~ SICK L~YE~ MILITARY L~YES A~ O~ L~VES OF ABSENCE FOR OFFICERS A~ ~P~YEES OF THE CITY OF ~K~SFIE~ A~ ['. REP~LING O~INANCES .NOS. 595~ N.S. ~ 017 N.S. , '.~ Sub~r~8~$~s~oi~ b~fom me ~:s ' '~ ~ Noto~ Pubbc ~n and,f~the~County of Kern, ~, ~ ,~ - -. ~tate of Cahforma.