HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 994 0P2)iNANCE N0.o. ~_~=_ NE~V SERIES AN 0RDII~!ANCE APPROVING AN~TION 0F A PAR- ~RSF~LD, 0AL~0RN~ ~D PROV~ING FOR T~ ~TI0N O~ SA~ ~RRITORY T0 PA~ ~AS~ a ~tition was filed with the 0o~o~ of t~ City of Bakersfield on the ~S~d d~y of Nove~e~, 195S, ~equesti~ that certa~ ~~bited tek,itchy ther.e~ described be a~nexed to and ~cluded ~ the ~co~o~ated l~its of the City of Bakersfield, and ~~$~ said petition was si~ed by the ovme~s of one-forth of the la~, by' a~ea~ and by assess.sd value as sho~ o~. the last ized assess~nt ~oil of ~he cowry of Ee~n, W~B~ the ~errito~y desc~i'bed in said petition is contiguous to the 0ity of BakersCield~ and ¥~AB, said te~ito~ does not fo~ a part of ~y othe~ city~ ~~B~ on the 4th day of D~me~e~ 1953, t~ was filed t~ ~fice of the City Clerk of t~ 01fy of Bakevsfield~ a vwittev. sent~ si~d by ail the ov~e~s of p~operty ~cluded ~ said t~t said te~ito~ be smbJected to ta~ti0n afte~ the co~letion s~h a~ation, equally with ~-oPerty in the City-0f Ba~sfield to pay the bo~ed .indebtedness of said City there~ desc~ibed~ the issuance of bonds ~o ~ep~esent s~id ~eb~ed:aess be!_ng p~o.vided fo~ ~ 0rdt~e No~ 8~$ Ne~ Series of the City of B.ake~sf~Id~ togethe~ ~ith Oi~ ~11 B,~s which said indebtedness is 'p~ovided fo~ !~ 0~d~nce No. 950 New series of the 0ity of Bmke~sfield~ ~and ~ and ~1 othe~ ~debtedness o= liabili~ of the City ~h ~y acc~ f~m and afte~ the date there~ of'~ ~d this 0c.~il ~eby deterges t~t said consent Is .si~med by all the o~s o~ ~o~ty ~luded ~ said te~ito~ and complies eve~ ~es~ct wi~ the ~ovisions o:~ ~ection 35~1~ of the ~e~:cment Code of the State of califo~nia, %~EREAS.~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield did.~ "on the ~d day of ~ovembe~.~ 19~ pass a Resolution bei~ ~oe SS~.~ in oompl~oe wish the p~ovisions of t~ ~exa~ion of '~abited ~o~y Ao~ of X9~9~ a~ amend~n~s ~he~eto, bei~ Title ~.~ Division Pa~t 2~ Ch~te~ 1~ A~tizle 5 of 'She Gove~men~ Code of ~he State 0al~o~.~ specifically descvib~ the bo~da~ies of ~he territory so ~oposea ~o be a~exed ~o ~he 0ity of Bake~sfield~ and desi~ti~ s~h ~e~i~o~ by ~ appro~ia~e indentxf~eation.~ and setti~ Monday, Deoembe~ 28.~ 1953~ at the ho~ of e~h$ o'~clock P~ ~,!e~ a~ the 0o~ii 0hambe~s~ ~ ~ 2'oli. oe Depa~mn~ Buildi~, 1620 Tm~$~ Avenue, Ba~rsfie~ Oai~ornia~ as the day~ ho~ and place when ~nd ~'~here 0i~y 0o~.~ wo~d hear p~otes~s ~de by any person o~m~ ~eat p~op~ ~A~, said Resolution was published at least t~iae~ bu~ oftene~ than once a Week. ~ The Bakersfield 0al~o~2n, a newspaper ef ge~ral 'c~.c~ation publfs~d iu. ~he 0i~ of. Bakersfield, and also ~ ~e 0~dale ~ews~ a newspape~ of general c~c~ation p~lishe~ oUt- side of ~he Oi~ of ~ke~sfield, but ~ the co~$y ~vhere said is lo~ated~ said publicatio~ ~vin~ been completed a~ least da~s p~io~' ~o ~ho date .se~ for sa~ hea~i~ ~ co~liance wi~h Section 35811 ~ ~he Gover~nt Code~ and V~S~ the City Clerk of ~he 0i~y of Bakersfield has caused w~it~ ~ice of such p~oposed a~.exation ~o be given by ~il .at leas~ ~wen~ days bef~e 'the public hea~i~ on said p~opo.sed ax~exa2ion oompliance wi~ Subdivisions (a) az.d (b) of Section ~5311 of the ~ve~n~ ~n$ Code of the State of 0al~ornia, ~d. ~~S, no ~it~en p~otests ~e~e filed aga~st the p~posed ~e~ion b~ any o~e~ ~ p~operty With~ the te~rito~y p~0posed Ba~sfield~ as follows ~' That ~;he Counot~ of the City of Bakersfield hereby mpp~oves the ~xa~ton. ~ ~olus~on wtth~ ~he ~co~o~ated l~ts of C~ of B~ke~sf~eld~ of tha~ oe~a~ ~-nhab~ted te~o~y des~na~ed as ~TON AC~S N0, 5e ~e bedsore's off which ave described as ~t portion of ~s .~ and 10 .of F~ampton Ao~es, per map ~eeo~ded ~e 21~ 19.~ ~ Book ~Pse ~n ~he oCC~oe off ~he C'o~ty Reoonde~ ~ Kern Co~y~ Cal~o~n~a~ mo~e specifically described as - follo~s l Be~~ a~ a po~ on ~he ea.s~ wh~h is distant 200 feet south, ~as~ed at ~ht angles f~om the ~ line of sa~d ~t '7~ thence south, alo~ the east l~e of said Lots 7 and 10' .50 feet to a po~t which is distant 250 feet south ~as~ed at ~ight f~om the no~ l~e of' said Lot ~; thence west~ parallel with' ~e no~ li~ of said Lot less,' to a' po~t ~ t~ ~vest X~ of said Lot 10~ thence no~ alo~ the v~est 1~ of said Lots' 10 ~d 7~ to a po~' which is distant 200 feet south~ ~as~ed at ~i~t e~les ~om the no~ l~e of said Lot ~ thence east~ pa~lel ~ith the ~$h Ii~ of said LOt 7~ 148e~4 feet mo~e o~ less to the po~t of beg~~ SECT ION 2, Said te~.itoz~ and the property located therein~ shall~ upon the Completion of' the annexation of the same to the City of Bakersfield, be subjected to taxation equally ~vith e.the~ p~ope~ty in the City of Bakers- field .to pay the bonded indebtedness of the 01ty of Bakersfield~ describ- ed in the aforesaid 'conzent of the owners of I~operty lo. cared therein, the issuance of bonds to represent said indebtedness being provided for in O~dinance Nee 893~ New Series of the 0ity of Bakersfield$ together with City Hall Bonds~ the indebtedness therefor being provided for by OrdinanCe No, 950~ New Series of seid City, end any and all other in- · debtedness o~-liability of the' City ~hieh may accrue from and after the · date thereof° SECT [Oli 3, This o~dinance shall become efffective 30 days f~om and after the date of its passage, Z ~E~BY OERT~ that the fo~,egoing .Ox, alliance ~s passed ~ adop~e~ by ~he Co~il of ~he City of Ba~sfield a~ a ~eg~a~ ~e~i~ ~e~eof ~ld on ~he ~8~h day of Deoe~e~.~ 1953, ~y ~he follo~v- NOE~: -: .... ~ _ ABSENT: .......... ~_~? · Oou~oll of the Oity of Bake~s£[eld o APPROVED this 28~ da~ of Decembez,, 1953. of lost ng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA t ss. .i County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, a~ing and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........... D...e....c..e...m...b...e...r......2...9...~.....1...9...5...3. ................................... 19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting December 28, 1953 thereof duly held on ................................................................................................ 19 ......... which ordinance was [.' numbered ....... 9.9.~ ............ New Series, and entitled: CEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF · BAI{..~SFIELD~ CALIFORNIA~ ~'D PRO¥IDING }'OR · THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY.TO I>AY THE .! BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. !'ii:. I !,' -t '~ Subscnbed~n~sw~n~ ~ ~ ~ ~om~...~ .met~:~ ~ ..................... Nota~ Public in"'' ~"d for'tg;C6unti~f Kern, Slate of California~ : . ~